COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY Triangle Books Edition Published September 1942 Triangle Books, 14 West Forty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. PRINTED AND BOUND IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE AMERICAN BOOK—STRATFORD PRESS, INC., N. Y. C. TO MY FRIEND R. T. HAINES-HALSEY WHO UNRESERVEDLY BELIEVES EVERYTHING I WRITE To R. T. I Three Guests at dinner! That's the life!— Wedgewood, Revere, and Duncan Phyfe!
II You sit on Duncan—when you dare,— And out of Wedgewood, using care, With Paul Revere you eat your fare.
III From Paul you borrow fork and knife To wage a gastronomic strife In porringers; and platters rare Of blue Historic Willow-ware.
IV Banquets with cymbal, drum and fife, Or rose-wreathed feasts with riot rife To your chaste suppers can't compare.
V Let those deny the truth who dare!— Paul, Duncan, Wedgewood! That's the life! All else is bunk and empty air.
ENVOI The Cordon-bleu has set the pace With Goulash, Haggis, Bouillabaisse, Curry, Chop-suey, Kous-Kous Stew— I can not offer these to you,— Being a plain, old-fashioned cook,— So pray accept this scrambled book.
R. W. C.