A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A.
- Adams, J. C., 145.
- Airy, Sir G. B., 145.
- Anagram on Venus, 68;
- on Saturn, 127.
- Aphelion, 11, 102.
- Apparent movements of the Planets, 12, 14.
- Arago, D. J. F., 99, 124, 140.
- Arctic regions of the Earth, 75.
- Argelander, F. G. A., 178.
- Aristarchus of Samos, 71.
- Aristarchus (Lunar Mountain), 93, 94.
- Asteroids, 110.
- Aurora Borealis and spots on the Sun, 55;
- and twinkling, 87.
- Autumnal Equinox, 74.
- Axial rotation of the Planets, 17, 183.
- B.
- Barnard. E. E., 120, 134.
- Barnard’s Comet, 168.
- Bayeux Tapestry, 171.
- Beer and MÄdler;
- their map of the Moon, 96.
- Belts on Jupiter, 115, 123;
- on Saturn, 122.
- Bergeron’s Experiment, 93.
- Bessel, W., 124.
- Biela’s Comet, 168.
- Bode’s so-called “Law,” 110.
- Bond, G. P., 132, 133.
- Bouvard, A., 143.
- Bradley, Rev. J., 144.
- Bredechin’s theory of Tails of Comets, 157.
- Brorsen’s Comet, 167.
- C.
- “Canals” on Mars, 106.
- Carpenter, J., 134.
- Carrington, R. C., 46, 49.
- Cassini, J. D., 36, 118, 128, 130, 136.
- Ceres (Minor Planet), 112.
- Challis, Rev. J., 146.
- Charts, Celestial, 112, 147.
- Chinese observations, 25, 172.
- Clouds influenced by the Moon, 98.
- Coggia’s Comet, 1874, 151.
- Comets, 150;
- periodic, 162, 170;
- remarkable, 176.
- Comparative sizes of the Planets, 11.
- Comparative size of the Sun from the Planets, 17.
- Compression of the Planets, 70, 122, 137.
- Conjunction of the Planets, 14, 15, 66.
- Copernican System, 72.
- Copernicus, 72, 73, 76.
- D.
- D’Arrest, 147.
- D’Arrest’s Comet, 168.
- Dawes, W. R., 106, 133.
- Day and night, 12.
- Day, length of, 74.
- De La Rue, W., 35, 36, 49, 52.
- Denning’s Comet, 168.
- Density of the Planets, 17, 183.
- Diameter of the Sun and Planets, 183.
- Di Vico, 62, 63.
- Di Vico’s Comet, 172.
- Distance of the Planets from the Sun, 20, 183.
- Donati’s Comet of 1858, 157, 163, 178.
- Dufour on Twinkling, 84.
- E.
- Earth, annual motion of, 75;
- figure of, 70.
- Earthshine, 66, 93.
- Eccentricity of Planetary orbits, 10, 60, 75.
- Eclipses of the Sun, 56, 57;
- of the Moon, 120.
- Ecliptic, plane of, 9, 10, 74.
- Egyptian System, 72.
- Elliptic Orbits, 10.
- Elongation of Planets, 14.
- Encke, J. F., 147.
- Encke’s Comet, 167, 174, 175.
- Equinoxes, 74.
- Ewart, Gen. J. A., 178.
- F.
- FaculÆ on the Sun, 42, 43.
- Faye’s Comet, 168.
- Finlay’s Comet, 168.
- Flammarion, C., 62, 66, 171.
- Flamsteed, Rev. J., 140, 144.
- G.
- Galileo, 89, 101, 120, 125.
- Galle, J. G., 147.
- Gassendi, 76.
- Geodesy, 70.
- Georgium Sidus, 141.
- Goldschmidt, H., 4.
- Granules, Solar, 38.
- Gravity on the Sun and Planets, 183.
- H.
- Hall, A., 109.
- Halley’s Comet, 164, 171.
- Heat rays of the Sun, 20;
- of the Moon, 96.
- Herschel, Sir W., 34, 40, 44, 58, 100, 103, 134, 137, 138, 142.
- Herschel, Sir J. F. W., 24, 96, 99, 103, 132, 175.
- Hind, J. R., 119, 173, 175.
- Holden, E. S., 106.
- Holland, Sir H., 78.
- Holmes’s Comet, 1892, 159.
- Homer’s Iliad, cited, 68.
- Howlett, Rev. F., 47.
- Huggins, W., 40.
- Huygens, C., 127, 130.
- Hyperbola, 162.
- Hyperbolic Comets, 162.
- I.
- Inclination of planetary orbits, 9.
- Inferior Planets, 9, 12.
- J.
- Janssen J., 47.
- Juno (Minor Planet), 112.
- Jupiter: its influence on Sun-spots doubtful, 51, 53;
- on Comets, 171;
- its light, 7.
- K.
- Kepler, 55, 125, 166.
- Kew Observatory, 47.
- L.
- La Hire, 63.
- Lalande, 34.
- Lassell, W., 123, 142, 185.
- Ledger, Rev. E., 84.
- Le Monnier, 140, 144.
- Le Verrier, U. J. J., 147.
- Lexell’s Comet, 172.
- Liais’s Comet, 170.
- Logogriphs as to Venus, 68;
- as to Saturn, 127.
- M.
- MÄdler, J. H., 63, 96.
- Magnetism, Terrestrial, 55.
- Maps, Astronomical, 112, 147.
- Mars, 100.
- Maskelyne, Rev. N., 139.
- Mass of the Sun, and of the Planets, 20, 183.
- Medium, Resisting, 175.
- Mercury, 57;
- phases of, 15;
- its influence on Sun-spots, 51;
- its luminosity, 67.
- Milton, J., Paradise Lost, cited, 153.
- Minor Planets, 110.
- Montigny on Twinkling, 84.
- Moon, 89.
- Moonlight, Brightness of, 96.
- Motions of the Planets, 10.
- Mountains of the Moon, 90.
- N.
- Napoleon I., 154, 176.
- Nasmyth, J., 40.
- Needle, Magnetic, 55.
- Neptune, 143;
- its influence on Uranus, 143.
- Newton, Sir I., 176.
- Nubian after-glow, 83.
- Nucleus of a Sun-spot, 22.
- O.
- Obliquity of the ecliptic, 74.
- Occultations of Jupiter’s Satellites, 121.
- Olbers, W., 112, 174.
- Opposition of Planets, 13.
- Orbits of the Planets, 9, 10;
- of Comets, 161.
- P.
- Pallas (Minor Planet), 112, 113, 114.
- Parabola, 162.
- Penumbra of a Sun-spot, 22.
- Perihelion, 11, 102.
- Periodic Comets, 162, 170.
- Perturbations of Uranus by Neptune, 145.
- Phases of an inferior Planet, 15;
- of a superior Planet, 16;
- of Mars, 100;
- of Jupiter, 115.
- Piazzi, G., 111.
- Planets, classification of, 7;
- comparative sizes of, 11;
- movements of, 10.
- Plutarch, 71.
- Poles of Mars, snow at, 104.
- Primary Planets, 7.
- Ptolemaic System, 72.
- Q.
- Quadrature of a Planet, 16.
- Quenisset’s Comet, 1893, 156.
- R.
- Rays of the Sun, 20.
- Refraction, 77;
- effect of, 77.
- Red spot on Jupiter, 118.
- Resisting Medium, 175.
- Retrograde motion of a Planet, 15.
- “Rice grains” on the Sun, 39, 40.
- Rings of Saturn, 128.
- Rosse, Earl of, 93.
- Rotation of the Sun, 24, 28;
- of the planets, 17, 183.
- Rotundity of the Earth, 76.<