LINES WRITTEN ON THE DEATH OF JEANIE, A FAVOURITE CHILD, AGED SEVEN YEARS. Thou ’rt lyin’ cauld an’ still, my bonnie bonnie; The dews o’ death lie heavy on thy broo; Thy sunny smile nae mair will thrill this bosom; Thy sweet blue een are dark an’ sichtless noo! Hushed is thy fairy tread, my bonnie bonnie; Thy lips sae rosy red, I’ll kiss nae mair. O heavy thocht, that dims this ee wi’ sadness! O heart that fain wad break, wi’ anguish sair! I cry thy name in vain, my bonnie bonnie; For aye thy form, thy dear-loved form I see; O face sae fair! O locks o’ golden splendour! O guileless heart, that fondly throbbed for me! A dreary blank is mine, my bonnie bonnie; Nae mair thy merry voice will cheer my ha’; An eerie stillness fills the darksome dwelling, Since thou, my sweetest flower, wert ta’en awa’! The angels cam’ for thee, my bonnie bonnie, As saftly flickered oot life’s feeble flame: The tender Shepherd took thee to His bosom, An’ left me wi’ a lanely, lanely hame! But oh! thou ’rt wi’ the blest, my bonnie bonnie, Where pain will rend thy gentle breist nae mair; Oh, when this weary heart lays doun its sorrow, My ain wee lassie, may I meet thee there! James Smith. The Conductors of Chambers’s Journal beg to direct the attention of Contributors to the following notice: 1st. All communications should be addressed to the ‘Editor, 339 High Street, Edinburgh.’ 2d. To insure the return of papers that may prove ineligible, postage-stamps should in every case accompany them. 3d. Manuscripts should bear the author’s full Christian name, surname, and address, legibly written. 4th. MS. should be written on one side of the leaf only. 5th. Poetical offerings should be accompanied by an envelope, stamped and directed. Unless Contributors comply with the above rules, the Editor cannot undertake to return ineligible papers. Printed and Published by W. & R. Chambers, 47 Paternoster Row, London, and 339 High Street, Edinburgh. All Rights Reserved. |