FOSSIL WORMS, SEA-MATS and LAMP-SHELLS. T The first-named group, the ringed worms, belong to the phylum Annelida, so-called because of the ring-like structure of their bodies. The two remaining groups, the Polyzoa or Sea-mats and the Brachiopods or Lamp-shells, are comprised in the phylum Molluscoidea, or mollusc-like animals. WORMS (Annelida). Annelida and their Fossil Representatives.— These animals, owing to the scarcity of hard parts within their bodies, play a rather insignificant role as a fossil group. Worms are laterally symmetrical animals, with a dorsal and a ventral surface. They are segmented, the body being formed of numerous rings. Only those of the Class Chaetopoda (“bristle-feet”) are represented by identifiable fossil remains. Fossil worms, moreover, chiefly belong to the Order Polychaeta (“many bristles”). The horny jaws of these worms are sometimes found in the older rocks and are known as conodonts. Silurian Conodonts.— Conodonts belonging to three genera are known from Australia. They are all from the Silurian of the Bowning District, near Yass, New South Wales, and are referred to the genera Eunicites, Oenonites and Arabellites. A—Trachyderma crassituba, Chapm, Silurian. South Yarra, Vict. B—Cornulites tasmanicus, Eth. fil. Silurian. Heazlewood, Tas. C—Spirorbis ammonius, M. Edwards, var. truncata, Mid. Devonian. Buchan, Victoria D—Torlessia mackayi, Bather. ? Trias. Mt. Torlesse, N. Zealand. Palaeozoic Errant Worms.— The wandering Worms (Polychaeta errantia) are also recognised by their impressions, trails, borings and castings. Burrows formed by these worms are seen in Arenicolites, found in the Silurian sandstone of New South Wales, near Yass, and in the Carbopermian (Gympie Series) near Rockhampton, Queensland. The membranous-lined burrows of Trachyderma (T. crassituba), occur in some abundance in the Silurian mudstones in the neighbourhood of Melbourne, Worm Tracks.— Some of the curious markings on the Carboniferous sandstone of Mansfield, Victoria, may be due to worm trails and castings, especially since they are associated with sun-cracks and ripple-marks. Sedentary Worms.— The sedentary or tube-making Worms (Polychaeta tubicola) are represented by numerous forms. The long conical tube of Cornulites tasmanicus is recorded from the Silurian of Zeehan, Tasmania (Fig. 82 B). Spirorbis occurs in the Middle Devonian of Victoria (Fig. 82 C), and W. Australia, and also in the Carbopermian of W. Australia. Torlessia is found in the Trias or Lower Jurassic of the province of Canterbury, New Zealand (Fig. 82 D). The genus Serpula is widely distributed, occurring in the Carbopermian (Upper Jurassic Series), near East Maitland, New South Wales (S. testatrix), in the Jurassic of W. Australia (S. conformis), in the Lower Cretaceous of Wollumbilla, Queensland (S. intestinalis), and the Darling River, north west of New South Wales, (S. subtrachinus), as well as in Cainozoic deposits in Victoria (S. ouyenensis). Ditrupa is very abundant in some shelly deposits of Janjukian age in Victoria. MOLLUSCOIDEA. The Sea-mats (Polyzoa) and the Lamp-shells (Brachiopoda) constitute a natural group, the MOLLUSCOIDEA, which, although unlike in outward POLYZOA. Characters of Polyzoa.— These are almost exclusively marine forms, and are important as fossils. They form colonies (polypary or zoarium), and by their branching, foliaceous or tufty growth resemble sea-weeds. The cells in which the separate zoÖids lived have peculiar characters of their own, which serve to distinguish the different genera. Subdivisions of Polyzoa.— Polyzoa are divided into the Sub-classes Phylactolaemata, in which the mouth of the zoÖid has a lip, and the series of tentacles is horse-shoe shaped; and the Gymnolaemata, in which there is no lip to the mouth, and the tentacles form a complete circle. The first group forms its polypary of soft or horny material, which is not preserved fossil. The latter has a calcareous polypary, and is of much importance as a fossil group. This latter sub-class is further subdivided into the following Orders, viz.:—Trepostomata (“turned mouths”), Cryptostomata (“hidden mouths”), Cyclostomata (“round mouths”), and Cheilostomata (“lip mouths” furnished with a moveable operculum). Trepostomata (Palaeozoic).— The Order Trepostomata may include some genera as Monticulipora and Fistulipora, previously referred A—Fenestella margaritifera, Chapm. Silurian. Near Yering, Vict. B—Polypora australis, Hinde. Carbopermian. Gascoyne River, Western Australia C—Rhombopora tenuis, Hinde. Carbopermian. Gascoyne River, Western Australia D—Protoretepora ampla, Lonsdale sp. Carbopermian. N.S.W. Cryptostomata (Palaeozoic).— In the order Cryptostomata we have the genus Rhombopora with its long, slender branches, which occurs in the Silurian of Victoria and the Carbopermian of Queensland and W. Australia (Fig. 83 C). Of this order a very important Australian genus is Fenestella, the funnel-shaped zoaria of which are found in the Silurian of Victoria and New South Wales, and also in the Carboniferous of the latter State. Fenestella also occurs in the Carbopermian of Polyzoa have been noticed in Jurassic rocks in W. Australia, but no species have been described. A—Lichenopora australis, MacGillivray. Balcombian. Hamilton, Victoria B—Heteropora pisiformis, MacGillivray. Janjukian. Moorabool, Victoria C—Cellaria australis, MacGillivray. Balcombian. Hamilton, Vict. D—Selenaria cupola, T. Woods sp. Balcombian. Hamilton, Vict. E—Lepralia elongata, MacGill. Balcombian. Hamilton, Victoria Cheilostomata (Cretaceous).— Species of the genera (?) Membranipora and (?) Lepralia, belonging to the Cheilostomata, have been described from the Lower Cretaceous of the Darling River, New South Wales, and Wollumbilla, Queensland, respectively. Cainozoic Polyzoa.— A very large number of genera of the Polyzoa have been described from the Tertiary strata of South Australia and Victoria. Some of the principal of these are Crisia, Idmonea, Stomatopora, Lichenopora, Hornera, Entalophora and Heteropora of the order Cyclostomata; and Catenicella, Cellaria, Membranipora, Lunulites, Selenaria, Macropora, Tessarodoma, Adeona, Lepralia, Bipora, Smittia, Porina, Cellepora and Retepora of the order Cheilostomata. Many of these genera, and not a few Australian species, are found also in the Cainozoic or Tertiary beds of Orakei Bay, New Zealand (Fig. 84). BRACHIOPODA (Lamp-shells). Brachiopods: Their Structure.— These are marine animals, and are enclosed in a bivalved shell. They differ, however, from true bivalves (Pelecypoda) in having the shell on the back and front of the body, instead of on each side as in the bivalved mollusca. Each valve is equilateral, but the valves differ from one another in that one is larger and generally serves to attach the animal to rocks and other objects of support by a stalk or pedicle. Thus the larger valve is called the pedicle valve and the smaller, on account of its bearing the calcareous supports for the brachia or arms, the brachial valve. Generally speaking, the shell of the valve is penetrated by numerous canals, which give the shell a punctate appearance. Some brachiopod shells, as Atrypa and Rhynchonella, are, however, devoid of these. A—Orthis (?) lenticularis, Wahlenberg. Up. Cambrian. Florentine Valley, Tasmania B—Siphonotreta maccoyi, Chapm. Up. Ordovician. Bulla, Vict. C—Lingula yarraensis, Chapm. Silurian. South Yarra, Victoria D—Orbiculoidea selwyni, Chapm. Silurian. Merri Creek, Victoria E—Chonetes melbournensis, Chapm. Silurian. South Yarra, Vict. F—Stropheodonta alata, Chapm. Silurian. Near Lilydale, Vict. Cambrian Brachiopods.— Brachiopods are very important fossils in Australasian rocks. They first appear in Cambrian strata, as for example, in the Florentine Valley, in Tasmania, where we find Orthis lenticularis (Fig. 85 A). In Victoria, near Mount Wellington, in the mountainous region of N.E. Gippsland, Orthis platystrophioides is found in a grey limestone. In South Australia the grey Cambrian limestone of Wirrialpa contains the genus Huenella (H. etheridgei). This genus is also found in the Middle and Upper Cambrian of N. America. Ordovician Brachiopods.— Coming to Ordovician rocks, the limestones of the Upper Finke Basin in South Australia contain Orthis Silurian Brachiopods.— The Silurian system in Australasia as in Europe, N. America and elsewhere, is very rich in brachiopod life. It is impossible to enumerate even all the genera in a limited work like the present, the most typical only being mentioned. In New Zealand the palaeozoic fauna is at present imperfectly worked out, but the following genera from the Wangapekian (Silurian) have been identified, viz., Chonetes, Stricklandinia, Orthis, Wilsonia, Atrypa, and Spirifer. The specific identification of these forms with European types is still open to question, but the species are undoubtedly closely allied to some of those from Great Britain and Scandinavia. The Victorian Silurian Brachiopods are represented by the horny-shelled Lingula, the conical Orbiculoidea, a large species of Siphonotreta, Stropheodonta (with toothed hinge-line), Strophonella, Chonetes (with hollow spines projecting from the ventral valve, one of the species C. melbournensis being characteristic of the Melbournian division of Silurian rocks), Orthis, Pentamerus, Camarotoechia, Rhynchotrema, Wilsonia, Atrypa (represented by the world-wide A. reticularis), Spirifer and Nucleospira (Figs. 85, 86). New South Wales has a very similar assemblage of genera; whilst Tasmania possesses Camarotoechia, Stropheodonta and Orthis. Devonian Brachiopods.— The Devonian limestones and associated strata are fairly rich in Brachiopods. The Victorian rocks of this age at Bindi and Buchan contain genera such as Chonetes (C. australis), Spirifer (S. yassensis and S. howitti) and Athyris. In New South Wales we again meet with Spirifer yassensis, veritable shell-banks of this species occurring in the neighbourhood of Yass, associated with a species of Chonetes (C. culleni) (Fig. 86 D, E). A—Camarotoechia decemplicata, Sow. Silurian. Victoria B—Nucleospira australis, McCoy. Silurian. Victoria C—Atrypa reticularis, L. sp. Silurian. Victoria D—Chonetes culleni, Dun. Mid. Devonian. New South Wales E—Spirifer yassensis, de Koninck. Devonian. New South Wales and Victoria In the Upper Devonian of New South Wales abundant remains occur of both Spirifer disjunctus and Camarotoechia pleurodon (var.). The Upper Devonian Series at Nyrang Creek near Canowindra, New South Wales, contains a Lingula (L. gregaria) associated with the Lepidodendron plant beds of that locality. Queensland Devonian rocks contain Pentamerus, Atrypa and Spirifer. In Western Australia the Devonian species are Atrypa reticularis, Spirifer cf verneuili, S. musakheylensis and Uncinulus cf. timorensis. Carboniferous Brachiopods.— The Carboniferous Brachiopod fauna is represented in New South Wales at Clarence Town and other localities by a species which has an extensive time-range, Leptaena rhomboidalis var. analoga, and the following, a few of which extend upwards into the Carbopermian:—Chonetes papilionacea, Productus semireticulatus, P. punctatus, P. cora, Orthothetes crenistria, Orthis (Rhipidomella) australis, O. (Schizophoria) resupinata, Spirifer striatus, S. bisulcatus, Cyrtina carbonaria and Athyris planosulcatus. In New Zealand the Matai series, referred to the Jurassic by Hutton, as formerly regarded by Hector, and latterly by Park, as of Carboniferous age, on the ground of a supposed discovery of Spirifer subradiatus (S. glaber) and Productus brachythaerus in the Wairoa Gorge. Although these species may not occur, the genera Spirifer and Productus are present, which, according to Dr. Thomson, are distinctly of pre-Triassic types. A—Productus brachythaerus, Sow. Carbopermian. New South Wales, &c. B—Strophalosia clarkei, Eth. sp. Carbopermian. N.S.W., &c. C—Spirifer convolutus, Phillips. Carbopermian. N.S.W., &c. D—Spirifer (Martiniopsis) subradiatus, Sow. Carbopermian. New South Wales, &c. Carbopermian Brachiopods.— The Brachiopod fauna of Carbopermian age in New South Wales is rich in species of Productus and Spirifer. Amongst the former are P. cora (also found in Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania), P. brachythaerus (also found in Western Australia and Queensland), (Fig. 87 A), P. semireticulatus (also found in Western Australia, Queensland and the Island of Timor, and a common species in Europe), and P. undatus (also found in Western Australia and Queensland, as well as in Great Britain and Russia). Strophalosia is an allied genus to Productus. It is a common form in beds of the same age in W. Australia, Tasmania, and New South Wales. The best In the Queensland fauna, the Gympie series contains, amongst other Brachiopods Productus cora, Leptaena rhomboidalis var., analoga, Spirifer vespertilio and S. strzeleckii. Other Carbopermian Brachiopod genera found in Australian faunas are Cleiothyris, Dielasma, Hypothyris, Reticularia, Seminula, Cyrtina, and Syringothyris. Triassic Brachiopods.— The Kaihiku Series of New Zealand (Hokonui Hills and Nelson) are probably referable to the Trias. The supposed basal beds contain plants such as Taeniopteris, Cladophlebis, Palissya and Baiera. Above these are marine beds containing Brachiopods belonging to Next in order of succession the Wairoa Series, in the Hokonui Hills and Nelson, New Zealand, contains Dielasma and Athyris wreyi. The succeeding series in New Zealand, the Otapiri, or Upper Triassic contains the Brachiopod genera Athyris Jurassic Brachiopods.— A—Rhynchonella variabilis Schloth. sp. Jurassic. W. Australia B—Terebratella davidsoni, Moore. L. Cretaceous. Queensland C—Lingula subovalis, Davidson. L. Cretaceous. S. Australia D—Rhynchonella croydonensis, Eth. fil. Up. Cretaceous. Queensland The marine Jurassic beds of W. Australia, as at Shark Bay and Greenough River, contain certain Lower Cretaceous Brachiopods.— The Lower Cretaceous or Rolling Downs Formation of Queensland has yielded a fair number of Brachiopods, principally from Wollumbilla,—as Terebratella davidsoni (Fig. 88 B), (?) Argiope wollumbillensis, (?) A. punctata, Rhynchonella rustica, R. solitaria, Discina apicalis and Lingula subovalis. From beds of similar age in Central South Australia and the Lake Eyre Basin Lingula subovalis (Fig. 88 C), and Rhynchonella eyrei have been recorded; the latter has been compared with a species (R. walkeri) from the Middle Neocomian of Tealby in Yorkshire. Upper Cretaceous Brachiopod.— A solitary species of the Brachiopoda occurs in the Upper Cretaceous of Australia, namely, Rhynchonella croydonensis (Fig. 88 D) of the Desert Sandstone of the Croydon Gold-fields and Mount Angas, Queensland. Cainozoic Brachiopods.— The Brachiopoda of the Cainozoic or Tertiary strata of Australia and New Zealand are well represented by the genera Terebratula, Magellania, Terebratulina, Terebratella, Magasella and Acanthothyris. In the Balcombian or Oligocene of southern Australia occur the following:—Terebratula tateana, Magellania corioensis, M. garibaldiana and Magasella compta (Figs. 89 A, D); and most of these range into the next stage, the Janjukian, whilst some extend even to the Kalimnan. Terebratulina suessi, Hutton sp. (= T. scoulari, Tate) ranges through the Balcombian A—Terebratula tateana, T. Woods. Cainozoic. Victoria B—Magellania corioensis, McCoy, sp. Cainozoic. Victoria C—Magellania garibaldiana, Dav. sp. Cainozoic. Victoria D—Magasella compta, Sow. sp. Cainozoic. Victoria E—Terebratulina catinuliformis, Tate. Cainozoic. S. Australia F—Acanthothyris squamosa, Hutton sp. Cainozoic. Tasmania Whilst many of the older Tertiary brachiopods range into the next succeeding stage of the Kalimnan in Victoria, such as Magellania insolita, Terebratulina The next stage, the Werrikooian, typical in upraised marine beds on the banks of the Glenelg River in western Victoria, contains Magellania flavescens, a species still living (see antea, Fig. 23), and M. insolita, having the extraordinarily wide range of the whole of the Cainozoic stages in southern Australia. COMMON OR CHARACTERISTIC FOSSILS OF THE FOREGOING CHAPTER. WORMS. Eunicites mitchelli, Eth. fil. Silurian: New South Wales. Oenonites hebes, Eth. fil. Silurian: New South Wales. Arabellites bowningensis, Eth. fil. Silurian: New South Wales. Arenicolites sp. Silurian: New South Wales. Trachyderma crassituba, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Cornulites tasmanicus, Eth. fil. Silurian: Tasmania. Spirorbis ammonius, M. Edw. var. truncata, Chapm. Mid. Devonian: Victoria. Spirorbis omphalodes, Goldfuss. Devonian: W. Australia. Serpula testatrix, Eth. fil. Carbopermian: New South Wales. Torlessia mackayi, Bather. Lower Mesozoic: New Zealand. Serpula conformis, Goldfuss. Jurassic: W. Australia. Serpula intestinalis, Phillips. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Serpula subtrachinus, Eth. fil. Lower Cretaceous: New South Wales. Serpula ouyenensis, Chapm. Cainozoic: Victoria. Ditrupa cornea, L. sp. var. wormbetiensis, McCoy. Cainozoic: Victoria. POLYZOA. Rhombopora gippslandica, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Fenestella australis, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Protoretepora ampla, Lonsdale. Carbopermian: W. Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, and Tasmania. Polypora australis, Hinde. Carbopermian: W. Australia. Rhombopora tenuis, Hinde. Carbopermian: W. Australia. Rhombopora laxa, Etheridge sp. Carbopermian: Queensland. Membranipora wilsonensis, Eth. fil. Lower Cretaceous: New South Wales. (?) Lepralia oolitica, Moore. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Lichenopora australis, MacGillivray. Cainozoic: Victoria. Heteropora pisiformis, MacGillivray. Cainozoic: Victoria. Cellaria australis, MacGillivray. Cainozoic: Victoria. Membranipora macrostoma, Reuss. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). Selenaria marginata, T. Woods. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). Macropora clarkei, T. Woods sp. Cainozoic: Victoria. Adeona obliqua, MacGill. Cainozoic: Victoria. Lepralia burlingtoniensis, Waters. Cainozoic: Victoria. Bipora philippinensis, Busk sp. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). Porina gracilis, M. Edwards sp. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). Cellepora fossa, Haswell, sp. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). Retepora fissa, MacGill. sp. Cainozoic: Victoria (also living). BRACHIOPODA. Orthis lenticularis, Wahlenberg sp. Cambrian: Tasmania. Orthis platystrophioides, Chapm. Cambrian: Victoria. Huenella etheridgei, Walcott. Cambrian: S. Australia. Orthis leviensis, Eth. fil. Ordovician: S. Australia, (?) Victoria. Siphonotreta discoidalis, Chapm. Ordovician: Victoria. Siphonotreta maccoyi, Chapm. Ordovician: Victoria. Lingula yarraensis, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Orbiculoidea selwyni, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Chonetes melbournensis, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Stropheodonta alata, Chapm. Silurian: Victoria. Orthis elegantula, Dalman. Silurian: Victoria. Pentamerus australis, McCoy. Silurian: Victoria and New South Wales. Conchidium knightii, Sow. sp. Silurian: Victoria and New South Wales. Camarotoechia decemplicata, Sow. sp. Silurian: Victoria. Rhynchotrema liopleura, McCoy sp. Silurian: Victoria. Atrypa reticularis, L. sp. Silurian: New South Wales and Victoria. Devonian: New South Wales, W. Australia and Queensland. Spirifer sulcatus, Hisinger sp. Silurian: Victoria. Nucleospira australis, McCoy. Silurian: Victoria. Chonetes australis, McCoy. Mid. Devonian: Victoria. Chonetes culleni, Dun. Mid. Devonian: New South Wales. Spirifer yassensis, de Koninck. Mid. Devonian: New South Wales and Victoria. Spirifer cf. verneuili, de Kon. Mid. Devonian: New South Wales and W. Australia. Lingula gregaria, Eth. fil. Upper Devonian: New South Wales. Spirifer disjunctus, Sow. Up. Devonian: New South Wales. Productus cora, d’Orb. Carboniferous: New South Wales and Queensland. Orthothetes crenistria, Sow. sp. Carboniferous: New South Wales. Spirifer striatus, Sow. Carboniferous: New South Wales. Productus brachythaerus, Sow. Carbopermian: New South Wales, Queensland, W. Australia. Strophalosia clarkei, Eth. sp. Carbopermian: New South Wales, Tasmania and W. Australia. Spirifer (Martiniopsis) subradiatus, Sow. Carbopermian: New South Wales, Tasmania and W. Australia. Spirifer convolutus, Phillips. Carbopermian: New South Wales, Tasmania and W. Australia. Cleiothyris macleayana, Eth. fil. sp. Carbopermian: W. Australia. Dielasma elongata, Schlotheim sp. Trias (Kaihiku Series): New Zealand. Athyris wreyi, Suess sp. Trias (Wairoa Series): New Zealand. Athyris sp. Trias (Otapiri Series): New Zealand. Rhynchonella variabilis, Schlotheim sp. Jurassic: W. Australia. Terebratella davidsoni, Moore. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Rhynchonella solitaria, Moore. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland. Lingula subovalis, Davidson. Lower Cretaceous: Queensland and S. Australia. Rhynchonella croydonensis, Eth. fil. Upper Cretaceous: Queensland. Terebratula tateana, T. Woods. Cainozoic (Balcombian and Janjukian): Victoria and S. Australia. Magellania corioensis, McCoy, sp. Cainozoic (Balcombian and Janjukian): Victoria and S. Australia. Magellania garibaldiana, Davidson sp. Cainozoic (Balcombian and Janjukian): Victoria and S. Australia. Magasella compta, Sow. sp. Cainozoic (Balcombian to Kalimnan): Victoria and S. Australia. Terebratula suessi, Hutton sp. Cainozoic (Balcombian and Janjukian): Victoria, S. Australia, and New Zealand (Oamaru Series.) Acanthothyris squamosa, Hutton sp. Cainozoic (Janjukian): Victoria and S. Australia, New Zealand (Oamaru Series) (also living). Terebratella pumila, Tate. Cainozoic (Kalimnan): Victoria. Magellania flavescens, Lam. sp. Pleistocene: Victoria (also living). LITERATURE. WORMS. Silurian.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. Mag., Dec. III. vol. VII. 1890, pp. 339, 340. Idem, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. (for 1896), 1897, p. 37. Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XXII. (N.S.), pt. II. 1910, pp. 102-105. Devonian.—Hinde, G. J. Geol. Mag., Dec. II. vol. VII. 1890, p. 199. Chapman, F. Rec. Geol. Surv. Vict., vol. III. pt. 2, 1912, p. 220. Carboniferous.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Bull. Geol. Surv. W. Australia, No. 10, 1903, p. 10. Carbopermian.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales. Pal. No. 5, 1892, pp. 119-121. Lower Mesozoic.—Bather, F. A. Geol. Mag., Dec. V. vol. II. 1905, pp. 532-541. Lower Cretaceous.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Mem. Soc. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 11. 1902, pp. 12, 13. Cainozoic.—Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XXVI. (N.S.) pt. I. 1913, pp. 182-184. POLYZOA. Silurian.—Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XVI. (N.S.), pt. I. 1903, pp. 61-63. Idem, Rec. Geol. Surv. Vic., vol. II., pt. 1, 1907, p. 78. Carboniferous.—Hinde, G. J. Geol. Mag. Dec. III. vol. VII. 1890, pp. 199-203. Carbopermian.—De Koninck Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 6, 1898, pp. 128-140. Cainozoic.—Stolicka, F. Novara Exped., Geol. Theil., vol. I. pt. 2, pp. 87-158. Waters, A. W. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXXVII. 1881, pp. 309-347; ibid., vol. XXXVIII. 1882, pp. 257-276 and pp. 502-513; ibid., vol. XXXIX. 1883, pp. 423-443; ibid., vol. XL. 1884, pp. 674-697; ibid., vol. XLI. 1885, pp. 279-310; ibid., vol. XLIII. 1887, pp. 40-72 and 337-350. MacGillivray, P. H. Mon. Tert. Polyzoa Vict., Trans. Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. IV. 1895. Maplestone, C. M. “Further Descr. Polyzoa Vict.,” Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. XI. (N.S.), pt. I. 1898, pp. 14-21, et seqq. BRACHIOPODA. Cambrian.—Tate, R. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr., vol. XV. 1892, pp. 185, 186. Etheridge, R. jnr. Rec. Austr. Mus., vol. V. pt. 2, 1904, p. 101. Walcott, C. D. Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. LIII. 1908, p. 109. Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vic., vol. XXIII. (N.S.), pt. I. 1911, pp. 310-313. Ordovician.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Parl. Papers, S. Aust., No. 158, 1891, pp. 13, 14. Tate, R. Rep. Horn Exped., pt. 3, 1896, pp. 110, 111. Chapman, F. Rec. Geol. Surv. Vict., vol. I. pt. 3, 1904, pp. 222-224. Silurian.—McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vic. Dec. V. 1877, pp. 19-29. Eth., R. jnr. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. 3, pt. 2, 1892, pp. 49-60 (Silurian and Devonian Pentameridae). Idem, Proc. Roy. Soc., Tas., (for 1896), 1897, pp. 38-41. De Koninck, L. G. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal. No. 6, 1898, pp. 20-29. Dun, W. S. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. VII. pt. 4, 1904, pp. 318-325 (Silurian to Carboniferous). Ibid., vol. VIII. pt. 3, 1907, pp. 265-269. Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XVI. (N.S.), pt. 1, 1903, pp. 64-79. Ibid., vol. XXI. (N.S.), pt. 1, 1908, pp. 222, 223. Ibid., vol. XXVI. (N.S.) pt. 1. 1913, pp. 99-113. Devonian.—McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. IV., 1876, pp. 16-18. Foord, A. H. Geol. Mag., Dec. III. vol. VII. 1890, pp. 100-102. Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 64-68. De Koninck, L. G. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal., No. 6, 1898, pp. 64-85. Chapman, F. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., vol. XVIII. (N.S.), pt. 1, 1905, pp. 16-19. Carboniferous.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Rec. Austr. Mus., vol. IV. No. 3, 1901, pp. 119, 120. Idem, Geol. Surv. W. Austr., Bull. No. 10, 1903, pp. 12-23. Dun, W. S. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. VII., pt. 2, 1902, pp. 72-88 and 91-93. Carbopermian.—Sowerby, G. B., in Strzelecki’s Phys. Descr. of New South Wales, etc., 1845, pp. 275-285. McCoy, F. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XX. 1847, pp. 231-236. Foord, A. H. Geol. Mag. Dec. III. vol. VII. 1890, pp. 105 and 145-154. Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, pp. 225-264. De Koninck, L. G. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Pal., No. 6, 1898, pp. 140-203. Dun, W. S. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, vol. VIII. pt. 4, 1909, pp. 293-304. Lower Cretaceous.—Moore, C. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. XXVI. 1870, pp. 243-245. Etheridge, R. jnr. Mem. R. Soc. S. Austr., vol. II. pt. 1, 1902, pp. 8, 9. Upper Cretaceous.—Etheridge, R. jnr. Geol. and Pal. Queensland, 1892, p. 560. Cainozoic.—McCoy, F. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. V. 1877, pp. 11-13. Tate, R. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr., vol. III. 1880, pp. 140-170. Idem, ibid., vol. XXIII. 1899, pp. 250-259. Hutton, F. W. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. XXXVII. 1905, pp. 474-481 (Revn. Tert. Brach.). |