> 130. | A little girl on a visit, to her mamma | 101 | |
| 131. | A little girl to her grandmamma | 101 |
| 132. | A little girl to her brother at school | 102 |
Chapter III—To and from Relatives, Guardians, etc. | 103 |
| 133. | A mother-in-law to her son-in-law | 103 |
| 134. | A mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law | 103 |
| 135. | A daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law | 104 |
| 136. | A daughter-in-law to her father-in-law | 105 |
| 137. | A sister-in-law to a brother-in-law | 105 |
| 138. | A brother to a married sister | 106 |
| 139. | A sister to an elder brother | 107 |
| 140. | A niece to an aunt | 107 |
| 141. | Wishing Merry Christmas to a cousin | 108 |
| 142. | A ward to his guardian | 109 |
| 143. | Answer to the above | 109 |
Chapter IV—To, from and about Governesses, Chaperons, Companions, Housekeepers, etc. | 110 |
| 144. | A governess applying for a position | 110 |
| 145. | Asking information concerning a governess | 110 |
| 146. | Recommending a governess | 111 |
| 147. | Answering an ad. for a chaperon | 111 |
| 148. | Answering an ad. for a companion | 112 |
| 149. | Replying to an ad. for a housekeeper | 113 |
Chapter V—Servants | 114 |
| 150. | A housemaid applying for a situation | 114 |
| 151. | A housemaid accepting a situation | 114 |
| 152. | A housemaid declining a situation | 115 |
| 153. | Asking information concerning a maid | 115 |
| 154. | Answer to the above | 115 |
| 155. | Asking information concerning a cook | 115 |
| 156. | Answer to the above | 116 |
| 157. | Asking information concerning a butler | 116 |
| 158. | Answer to the above | 116 |
| 159. | A cook asking a lady to recommend her | 117 |
| 160. | A nurse to her absent mistress | 117 |
| 161. | Marriage proposal from a butler to a cook | 118 |
| 162. | Answer to the above | 118 |
Chapter I—Proposals, Acceptances, Refusals | 119 |
| 163. | To a young lady about a misunderstanding | 119 |
| 164. | Answer to the above (kindly) | 119 |
178 |
| 261. | A gentleman requesting a presentation at a foreign court | 178 |
| 262. | Answer to the above | 178 |
| 263. | General letter of introduction | 178 |
| 264. | A lady asking a letter of introduction | 179 |
| 265. | Asking a lady to call on a stranger | 179 |
| 266. | Asking a lady for letters of introduction | 180 |
| 267. | Introducing a young married couple | 180 |
| 268. | A father introducing a son to a minister | 181 |
| 269. | A lady introducing a friend to a schoolmate | 182 |
| 270. | A gentleman introducing a college chum to his sister | 182 |
| 271. | Asking a subscription to some charity | 183 |
| 272. | A young lady asking a girl friend for a photograph | 183 |
| 273. | Answer to the above | 184 |
| 274. | Asking a gentleman to be godfather | 184 |
| 275. | Answer to the above | 184 |
| 276. | Asking a lady to be godmother | 185 |
| 277. | Answer to the above | 185 |
| 278. | To a lady after visiting at her country home | 185 |
| 279. | Asking a pastor to visit the writer's sick mother | 186 |
| 280. | Asking a pastor to call at once | 186 |
| 281. | Asking for information from a minister | 187 |
| 282. | To a pastor concerning a school treat | 187 |
| 283. | A gentleman presenting a young lady with flowers | 187 |
| 284. | A gentleman sending a song to a young lady | 188 |
| 285. | Answer to the above | 188 |
| 286. | An elderly gentleman offering a young lady a present | 188 |
| 287. | Answer to the above | 189 |
| 288. | A gentleman, offering tickets to an entertainment | 189 |
| 289. | Answer to the above (acceptance) | 189 |
| 290. | Answer to No. 288 (regrets) | 190 |
| 291. | A stranger offering an invalid fruit and flowers | 190 |
| 292. | Answer to the above | 190 |
| 293. | Asking an invitation for a friend | 191 |
| 294. | Answer to the above | 191 |
| 295. | Another request of an invitation for a friend | 191 |
| 296. | Another request of an invitation for friends | 192 |
Chapter III—Congratulations, Condolences, etc. | 193 |
| 297. | A lady, addressing birthday congratulations | 193 |
ml@files@56911@56911-h@56911-h-11.htm.html#Page_256" class="pginternal">256 |
| Abbreviations used in commercial correspondence | 257 |
| The use of punctuation-marks | 258 |
Etiquette for all occasions | 259 |
Synonyms | 263 |
The use of capitals | 275 |
Postal rates and regulations | 275 |
| United States | 275 |
| Canada and Mexico | 276 |
| Other countries | 276 |