
Each Part of the Memoirs' forms a separate and complete monograph, usually with numerous plates.

Vol. 1. ZoÖlogy and PalÆontology.

Part I.—Republication of Descriptions of Lower Carboniferous Crinoidea from the Hall Collection now in the American Museum of Natural History, with Illustrations of the Original Type Specimens not heretofore Figured. By R. Z. Whitfield. Pp. 1-37, pll. i-iii, and 14 text figures. September 15, 1893. Price, $2.00.

Part II.—Republication of Descriptions of Fossils from the Hall Collection in the American Museum of Natural History, from the report of Progress for 1861 of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin, by James Hall, with Illustrations from the Original Type Specimens not heretofore Figured. By R. P. Whitfield. Pp. 39-74, pll. iv-xii. August 10, 1895. Price, $2.00.

Part III.—The Extinct Rhinoceroses. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. Part I. Pp. 75-164, pll. xiia-xx, and 49 text figures. April 22, 1898. Price, $4.20.

Part IV.—A Complete Mosasaur Skeleton. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. Pp. 165-188, pll. xxi-xxiii, and 15 text figures. October 25, 1899.

Part V.—A Skeleton of Diplodocus. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. Pp. 189-214, pll. xxiv-xxviii, and 15 text figures. October 25, 1899. Price of Parts IV and V, issued under one cover, $2.00.

Part VI.—Monograph of the SesiidÆ of America, North of Mexico. By William BeutenmÜller. Pp. 215-352, pll. xxix-xxxvi, and 24 text figures. March, 1901. Price, $5.00.

Part VII.—Fossil Mammals of the Tertiary of Northeastern Colorado. By W. D. Matthew. Pp. 353-448, pll. xxxvii-xxxix, and 34 text figures. Price, $2.00.

Part VIII.—The Reptilian Subclasses Diapsida and Synapsida and the Early History of the Diaptosauria. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. Pp. 449-507, pl. xl, and 28 text figures. November, 1903. Price, $2.00.

Vol. II. Anthropology.
Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. I.

Part I.—Facial Paintings of the Indians of Northern British Columbia. By Franz Boas. Pp. 1-24, pll. i-iv. June 16, 1898. Price, $2.00.

Part II.—The Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. By Franz Boas. Pp. 25-127, pll. vii-xii. November, 1898. Price, $2.00.

Part III.—The ArchÆology of Lytton. British Columbia. By Harlan I. Smith. Pp. 129-161, pl. xiii, and 117 text figures. May, 1899. Price, $2.00.

Part IV.—The Thompson Indians of British Columbia. By James Teit. Edited by Franz Boas. Pp. 163-392, pll. xiv-xx, and 198 text figures. April, 1900. Price, $5.00.

Part V.—Basketry Designs of the Salish Indians. By Livingston Farrand. Pp. 393-399, pll. xxi-xxiii, and 15 text figures. April, 1900. Price, 75 cts.

Part VI.—ArchÆology of the Thompson River Region. By Harlan I. Smith. Pp. 401-442, pll. xxiv-xxvi, and 51 text figures. June, 1900. Price, $2.00.

Vol. III. Anthropology.

Part I.—Symbolism of the Huichol Indians. By Carl Lumholtz. Pp. 1-228, pll. i-iv, and 291 text figures. May, 1900. Price, $5.00.

Part II.—The Basketry of the Tlingit. By George T. Emmons. Pp. 229-277, pll. v-xviii, and 73 text figures. July, 1903. Price, $2.00. (Out of print.)

Part III.—Decorative Art of the Huichol Indians. By Carl Lumholtz. Pp. 279-327, pll. xix-xxiii, and 117 text figures. November, 1904. Price, $1.50.

Part IV.—The Chilkat Blanket. By George T. Emmons. With Notes on the Blanket Designs, by Franz Boas. November, 1907. Price, $2.00.

Vol. IV. Anthropology.
Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. II.

Part I.—Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians. By Livingston Farrand. Pp. 1-54, June, 1900. Price, $1.50.

Part II.—Cairns of British Columbia and Washington. By Harlan I. Smith and Gerard Fowke. Pp. 55-75, pll. i-v. January, 1901. Price, $1.00. Part III.—Traditions of the Quinault Indians. By Livingston Farrand, assisted by W. S. Kahnweiler. Pp. 77-132. January, 1902. Price, $1.00.

Part IV.—Shell-Heaps of the Lower Fraser River. By Harlan I. Smith. Pp. 133-192, pll. vi-vii, and 60 text figures. March, 1903. Price, $1.00.

*Part V.—The Lillocet Indians. By James Teit. Pp. 193-300, pll. viii and ix, 40 text figures. 1906. Price, $1.80.

*Part VI.—ArchÆology of the Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound. By Harlan I. Smith. Pp. 301-442, pll. x-xii, and 98 text figures. 1907. Price, $3.00.

*Part VII.—The Shuswap. By James Teit. Pp. 443-789, pll. xiii-xiv, and 82 text figures. 1909. Price, $6.00.

Vol. V. Anthropology.
Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. III.

Part I.—Kwakiutl Texts. By Franz Boas and George Hunt. Pp. 1-270. January, 1902. Price, $3.00.

Part II.—Kwakiutl Texts. By Franz Boas and George Hunt. Pp. 271-402. December, 1902. Price, $1.50.

*Part III.—Kwakiutl Texts. By Franz Boas and George Hunt. Pp. 403-532. 1905. Price, $1.40.

Vol. VI. Anthropology.
Hyde Expedition.

The Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony. By Washington Matthews. Pp. i-xvi, 1-332, pll. i-viii (5 colored), and 19 text figures. May, 1902. Price, $5.00.

Vol. VII. Anthropology (not yet completed).
Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. IV.

Part I.—The Decorative Art of the Amur Tribes. By Berthold Laufer. Pp. 1-79, pll. i-xxxiii, and 24 text figures. December, 1901. Price, $3.00.

Vol. VIII. Anthropology.
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. V.

Part. I.—The Haida of Queen Charlotte Islands. By John R. Swanton. Pp 1-300, pll. i-xxvi, 4 maps, and 31 text figures. Price, $8.00.

Part II.—The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island. By Franz Boas. Pp. 301-522. pll. xxvii-lii, and 142 text figures. 1909. Price, $10.00.

Vol. IX. ZoÖlogy and PalÆontology.

Part I.—The Osteology of Camposaurus Cope. By Barnum Brown. Pp. 1-26, pll. i-v. December, 1905. Price, $2.00.

Part II.—The Phytosauria, with Especial Reference to Mystriosuchus and Rhytiodon. By J. H. McGregor. Pp. 27-101, pll. vi-xi, and 26 text figures. February, 1906. Price, $2.00.

Part III.—Studies on the Arthrodira. By Louis Hussakof. May, 1906. Pp. 103-154, pll. xii and xiii, and 25 text cuts. Price, $3.00.

Part IV.—The Conard Fissure, A Pleistocene Bone Deposit in Northern Arkansas, with Descriptions of two New Genera and twenty New Species of Mammals. By Barnum Brown. Pp. 155-208, pll. xiv-xxv, and 3 text-figures. 1907. Price, $2.50.

Part V.—Studies on Fossil Fishes (Sharks, ChimÆroids, and Arthrodires). By Bashford Dean. Pp. 209-287, pll. xxvi-xli, and 65 text figures. February, 1909. Price, $3.50.

Part VI.—The Carnivora and Insectivora of the Bridger Basin, Middle Eocene. By W. D. Matthew. Pp. 289-567, pll. xlii-lii, and 118 text figures. August, 1909. Price, $5.00.

Vol. X. Anthropology.
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. VI.

Part I.—Religion and Myths of the Koryak. By W. Jochelson. Pp. 1-382, pll. i-xiii, 1 map, and 58 text figures. 1905. Price, $10.00.

Part II.—Material Culture and Social Organization of the Koryak. By W. Jochelson. Pp. 383-811, pll. xiv-xl, and 194 text figures. 1908. Price, $12.00.

Vol. XI. Anthropology.
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. VII.

Part I.—The Chuckchee: Material Culture. By W. Bogoras. Pp. 1-276, pll. i-xxxi, 1 map, and 199 text figures. 1904. Price, $8.00.

Part II.—The Chuckchee: Religion. By W. Bogoras. Pp. 277-536, pll. xxxii-xxxiv, and 101 text figures. 1907. Price, $4.00.

Part III.—The Chuckchee: Social Organization. By W. Bogoras. Pp. 537-733, pl. xxxv, and 1 text figure. 1909. Price, $3.00.

Vol. XII. Anthropology (not yet completed).
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. VIII.

Part I.—Chuckchee Mythology. By Waldemar Bogoras. Pp. 1-197, 1910. Price, $1.25.

Vol. XIII. Anthropology (not yet completed).
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. IX.

Part I.—The Yukaghir and the Yukaghirized Tungus. By Waldemar Jochelson. Pp. 1-133, pll. i-vii, 1 map, 1910. Price, $3.40.

Vol. XIV. Anthropology.
*Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. X.

Part I.—Kwakiutl Texts. Second Series. By Franz Boas and George Hunt. Pp. 1-269. 1906. Price, $2.80.

Part II.—Ilaida Texts. By John R. Swanton. Pp. 271-802. 1908. Price, $5.40.


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