When the old vicomte was well enough to entertain anybody at all, which was not very often, he did it skilfully. So when he filled the ChÂteau with young people and told them to amuse themselves and not bother him, the house-party was necessarily a success. He himself sat all day in the sunshine, studying the week's Paris newspapers with dim, kindly eyes, or played interminable chess games with his wife on the flower terrace. She was sixty; he had passed threescore and ten. They never strayed far from each other. It had always been so from the first, and the first was when Helen Bruce, of New York City, married Georges Vicomte de Morteyn. That was long ago. The chess-table stood on the terrace in the shadow of the flower-crowned parapets; the old vicomte sat opposite his wife, one hand touching the black knight, one foot propped up on a pile of cushions. He pushed the knight slowly from square to square and twisted his white imperial with stiff fingers. "Helen," he asked, mildly, "are you bored?" "No, dear." Madame de Morteyn smiled at her husband and From the lawn below came the chatter and laughter of girls. On the edge of the lawn the little river Lisse glided noiselessly towards the beech woods, whose depths, saturated with sunshine, rang with the mellow notes of nesting thrushes. The middle of July had found the leaves as fresh and tender as when they opened in May, the willow's silver green cooled the richer verdure of beach and sycamore; the round poplar leaves, pale yellow and orange in the sunlight, hung brilliant as lighted lanterns where the sun burned through. "Helen?" "Dear?" "I am not at all certain what to do with my queen's knight. May I have another cup of coffee?" Madame de Morteyn poured the coffee from the little silver coffee-pot. "It is hot; be careful, dear." The vicomte sipped his coffee, looking at her with faded eyes. She knew what he was going to say; it was always the same, and her answer was always the same. And always, as at that first breakfast—their wedding-breakfast—her pale cheeks bloomed again with a subtle colour, the ghost of roses long dead. "Helen, are you thinking of that morning?" "Yes, Georges." "Of our wedding-breakfast—here—at this same table?" "Yes, Georges." The vicomte set his cup back in the saucer and, trembling, poured a pale, golden liquid from a decanter into two tiny glasses. "A glass of wine?—I have the honour, my dear—" The colour touched her cheeks as their glasses met; the still air tinkled with the melody of crystal touching crystal; a golden drop fell from the brimming glasses. The young people on the lawn below were very noisy. She placed her empty glass on the table; the delicate glow in her cheeks faded as skies fade at twilight. He, with grave head leaning on his hand, looked vaguely at the chess-board, and saw, mirrored on every onyx square, the eyes of his wife. "Will you have the journals, dear?" she asked presently. She handed him the Gaulois, and he thanked her and opened it, peering closely at the black print. After a moment he read: "M. Ollivier declared, in the Corps LÉgislatif, that 'at no time in the history of France has the maintenance of peace been more assured than to-day.' Oh, that journal is two weeks' old, Helen. "The treaty of Paris in 1856 assured peace in the Orient, and the treaty of Prague in 1866 assures peace in Germany," continued the vicomte; "I don't see why it should be necessary for Monsieur Ollivier to insist." He dropped the paper on the stones and touched his white mustache. "You are thinking of General Chanzy," said his He smiled, for he was thinking of Chanzy, his sword-brother; and the hot plains of Oran and the dusty columns of cavalry passed before his eyes—moving, moving across a world of desert into the flaming disk of the setting sun. "Is to-day the 16th of July, Helen?" "Yes, dear." "Then Chanzy is coming back from Oran. I know you dread it. We shall talk of nothing but Abd-el-Kader and Spahis and Turcos, and how we lost our Kabyle tobacco at Bou-Youb." She had heard all about it, too; she knew every Étape of the 48th of the Line—from the camp at Sathonay to Sidi-Bel-AbbÈs, and from Daya to Djebel-Mikaidon. Not that she cared for sabres and red trousers, but nothing that concerned her husband was indifferent to her. "I hope General Chanzy will come," she said, "and tell you all about those poor Kabyles and the Legion and that horrid 2d Zouaves that you and he laugh over. Are you tired, dear?" "No. Shall we play? I believe it was my move. How warm it is in the sun—no, don't stir, dear—I like it, and my gout is better for it. What do you suppose all those young people are doing? Hear Betty Castlemaine laugh! It is very fortunate for them, Helen, that I married an American with an American's disregard of French conventionalities." "I am very strict," said his wife, smiling; "I can survey them en chaperone." "If you turn around. But you don't." "I do when it is necessary," said Madame de Morteyn, indignantly; "Molly Hesketh is there." The vicomte laughed and picked up the knight again. "You see," he said, waving it in the air, "that I also have become a very good American. I think no evil until it comes, and when it comes I say, 'Shocking!'" "Georges!" "That's what I say, my dear—" "Georges!" "There, dear, I won't tease. Hark! What is that?" Madame de Morteyn leaned over the parapet. "It is Jean Bosquet. Shall I speak to him?" "Perhaps he has the Paris papers." "Jean!" she called; and presently the little postman came trotting up the long stone steps from the drive. Had he anything? Nothing for Monsieur le Vicomte except a bundle of the week's journals from Paris. So Madame de Morteyn took the papers, and the little postman doffed his cap again and trotted away, blue blouse fluttering and sabots echoing along the terrace pavement. "I am tired of chess," said the old vicomte; "would you mind reading the Gaulois?" "The politics, dear?" "Yes, the weekly summary—if it won't bore you." "Tais toi! Écoute. This is dated July 3d. Shall I begin?" "Yes, Helen." She held the paper nearer and read: "'A Paris journal publishes a despatch through l'agence Havas "What!" cried the vicomte, angrily. Two chessmen tipped over and rolled among the others. "It's what it says, mon ami; look—see—it is exactly as I read it." "Are those Spaniards crazy?" muttered the vicomte, tugging at his imperial. "Look, Helen, read what the next day's journal says." His wife unfolded the paper dated the 4th of July and found the column and read: "'The press of Paris unanimously accuses the Imperial Government of allowing Prim and Bismarck to intrigue against the interests of France. The French ambassador, Count Benedetti, interviewed the King of Prussia at Ems and requested him to prevent Prince Leopold von Hohenzollern's acceptance. It is rumoured that the King of Prussia declined to interfere.'" Madame de Morteyn tossed the journal on to the terrace and opened another. "'On the 12th of July the Spanish ambassador to Paris informed the Duc de Gramont, Minister of Foreign Affairs, that the Prince von Hohenzollern renounces his candidacy to the Spanish throne.'" "À la bonheur!" said the vicomte, with a sigh of relief; "that settles the Hohenzollern matter. My dear, can you imagine France permitting a German prince to mount the throne of Spain? It was more than a menace—it was almost an insult. Do you remember Count Bismarck when he was ambassador to France? He is a man who fascinates me. How he used to watch the Emperor! I can see him yet—those "Yes; I thought him brusque and malicious." "I know he is at the bottom of this. I'm glad it is over. Did you finish the telegraphic news?" "Almost all. It says—dear me, Georges!—it says that the Duc de Gramont refuses to accept any pledge from the Spanish ambassador unless that old Von Werther—the German ambassador, you know—guarantees that Prince Leopold von Hohenzollern will never again attempt to mount the Spanish throne!" There was a silence. The old vicomte stirred restlessly and knocked over some more chessmen. "Sufficient unto the day—" he said, at last; "the Duc de Gramont is making a mistake to press the matter. The word of the Spanish ambassador is enough—until he breaks it. General Leboeuf might occupy himself in the interim—profitably, I think." "General Leboeuf is minister of war. What do you mean, Georges?" "Yes, dear, Leboeuf is minister of war." "And you think this German prince may some time again—" "I think France should be ready if he does. Is she ready? Not if Chanzy and I know a Turco from a Kabyle. Perhaps Count Bismarck wants us to press his king for guarantees. I don't trust him. If he does, we should not oblige him. Gramont is making a grave mistake. Suppose the King of Prussia should refuse and say it is not his affair? Then we would be obliged to accept that answer, or—" "Or what, Georges?" "Or—well, my dear—or fight. But Gramont is not "Perhaps it is an omen—the King of Prussia, you know, and his fortresses. I feel superstitious, Georges!" The vicomte smiled and set the pieces up on their proper squares. "It is settled; the Spanish ambassador pledges his word that Prince Hohenzollern will not be King of Spain. France should be satisfied. It is my move, I believe, and I move so—check to you, my dear!" "I resign, dearest. Listen! Here come the children up the terrace steps." "But—but—Helen, you must not resign so soon. Why should you?" "Because you are already beaten," she laughed, gently—"your king and his castles and all his men! How headstrong you Chasseurs d'Afrique are!" "I'm not beaten!" said the old man, stoutly, and leaned closer over the board. Then he also laughed, and said, "Tiens! tiens! tiens!" and his wife rose and gave him her arm. Two pretty girls came running up the terrace, and the old vicomte stood up, crying: "Children! Naughty ones! I see you coming! Madame de Morteyn has beaten me at chess. Laugh if you dare! Betty Castlemaine, I see you smiling!" "I?" laughed that young lady, turning her flushed face from her aunt to her uncle. "Yes, you did," repeated the vicomte, "and you "We have been lunching by the Lisse," said Dorothy, "and Jack caught a gudgeon; here it is." "Pooh!" said the old vicomte; "I must show them how to fish. Helen, I shall go fishing—" "Some time," said his wife, gently. "Betty, where are the men?" "Jack and Barbara Lisle are fishing; Sir Thorald and Lady Hesketh are in the green boat, and Ricky is rowing them. The others are somewhere. Ricky got a telegram, and must go to Berlin." "Tell Rickerl von Elster that his king is making mischief," laughed the vicomte, "and he may go back to Berlin when he chooses." Then, smiling at the young, flushed faces, he leaned on his wife's arm and passed slowly along the terrace towards the house. "I wonder why Lorraine has not come?" he said to his wife. "Won't she come to-night for the dance?" "Lorraine is a very sweet but a very uncertain girl," replied Madame de Morteyn. She led him through the great bay-window opening on the terrace, drew his easy-chair before his desk, placed the journals before him, and, stooping, kissed him. "If you want me, send Charles. I really ought to be with the young people a moment. I wonder why Ricky must leave?" "How far away are you going, Helen?" "Only to the Lisse." "Then I shall read about Monsieur Bismarck and his Spanish friends until you come. The day is long without you." They smiled at each other, and she sat down by the window. "Read," she said; "I can see my children from here. I wonder why Ricky is leaving?" Suddenly, in the silence of the summer noon, far in the east, a dull sound shook the stillness. Again they heard it—again, and again—a deep boom, muttering, reverberating like summer thunder. "Why should they fire cannon to-day, Helen?" asked the old man, querulously. "Why should they fire cannon beyond the Rhine?" "It is thunder," she said, gently; "it will storm before long." "I am tired," said the vicomte. "Helen, I shall sleep. Sit by me—so—no—nearer yet! Are the children happy?" "Yes, dear." "When the cannon cease, I shall fall asleep. Listen! what is that?" "A blackbird singing in the pear-tree." "And what is that—that sound of galloping? Look out and see, Helen." "It is a gendarme riding fast towards the Rhine." |