
The planet Venus has two things in common with Mercury. One is, that being an inferior planet, that is to say, a planet revolving round the Sun in an orbit within that of the Earth, it is never very far distant from the Sun, and therefore can never be seen on a distinctly dark sky. The second point alluded to arises out of the first; Venus exhibits from time to time a series of phases which are identical in character with those of Mercury, and therefore with those of the Moon. Venus differs, however, from Mercury in the very important point of size. Inasmuch as its diameter is considerably more than double the diameter of Mercury it has a surface more than six times as great, and therefore exhibits a far larger area of illumination than Mercury does. The result of this (coupled with another fact which will be stated presently) is that the planet may often be easily seen in broad daylight, and sometimes casts a sensible shadow at night. Under special circumstances, which recur every 8 years, this planet shines with very peculiar brilliancy. True, that only about ¼th of the whole disc is then illuminated, but that fraction transmits to us more light than phases of greater extent do, because these latter coincide with epochs when the planet is more remote from the Earth.

Spots and shadings have on various occasions been noticed on Venus, and though it is not easy to harmonise the various accounts, there seems no doubt of the reality of the facts, or that they must be ascribed to the existence of mountains. SchrÖter found very much the same state of things to exist on Venus that he found on Mercury, and putting together what he saw he arrived at the conclusion that Venus possesses mountains of considerable height, and that his observations must be taken to imply that the planet revolved on its axis in rather more than 23 hours. This conclusion as regards the planet’s axial rotation was not first arrived at by SchrÖter, for the two Cassinis, one about 1666, and the other about 1740, both ascribed to Venus a rotation period of about 23 hours, an evaluation which was fully confirmed by Di Vico at Rome between 1839 and 1841, and by Flammarion in 1894.

What has been already said with respect to Mercury is true also of Venus, namely that it has been much neglected by modern observers; and accordingly an announcement made by Schiaparelli in 1890, that the rotation period of Venus is to be measured not by hours but by months, came upon the astronomical world as a startling revelation; but it is a revelation which has been keenly contested, and certainly awaits legal proof. Schiaparelli has not ventured to assert as he has done in the case of Mercury, that Venus’s rotation period is identical with the period of 7½ months in which it revolves round the Sun; he only claims this as a strong probability arising out of what he says he is certain of, namely that its period of rotation cannot be less than six months and may be as much as nine months. His assumption is that previous observers in endeavouring to ascertain Venus’s rotation period have used and relied upon evanescent shadings which probably were of atmospheric origin and scarcely recognisable from day to day, whereas he fixed his attention upon round defined white spots, which, whatever their origin, are so far permanent that their existence has been spoken of for two centuries. Miss Clarke thus puts the matter:—“His steady watch over them showed the invariability of their position with regard to the terminator; and this is as much as to say that the regions of day and night do not shift on the surface of the planet. In other words she keeps the same face always turned towards the Sun.”

Various recent observations, some of them made with the express object of throwing light upon Schiaparelli’s conclusions, are strangely contradictory. Perrotin at Nice in 1890 thought his observations confirmed Schiaparelli’s; on the other hand Niesten at Brussels considered that numerous drawings of Venus made by himself and Stuyvaert between 1881 and 1890 harmonised well with Di Vico’s rotation period of 23h. 21m. 22s.; which Trouvelot in 1892 only wished to increase to about 24 hours.

There is a general consensus of opinion that great irregularities exist on the surface of Venus. These are made specially manifest to us in connection with the terminator or visible edge of the planet seen as an illuminated crescent. If the planet had a smooth surface this line would at all times be a perfect and continuous curve, instead of which it is frequently to be noticed as a jagged or broken line. Observations to this effect go back as far as 1643, when Fontana at Naples observed this to be the condition of the terminator. La Hire, SchrÖter, MÄdler, Di Vico and many others down to the present epoch have noted the same thing. The fact that the southern horn of Venus is constantly to be seen blunted is so well established as to admit of no doubt, and this blunting is commonly ascribed to the existence of a lofty mountain, to which SchrÖter ascribed a height of 27 miles. Whatever we may think as to the precise accuracy of this figure, it seems impossible to doubt the main fact on which it depends; whilst a Belgian observer, Van Ertborn, in 1876 repeatedly saw a point of light in this locality which he regarded as due to Sun-light impinging on a detached peak, adjacent valleys remaining in shadow. This effect is common enough in the case of the Moon, and is familiar to all who are in the habit of studying the Moon.

Fig. 9.—Venus, Dec. 23, 1885.

Fig. 9.—Venus, Dec. 23, 1885.

The existence on Venus of an atmosphere of considerable density and extent is well established. Proof of this is to be found in the marked diminution of the planet’s brilliancy towards the terminator; and in the faint curved line of light which occasionally may be seen when the planet is near inferior conjunction. When so situated, so much of the planet itself as can be seen illuminated shows as a narrow radiant crescent of light, ending off in two points called indifferently cusps or horns. It sometimes happens, however, that from the point of each cusp there runs round to the other cusp a faint continuation of the crescent, resulting in the general appearance of the planet being that of a nearly uniform ring of light. There is no known way in which the Sun can illuminate so much more than the half of Venus so as to permit of a perfect circle being visible except by supposing that an atmosphere exists on the planet and refracts (or transmits by bending, as it were, round the corner) a sufficient amount of Sun-light to give rise to the appearance in question. Further proof of the existence of an atmosphere on Venus is obtainable on those very rare occasions when the planet is seen passing across the disc of the Sun—a phenomenon known as a “Transit of Venus.” It then nearly always happens that a hazy nebulous ring of feeble light may be detected encompassing the planet’s disc indicative of course of the fact that the Sun’s rays are there slightly obstructed in reaching the eye of an observer on the Earth. Some observers scrutinising Venus when in transit have thought that they were able to obtain, by means of the spectroscope, traces of aqueous vapour on the planet, but the evidence of this does not appear to be altogether clear or conclusive.

Fig. 10.—Venus near conjunction as a thin crescent, Sept. 21, 1887 (Flammarion).

Fig. 10.—Venus near conjunction as a thin crescent, Sept. 21, 1887 (Flammarion).

Everybody may be presumed to be acquainted with the spectacle popularly known as “The Old Moon in the New Moon’s Arms” whereby when the Moon is only about two or three days old and exhibits but a narrow crescent of bright light, yet the whole outline of the disc is traceable on the sky. A phenomenon analogous to this may often be seen in the case of Venus when near its inferior conjunction. With the Moon the cause is due to the reflection of Earth-light (so to speak) to the Moon, but that explanation seems inadequate in respect of Venus, because it is conceived that the amount of Earth-light available is altogether insufficient for the purpose. Many other explanations have been put forward including phosphorescence on the surface of Venus, electrical displays in the nature of terrestrial aurorÆ, and what not, but it must be frankly confessed that astronomers are all at sea on the subject.

The existence of snow at the poles of Venus has been suspected by observers of tried skill and experience such as Phillips and Webb, though the idea was first broached by Gruithuisen in 1813. Flammarion’s observations during 1892 and the two following years are distinctly confirmatory of this idea. He adds that as both polar caps are visible at the same time the planet’s axis cannot be much inclined to the plane of its orbit.

Compared with all the other planets the absolute brightness of Venus stands very high. Of course it must be understood that by this phrase “absolute brightness” no more is meant than its reflective power. Venus is what it is by virtue of its power of reflecting Sun-light; presumably it has no inherent brightness of its own. What its reflective power is was probably never more effectively brought under the notice of a human eye than on September 26, 1878, when Nasmyth enjoyed an opportunity of seeing Venus and Mercury side by side for several hours in the same field of view. He speaks of Venus as resembling clean silver and Mercury as nothing better than lead or zinc. Seeing that owing to its greater proximity to the Sun the light incident on Mercury must be some 3½ times as strong as the light incident on Venus, it follows that the reflective power of Venus must be very great. As a matter of fact it has been calculated to be nearly equal to newly fallen snow; in other words to reflect fully 70 per cent. of the light which impinges on it.

Venus has no satellite; this fact seems certain. Yet half a dozen or more observers between 1645 and 1768 discovered such a satellite; observed it; followed it! This startling mystery, as it really was, attracted some years ago the attention of a very careful Belgian observer, Stroobant, who examined in a most painstaking manner all the recorded observations. His conclusions were that in almost all cases particular stars (which he identified) were mistaken for a satellite. Where the object seen was not capable of identification, possibly it was a minor planet; whilst in one instance it was probable that it was Uranus which had been seen and regarded as a satellite of Venus.

Venus is perhaps the planet which has most impressed the popular mind. For the earliest illustration of this statement we must go as far back as Homer who makes two references to it in the Iliad. These, in Pope’s version, run as follows:—

“As radiant Hesper shines with keener light,

Far beaming o’er the silver host of night.”

—xxii. 399 [318].

“The morning planet told th’ approach of light;

And fast behind, Aurora’s warmer ray

O’er the broad ocean pour’d the golden day.”

—xxiii. 281 [226].

The phases of Venus were first discovered by Galileo and were made known to the world, or rather to Kepler, in a mystic sentence which has often been quoted:—

HÆc immatura, a me jam frustra leguntur—oy.

“These things not ripe; at present [read] in vain [by others] are read by me.”

The former sentence transposed becomes—

CynthiÆ figuras Æmulatur mater amorum.

The mother of loves [Venus] imitates the phases of Cynthia [the Moon].

Venus revolves round the Sun in 224½ days at a mean distance of about 67 millions of miles. Its apparent diameter varies between 9½ in superior conjunction, and 62 in inferior conjunction. The real diameter is about 7500 miles; in other words Venus is nearly as large as the Earth.


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