There was once a book published, the title of which was “The Sun, Ruler, Fire, Light and Life of the Planetary System.” The title was by no means a bad one, for without doubt the Sun may fairly be said to represent practically all the ideas conveyed by the designations quoted. There is certainly no one body in creation which is so emphatically pre-eminent as the Sun. Whether or no there are stars which are suns—centres of systems serving in their degree the purposes served by our Sun, I need not now pause to enquire, though I think the idea is a very probable one; but of those celestial objects with which our Earth has a direct relationship, beyond doubt the Sun is unquestionably entitled to the foremost place. It is, as it were, the pivot on The mean distance of the Earth from the Sun may be taken to be about 93 millions of miles, and this distance is employed by Astronomers as the unit by which most other long celestial distances are reckoned. The true diameter of the Sun is about 866,000 miles. The surface area exceeds that of the Earth 11,946 times, and the volume is 1,305,000 times greater. The mass or weight of the Sun is 332,000 times that of the Earth, or about 700 times that of all the planets put together. Bulk for bulk the Sun is much lighter than the Earth: whilst a cubic foot of the Earth on an average weighs rather more than 5 times as much as a cubic foot of water, a cubic foot of Sun is only about 3½ times the weight of the same bulk of water. This consideration of the comparative lightness of the Sun (though in his day the Sun was thought to be lighter than it is now supposed to be) led Sir J. Herschel to infer that an intense heat prevails in its interior, independent it may be of its surface heat, so to speak, of which alone we are directly cognizant by the evidence of our senses. The Sun is a sphere, and is surrounded by an extensive but attenuated envelope, or rather series of envelopes, which taken together bear some analogy to the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. These envelopes, which we shall have to consider more in detail presently, throw out rays of light and heat to the confines of the Solar System, though as to the conditions and circumstances under which that light and heat are generated we are entirely ignorant. Of the potency of the Sun’s rays we can form but a feeble conception, Fig. 5.—Ordinary Sun-spot, June 22, 1885. Fig. 5.—Ordinary Sun-spot, June 22, 1885. To an amateur possessed of a small telescope, the Sun offers (when the weather is above the English average of recent years) a very great and constant variety of matters for studious scrutiny in its so-called “spots.” To the naked eye, or even on a hasty telescopic glance, the Sun presents the appearance of a uniform disc of yellowish white colour, though often a little attention will soon result in the discovery of a few, or it may be many, little black, or blackish patches, scattered here and there over the disc seemingly without order or method. We shall presently find out, however, that this last-named suggestion is wholly inaccurate. Though commonly called “spots,” these dark appearances are not simple spots, as the word might imply, for around the rather black patch which constitutes generally the main feature of the spot there is almost invariably a fringe of paler tint; whilst within the confines of the black patch which first catches the eye there is often a nucleus or inner portion of far more intense depth of shade. The innermost and darkest portion being termed the nucleus, the ordinary black portion is known as umbra, whilst the encompassing fringe is the penumbra. It is not always the case that each individual umbra has a penumbra all to itself, for several spots are occasionally included in one common penumbra. And it may further be remarked that cases of an umbra without a penumbra and the contrary are on record, though these may be termed exceptional, often having relation to material organic changes either just commencing or just coming to a conclusion. A marked contrast subsists in all cases between the luminosity of the penumbra and that of the general surface of the Sun contiguous. Towards its exterior edge the penumbra is usually darker than at its inner edge, where it comes in contact with the umbra. The outline of the penumbra is usually very irregular, Spots are for the most part confined to a zone extending 35° or so on each side of the solar equator; and they are neither permanent in their form nor stationary in their position. In their want of permanence, they are subject, apparently, to no definite laws, for they frequently appear and disappear with great suddenness. Their motions are evidently of a two-fold nature; the Sun itself rotates on its axis, and the spots collectively participate in this movement of rotation; but over and above this it has been conclusively proved that sometimes a spot has a proper motion of translation of its own independently of the motion which it has in consequence of the Sun’s axial rotation. Curiously enough, spots are very rare immediately under the Sun’s equator. It is in the zone extending from 8° to 20° North or South, as the case may be, that they are most abundant; or, to be more precise still, their favourite latitude seems to be 17° or 18°. They are often more numerous and of a greater general size in the northern hemisphere, to which it may be added that the zone between 11° and 15° North is particularly noted for large and enduring spots. A gregarious tendency is often very obvious, and where the groups are very straggling an imaginary line joining the extreme ends of the group will generally be found more or less parallel to the solar equator; and not only so, but extending a long way, or sometimes almost entirely, across the whole of the visible disc. Spots remain visible for very diverse lengths of time, from the extreme of a few minutes up to a few months; but a few days up to, say, one month, may, in a general way, be suggested as their ordinary limits of endurance. As the Sun rotates on its axis in 25¼ days, and as the spots may be said to be, practically speaking, fixed or nearly so with respect to the Sun’s body, no spot can remain continuously visible for more than about 12½ days, being half the duration of the Sun’s axial rotation. With regard to their size, spots vary as much as they do in their duration. The majority of them are telescopic, that is, are only visible with the aid of a telescope; but instances are not uncommon of spots sufficiently large to be visible to the naked eye. The ancients knew nothing about the physical constitution of the Sun, and their few allusions to the subject were mere guesses of the wildest character. They were, The spots may often be easily observed with telescopes of small dimensions, taking care, however, to place in front of the eye-piece a piece of strongly-coloured glass. For this purpose glasses of various colours are used, but none so good as dark green or dark neutral tint. It is not altogether easy to say positively how large a spot must be for it to be visible with the naked eye, or an opera glass, but probably it may be taken generally that no spot of lesser diameter than 1' of arc can be so seen. This measurement must be deemed to apply to that central portion of a normal spot already mentioned as being what is called the nucleus, because penumbrÆ may be more than 1' in diameter without being visible to the naked eye, for the reason that their shading is so much less pronounced than the shading of umbrÆ. Very large and conspicuous spots are comparatively rare, though during the years 1893 and 1894 there were an unusual number of such spots. It often happens that a conspicuous group is the result of the merging or joining up of several smaller groups. In such cases a group may extend over an area on the Sun 3' or 4' of arc in length by 2' or 3' in breadth. The largest spot on record seems to have been one seen on September 30, 1858, the length of which in one direction amounted to more than 140,000 miles. The observation of spots on the Sun by projecting If the reader has grasped the broad general outlines now given respecting the Sun and its spots he will perhaps be interested to learn a few further details, but these must be presented in a Let us look a little further into the laws regulating the movement of the spots. If it is not a question of seeing a spot spring into view, but of watching one already in existence, we shall, in general, see such a spot appear on the Eastern limb of the Sun just after having turned the corner, so to speak. The spots traverse the Sun’s disc in lines which are apparently oblique with reference to the diurnal movement and the plane of the ecliptic, and after about 13 days they will disappear at the Western limb if they have not done so before by reason of physical changes in their condition. It is not uncommon for a spot after remaining invisible for 13 days on the other side of the Sun, so to speak, to reappear on the Eastern limb and make a second passage across the Sun; sometimes a third, and indeed sometimes even a fourth, passage may be observed, but more generally they change their form and vanish altogether either before passing off the visible disc, or whilst they are on the opposite side as viewed from the Earth. Fig. 6.—Change of Form in Sun-spots owing to the Sun’s rotation. Fig. 6.—Change of Form in Sun-spots owing to the Sun’s rotation. When several spots appear simultaneously, they describe in the same period of time similar paths which are sensibly parallel to one another although they may be in very different latitudes. The conclusion from this is inevitable, that spots are not bodies independent of the Sun, as satellites would be, but that they are connected with the Sun’s surface, and are affected by its movement of rotation. If we make every day for a few days in succession a drawing of the Sun’s disc with any spots that are visible duly marked thereon, we shall see that their apparent progress is rapid near the centre of the Sun, but slow near either limb. These differences, however, are apparent and not real, for their movement appears to us to take place along a plane surface, whilst in reality it takes place along a circle parallel to the solar equator. The spots in approaching the Sun’s W. limb, if they happen to seem somewhat circular in form when near the centre, first become The apparent movements of the spots vary also from month to month during the year according to the season. In March their paths are very elongated ellipses with the convexity towards the N., the longer axis of the ellipse being almost parallel to the ecliptic. After that epoch the curvature of the ellipse diminishes gradually, at the same time that the major axis becomes inclined to the ecliptic, so that by June the flattening of the ellipse has proceeded so far that the path has become a straight line. Between June and September the elliptical form reappears but in a reversed position; then, following these reversed phases, the ellipticity decreases, and for the second time there is an epoch of straight lines. This It is both useful and interesting in studying the spots to record methodically their number and their size, but it is not easy to teach observers how to do this so systematically that observations by one person can be brought into comparison with those of another. Photography and hand-drawing on a screen alone furnish a trustworthy basis of operations. Spots in general may naturally be classified into (1) isolated spots or points, and (2) groups of spots; but often one observer will describe as a small spot an object which another observer would regard as a mere point; and one observer will record several groups where another observer will see but one. A very few days’ experience with a telescope will bring home to the observer’s mind the difficulty Let us now take a brief survey of some of the theories which have been put forth regarding the nature of the spots on the Sun. In the early days of the telescope, that is to say, during the 17th century, two general ideas were current. Some thought the spots to be shapeless satellites revolving round the Sun; others that they were clouds, or aggregations of smoke, floating about in a solar atmosphere. Scheiner, the author of the first theory, abandoned it towards the close of his life, having arrived at the conclusion that the spots were situated below the general level of the Sun’s surface. Another idea, but of later date, was that the Sun is a liquid and incandescent mass of matter, and the spots immense fragments of ScoriÆ, or clinkers, floating upon an ocean of fire. Somewhat more than a century after the spots had been generally studied with the aid of a telescope a Scotchman named Wilson made a memorable discovery. He showed by the clearest evidence that they are cavities, and he propounded the first intelligible idea of the true physical constitution of the Sun, when he compared to a strongly illuminated cloud the luminous layer of solar material which we now term the “photosphere.” On November 22, 1769, he observed on the Sun’s disc a fine round spot encompassed by a penumbra, also circular, and concentric with the nucleus. He watched that spot up to the time that it disappeared, and he soon remarked that the penumbra ceased to be symmetrical: the part turned towards the centre of the Sun became smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared In a second memoir Herschel followed up this inquiry with an acuteness worthy of his genius. Unfortunately he allowed himself to be carried away with the idea that the Sun was inhabited in order to sustain this theory. He needed a solid kernel upon which his imaginary inhabitants could dwell; and also a means whereby he could protect them from the radiations of the photosphere. With this idea in view he conjectured the existence above the Sun’s solid body of a layer of clouds always contiguous to the photosphere which enveloped it, and which always being rent when the photosphere was rent, thus enabled us to see the solid body of the Sun lying behind. These notions can only be described as very arbitrary, as unsupported by observation, and as involving explanations quite out of harmony with the principles of modern physics. However, the labours of Herschel resulted in so many positive discoveries of visible facts, and in so many just conclusions, that they contributed greatly to the growth of our present knowledge of the true constitution of the Sun. Since Wilson’s time, as Secchi pointedly remarks, astronomers generally have verified his observations with good instruments, and by an investigation of a great number of spots. De La Rue, discussing the Kew observations, found that of 89 regular spots 72 gave results which conformed If it be true that a spot is a cavity, it follows that when it reaches the margin of the solar disc we ought to detect a hollow place; and this will be so much the more easy to observe according as the cavity is larger and deeper. As a matter of fact, numerous observations of this sort have been recorded from the time of Cassini down to the present time under the designation of “notches” on the Sun’s limb. On July 8, 1873, Secchi observed such a notch 8, or 3600 miles deep. Faye and some other astronomers are disposed to support a theory according to which the spots are nothing else than aËrial cyclones, but this does not seem admissible. If the fundamental principle of a spot is that it arises from a whirling movement, the rays (so to speak) which compose the penumbrÆ must always be crooked, or the theory falls to the ground. It is quite true Fig. 7.—Sun-spot seen as a Notch. When we examine the Sun with instruments of large aperture and high magnifying power, we notice that its surface is far from being as smooth and uniform as it appears in a small telescope. On the contrary, it presents an irregular undulating appearance like a pond or other sheet of water agitated by the wind. Careful scrutiny with a powerful eye-piece reveals the fact that the Sun’s surface is marked by a multitude of wrinkles and irregularities which it is well-nigh impossible to describe in words. More or less everywhere there is a general mottling visible; it is more distinct in some places than others, and especially so towards the centre of the disc. This peculiar appearance varies very much from time to time, and its distinctness seems to depend a great deal on the state of the Earth’s atmosphere, for it becomes invisible when the air is disturbed; but these variations depend also on real variations of the photosphere—a fact which observations made in very calm weather are thought clearly to indicate. It is often said that the Sun exhibits a granulated structure. If we wish to realise in the most precise manner what is meant by the word “granulation” as applied to the structure of the Sun, we must abandon the method of projection and examine the Sun directly with a powerful eyepiece, taking advantage of a moment when the atmosphere is perfectly calm, and before the eyepiece has had time to get hot. It may then be seen that the Sun’s surface is covered with a multitude of little grains, nearly all of about the same size, but of different shape, though for the most part more or less oval. The small interstices which separate these grains form a network In point of fact, there is a mysterious uncertainty about the normal condition of the Sun’s surface, in a visual sense, which a few years ago engendered a very vehement controversy, and led to the use of such expressions as “willow leaves,” “rice grains,” “sea beach,” and “straw thatching,” to indicate what was seen. All these words are too precise to be quite suitable to be taken literally, but perhaps, on the whole, “rice grains” is not altogether a bad expression to recall what certainly seems to be the granular surface of the Sun as we see it. By making use of moderate magnifying powers, what we see will often convey the impression of a multitude of white points on a black network. This is very apparent during the first few moments that the telescope is brought to bear on the Sun, but its clearness quickly passes away because the eye gets fatigued, and the lenses becoming warm the air in the telescope tube gets disturbed because also warmed. Sometimes the appearance is a little different from that just described, and along with the white and brilliant points little black holes are intermixed. Oftentimes the grains appear as if suspended in a black network and heaped together in knots more or This granular or leaf-like structure—call it what we will—cannot be made out except with considerable optical assistance, for the grains being intrinsically very small, diffraction in enlarging them and causing them to encroach on one another necessarily produces a general confusion of image. The real dimensions of these grains cannot therefore readily be determined by direct measurement, but by comparing them with the wires used in micrometer eye-pieces it has been thought that their diameters may usually be regarded as equal to ¼ or ? of a second—say from 120 to 150 miles. The granules seem to be possessed of sensible movement, but presumably it is not always or even generally a movement of translation from place to place; only an undulatory movement like that of still water when a stone is cast into it. Nevertheless, probably in certain cases the granules actually are affected by a motion of translation, for in the vicinity of spots they may sometimes be seen flowing over the edges of the penumbrÆ. In order to explain the existence of the granules the strangest theories have been broached. Sir William Herschel having observed the granulations, applied to them the term “corrugations” or “furrows”—words somewhat inexact, perhaps, but by which, as his descriptions clearly show, he meant to designate the features which I am now treating of. He even noticed the dark network which separates These granulations are without doubt prominences, probably of hydrogen gas, which rise above the general surface, for this structure is much more sharp and distinct at the centre of the sun’s disc than at the limbs; that is to say, near the limbs of the Sun they partially overlap one another, as indeed Herschel remarked. The idea of flames would satisfy these appearances: and as the spectroscope suggests to us that the Sun is habitually covered over with a multitude of little jets of flame, the observations which have been made compel the opinion that the grains are the summits of those prominences which exist all over the Sun’s surface. The surface is sometimes so thickly covered over with these granulations—the network is so conspicuous—that we can readily imagine that we see everywhere pores and the beginnings of spots, but this aspect is not permanent, and seems to depend to some extent on atmospheric causes combined also with actual changes in the Sun’s surface itself. There seems however no doubt that the joints, so to speak, of the dark network already referred to do sometimes burst asunder and develope into spots. The circumstances which accompany the formation of a spot cannot readily be specified with certainty. It is impossible to say that there exists any law as to this matter. Whilst some spots develope very slowly by the expansion of certain pores, others spring into existence quite suddenly. Yet it cannot be said that the formation of a spot is ever completely instantaneous however rapid it may be. The phenomenon is As a rule a spot passes through three stages of existence:—(1) the Period of birth; (2) a Period of calm; and (3) the Period of dissolution. When a spot is on the point of closing up, the flow of the luminous matter which it, as it were, attracts, is not directed uniformly towards the centre; it seems that the photospheric masses, no longer meeting with resistance, are precipitated promiscuously anywhere so as to fill up the hole. It is impossible to describe in detail the phases which irregular spots go through, but two things may always be remarked: that their structure is characterized by the existence of luminous filaments, and that these filaments converge towards one or several centres. Secchi thus sums up certain conclusions which he arrived at relating to spots generally:—(1) It is not on the surface of any solid body that the All the available evidence which we possess may be said to show that the spots are not merely superficial appearances, but that they have their origin deep in the interior of the Sun, and are produced by the operation of causes still unknown to us which affect and disturb the Sun’s mass to an extent which is sometimes very considerable. The spots then are only the results of a great agitation in the materials of which the Sun is composed, and this agitation extends far down below the limits of the visible dark nucleus whatever that may consist of. Besides the spots, streaks of light may frequently be remarked upon the surface of the Sun towards the margin of the disc. These are termed faculÆ (torches), and they are often found near the spots, or where spots have previously existed or have afterwards appeared. When quite near the Sun’s limb these faculÆ are usually more or less parallel to the limb. They are of irregular form and may be likened to certain kinds of coral. They generally appear to be more luminous than the solar surface immediately adjacent to them, but it is not improbable that this is an optical illusion depending upon the fact that the edges of After having studied the structure and the movement of the spots, one is naturally led to ask if their apparitions at different periods are subject to any general law. This question is one which has much engaged the attention of modern astronomers. The older observers noticed that the number of the spots visible differed in different years. There were said to have been periods when months and even years passed away without any spots being observed. Even allowing that this statement, so far as “years” are concerned, might be exaggerated, and that the absence of spots was due to the want of sufficient care in making the observations, and especially to the want of efficient instruments, it is none the less true that the number of the spots is extremely variable, and that there have been epochs when they were very scarce. Sir W. Herschel was the first who devoted himself to the question of seeking to establish a relation between the variation of the spots and terrestrial meteorology. For the want of any better object, he compared the annual number of the spots with the price of wheat; but it is easy to see that nothing could result from such a comparison. Without doubt the meteorological phenomena of the globe must depend to some extent on solar changes: but the term of comparison In our time this question has been investigated to its very foundation by Wolf, Director for many years at the Observatory of Zurich. It is to his zeal that we owe a very interesting assemblage of old observations which were buried in archives and chronicles. It was he who endeavoured to reduce them into a systematic form, so as to supply as far as possible the numerous gaps which exist in the different series. The two most attentive observers at the period when the spots were discovered were Marriott at Oxford and Scheiner at Ingoldstadt, but Scheiner himself has informed us that he did not note down all the spots which he saw; he only recorded those which were likely to assist him in his special task of determining the period of the Sun’s rotation. Several observers after him made isolated series of observations; but some of these have been lost and the others show important gaps. J. G. Staudacher, at Nuremburg, observed the Sun with great perseverance during fifty years from 1749 to 1799. Before him the Cassinis, Maraldi, and others were engaged in the same sort of work, but only in an indirect way: that is to say, they contented themselves, whilst making meridional observations of the Sun, with noting anything in the way of spots which they deemed important. Zucconi and Flaugergues also left behind them a good collection of observations which Wolf utilised, rendering them comparable one with another by applying suitable corrections. The great difficulty herein arises from the fact that the observers were not provided with instruments of equal power; one man, armed with a The observer who most assiduously devoted himself to this subject in modern times was Schwabe of Dessau. From 1826 to 1868 he never failed to make daily observations when the weather permitted him. His series of records is specially valuable, for Carrington’s fits in with it, and with that in turn SpÖrer’s is comparable, and the chain is complete by the later photographic and other observations. All these Sun-spot records, though differing in their details, may easily be used together when it is a question of working out relative annual fluctuations. At the present time there are many Astronomers who are engaged in observing the spots with care; but just as formerly there are few who possess sufficient perseverance. The photographic method is excellent, but it takes much time and is costly. Some have decried, in a very unreasonable manner, a drawing made by hand: such a drawing, of sufficient size, and executed by projection by a skilful draughtsman with a telescope driven by clockwork, may stand comparison with a photograph, and this method has Schwabe, when he had collected a considerable number of observations, recognised clear indications of periodicity. Very definite epochs of maxima and minima succeeded one another at intervals of 10 or 11 years. It is true that in following out such a study the observations are certain to be in a sense a little defective. At first it was not possible to observe the Sun every day, and the gaps which resulted from bad weather necessarily added to the number of days which had to be set down as being without spots. Moreover, every method of numbering the spots must be a little arbitrary: there are often groups which, in consequence of their sub-divisions, may be counted in different ways: but in a mass of observations so considerable as those of Schwabe’s, such uncertainties will compensate for one another and will disappear in the final result. In fact the law is so striking that it suffices to cast one’s eye over his table That table is both interesting and instructive at the same time. The numbers exhibited in it speak for themselves, and it is sufficient to examine It is therefore now to be deemed an ascertained fact that there are periodical maxima and minima in the display of spots, and that the extent of the period is between 10 and 12 years. In order to determine this value with the utmost exactness, some astronomers have had recourse to early observations. Wolf of Zurich made this the subject of some very interesting inquiries. He was able to establish the chronology of the phases which the Sun has passed through from the time of the first discovery of the spots to the present day—more than 2½ centuries. His calculations led him to a period of 111/9 years. Lamont fixed upon 10.43 years, but this number does not represent the more recent observations with sufficient precision. In order to exhibit this law in the plainest possible manner the dates of maxima and minima should be laid down on ruled paper in proper mathematical form, the abscissÆ of the curve representing the years, and the ordinates the number of spots observed. An examination of a curve thus plotted shows two things:—(1) That the period is clearly an eleven-year one, as has been already stated; (2) that it is not however quite as simple in its form as it was at first thought to be; for in reality there are two periods superposed, the one rather more than half a century long, and the other extending over the 11 years already spoken of. We do not possess early observations sufficiently numerous and sufficiently good to enable us to draw any unimpeachable conclusions as to the Each maximum lies nearer to the minimum which precedes it than to the minimum which follows it, for the spots increase during 3.7 years, and then diminish during 7.4 years. According to De La Rue the increase occupies 3.52 years, and diminution 7.55 years. This concurrence between De La Rue and Wolf is surprising considering the diversity of the methods which led to results almost identical, the one set being based on the number of the spots, and the other on the superficial extent of the spots. The different periods in succession are not absolutely identical: but it has been remarked that if during any one period the decrease is retarded or accelerated, then the increase next following will be lengthened or contracted to a corresponding extent. In consequence of this we are sometimes able to predict with fair accuracy when the next ensuing maximum or minimum will take place. The most striking feature of such a curve as that just alluded to is the very sensible secondary augmentation which happens very soon after the principal maximum. A very curious circumstance has come to light in connection with the epochs of maxima and minima. In arranging the spots according to their latitude and longitude on a diagram sufficiently contracted, Carrington found that their latitude decreases gradually as the period of minimum draws near; then when their number The variations of the spots which we now recognise naturally recall those obscurations of the Sun which are recorded in history; but it is necessary to accept many of these with caution. A great number of these phenomena which attracted the attention of people in early times are only eclipses badly observed and still more badly described. In other instances the obscuration has been produced by very protracted dry fogs. It is probably to this last-named cause that we must ascribe the obscuration which, according to Kepler and Gemma Frisius, took place in 1547. It was in some such way as this that, according to Virgil (Georg. i, 630), who has echoed a tradition which he found in history, the Sun was obscured at the death of CÆsar:— Ille etiam extincto miseratus CÆsare Romam Quum caput obscura nitidum ferrugine texit, Impiaque Æternam timuerunt sÆcula noctem. In the year 553 A.D., and again in the year 626 A.D. the Sun remained obscured for several months; but these facts (if facts they are) besides being ill-observed, and clothed, no doubt, in extremely exaggerated language, are brought to our notice as having occurred at epochs which are quite independent of one another, whilst the variations in the markings on the Sun, which we have just been talking about, present an almost mathematical regularity of sequence. We must now institute some inquiries as to According to Wolf, the attraction of the planets, or of some of them, is the real cause of the periodicity which we are dealing with; that attraction producing on the surface of the solar globe true tides, which give birth to the spots, these tides themselves experiencing periodic variations owing to the periodic changes of position of the celestial bodies which cause them. It has even been thought safe to assert that the fact of the principal period coinciding with the revolution of Jupiter is of momentous significance; but this coincidence seems purely accidental, and no certain conclusion can be drawn as to this matter. The influence of Mercury and Venus would perhaps be much more potent, for their distance from the Sun is not very great, and this should render their influence more sensible. On the other hand, their masses appear to be too small to be capable of producing any sufficient effect. De La Rue, Balfour Stewart, and LÖwy most perseveringly studied this point of solar physics. They seem to have arrived at the conclusion that the conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter do exercise a certain amount of influence on the number of the spots and on their latitude; and that this influence is less considerable when Venus is situated in the plane of the solar equator. At any rate it is a fact, that a great number of the visible inequalities in a duly plotted curve of the spots do really correspond to special positions of these two planets. In order to determine with more precision these coincidences and the importance which attaches to them, De La Rue extended his inquiries. He separately analysed many different groups of spots, selecting for his purpose more particularly those of which the observations happened to have been specially continuous and complete, giving a preference moreover to those which had been observed in the central portions of the Sun’s disc. From an investigation of 794 groups De La Rue arrived at the following conclusions:—(1) If we take a meridian passing through the middle of the disc and represented by a diameter perpendicular to the equator, we find that the mean size of the spots is not the same with regard to that meridian. It appears certain that the correction required for perspective does not suffice to explain this difference; and that another element must be introduced in order to secure that the apparent dimensions of the spots may be the same on both sides. We do not yet possess a very clear explanation of this fact; but the most probable is this:—the spots are surrounded by a projecting bank, which seems to Wolf thought that he had noticed traces of some influence being exerted by Saturn; but this remains altogether without confirmation. De La Rue noticed that large spots are generally situated at extremities of the same diameter. This law also often applies to the development of large prominences. The coincidence agrees well with the theory that there exists on the Sun some action resembling that of our tides. Whatever may be the amount of probability Whatever may be our ignorance as to the causes which produce variations in the Sun’s activity we may at least draw one conclusion from the preceding remarks: it is, that the Sun is a No account of the periodicity of the spots on the Sun can be deemed complete which does not include information respecting certain other periodical phenomena which have been found to exhibit features of alternation closely resembling in their sequence and character the periodical changes which take place in regard to the spots on the Sun. There is evidently a deep mystery lying hid under the curious fact (which is clearly established) that the 11-year period of the spots coincides in a manner as unexpected as it is certain with the period of the variation of terrestrial magnetism. The magnetic needle is subject to a diurnal variation which reaches its extreme amount every 11 years, and not only so, but the epoch of maximum variation corresponds with the epoch of the maximum prevalence of Sun spots. And similarly years in which the needle is least disturbed are also years in which the Sun spots are fewest. Two other very curious discoveries have also been made which are in evident close connection with the foregoing. The manifestation of the Aurora Borealis and of those strange currents of electricity known as magnetic earth currents (which travel below the Earth’s surface and frequently interfere with telegraphic operations), likewise exhibit periodical changes which take 11 years to go through all their stages. This Fig. 8.—The Sun totally eclipsed, July 18, 1860 (Feilitzsch). Fig. 8.—The Sun totally eclipsed, July 18, 1860 (Feilitzsch). The reader who has followed me thus far will by this time be in a position to appreciate a remark made in an earlier part of this chapter, that the multitude of facts known to us in connection with the Sun and its spots is so great, as to render it impossible to exhibit in a single chapter anything more than the barest outline of them. The numerous observations of recent eclipses of the Sun, especially since that of 1860, and the extensive application of the spectroscope to the Sun both in connection with these eclipses, and generally, may be said to have completely revolutionised our knowledge of solar phenomena during the present generation; or perhaps it might be more correct to say have enormously increased our knowledge of the facts of the case and have revolutionised in no small degree the conclusions deduced from the facts. |