A WATERFALL IN ARGYLESHIRE. 'Mong crags where the purple heather grows, 'Mid rocks where blooms the mountain rose, Onward the river calmly flows To Lenachluten. The waters dash on the rocks beneath In a mad wild rush, they surge and seethe, While dancing spray with a snowy wreath Crowns Lenachluten. Thus ever the stream of life flows on, With faces happy and faces wan, A moment here on this earth, then gone, Like Lenachluten. Some lives pass on like a peaceful dream; Untouched by sorrow or care, they seem To glide as the river whose waters stream Towards Lenachluten. Others career on their restless way; Whate'er betide, they are ever gay, As gleams the sparkling sunlit spray On Lenachluten. Some lives with folly and sin are fraught; They dim earth's beauty with stain and spot, As surges the scum, an ugly blot On Lenachluten. And now and again a genius bright Dazzles the earth with his spirit's flight, As shimmers the rainbow's tinted light O'er Lenachluten. H. K. W. Printed and Published by W. & R. Chambers, 47 Paternoster Row, London, and 339 High Street, Edinburgh. All Rights Reserved. |