Travelling by express train the other day, we found that we were stopped a long distance from the station where we were timed to stop, and looking out of the window, saw a red light ahead. That accounted for it, we knew there was something in the way. The driver knew what he was about, and though anxious to go on, did not move until the red light was changed to white. Some of those who read this paper are living in sin. To such, the Bible speaks out in plain terms, and, like the Red Light, would stop them. “The End of these things is Death.” You cannot go any further without danger. Why run the risk? That Red Lamp seems to say, “If you will come on, you will be slain.” What should we think of any one who urged the driver to go on, in spite of the warning? Would you not call him “fool” and “madman?” Just so, and you will do well to call those who urge you to despise the warnings of the Bible, by the same names. We should not think much of the wisdom of any one who said of the Red Lamp, “Why take any notice of that old-fashioned thing? We have outgrown these childish ideas!” Would not your reply be, “Danger is danger, and safety is safety!” We have not outgrown death and the grave, and it is still true, in spite of the march of science, that a train coming into collision with another means suffering to those who are in it. Sin is yet sin, and we cannot break the Commandments Here is one of the Red Lamps of the Bible, which young men would do well to consider— “Her House is the Way to Hell!” Young man, there is the Red Light! Stop! Do not go one step further! There are plenty of fools to tell you that “This is seeing Life.” The Bible says—“The dead are there, and her guests are in the depths of hell.” If everything had to be called by its right name, just as sign-boards tell us what is to be procured within, like “Furniture Dealer,” “Boot and Shoe Maker,” fancy the sign-board that would have to be put over the house of the “strange woman.” Here is a suitable inscription, which we take from the Bible.—Prov. ii. 19:— “None that go unto her return again.” This is putting a Red Lamp over her door, is it not? Will you heed the warning? Or do you mean to be one of those of whom the Bible speaks,