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In this book-making age, every man rushes to the press with his small morsel of imbecility, his little piece of favourite nonsense, and is not easy till he sees his impertinence stitched in blue covers. Some one possesses the vivacity of a harlequin—he is fuddled with animal spirits, giddy with constitutional joy; in such a state, he must write or burst: a discharge of ink is an evacuation absolutely necessary to avoid fatal and plethoric congestion. A musty and limited pedant yellows himself a little among rolls and records, plunders a few libraries, and, lo! we have an entire new work by the learned Mr Dunce, and that after an incubation of only one month. He is, perhaps, a braggadocio of minuteness, a swaggering chronologer, a man bristling up with small facts, prurient with dates, wantoning in obsolete evidence. No matter; there are plenty of newspapers who are constantly lavishing their praises upon small men and bad books. A mendacious press will puff the book through a brief season, and then it will go to feed the devouring maw of the past.—New York Chronicle.



The First Tract to be issued on the First Saturday of November.

The success which has hitherto attended Messrs Chambers's exertions in the preparation of a cheap and improving kind of literature, induces them to announce a new literary periodical, under the title of Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. This Work, to resemble in some respects the Miscellany of Tracts completed a few years ago, will aim at a higher, though not less popular tone, and satisfy, it is hoped, the new requirements of the day in regard to literary elegance. In carrying on the undertaking, Messrs Chambers will be assisted by skilled writers in various departments; and as the whole of the Tracts will be under their own editorial supervision, they can with confidence offer the Repository as a fitting companion to the family circle. Each of the Tracts will embrace a single subject, varied to suit different ages and tastes. An important object will be to furnish innocent entertainment, mingled with correct information and sound instruction, under the control of good taste, and free, as far as possible, from controversial matter. The Editors, therefore, trust that the present Series of Tracts will take as prominent a part as the former in that department of the great business of educating the People which is committed to the untrammelled agency of the Press.

The Repository will consist of a series of Penny Sheets, issued Weekly; Four to constitute a Monthly Part, at Fivepence, and Eight to form a Two-Monthly Volume, neatly done up in coloured fancy boards, at One Shilling. Where it appears desirable, Wood-engravings will be introduced. Each Volume will possess a neat engraved Title-page.

Printed and Published by W. and R. Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh. Also sold by W. S. Orr, Amen Corner, London; D. N. Chambers, 55 West Nile Street, Glasgow; and J. M'Glashan, 50 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.—Advertisements for Monthly Parts are requested to be sent to Maxwell, & Co., 31 Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, London, to whom all applications respecting their insertion must be made.


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