Vive ? JÉsus! Annecy. Truly, my dearest little one, you give me extreme pleasure by writing so fully and so simply. Always do so. I have shown your letter to his Lordship, who is very fond of you. God will be with you and all will go well. Never doubt but that divine Providence will guide and support you in all things, if you give yourself wholly into Its hands. Employ such little talents as you possess faithfully, and they will increase. For the rest what a pity it is that we How consoling it is to hear of your courageous postulants! Salute all of them affectionately for me, but to your last novice I pray you to offer my heart, which I offer her to serve her and to love her perfectly in Our Lord. What you tell me in your letter of her fidelity to observance already gives me great consolation in her regard. Oh, Saviour of my soul! how blessed it will be for her if she persevere! I exhort all our dear novices to constancy, and I beg of them to take my word for it, that their peace will be perfect if they hold fast without swerving to the observance. May they forget themselves and all things else in order to achieve thoroughly this one thing, which is of so much importance. If they aim at it always faithfully and humbly, it will bring them inestimable happiness. Daylight is failing me, my daughter. Your very affectionate |