FOSSIL FISHES, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, BIRDS, AND MAMMALS. Vertebrates.— T The above-named classes of animals are distinguished from those previously dealt with, by the presence of a vertebral column. The vertebral axis may be either cartilaginous as in some fishes, or bony as in the greater number of animals belonging to this sub-kingdom. Chordata.— LINKS BETWEEN THE INVERTEBRATES AND FISHES.—The curious little ascidians or “sea-squirts,” belonging to the group Tunicata, are held by some authorities to be the degenerate descendants of a free-swimming animal having a complete notochord and nerve-tube, structures which are now only seen in the tails of their tadpole-like larvae. The fully developed tunicate is generally sessile and provided with a thick outer coat (tunic) and muscular inner lining. This outer coat in some forms, as Leptoclinum, is strengthened with tiny calcareous spicules, and these are sometimes found in the fossil Another primitive form with a notochord is the Lancelet, but this, having no hard parts, is not found in the fossil state. Primitive Types of Fishes.— FISHES.—The remains of fishes are naturally more abundant in the fossil condition, owing to their aquatic habits, than those of other vertebrates. The earliest fishes were probably entirely cartilaginous, and some have left only a mere trace or impression on the rocks in which they were embedded. These primitive fishes have no lower jaw, and are without paired limbs. They are sometimes placed in a class by themselves (AGNATHA). The orders of this primitive fish series as represented in Australasia are the Osteostraci (“bony shells”), of which the remains of the Cephalaspis-like head-shield of Thyestes has been found in the Silurian of N.E. Gippsland, Victoria (Fig. 122); and the Antiarchi, with its many-plated cuirass, armoured body-appendages, internal bony tissue, and coarsely tuberculated exterior, as seen in Asterolepis australis, a fossil occasionally found in the Middle Devonian Limestone of Buchan, Gippsland. True Fishes.—Devonian.— Of the true fishes (Pisces), the Elasmobranchii (“slit-gills”), a sub-class to which the modern sharks belong, are represented in the Devonian series by the paired spines of a form resembling Climatius, found Fig. 122—Incomplete Head-Shield of Thyestes magnificus, Chapm. From the Silurian (Yeringian) of Wombat Creek, N.E. Gippsland. 4/5 nat. size
A—Strepsodus decipiens, A. S. Woodw. L. Carboniferous. Victoria B—Elonichthys sweeti, A. S. Woodw. L. Carboniferous. Victoria C—Corax australis, Chapm. L. Cretaceous. Queensland D—Belouostomus sweeti, Eth. fil. and Woodw. L. Cretaceous. Q. Carboniferous Fishes.— The Lower Carboniferous sandstone of Burnt Creek and other localities near Mansfield, Victoria, contains an abundant fish fauna, associated with stems of Lepidodendron. The slabs of sandstone are often ripple-marked and show signs of tracks and castings of shore-living animals. These deposits were probably laid down in shallow water at the shore margin or in salt lagoons or brackish areas skirting the coast, into which at intervals the remains of the giant lycopods were drifted. The more important of these fish remains are Elasmobranchs, as Gyracanthides murrayi (Fig. 123) and Acanthodes australis; the Dipnoan, Ctenodus breviceps; a Rhizodont or fringe-finned ganoid, Strepsodus decipiens (Fig. 124 A); and a genus related to Palaeoniscus, Elonichthys (E. sweeti, Fig. 124 B, and E. gibbus). The defence spines of Gyracanthides are fairly abundant in the sandstones; whilst on some slabs the large enamelled scales of Strepsodus are equally conspicuous. From the sandstones of the same age, Lower Carboniferous, in the Grampians of Western Victoria, some small but well-preserved spines belonging to the genus Physonemus have been found associated with a new variety of the well-known European Carboniferous brachiopod, Lingula squamiformis (var. borungensis). Carbopermian Fishes.— In the Carbopermian (Gympie Beds) of the Rockhampton District, Queensland, a tooth of a Cochliodont (“snail tooth”) occurs, which has been doubtfully referred to the genus Deltodus (? D. australis). The Cochliodontidae show dentition remarkably like that of the Cestracion or Port Jackson Shark. Another tooth having the same family relationship Carbopermian fish remains are rare in Western Australia. They comprise a wrinkled tooth of Edestus (E. davisii) from the Gascoyne River, belonging to a fish closely related to the Port Jackson shark; and a cochliodont, Poecilodus (P. jonesi, Ag.) from the Kimberley district. Triassic Fishes.— Fossil fishes are important and numerous in Australian Triassic beds, especially in New South Wales. At the base of the Hawkesbury or close of the Narrabeen series, the railway ballast quarry near Gosford has yielded an extensive and extremely interesting collection. Near the floor of the quarry there is a band of sandy shale and laminated sandstone 5 feet 9 inches in thickness, and this contains the following genera:—A dipnoan, Gosfordia; and the following ganoids or enamelled scale fishes—Myriolepis, Apateolepis, Dictyopyge, Belonorhynchus, Semionotus, Pristisomus (see antea, Fig. 18), Cleithrolepis (Fig. 125), Pholidophorus and ? Peltopleurus. Upper Triassic Fishes.— In the middle of the Wianamatta or Upper Trias Series at St. Peter’s, near Sydney, which contains a fauna described as slightly older in aspect than that of Gosford, having Carbopermian affinities, Fig. 125—Cleithrolepis granulatus, Egerton. Triassic (Hawkesbury Series). Gosford, New South Wales. 3/4 nat. size. (After Smith Woodward.) Lower Mesozoic Fishes.— From the Lower Mesozoic sandstone (?Triassic) of Tasmania, two species of Acrolepis have been described, viz., A. hamiltoni and A. tasmanicus. The former occurs in the thick bed of sandstone, of nearly 1—Ceratodus avus, A. S. Woodw. Left splenial with lower tooth. Cape Paterson, Victoria. About 1/3 nat. size 2—Ceratodus forsteri, Krefft. Left lower tooth. Living. Queensland. About 1/3 nat. size 3—Phalangeal of Carnivorous Dinosaur. Cape Paterson. About 1/3 nat. size 4—Phalangeal of Megalosaurian. Wealden, Sussex, England. 1/4 nat. size Jurassic Fishes.— The Jurassic beds of Victoria contain three genera. Psilichthys selwyni, a doubtful palaeoniscid was described from Carapook, Co. Dundas; whilst Leptolepis, Fig. 127—Scale of Ceratodus (Neoceratodus) (?)avus, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic. Kirrak, S. Gippsland, Victoria. About nat. size Fig. 128—The Queensland Lung-Fish or Barramunda (Neoceratodus forsteri). About 1/12th. nat. size (After Lydekker, in Warne’s Natural History) Fig. 129—Leptolepis gregarius, A. S. Woodw. Talbragar Series, Jurassic. Talbragar River, New South Wales 1/2 nat. size From the Jurassic beds (Talbragar Series) of New South Wales, an interesting collection of ganoid fishes has been described, comprising Coccolepis australis, Aphnelepis australis, Aetheolepis mirabilis, Archaeomaene tenuis, A. robustus, Leptolepis talbragarensis, L. lowei and L. gregarina (Fig. 129). Lower Cretaceous Fishes.— Fish remains are fairly abundant in the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland. They comprise both the sharks and the ganoids. Of the sharks, a specimen, showing seven conjoined vertebrae has been named Lamna daviesii, from the Richmond Downs, Flinders River district; and a tooth referred to Lamna appendiculatus, Agassiz, from Kamileroy, Leichhardt River, N.W. Queensland. The typical Cretaceous genus Corax is represented by a small tooth named C. australis (Fig. 124 C), from the Hamilton River, Queensland, and which closely approaches the tooth of Corax affinis, Agassiz, from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. Of the ganoid fishes two genera, both members of the family Aspidorhynchidae, have been found in Queensland. Aspidorhynchus sp. and Belonostomus sweeti (Fig. 124 D) have both occurred at Hughenden, Flinders River district. The former genus has a slender body and produced rostrum; in Europe it is more characteristic of Jurassic strata. Belonostomus ranges from the Upper Oolite, Bavaria, Cretaceous Fishes, New Zealand.— A—Notidanus marginalis, Davis. Cainozoic. New Zealand B—Callorhynchus hectori, Newton. Cainozoic. New Zealand C—Oxyrhina hastalis, Ag. Cainozoic. Victoria D—Lamna apiculata, Ag. Cainozoic. Victoria E—Carcharodon auriculatus, Blainv. sp. Cainozoic. Victoria F—Sargus laticonus, Davis. Cainozoic. New Zealand The Cretaceous beds of New Zealand are grouped in ascending order as the Waipara Greensands, the Amuri Limestone and the Weka Pass Stone. In the Waipara beds occur the teeth of Notidanus marginalis Cainozoic Fishes.— Fish remains principally consisting of teeth, are common fossils in the Cainozoic beds of southern Australia, particularly in Victoria, and also in New Zealand. Balcombian Series, Southern Australia.— The Balcombian beds as seen at Mornington and in the Lower Beds at Muddy Creek, Hamilton, contain the teeth of sharks as Odontaspis contortidens, Lamna crassidens, L. apiculata, Oxyrhina hastalis (rarely), O. minuta, Carcharodon megalodon, and C. robustus. Janjukian.— The Janjukian Series (Miocene), represented at Torquay, Waurn Ponds and Table Cape, contains an abundant fish fauna, including amongst sharks, Cestracion cainozoicus, Asteracanthus eocaenicus, Galeocerdo davisi, Carcharoides totuserratus, Odontaspis contortidens, O. incurva, O. cuspidata, Lamna crassidens, L. apiculata (Fig. 130 D), L. compressa, L. bronni, Oxyrhina hastalis (occasional) (Fig. 130 C), O. desori, O. retroflexa, O. minuta, Carcharodon auriculatus (Fig. 130 E), C. megalodon and C. robustus. A species of chimaeroid or Elephant fish The Corio Bay series contains teeth of Acanthias geelongensis, Sphyrna prisca, Odontaspis contortidens, O. attenuata, Oxyrhina minuta, Carcharodon megalodon, amongst sharks; whilst the spine of a Porcupine Fish, Diodon connewarrensis has been obtained from the clays of Lake Connewarre, Victoria. Kalimnan.— A—Carcharoides tenuidens, Chapm. Cainozoic (Janj.) Victoria B—Odontaspis contortidens. Agassiz. Cainozoic (Kal.) Victoria C—Galeocerdo latidens, Agassiz. Cainozoic (Kal.) Victoria D—Myliobatis morrabbinensis, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.) Victoria E—Labrodon confertidens. Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.) Vict. F—Diodon formosus, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.) Vict. The Kalimnan Series is also prolific in the remains of fishes, the principal localities being Beaumaris and Grange Burn, Hamilton. Amongst the sharks there found are, Notidanus jenningsi (related Oamaru Series, New Zealand.— In New Zealand the Oamaru Series, which is comparable in age with the Victorian Janjukian, contains numerous fish remains, chiefly teeth of sharks. These are: Notidanus primigenius, N. marginalis (also occurring in the Waipara Series), Galeocerdo davisi, Odontaspis incurva, O. cuspidata, O. attenuata, Lamna apiculata, L. compressa, Oxyrhina retroflexa, Carcharodon auriculatus, C. megalodon and C. robustus. The teeth of a Sting Ray, Myliobatis plicatilis Pleistocene.— A species of fish belonging to the family of the Perches, Ctenolates avus, has been described from freshwater carbonaceous shale of Pleistocene age from Nimbin on the Richmond River, New South Wales. Amphibians: Their Structure.— AMPHIBIANS.—This group includes amongst living forms the Frogs, Toads, Newts, and Salamanders. The remains of amphibia are rare in Australasian rocks, and practically limited to the group of the Triassic Labyrinthodonts. The Amphibia are distinguished from Reptiles by certain changes which their young undergo after leaving the egg. In this intermediate stage they breathe by external gills, these being sometimes retained together with the internal lungs in the adult stage. In the older forms of this group the vertebra is of the nature of a notochord, the joints consisting of a thin bony ring with a gelatinous interior. The Labyrinthodontia have a long, lizard-like body, short pectoral limbs as compared with the pelvic, and five-toed feet. The skull is completely roofed over. The teeth are pointed, with a large pulp cavity and wall of infolded or plicated dentine (hence the name labyrinthodont—maze-tooth). The vertebrae are hollow on both sides, sometimes imperfectly ossified, and with a notochordal canal. Ventral aspect with bony thoracic plates. Cranial bones deeply sculptured, and carrying mucus canals. Carbopermian Labyrinthodonts.— The genus Bothriceps, probably an Archegosaurian, is represented by two species, B. australis and B. major from New South Wales (Fig. 132). The latter species occurs in the Oil Shale (Carbopermian) of Airly. Fig. 132—Bothriceps major, A. S. Woodward. Carbopermian. New South Wales. About 1/11th. nat. size (After A. S. Woodward). Triassic Labyrinthodonts.— From the Hawkesbury Series near Gosford, New South Wales, the labyrinthodont, Platyceps wilkinsoni has been described. The skeleton is nearly complete and exposed on the ventral face; the head is Other, somewhat doubtful remains having similar affinities to the labyrinthodonts are also recorded from the Wianamatta beds (Upper Trias) at Bowral, New South Wales, consisting of a maxilla with teeth and 11 vertebrae with ribs of the left side. Remains of a labyrinthodont, Biloela, supposed to be related to Mastodonsaurus, have been recorded from the Hawkesbury Series of Cockatoo Island, Port Jackson, New South Wales, by W. J. Stephens, and consisting of a pectoral plate compared by that author with M. robustus (now transferred to the genus Capitosaurus). The only other recorded remains of this group in Australasia are those noted by W. J. Stephens from the Kaihiku Series (Trias) at Nugget Point, Otago; and in the Otapiri Series (Upper Trias) of the Wairoa district, New Zealand. Reptilia: Their Structure.— REPTILIA.—The Reptiles are cold-blooded, vertebrated animals, with a scaly skin or armour. Their respiration is essentially by means of lungs, and they are terrestrial or aquatic in habit. The skeleton is completely ossified (bony). Reptiles, although resembling amphibians externally, are more differentiated in structure and of generally larger proportions. They exhibit great diversity of form, especially as regards their extremities. They were even adapted Dentition.— Some teeth have solid crowns (pleodont); some grow from persistent pulps (coelodont); socketed teeth (thecodont) are inserted in alveoli; some are fused with the supporting bone along the outer rim or top Permian and Triassic Reptiles.— The history of Reptilia commences in Permian and Triassic times, when they were notably represented by the Theromorphs, Pareiasaurus and Tritylodon in South Africa; the Proterosauria of the European and American Permian and Trias, represented by the lizard-like Palaeohatteria and the dorsally frilled Dimetrodon, with its formidable array of neural spines; also the Rhynchosauria, with their beak-like jaws of the same formations. These two groups constitute the order Rhynchocephalia, which is represented at the present day by the Tuatera of New Zealand. Triassic Reptile, New Zealand.— The earliest Australian reptilian record is that of a vertebra of Ichthyosaurus from the Kaihiku Series of Mount Potts, New Zealand (Triassic). This specimen was named I. australis by Hector, but since that species name was preoccupied by McCoy in 1867 it is suggested here that the New Zealand species should be distinguished as I. hectori. The New Zealand occurrence of Ichthyosaurus makes the geological history of the genus very ancient in this part of the world. Jurassic Reptiles.— At Cape Paterson, Victoria, in the Jurassic coal-bearing sandstone an extremely interesting discovery was made a few years ago, of the ungual bone (claw) Fig. 133—Ichthyosaurus australis, McCoy. A—Part of head, showing eye protected by sclerotic plates B—Left pectoral paddle. L. Cretaceous. Flinders River, Queensland. 1/8 nat. size (Nat. Mus. Coll.) Lower Cretaceous Reptiles.— The Rolling Downs formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Thompson and Flinders Rivers in Queensland has yielded remains of a Tortoise, Notochelone costata (see antea, Fig. 17); and the interesting Fish-lizard Ichthyosaurus. Numerous and well preserved remains of I. australis McCoy come from the Flinders River (Fig. 133); whilst I. marathonensis is recorded from Marathon Station, Queensland. The former species is typically represented by a nearly complete skeleton, and was considered by McCoy to A—Taniwhasaurus oweni. Hector. (Lower jaw). Cretaceous. New Zealand B—Cimoliosaurus leucoscopelus, Eth. fil. (Teeth). Up. Cretaceous. New South Wales C—Cimoliosaurus leucoscopelus, Eth. fil. (Phalangeal). Up. Cretaceous. New South Wales D—Miolania oweni, A. S. Woodw. Pleistocene. Queensland Cretaceous Reptiles, New Zealand.— The Waipara Series (Cretaceous) of New Zealand contains a fairly large number of reptilian species belonging to several genera among which may be mentioned Plesiosaurus, Polycotylus, and Cimoliosaurus among the Sauropterygia; and Tylosaurus and Taniwhasaurus (Fig. 134 A), marine lizard-like reptiles, belonging to the sub-order Pythonomopha. Cainozoic and Pleistocene Reptiles.— The later Cainozoic deposits of Queensland contain remains of Crocodiles referred to Pallymnarchus pollens (from Maryvale Creek) and Crocodilus porosus (from Chinchilla and Arcola, near Brisbane, Queensland). The former species has also occurred at Clunes, whilst Crocodilus porosus is recorded from the Loddon Valley, both in Victoria. Another late Tertiary reptile is the remarkable Horned Turtle, Miolania oweni, which is found in Queensland in Pleistocene deposits (Fig. 134 D), and in the Pliocene (Deep Leads) of Gulgong, New South Wales; whilst a second species of the same genus, M. platyceps, is found in coral sand at Lord Howe Island, 400 miles distant from Australia. This genus has a skull with large bony protuberances, giving it a horned appearance, and the tail is encased in a bony sheath. A species of Miolania is also described from Patagonia. The Cave deposits of Wellington Valley, New South Wales, as well as the fluviatile deposits Birds.— BIRDS (AVES).—These warm-blooded animals are closely related to Reptiles in many essential particulars; and are generally considered to more nearly approach the Deinosaurs than any other group. The Ratitae (“Raft-breasted” or keel-less birds) and Carinatae (with keeled breast-bones), a sub-class including most modern birds, were probably differentiated before the Cainozoic period. Jurassic Bird.— The oldest recorded bird, the remarkable Archaeopteryx, of the Upper Jurassic of Bavaria in Europe, belonging to the Saururae (Reptilian-tailed) is, so far, restricted to the beds of that age. Miocene Bird, New Zealand.— The earliest known birds in Australasia occur in the Miocene rocks (Oamaru Series), of New Zealand. In this series, in the Marawhenua Greensands, a Giant Penguin, Palaeeudyptes antarcticus is found at Kakanui near Oamaru, at Curiosity Shop near Christchurch and at Brighton near Nelson, New Zealand: this interesting occurrence shows that these restricted antarctic birds had already become an established type as early as the Miocene. Victorian Cainozoic Bird.— The impression of a bird’s feather, probably of a Wader, has lately been described from Western Victoria (see antea Fig. 16 and Fig. 135). This occurs in ironstone, on the surface of which are also impressions of Gum (Eucalyptus) and Native Honeysuckle (Banksia) leaves, of species closely related to those now growing in the same locality. This ironstone is probably of Janjukian age, and may therefore be coincident with the New Zealand occurrence of the Palaeeudyptes in the Oamaru Series. Pliocene Moa, New Zealand.— In the Wanganui System (Pliocene) the Putiki Beds have yielded bones of a small Moa (Dinornis), probably the oldest example of the group of great flightless birds which later predominated in New Zealand. Fig. 135—Impression of Bird’s Feather in Ironstone. Wannon River, Victoria. (Enlarged). Pleistocene Struthious Birds, Australia.— Bones of a struthious or Ostrich-like bird, described by Owen under the name of Dromornis australis, a bird as large as the Moa, have been recorded from the Pleistocene of Peak Downs and the Paroo River, Queensland. Indeterminate species of the same genera occur in Phillip Co., New South Wales, and the Mount Gambier Caves, South Australia; whilst Dromaeus patricius is known from King’s Creek, Darling Downs, Queensland. Genyornis newtoni is an extinct bird allied to the Emeus; it has been found in Pleistocene deposits at Lake Callabonna, South Australia, and other fragmentary remains have been identified by Dr. Stirling and Mr. Zietz from Mount Gambier and Queensland. Regarding the build and habits of Genyornis, those authors remark that “Its legs combine a huge femur nearly as massive, in all but length, as that of Dinornis maximus, and a tibia equalling that of Pachyornis elephantopus with the relatively slender metatarse of Dinornis novae-zealandiae (ingens) and toes which are insignificant beside those of any of the larger moas.”... “In height it may be confidently stated to have been from 6 feet to 6 feet 6 inches, that is if the neck should have been of proportions similar to those of Pachyornis elephantopus.” Those authors also attribute a slow, sluggish habit to the bird, and suggest that herbage rather than roots formed its food. It is very probable that the footprints of birds found in the older dune rock of Warrnambool, Victoria, associated with the doubtful “human footprints” may have been made by Genyornis or a related form. An extinct Emu, Dromaeus minor, has lately been described from the sub-recent deposits in King Island, Bass Strait. Pleistocene Carinate Birds, Australia.— Many genera of carinate birds belonging to living Australian types have been identified by De Vis from the fluviatile deposits on the Darling Downs, Queensland. These include Falcons (Taphaetus and Necrastur); a Pelican (Pelicanus); an Ibis (Palaeopelargus); a Spoonbill (Platalea); Ducks (Anas, Dendrocygna, Biziura and Nyroca); a Darter (Plotus); a Pigeon (Lithophaps); a Ground-pigeon (Progura); a Mound-builder (Chosornis); a Rail (Porphyrio); Moor-hens (Gallinula, Tribonyx and Fulica); and a Stork (Xenorhynchus). Pleistocene and Holocene Birds, New Zealand.— In New Zealand numerous remains of birds are found, chiefly in the Pleistocene strata, associated with Moa bones: such are Cnemiornis, the Flightless Pigeon Goose (Fig. 135); Harpagornis, a predatory hawk-like bird larger than any existing eagle; and Aptornis, an extinct Rail. The sand-dunes, peat bogs, swamps, river alluvium, caves and rock shelters of New Zealand often contain numerous remains of the gigantic Moa birds included in the genera Dinornis, Pachyornis and Anomalopteryx, of which perhaps the best known are D. giganteus, D. maximus (Fig. 136), D. robustus, P. elephantopus (Fig. 137), and A. antiqua. Some of the species have become so recently extinct that remains of their skin and feathers have been preserved in fissures in Fig. 136—Cnemiornis calcitrans, Owen. Pleistocene. New Zealand. 1/15th. nat. size (After Owen). Fig. 137—Dinornis maximus, Owen. (Great Moa). Pleistocene and Holocene. New Zealand. Vertical height, 8 ft. Measured along spine, 10 ft. 8 in. (Nat. Mus. Coll.) Fig. 138—Pachyornis elephantopus, Owen sp. Pleistocene. New Zealand. About 1/26th. nat. size. (After Owen). Mammalia: Early Types.— MAMMALIA.—The history of those warm-blooded animals, the mammals, commences in the early part of the Mesozoic period. It was then that the skull began to assume the characters seen in the modern quadrupeds, Multituberculata.— This group comprises the Triassic Tritylodon (South Africa and Germany); the Upper Jurassic Bolodon (England and United States); the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cainozoic Plagiaulax (England, United States and France); and the Lower Eocene Polymastodon (New Mexico). The molar teeth are ridged longitudinally, and carry numerous tubercles, hence the name of the group, and resemble the deciduous teeth of the Duck-billed Platypus (Ornithorhynchus). Monotremata.— The Monotremata are represented at the present day in Australia and New Guinea by the Echidna or Spiny Anteater, and by the Ornithorhynchus or Duck-billed Platypus of Eastern Australia and Tasmania. These egg-laying mammals show relationship towards the reptiles both in structure and in methods of reproduction. A Pliocene species of Ornithorhynchus (O. maximus) has been recorded from the Deep-leads of Gulgong, Marsupials.— The Marsupials or pouched mammals belong to the sub-class Metatheria. They are divided into Diprotodontia and Polyprotodontia, accordingly as they possess a single pair of incisor teeth in the lower jaw, or many front teeth, hence the names of the two sub-orders. A later classification of the Marsupials is that of their division into syndactyla and diadactyla. The diadactyla have the second and third toes separate, and are represented by the family Dasyuridae or Native Cats. These are polyprotodont. They are the most archaic of the marsupial group. Remains of Dasyurus, both of extinct and still living species are found in Pleistocene Cave-breccias in Victoria and New South Wales. The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus ursinus) (Fig. 138, 139) and the Tasmanian Wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus), still living in Tasmania, have left numerous remains on the mainland, in Victoria and New South Wales. Of the latter genus an extinct species is T. major from the Pleistocene of Queensland (Fig. 140). The syndactyla have the second and third toes enclosed in a common skin. The Peramelidae and the Notoryctidae are polyprotodont. The remainder are Fig. 141—Thylacinus major, Owen. Hind part of mandible, outer side. Pleistocene. Queensland. 1/2 nat. size Pleistocene Diprotodonts.— Pleistocene remains of the diprotodont forms of this syndactylous group are Phascolomys (the Wombat), perhaps ranging as low as Upper Pliocene (P. pliocenus) (Fig. 141); Phascolonus (P. gigas) (Fig. 142 A) Fig. 142—Mandible of Phascolomys pliocenus, McCoy. (?) Upper Pliocene (“Gold Cement.”) Dunolly, Vict. About 1/2 nat. size. (After McCoy). Fig. 143—CAINOZOIC TEETH and OTOLITH. A—Phascolonus gigas, Owen. (Molar). Pleistocene. Queensland B—Parasqualodon wilkinsoni, McCoy. (Molar). Cainozoic (Janj.) Vict. C—Parasqualodon wilkinsoni, McCoy. (Incisor). Cainozoic (Janj.) Vict. D—Metasqualodon harwoodi, Sanger sp. (Molar). Cainozoic (Janj.) South Australia E—Kekenodon onamata, Hector. (Molar). Cainozoic (Oamaruian). New Zealand F—Cetotolithes nelsoni, McCoy. (Tympanic bone). Cainozoic (Janj.) Victoria Fig. 144—Diprotodon australis, Owen. Pleistocene. South Australia. (After Stirling and Zeitz). Fig. 145—Upper Surface of the Right Hind Foot of Diprotodon australis. A—With the Astragalus (ankle-bone) in position. B— ” ” ” ” removed. Cir. 1/8 nat. size. Fig. 146—Diprotodon australis, Owen. (Restored). From a sketch by C. H. Angas. Fig. 147—Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen. Right lateral aspect of skull and mandible. Pleistocene. Australia. 1/5th nat. size. c, canine. i, incisors. m, molars. pm, premolars. Fig. 148—Wynyardia bassiana, Spencer. Upper Cainozoic (Turritella bed). Table Cape. Tasmania. 2/7th nat. size. (Casts in Nat. Mus. Coll.) Oldest Known Marsupial. The oldest marsupial found in Australia is probably Wynyardia bassiana (Fig. 147), whose remains occurred in the Turritella-bed at Table Cape, which is either of Miocene or Lower Pliocene age. This stratum occurs above the well-known Crassatellites-bed (Miocene) of that locality. So far as can be gathered from its incomplete dentition, Wynyardia represents an annectant form between the Diprotodonts and the Polyprotodonts. Pleistocene Genera, also Living.— Besides the genera above enumerated, many other marsupials of well-known living species are represented by fossil remains in Cave-deposits and on “sand-blows” in most of the Australian States. The genera thus represented in the Pleistocene deposits of Australia are Bettongia (Prehensile Rat-Kangaroo); Dasyurus (Native Cat); Hypsiprymnus (Rat-Kangaroo); Macropus (Kangaroo); Perameles (Bandicoot); Petaurus (Flying Phalanger); Phalanger (Cuscus); Phascolomys (Wombat); Sarcophilus (Tasmanian Devil); Thylacinus (Tasmanian Wolf). Cetacea.— The order Cetacea includes Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. The earliest known forms belong to the sub-order Archaeoceti, and whilst absent from Australian deposits, are found in the Eocene of Europe, Northern Africa and North America. Odontoceti: Toothed Whales.— Remains of Cetacea are first met with in Australian rocks in the Oligocene (Balcombian) of Victoria. At Muddy Creek near Hamilton fragments of ribs and other bones of cetacea, not yet determined, occur in the tenacious blue clays of the lower part of the Clifton Bank section. In Australia and New Zealand the oldest determinable remains of this order belong to the Odontoceti, members of which range from Miocene to Pliocene. Teeth of the toothed whales like Squalodon of the Miocene of France and Bavaria have been found in New Zealand (Kekenodon); in South Australia (Metasqualodon); and in Victoria (Parasqualodon). In Victoria the Ear-bones of Whales.— The tympanic bones of whales are not uncommon in the Janjukian beds of Waurn Ponds, near Geelong, Victoria; and they are occasionally found in the basement bed of the Kalimnan at Beaumaris, Port Phillip. In the absence of any distinctive generic characters they have been referred to the quasi-genus Cetotolithes (Fig. 142 F). McCoy has expressed the opinion that they may perhaps be referable to the ziphioid or beaked whales, for undoubted remains of that group, as teeth of Ziphius geelongensis, occur in these same beds; as well as portions of their rostrate crania, in the Kalimnan basement beds at Grange Burn, near Hamilton. The large curved and flattened teeth of Ziphius (Dolichodon) geelongensis are occasionally found, more or less fragmentary, in the polyzoal rock of Waurn Ponds. Fig. 149—Tooth of Scaldicetus macgeei, Chapm. An Extinct Sperm Whale. From the Kalimnan beds of Beaumaris, Port Phillip, Victoria. About 3/4 nat. size. Kalimnan-Scaldicetus.— From the Kalimnan Series (Lower Pliocene) of Beaumaris, Port Phillip, there was described a short time since, a remarkably well preserved specimen of Scaldicetus tooth belonging to a new form, S. macgeei (Fig. 148). Another species of the genus, with teeth of a slender form, has been found in the same geological series, at Grange Burn, near Hamilton. In only one other locality besides Australia does the genus Sirenia.— The order Sirenia (Manatees and Dugongs) is represented in the Australian Pleistocene by ChronozoÖn australe. The remains consist of the parietal and upper part of the occipital bones of the skull, and were discovered in the fluviatile deposits on the Darling Downs, Queensland. This fossil skull, according to De Vis, had a shallower temporal fossa and feebler masticating muscles, as well as a less highly developed brain than the existing Dugong. Carnivora.— The order Carnivora is represented in Australia by the Native Dog or Dingo (Canis dingo). It is by no means a settled question whether the Dingo can boast of very great antiquity. The evidence of its remains having been found under volcanic tuff beds in Victoria is not very convincing, for the original record does not indicate the precise position where the bones were found. The fact of the remains of the Dingo having been found in Cave deposits often associated with extinct marsupials, goes a good way to prove its antiquity. McCoy was strongly inclined to the view of its Pleistocene age, and points out that it shows cranial characters intermediate between the Dogs of South America and the Old World. Fossil remains of the Dingo, associated with Pleistocene mammalian forms have been recorded from the Wellington, Valley Caves, New South Wales; from the Mount Macedon Cave, near Pinnipedia.— Of the fin-footed Carnivores or Seals and Walruses, the earliest Australasian record is that of the remains of a small seal in the Okehu shell-beds near Wanganui, found in association with the bones of a small Moa-bird (Dinornis). Newer Pliocene Seal.— This seal was referred by Hector to Arctocephalus cinereus, a species synonymous, however, with the widely distributed living Seal, Otaria forsteri, Lesson, of the Southern Ocean. Another and larger species of eared seal allied to the living Fur Seal, Otaria forsteri, occurs in Victoria. Pleistocene Seal.— This fossil was named Arctocephalus williamsi by McCoy, and was found in Pleistocene deposits at Queenscliff, Port Phillip, at 5 feet below the surface, in marl and sand stone overlain with limestone. Although referred at the time of description to the Pliocene, it has since been proved that at this locality there is a considerable thickness of practically sub-recent material which is more accurately classed with the Pleistocene. Similar remains of eared seals are not uncommon in the Pleistocene deposits of the Otway Coast. Subrecent Human Remains. On turning to the occurrence of “human fossils” in Australia we find the geological evidence for any great antiquity of man on this continent to be very A more interesting, because probably much older, occurrence of human remains has been described by Etheridge and Trickett from one of the Jenolan Caves (Skeleton Cave); and those authors conclude from "The great lapse of time that must have accrued to enable the changes already outlined to have taken place since the introduction of the Fig. 150—Impressions of Footprints in dune sand-rock. Warrnambool, Victoria. 1/9 nat. size. (F. C. Photo). (Warrnambool Museum). Curious footprints supposed to resemble impressions of human feet with accompanying impress as if made by natives seated, have been long known from the older sand-dune rock of Warrnambool. They were found at Kellas’ Quarry, on the Port Fairy Road in 1890 and at a depth of 54 feet. In November, 1912, a further discovery of similar footprints Probable Origin of Aborigines.— Ethnology appears to throw more light upon the subject than does geology. Australia has in the past been peopled by two distinct types of man. (1), the ancestors of the Tasmanians, now alas, extinct, who according to some authorities came by way of Australia from Papua through the Malay Peninsula, passing over to Tasmania from the mainland before the separation caused by the subsidence of the Bass Strait area; and who were represented by a negroid or woolly-haired type: (2), the present aboriginals of Australia, showing affinities with the Dravidians of Southern India, a primitive race from whose original stock the white Caucasian races of Europe were derived. By intermarriage with a negroid race like the Melanesian, it is supposed that the black Caucasian gave rise to the present Australian mixed aboriginal type, with negroid features, but possessing the long black hair and keener intellect of the “melanochroi,” as the dark Eurasian stock was termed by Huxley. Aboriginal Implements.— The stone implements fashioned by the Tasmanian aboriginals were roughly chipped and of primitive type, of such forms as used at the present day by the Bushmen of South Africa, and representing the eoliths and palaeoliths of early man in the south of England. The implements of the Australian aboriginals on the other hand include besides these both flakes and worked and polished tools, such as were produced by the Neolithic men of Europe, as contrasted with the typically rough palaeolithic tools of the Tasmanian, who never grooved his axes for hafting as did the Australian aboriginal. According to some authorities the Tasmanians represent palaeolithic or even eolithic man in the character of their implements; whilst the Australian resembles the Middle or Mousterian stage of early man in certain of their ethnological characters and in the forms of their implements, although a marked exception is seen in their manufacture of polished adzes, of the neolithic period and in the use of bone implements such as were used in Europe in Upper Palaeolithic times. So far no human remains or handiwork in the form of chipped implements have been found in other than superficial deposits, either in Tasmania or Australia. The incised bone-fragment found near Ballarat, in a bed of silt beneath a sheet of basalt which flowed from Mount Buninyong, is believed by some to be evidence of man’s handiwork in the early Pleistocene, though by others thought to have been cut by the teeth of the “marsupial lion” (Thylacoleo). A stone axe of basalt, grooved for the purpose of Antiquity of Man in Australia.— A strong argument in favour of a considerable antiquity for man in Australia is the fact that the dialects are many, and marriage and tribal customs more complex and intricate than would be found COMMON OR CHARACTERISTIC FOSSILS OF THE FOREGOING CHAPTER. FISHES. Thyestes magnificus, Chapman. Silurian: Victoria. Asterolepis australis, McCoy. Middle Devonian: Victoria. Ganorhynchus sÜssmilchi, Etheridge fil. Devonian: New South Wales. Gyracanthides murrayi, A. S. Woodward. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. Acanthodes australis, A. S. Woodward. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. Ctenodus breviceps, A. S. Woodward. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. Strepsodus decipiens, A. S. Woodward. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. Elonichthys sweeti, A. S. Woodward. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. Physonemus micracanthus, Chapman. Lower Carboniferous: Victoria. (?) Deltodus australis, Eth. fil. Carbopermian: Queensland. Tomodus (?) convexus, Agassiz. Carbopermian: New South Wales. Edestus davisii, H. Woodward. Carbopermian: W. Australia. Peocilodus jonesi, Agassiz. Carbopermian: W. Australia. Gosfordia truncata, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Myriolepis clarkei, Egerton. Triassic: New South Wales. Apateolepis australis, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Dictyopyge robusta, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Belonorhynchus gigas, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Semionotus australis, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Pristisomus latus, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Cleithrolepis granulatus, Egerton. Triassic: New South Wales. Pholidophorus gregarius, A. S. Woodw. Triassic: New South Wales. Pleuracanthus parvidens, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Sagenodus laticeps, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Palaeoniscus crassus, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Elonichthys armatus, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Elpisopholis dunstani, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Pholidophorus australis, A. S. Woodw. Upper Trias: New South Wales. Psilichthys selwyni, Hall. Jurassic: Victoria. Leptolepis crassicauda, Hall. Jurassic: Victoria. Ceratodus avus, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: Victoria. Coccolepis australis, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: New South Wales. Aphnelepis australis, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: New South Wales. Aetheolepis mirabilis, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: New South Wales. Archaeomaene tenuis, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: New South Wales. Leptolepis talbragarensis, A. S. Woodw. Jurassic: New South Wales. Lamna daviesii, Eth. fil. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Lamna appendiculatus, Agassiz. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Corax australis, Chapm. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Aspidorhynchus sp. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Belonostomus sweeti, Eth. fil. and A. S. Woodw. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Portheus australis, A. S. Woodw. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Cladocyclus sweeti, A. S. Woodw. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Notidanus marginalis, Davis. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Lamna compressa, Agassiz. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Callorhynchus hectori, Newton. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Ischyodus thurmanni, Pictet and Campiche. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Odontaspis contortidens, Agassiz. Cainozoic (Bal. and Janj.): Victoria. Lamna apiculata, Ag. sp. Cainozoic (Bal. and Janj.): Victoria. Also Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Carcharodon megalodon, Agassiz. Cainozoic (Bal. Janj. and Kal.): Victoria. Also Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Cestracion cainozoicus, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Janj. and Kal.): Victoria. Asteracanthus eocaenicus, Tate sp. Cainozoic (Janj. and Kal.): Victoria. Galeocerdo davisi, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Janj.): Victoria. Also Cretaceous (Waipara Series) and Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Carcharoides totuserratus, Ameghino. Cainozoic (Janj.): Victoria. Odontaspis incurva, Davis sp. Cainozoic (Janj. and Kal.): Victoria. Also Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Oxyrhina retroflexa, Agassiz. Cainozoic (Janj.): Victoria. Also Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Carcharodon auriculatus, Blainville sp. Cainozoic (Janj. and Kal.): Victoria. Acanthias geelongensis, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Janj.): Victoria. Ischyodus mortoni, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Janj.): Tasmania. Notidanus jenningsi, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Galeocerdo aduncus, Agassiz. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Oxyrhina hastalis, Agassiz. Cainozoic (rare in Balc. and Janj., abundant in Kal.): Victoria. Myliobatis moorabbinensis, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Edaphodon sweeti, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Labrodon confertidens, Chap. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Diodon formosus, Chapm. and Pritch. Cainozoic (Kal.): Victoria. Notidanus marginalis, Davis. Cretaceous (Waipara Series); and Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Myliobatis plicatilis, Davis. Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Sargus laticonus, Davis. Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Ctenolates avus, A. S. Woodw. Pleistocene: New South Wales. Neoceratodus forsteri, Krefft, sp. Pleistocene: New South Wales. AMPHIBIA. Bothriceps australis, Huxley. Carbopermian: New South Wales. Bothriceps major, A. S. Woodw. Carbopermian: New South Wales. Platyceps wilkinsoni, Stephens. Triassic: New South Wales. REPTILIA. Ichthyosaurus hectori, Ch. (nom. mut.). Triassic: New Zealand. (?) Megalosaurus sp. Jurassic: Victoria. Notochelone costata, Owen sp. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Ichthyosaurus australis, McCoy. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Ichthyosaurus marathonensis, Eth. fil. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Cimoliosaurus leucoscopelus, Eth. fil. Upper Cretaceous: New South Wales. Plesiosaurus australis, Owen. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Polycotylus tenuis, Hector. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Cimoliosaurus haastii, Hector sp. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Tylosaurus haumuriensis, Hector sp. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Taniwhasaurus oweni, Hector. Cretaceous: New Zealand. Pallymnarchus pollens, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland and Victoria. Crocodilus porosus, Schneider. Pleistocene: Queensland and Victoria. Miolania oweni, A. S. Woodw. Pliocene (Deep-leads): New South Wales. Pleistocene: Queensland. Miolania platyceps, Owen. Pleistocene: Lord Howe Island. Megalania prisca, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland. BIRDS. Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Huxley. Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Dinornis sp. Cainozoic (Petane Series): New Zealand. Pelecanus proavis, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Platalea subtenuis, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Anas elapsa, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Gallinula strenuipes, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Fulica prior, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Dromornis australis, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland and New South Wales. Dromaeus patricius, De Vis. Pleistocene. Queensland. Dromaeus minor, Spencer. Pleistocene: King Island. Genyornis newtoni, Stirling and Zietz. Pleistocene: S. Australia. Cnemiornis calcitrans, Owen. Pleistocene: New Zealand. Harpagornis moorei, von Haast. Pleistocene: New Zealand. Aptornis otidiformis, Owen sp. Pleistocene: New Zealand. Dinornis giganteus, Owen. Pleistocene and Holocene: N. Id., New Zealand. Pachyornis elephantopus, Owen sp. Pleistocene and Holocene: S. Id., New Zealand. Anomalopteryx antiqua, Hutton. Pleistocene: S. Id., New Zealand. MAMMALIA. Ornithorhynchus maximus, Dun. Cainozoic (Kalimnan or L. Pliocene): New South Wales. Echidna (Proechidna) robusta, Dun. Cainozoic (Kalimnan): New South Wales. Ornithorhynchus agilis, De Vis. Pleistocene: New South Wales. Echidna (Proechidna) oweni, Krefft. Pleistocene: New South Wales. Wynyardia bassiana, Spencer. Cainozoic (Kalimnan): Tasmania. Dasyurus maculatus, Kerr sp. Pleistocene: Victoria and New South Wales. Living: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Phascolomys pliocenus, McCoy. Cainozoic (Werrikooian): Victoria. Sarcophilus ursinus, Harris sp. Pleistocene: Victoria and New South Wales. Living: Tasmania. Thylacinus cynocephalus, Harris sp. Pleistocene: Victoria and New South Wales. Living: Tasmania. Thylacinus spelaeus, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland and New South Wales. Thylacinus major, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland. Peragale lagotis, Reid sp. Pleistocene: New South Wales. Living: S. Australia and W. Australia. Perameles gunni, Gray. Pleistocene: Victoria. Living: Queensland and Victoria. Phascolomys parvus, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland. Phascolonus gigas, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales and S. Australia. Macropus titan, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and S. Australia. Macropus anak, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, S. Australia and New South Wales. Procoptodon goliah, Owen sp. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Sthenurus atlas, Owen sp. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Sthenurus occidentalis, Glauert. Pleistocene: W. Australia. Palorchestes azael, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Diprotodon australis, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and S. Australia. Nototherium mitchelli, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, S. Australia and Victoria. Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen. Pleistocene: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and W. Australia. Parasqualodon wilkinsoni, McCoy sp. Cainozoic (Janjukian): Victoria and Tasmania. Metasqualodon harwoodi, Sanger sp. Cainozoic (Janjukian): S. Australia. Kekenodon onamata, Hector. Cainozoic (Oamaru Series): New Zealand. Cetotolithes nelsoni, McCoy. Cainozoic (Janjukian): Victoria. Ziphius (Dolichodon) geelongensis, McCoy. Cainozoic (Janjukian): Victoria. Scaldicetus macgeei, Chapm. Cainozoic (Kalimnan): Victoria. ChronozoÖn australis, De Vis. Pleistocene: Queensland. Canis dingo, Blumenbach. Late Pleistocene or Holocene: Victoria. Otaria forsteri, Lesson. Pliocene (Petane Series): N. Id., New Zealand. Arctocephalus williamsi, McCoy. Pleistocene: Victoria. LITERATURE. FISHES. Silurian.—Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XVIII. (N.S.), pt. II. 1906, pp. 93-100, pls. VII. and VIII. (Thyestes). Devonian.—McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. IV. 1876, pp. 19, 20, pl. XXXV. figs. 7, 7a, 7b (Asterolepis). Etheridge, R. jnr. Rec. Austr. Mus., vol. VI. pp. 129-132, pl. XXVIII. (Ganorhynchus). Carboniferous and Carbopermian.—Woodward, H. Geol. Mag., Dec. III. vol. III. 1886, pp. 1-7, pl. I. (Edestus). Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, p. 296, pl. XXXIX. fig. 1 (Deltodus). De Koninck, L. G. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 6, 1898, p. 281, pl. XXIV., fig. 11 (Tomodus). Woodward, A. S. Mem. Nat. Mus. Melbourne, No. 1. 1906 (Mansfield Series). Triassic.—Johnston, R. M. and Morton, A. Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania (1889), 1890, pp. 102-104; ibid. (1890), 1891, pp. 152-154 (Acrolepis). Woodward, A. S. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 4, 1890 (Gosford). Ibid. No. 10, 1908 (St. Peters). Jurassic.—Woodward, A. S. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 9, 1895. Id., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. VII. Vol. XVIII. 1906, pp. 1-3, pl. I. (Ceratodus). Hall, T. S. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. vol. XII. (N.S.) pt. II. 1900, pp. 147-151, pl. XIV. Chapman, F. Rec. Geol. Surv. Vict. vol. III. pt. 2, 1912, pp. 234-235, pl. XXXIX. (Ceratodus). Cretaceous.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, vol. III. ser. 2, 1889, pp. 156-161, pl. IV. Idem, Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 503-504. Davis, J. W. Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. vol. IV. ser. 2. 1888, pp. 1-48, pls. I.-VII. (Cretaceous and Cainozoic of New Zealand). Etheridge, R. jnr. and Woodward, A. S. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., vol. II. pt. II. 1892, pp. 1-7, pl. I. (Belonostomus). Woodward, A. S. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. XIX. Cainozoic.—McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. II. 1875, pp. 8-10, pl. XI. (Carcharodon). Chapman, F. and Pritchard, G. B. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XVII. (N.S.), pt. I. 1904, pp. 267-297, pls. V.-VIII. Idem, ibid, vol. XX. (N.S.), pt. I. 1907, pp. 59-75, pls. V.-VIII. See also Davis, J. W. (Cretaceous). Pleistocene.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, p. 646 (Neoceratodus). Woodward, A. S. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. VII. pt. 2, 1902, pp. 88-91, pl. XXIV. (Ctenolates). AMPHIBIA. Huxley, T. H. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XV. 1859, pp. 647-649, pl. XXII. figs. 1, 2 (Bothriceps). Stephens, W. J. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, ser. 2. vol. I. 1886, pp. 931-940. Ibid., 1887, pp. 1175-1182, pl. XXII. Ibid., vol. II. 1887, pp. 156-158. Woodward, A. S. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. VIII. pt. 4, 1909, pp. 317-319, pl. LI. (Bothriceps). REPTILIA. Jurassic and Cretaceous.—Hector, J. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. VI. 1874, pp. 333-358. Cretaceous.—McCoy, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vic., vol. VIII. pt. I. 1868, p. 42 (Plesiosaurus). Ibid., vol. IX. pt. II. 1869, p. 77 (Ichthyosaurus). Owen, R. Geol. Mag., Dec. I. vol. VII. 1870, pp. 49-53, pl. III. (Plesiosaurus). Id., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. XXXVIII. 1882, pp. 178-183 (“Notochelys” = Notochelone). Etheridge, R. jnr. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, ser. 2, vol. III. 1889, pp. 405-413, pls. VII. and VIII. (Ichthyosaurus). Id., Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 505-510. Hutton, F. W. Trans. N.Z. Inst. vol. XXVI. 1894, pp. 354-358, 1 pl. (Cimoliosaurus). Pleistocene.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. I. pt. 3, 1889, pp. 149-152 (Miolania). Id., Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 647-653. AVES. Miocene.—Huxley, T. H. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. XV. 1859, pp. 670-677. Also Hector, J. Trans. N.Z. Inst. vol. IV. 1872, pp. 341-346, 1 pl. (Palaeeudyptes). Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. (N.S.) pt. I. 1910, pp. 21-26, pls. IV. and V. Pleistocene and Holocene.—Von Haast, J. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. IV., 1872, pp. 192-196; and vol. VI. 1874, pp. 62-75 (Harpagornis). Owen, R. Memoirs on the Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand, London, 1879, 2 vols. De Vis, C. W. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, vol. VI. pt. I. 1889, pp. 6-8. Id., Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, vol. III. ser. 2, 1888, pp. 1277-1292, pls. XXXIII.-XXXVI. (Carinatae). Etheridge, R. jnr. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. I. pt. 2, 1889, pp. 126-136, pls. XI.-XIII. (Dromornis). Id., Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 653-663. Hutton, F. W. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. XXIV. 1892, pp. 93-172 (Moas). Id., ibid., vol. XXV. 1893, pp. 14-16, 1 pl. (Anomalopteryx). Id., ibid., vol. XXIX. 1897, pp. 441-557, figs. (Moas). Id., ibid., vol. XXXVIII. 1906, pp. 66 and 67 (Emeus crassus). Hamilton, A. Ibid, vol. XXVI. 1894, pp. 227-257 (Bibliography of Moas). Ibid, vol. XXX. 1898, pp. 445 and 446 (Euryapteryx). Stirling, E. C. and Zietz, A. H. C. Mem. R. Soc. S. Austr., vol. I. pt. II. 1900, pp. 41-80, pls. XIX.-XXIV. (Genyornis). Spencer, W. B. Vict. Nat. vol. XXIII. 1906, pp. 139 and 140; also Spencer, W. B. and Kershaw, J. A. Mem. Nat. Mus. Melbourne No. 3, 1910, pp. 5-35, pls. I.-VII. (Dromaeus minor). MAMMALS. Huxley, T. H. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XV. 1859, pp. 676-677 (Phocaenopsis). McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. I. 1874, pp. 21, 22, pls. III.-V. (Phascolomys). Ibid, Dec. II. 1875, pp. 7-8, pl. XI. and Dec. VI. 1879, pp. 20 and 21, pl. LV. (Squalodon). Ibid, Dec. III. 1876, pp. 7-12, pl. XXI. (Thylacoleo). Ibid, Dec. IV. 1876, pp. 7-11, pl. XXXI.-XXXIII. (Diprotodon). Ibid, Dec. V. 1877, pp. 7-9, pl. XLI. and XLII. (Arctocephalus). Ibid, Dec. VI. 1879, pp. 5-7, pl. LI. (Macropus): pp. 9-11, pl. LI.-LIII. (Procoptodon): pp. 13-17, pl. LIV. (Cetotolithes); pp. 19 and 20, pl. LV. (Physetodon). Ibid, Dec. VII. 1882, pp. 7-10, pl. LX. (Canis dingo): pp. 11-13, pl. LXXII. and LXII. (Sarcophilus): pp. 23-26, pl. LIX. (Ziphius). Owen, R. Extinct Mammals of Australia, London 1877, 2 vols. Hector, J. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. XIII. 1881, pp. 434-436, 1 pl. (Kekenodon). Lydekker, R. Cat. Foss. Mammalia, Brit. Mus. part V. 1887. Id., Handbook to the Marsupialia, and Monotremata. Allen’s Nat. Library, 1894, pt. III. pp. 249-286. De Vis, C. W. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, vol. VIII. pt. 3, 1883, p. 395 (Sirenian). Id., ibid, vol. X. 1895, pp. 75-133, pls. XIV.-XVIII. (Macropodidae). Id., Proc. R. Soc. |