Aboriginal implements, 303
Aborigines, probable origin of, 302
Acanthias, 270
Acanthodes, 261
Acanthosphaera, 103
Acanthothyris, 166, 167
Acentrophorus, 263
Acrolepis, 263
Actaeon, 197
Actinoceras, 205, 207
Actinocrinus, 136
Actinodesma, 178, 179
Actinopteria, 178, 179
Actinostroma, 121, 122
Adeona, 158
Aechmina, 237
Aeschna, 250
Aetheolepis, 267
Agathiceras, 207
Agnostus, 227
Allodesma, 176
Ambonychia, 177
Ammodiscus, 96, 97
Ammonites, 204, 209, 210
Amoeba, 36, 95
AMPHIBIA, structure of, 272
Amphistegina, 100
Amplexus, 117
Ampyx, 229
Amusium, 185
Anas, 283
Anchura, 197
Ancilla, 198, 199, 202
Ancyloceras, 209, 210
ANGIOSPERMEAE, characters of, 40
Anomalina, 98
Anomalopteryx, 283
Antedon, 138
ANTHOZOA, 64, 113
Antiquity of man in Australia, 304
Aparchites, 237
Apateolepis, 262
Aphnelepis, 267
Apocynophyllum, 91
Aptornis, 283
Aptychopsis, 246
Arabellites, 153
Arachnoides, 146
Araucarioxylon, 68
Araucarites, 89
Arca, 184, 186, 188
Archaeocidaris, 144
Archaeocyathina, 113
Archaeomaene, 267
Archaeopteryx, 280
Arctocephalus, 299
Arenicolites, 153
Argillaceous rocks, 69
Argilloecia, 237
?Argiope, 166
Argonauta, 205
ARTHROPODA, structure and subdivisions of, 38, 220
Asaphus, 227, 228
Aspidorhynchus, 267
Astarte, 182
Asteracanthus, 269, 271
Asterolepis, 258
Astralium, 198, 200
Astropecten, 141
Athyris, 161, 162, 165
Atrypa, 158, 160, 162
Aturia, 210
Atys, 204
Aucella, 183
Aulopora, 116
Australian fossiliferous strata, 45-48.
AVES, 280
Aviculopecten, 179, 180
Axopora, 119
Bactronella, 112
Baculites, 210
Baiera, 89, 164
Bairdia, 240
Balanophyllia, 118
Balanus, 243
Balcombian bivalves, 186
” gasteropods, 199
Bandicoot, 289, 295
Bankivia, 201
Banksia, 91, 281
Barbatia, 184, 185
Barnacles, 240
Barnea, 187
Bathytoma, 201
Bela, 201
Belemnites, 205, 209, 210
Bellerophon, 193, 194, 195, 196
Belonorhynchus, 262
Belonostomus, 267
Bettongia, 295
Beyrichia, 235, 236, 237
Biloela, 274
Bipora, 158
Birds, fossil, 53, 280
Biziura, 283
BLASTOIDEA, distribution and characters of, 61, 138
Blue-green Algae, 76, 82
Bog iron-ore, 80
Bolodon, 286
Bombax, 91
Bone-beds, 78
Bone-breccias, 79
Bothriceps, 273
Botryocrinus, 136
BRACHIOPODA, structure of, 57, 158
Brachiopod limestone, 74
Brachymetopus, 232
Brachyphyllum, 89
Bracken fern, 91
Brissopsis, 148
Brittle-stars, characters of, 61, 141
Bronteus, 229, 230
Bryograptus, 124, 126, 227
BRYOPHYTA, characters of, 39
Buccinum, 191
Buchozia, 199
Bulimina, 97, 98
Bulinus, 69, 191
Bulla, 204
Bullinella, 198, 199
Bythocypris, 236
Bythotrephis, 82
Cainozoic Balanidae, 243
” bird, Victoria, 281
” bivalves, 184
” brachiopods, 166
” brittle-stars, 143
” chitons, 190
” corals, 118
” crabs, 247
” echinoids, irregular, 146
” echinoids, regular, 145
” fishes, 269
” Foraminifera, 99
” gasteropods, 198
” gasteropods, New Zealand, 202
” Holothuroidea, 148
” insects, 250
” Lepadidae, 243
” Ostracoda, 239
” and Pleistocene reptiles, 279
” plants, 89
” Polyzoa, 158
Cainozoic Radiolaria, 104
” scaphopods, 189
” sponges, 110
” starfishes, 141
” strata, 45, 46
Calcareous rocks, 72
” sponges, 112
Callograptus, 122
Callorhynchus, 269
Calymene, 229, 230, 231
Calyptraea, 198, 200, 201
Camarotoechia, 160, 161, 162
Cambrian bivalves, 177
” brachiopods, 159
” crinoids, 134
” Foraminifera, 96
” gasteropods, 192
” Ostracoda, 235
” plants, 82
” Radiolaria, 102
” sponges, 107
Cameroceras, 207
Campanularia, 122
Campophyllum, 115, 117
ancellaria, 198, 199, 202
Canis, 298
Cannel coal, 76
Capitosaurus, 274
Capulus, 194
Carbonaceous rocks, 76
Carboniferous brachiopods, 162
” crinoids, 136
” fishes, 259
” Foraminifera, 96
” gasteropods, 196
” Ostracoda, 237
” plants, 85
Carbopermian bivalves, 179
” blastoids, 139
” brachiopods, 163
” cephalopods, 207
” corals, 116
” crinoids, 137
” fishes, 261
” Foraminifera, 97
” gasteropods, 196
” labyrinthodonts, 273
” Ostracoda, 237
” palaeechinoids, 144
” Phyllopoda, 233
” plants, 86
” sponges, 110
” starfishes, 141
” trilobites, 232
Carcharodon, 269, 270, 271
Carcharoides, 269
Cardiola, 177, 178
Cardita, 184, 187
Cardium, 176, 184, 186, 187
Carposphaera, 102
Carpospongia, 109
Caryocaris, 244, 246
Cassidulus, 148
Catenicella, 158
Cellaria, 158
Cellepora, 158
Cenellipsis, 102
Cenosphaera, 102, 103
CEPHALOPODA, characters of, 204
Ceratiocaris, 246
Ceratodus, 265, 267
Ceratotrochus, 118
Cerithiopsis, 200
Cerithium, 198248
Cyclonema, 194
Cydnus, 250
Cymbella, 92
Cyphaspis, 229
Cyphon, 250
Cypraea, 191, 198, 199, 200, 202
Cypricardinia, 178
Cyprid limestone, 75
Cyrenopsis, 184
Cyrtoceras, 204, 207
Cyrtograptus, 128
Cyrtina, 162, 164
Cyrtolites, 193
Cystideans, 61
Cystiphyllum, 116
Cythere, 239, 240
Cytherella, 240
?Cytheridea, 238
Cytheropteron, 239
Dadoxylon, 68
Dalmanites, 224, 225, 229, 231
Daonella, 182
Darter, 283
?Darwinula, 238
Dasyurus, 287, 295
Deep Leads, fruits of, 91
” insects from, 250
Deltodus, 261
Deltopecten, 180
Dendrocrinus, 134, 135
Dendrocygna, 283
Dendrograptus, 122
Dendrophyllia, 119
Dennantia, 198
Dentalium, 189
Dentition of Reptiles, 275
Deontopora, 120
Desmoceras, 209
Devonian bivalves, 178
” brachiopods, 161
” cephalopods, 207
” corals, 115
” crinoids, 136
” fishes, 258
” gasteropods, 195
” Ostracoda, 237
” plants, 85
” Radiolaria, 102
” scaphopods, 189
” stromatoporoids, 121
” trilobites, 231
Diatomite, 72
Diatoms, 92
Dicellograptus, 126, 127
Dichograptus, 126
Dicranograptus, 126, 127
Dictyonema, and allies, 122
Dictyopyge, 262
Didymograptus, 124, 126
?Didymosorus, 89
Dielasma, 164, 165
Dikellocephalus, 227
Dimetrodon, 276
Dimya, 184, 185, 186
Dinesus, 227
Dingo, 298, 305
Dinornis, 281, 282, 283, 299
Diodon, 270, 271
Dione, 188
Diphyphyllum, 113
Diplograptus, 124, 126, 127, 128
Diprotodon, 51, 290, 293
Diprotodon-breccias, 203
Discina, 166
Discorbina, 98
Dissocheilus, 199
Dithyrocaris, 246
Ditrupa, 154
Ditrupa limestone, 74
Dolichodon, 296
Dolichometopus, 226
Dolium, 201
Donax, 175, 187
Dorsetensia, 209
Dosinea, 185, 188
Drillia, 198, 202
Dromaeus, 282, 283
Dromornis, 282
Duck, 283
Duncaniaster, 147
Ear-bones of whales, 296
Early observers, 24
Eburnopsis, 199, 200
Echidna, 286, 287
Echinocyamus, 146
ECHINODERMATA, characters of, 37, 59
” divisions of, 133
Echinolampas, 147, 148
Echinoneus, 147
Echinus, 145
Ecionema, 112
Edaphodon, 271
Edestus, 262
Edmondia, 177, 180, 182
Eglisia, 202
Elephant-fish, 269, 271
Elephant-tusk shells, 188
Elevated sea-beds, 27
Elonichthys, 261, 263
Elpisopholis, 263
Emarginula, 198
Emu, 283
Encrinurus, 229
Endoceras, 205
Endothyra, 96, 98
Entalophora, 158
Entomis, 238
Ephemera, 250
Equisetites, 40
Errant worms, 153
Erycina, 187
Erymnoceras, 209
Estheria, 233
Eucalyptus, 90, 91, 281
Eulima, 198
Eunema, 193
Eunicites, 153
Euomphalus, 194, 195, 196
Eupatagus, 147
Euphemus, 196
Eurydesma, 181
Euthria, 198
Eutrochus, 200
Evolution of life-forms, 33
Fagus (Notofagus), 91
Falcon, 283
Fasciolaria, 198, 199
Favosites, 73, 114, 115, 116
Feather-star, 138
Fenestella, 156, 157
Fibularia, 146
Fishes, fossil, 53
” primitive types, 258
” true, 258
Fish-lizards, 275, 276, 277, 278
Fissilunula, 183, 184
Fissurellidea, 198
Fistulipora, 155, 156
Flabellina, 98
Flabellum, 118, 119
Flightless pigeon goose, 283
Flints, 71
Flying phalanger, 295
Foraminifera, characters of, 36, 95
” fossil, 65
Foraminiferal limestone, 73
Fossil faunas, differences in, 43
Fossiliferous strata, Australia, 45-48
” strata, New Zealand 49
Fossil, origin of name, 23
Fossils an index to age of strata, 26, 32
” nature of, 21
” petrifaction of, 23
” preservation of, 23
” structure preserved in, 24
Fossil wood, 24, 66, 68
Frondicularia, 97, 98
Fruits of the deep leads, 91
Fulica, 283
Fusus, 198, 201
Galeocerdo, 269, 271
Gallinula, 283
Gangamopteris, 86
Ganorhynchus, 259
Gari, 185
GASTEROPODA, characters of, 190
Gastrioceras, 207
Geinitzina, 98
Genyornis, 282, 302
Geological epochs, 45-49
Geology, scope of, 21
Giant kangaroo, 289
” lizard, 280
” penguin, 280
Gibbula, 198
Ginkgo, 89, 91
Girvanella, 76, 82, 86
Glauconite casts of foraminifera, 96
Glossograptus, 126, 127
Glossopteris, 86
Glycimeris, 184, 187
Glyphioceras, 207
Gomphonema, 93
Gondwana-Land, 87
Goniatites, 207, 208
Goniograptus, 124, 126
Gosfordia, 262
Gosseletina, 196
Grammysia, 177
Granatocrinus, 139
Graphularia, 118, 119
Graptolites, Bendigo series, 124
” Lancefield series, 124
” nature of, 63, 123
” Tasmania, 128
Gregoriura, 142
Griffithides, 232
Gromia, 95
Ground pigeon, 283
Gryphaea, 182
Grypotherium, 53
Guide fossils, 43
GYMNOSPERMEAE, characters of, 40
Gyracanthides, 261
Gyroceras, 207
Gyrodoma, 194
Halimeda limestone, 75
Haliotis, 198, 200
Haliserites, 83
Halysites, 114
Hamites, 210
Hapalocrinus, 136
Haploceras, 209
Haplophragmium, 97, 98
Harpa, 198201
Liotia, 198, 200
Lithistid sponges, 109, 110
Lithological evidence, value of, 44
Lithophaps, 283
Lithothamnion, 75
Lituites, 207
Lituola, 97
Loganograptus, 126
Lophophyllum, 117
Lorica, 190
Lotorium, 198, 200, 202
Lovenia, 147
Lower Cambrian trilobites, 226
” Cretaceous bivalves, 183
” ” brachiopods, 166
” ” cephalopods, 209
” ” crab, 246
” ” dragon-fly, 250
” ” fishes, 267
” ” reptiles, 277
” Mesozoic fishes, 263
” Ordovician graptolites, New Zealand, 126
” Ordovician graptolites, Victoria, 124
Loxoconcha, 239
Loxonema, 193, 194, 195, 196
Lucina, 185, 187
Lung-fish, 265
Lunucammina, 98
Lunulicardium, 178
Lunulites, 158
Lyriopecten, 179
Maccoyella, 183, 184
Macrocephalites, 209
Macrocheilus, 196
Macrocypris, 236, 240
Macropora, 158
Macropus, 289, 295
Macrotaeniopteris, 88
Mactra, 177, 185, 188
Madrepore limestone, 73
Magasella, 166, 168
Magellania, 166, 167, 168
Magnolia, 91
Maiden-hair tree, 89
Mail-shells, 189
MAMMALIA, early types, 285
Mammals, fossil, 51
Manatees and dugongs, 298
Marginella, 198, 199
Marginulina, 98
Marsupial lion, 293
Marsupial, oldest known Australian, 294
Marsupials, 287
” Pleistocene and living, 295
Martiniopsis, 164
Mastodonsaurus, 274
Material for fossil collecting, 315
Megalania, 280
Megalosaurus, 277
Melania, 203
Melosira, 92
Membranipora, 157, 158
Meretrix, 177, 185, 187
Mesoblastus, 139
Mesostigmodera, 250
Mesozoic strata, 46
Metablastus, 139
Metasqualodon, 295, 296
Micraster, 146
Microdiscus, 227
Mikrogromia, 95
Millepora, 119
Milleporids, 119
Miliolina, 96, 100, 101
Miocene bird, New Zealand, 280
” leaf-beds, 90
Miolania, 279
Mitra, 198, 199, 204
Moa-birds, 281-285, 299
Modiola, 183, 186
Modiolaria, 186
Modiolopsis, 177
MOLLUSCA, characters of, 38, 56, 174
MOLLUSCOIDEA, characters of, 38, 57, 154
Monactinellid sponges, 109, 110
Monogenerina, 97
Monograptus, 124, 128
Monostychia, 146
Monotis, 182
Monticulipora, 155
Monticuliporoids, 117
Montlivaltia, 118
Moor-hen, 283
Mopsea, 119
Morio, 198, 200
Mound-builders, 283
Mourlonia, 196
Mud-fish, 265, 267
Muds, 69
Mudstone, 70
Murchisonia, 104, 195, 196
Murex, 198, 199, 200
Myodora, 185, 187
Myriolepis, 262, 263
Mytilarca, 177
Mytilus, 182, 183, 187, 188
Naming of animals, 34
Nassa, 191, 198, 204
Natica, 191, 197, 198, 200, 201
Native cat, 287, 295
” dog, 298
” honeysuckle, 91, 92
Nautilus, 204, 207, 209, 210
Navicula, 92
Nebalia, 244
Necrastur, 283
Neoceratodus, 267
Newer Pliocene seal, 299
Newtoniella, 198
New Zealand fossiliferous strata, 49
Niso, 194, 198
Nodosaria, 98, 100
Nonionina, 96
Normanites, 209
Notasaphus, 227
Notidanus, 268, 269, 270, 271
Notochelone, 53, 277
Notophyllia, 118
Nototherium, 293
Nubecularia, 97, 98
Nucleospira, 160
Nucula, 175, 177, 178, 183, 184, 185
Nuculites, 177, 178
Nullipore limestone, 75
Nummulites, 65, 99
Nummulitic limestone, 73
Nyroca, 283
Octopus, 205
Odontaspis, 269, 270, 271
Odontopleura, 229, 231
Odostomia, 198, 200
Oenonites, 153
Olenellus, 226, 227
Oliva, 204
Ommatocarcinus, 247
Omphalotrochus, 194
Oolitic ironstone, 81
Ophileta, 192, 193
Orbiculoidea, 160
Orbitoides, 99
Ordovician bivalve, 177
” brachiopods, 159
” cephalopods, 205
” corals, 113
” crinoids, 135
” gasteropods, 193
” Phyllocarida, 244
” Radiolaria, 102
” sponges, 108
” trilobites, 227
Ornithorhynchus, 286, 287
Orthis, 159, 160, 161, 162
” limestone, 74
Orthoceras, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208
Orthonota, 177
Orthothetes, 162
OSTRACODA, features of carapace, 234
” habits of, 234
” structure of, 233
Ostrea, 182, 184, 187
Otaria, 299
Oxyrhina, 269, 270, 271
Oxytelus, 250
Pachydomus, 181
Pachyornis, 282, 283
Pachypora, 73, 116
Palaeaster, 140, 141
Palaeeudyptes, 280, 281
Palaeohatteria, 276
Palaeolycus, 250
Palaeoneilo, 177, 178
Palaeoniscus, 261, 263, 274
Palaeopelargus, 283
Palaeozoic chitons, 189
” Cladophora, 122
” Cryptostomata, 156
” errant worms, 153
” strata, 47
” Trepostomata, 155
Palissya, 89, 164
Pallymnarchus, 279
Palorchestes, 290
Panda, 203
Panenka, 177
Paracyainus, 118
Paracyclas, 177, 179
Paradoxechinus, 145
Paradoxorhyncha, 239
Parasqualodon, 295, 296
Pareiasaurus, 276
Patella, 190, 191
Pecten, 175, 65, 95
Psammechinus, 145
Pseudamaura, 197
Psilichthys, 264
PTERIDOPHYTA, characters of, 40
PTERIDOSPERMEAE, characters of, 40
Pterinea, 178, 179
Pteris (Pteridium), 91
PTEROPODA, 190, 192, 193, 194
Pterygotus, 248, 249
Ptilograptus, 122
Ptychoparia, 226, 227
Pugnellus, 184
Pulvinulina, 98
Purbeck marble, 74
Purisiphonia, 110
Purpura, 191
RADIOLARIA, characters of, 36, 66
” habitat of, 101
” structure of, 101
” subdivisions, 102
Rail, 283
Raised beaches as distinct from middens, 29
Ranella, 204
Range-in-time of fossils, 50
Raphistoma, 193, 195
Rat-kangaroo, 295
Receptaculites, 109
Regular echinoids, 144
Reinschia, 78
Reptiles, fossil, 53
” dentition of, 275
” structure of, 274
Reteocrinus, 135
Retepora, 158
Reticularia, 164
Retiolites, 124, 128
Rhacopteris, 86
Rhinopterocaris, 244, 246
Rhipidomella, 162
Rhizophyllum, 113
Rhodocrinus, 135
Rhombopora, 156
Rhynchonella, 158, 165, 166
Rhynchotrema, 160
Ringicula, 202
Risella, 191
Rissoa, 198
Rissoina, 197
Rostellaria, 198
Rotalia, 96, 101
Rugose corals, 113
Saccammina, 96
Saccocaris, 244
Sagenodus, 263
Salterella, 192
Sandstones, 71
Sanidophyllum, 115
Sarcophilus, 287, 295
Sargus, 272
Scala, 191, 198, 199, 200, 202
Scalaetrochus, 194
Scaldicetus, 297
Scaphella, 202
Scaphites, 209
Scenella, 193
Sceparnodon, 289
Schizaster, 148
Schizodus, 175
Schizophoria, 162
Schloenbachia, 209
Scutellina, 146
Sea-beds far from the present coast, 29
Sea-bream, 272
” -cucumbers, 148
” -firs, 119, 122
” -mats, 154, 155
” -pen, 119
” -urchins, 59, 143
” characters of, 144
Sedentary worms, 154
Seguenzia, 199
Selenaria, 158
Semele, 185
Semicassis, 198
Seminula, 164
Semionotus, 262, 263
Serpula, 154
Serpulite limestone, 74
Sertularia, 119, 122
Shales, 69
Sharks, 267, 269, 270, 271
Shell-limestone, 74
Shumardia, 227
Sigsbeia, 143
Siliceous rocks, 71
Silicified wood, 24
Siliquaria, 198
Silurian bivalves, 177
” brachiopods, 160
” brittle-stars, 142
” cephalopods, 206
” cirripedes, 241
” conodonts, 153
” corals, 113
” crinoids, 135
” Foraminifera, 96
” gasteropods, 193
” graptolites, Victoria, 128
” Hexacoralla, 114
” Octocoralla, 115
” Ostracoda, 235
” palaeechinoids, 144
” Phyllocarida, 246
” plants, 82
” Radiolaria, 102
” sponges, 109
” starfishes, 140
” stromatoporoids, 121
” trilobites, 228
Siphonalia, 198
Siphonia, 110
Siphonotreta, 160
Sistrum, 202
Slate, 70
Smith, William, 26
Smittia, 158
Solarium, 198
Solenocurtus, 187
Soletellina, 188
Sphaerosiderite, 80
Sphenopteris, 85, 89
Sphenotrochus, 118, 119
Sphenotus, 177, 179
Sphyrna, 270
Spirifer, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164
Spiriferina, 165
” -beds, 208
Spirillina, 96
Spirorbis, 154
Spirula, 205
Spirulirostra, 205, 210
Spisula, 188
Spondylostrobus, 91
Spondylus, 175, 184, 185
SPONGES, characteristics of, 64, 107
Spongilla, 72
Spongodiscus, 103
Spongophyllum, 116
Spoonbill, 283
Spore coal, 76
Squalodon, 295
Stacheia, 97
Star-corals, 119
Starfishes, characters of, 61, 139
Staurolonche, 103
Stauroneis, 92
Steno, 25
Stenopora, 117
Stenotheca, 192
Stephanella, 109
Stephanograptus, 126
Stephanotrochus, 118
Sthenurus, 290
Sting-ray, 271
Stomatopora, 158
Storing fossils, 320
Stork, 283
Strata, superposition of, 41
” vertically arranged, 44
Stratigraphical series, general thickness, 44
Stratigraphy, 27
Strepsodus, 261
Streptelasma, 113
Stricklandinia, 160
Stromatopora, 120, 121
Stromatoporella, 121, 122
Strombus, 184, 204
Strophalosia, 163
Stropheodonta, 160, 161
Strophonella, 160
Struthiolaria, 202
Studeria, 148
Sturtzura, 143
Stutchburia, 180
Subemarginula, 198
Submerged forests, 30
Sunetta, 187
Superposition of strata, 41
Synaphe, 238
Synedra, 92
Syringopora, 114
Syringothyris, 164
Tabellaria, 92
Taeniopteris, 88, 89, 164, 250, 265
Taniwhasaurus, 279
Taphaetus, 283
Tasmanian devil, 287, 295
” wolf, 287, 295
Tasmanite, 77
Taxocrinus, 135
Tellina, 185, 187, 188
Temnechinus, 146
Tentaculites, 193, 194, 195
Terebra, 198, 199, 202, 204
Terebratella, 166, 168
Terebratula, 166
Terebratulina, 166, 167
Tertiary ironstone, 81
Tessarodoma, 158
Tetractinellid sponge, 110, 112
Tetragraptus, 124, 126
Textularia, 98, 100
Thalassina, 248
THALLOPHYTA, characters of, 39
Thalotia, 200
Thamnastraea, 118
Thinnfeldia, 88, 89, 182
Thurammina, 97
Thyestes, 258
Thylacinus, 287, 295
Thylacoleo, 293, 303
Time-range of fossils, 50
Tomodus, 262
Toothed whales, 295
Torbanite, 77
Torlessia, 154
Trachyderma, 153, 154
Trachypora, 117
Trematonotus, 194