Vive ? JÉsus! Annecy, 1627. My very dear Daughter, May the sweet Saviour fill you and all those dear to you with His holy love. I do not know whether you have received my last letter in answer to your confidential one. I am looking out for good news. The tender love I bear you cannot but make me a little anxious. However, I trust that God in His love will support you and bring you safely through. Now that a satisfactory peace[A] is, thank God, concluded, I hope to have the consolation of seeing you this year. Nevertheless, dearest daughter, do not let yourself be taken up too much with this hope, so that if divine Providence should put obstacles in the way you may not be greatly upset; for beyond everything I want you to love His holy guidance, and He is so good that He always arranges what is best for His children, one of whom you most assuredly are. How I long to impress upon you this truth, that nothing can happen except by the order and disposition of the Eternal Will. I salute dear Gabrielle. Ever your Mother, etc.