"'I—yes. Yes—I'll be ready——'" | "A lady to see you, sir'" | "Now and then she ... halted on tip-toe to lift some slitted visor" | "She took it ... then read aloud the device in verse" | "'Are business and friendship incompatible?'" | "'There are nice men, too'" | "And he sat thinking of Jacqueline Nevers" | "She turned leisurely.... 'Did you say anything recently, Mr. Desboro?'" | "Desboro stood staring down at the magic picture. Mrs. Clydesdale, too, had risen" | "'Which is the real pleasure?' she asked" | "'The thing to do,' he said ... 'is for us both to keep very busy'" | "'I—I beg your pardon,' said Jacqueline" | "There was, for a moment, an unconscious and unwonted grace in his manner" | "All the men there had yielded to the delicate attraction of her" | "In all the curious eyes turned toward her he saw admiration, willing or conceded" | "She lost herself in a dreamy Bavarian folk-song" | "Cheer after cheer rang through the hallway" | "'Business is kinder to men than women sometimes believe'" | "'Be careful,' he said ... 'People are watching us'" | "Mr. Waudle gaped at her like a fat and expiring fish; the poet ... said not a word" | "'My dear!' she exclaimed. 'What a perfectly charming office!'" | "She turned ... looked back, hesitated" | "'That's how hungry I am, Jim. I warned you'" | "'It was rather odd, wasn't it, Jim?'" | "'Why don't you ask your—wife?'" | "'I do not believe you,' she said between her teeth" | "What was she to do? She had gone half mad with fear" | "'Jacqueline—my wife—is the result of a different training'" | "In the rose dusk of the drawn curtains he stood beside it" | "'Now,' she said, leaning forward ... 'what is the meaning of this?'" | "'You have no further interest in me, have you?'" | "'I—I have never thought mercilessly'" | "And, as she rose, he was still figuring" |