
The 'Journal' is a popular record of the progress of the American Museum of Natural History, issued monthly, from October to May inclusive. Price, $1.50 a year. Volumes I-XIV, 1900-1914.

*The Anatomy of the Common Squid. By Leonard Worcester Williams. Pp. 1-87, pll. i-iii, and 16 text figures. 1909.

*Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty. By Berthold Laufer. Pp. 1-339, pll. i-lxxv, and 55 text figures. 1909.

For sale at the Museum.

*Published by E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland. Not on sale at the Museum. American Agent, G. E. Stechert, 129 West 20th Street, New York City.


[1] Colors named according to Ridgway's 'Color Standards and Nomenclature.'

Transcriber's Note

  • The footnote has been moved to the end of the bulletin.
  • Pg 4 Added hyphen within "tail coverts" in "on belly and under tail coverts" for consistency.
  • Pg 7 Added closing single quote after "Journal" in "American Museum Journal".
  • Publication listing on each of the cover pages moved to end of bulletin in an ordered manner.


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