Dost thou seek the treasures hidden Within earth's rocky bed, The diamond for beauty's tresses, Gems for the queenly head? 'Tis not on the dewy surface That they their rays unfold, But far in the distant hollows— Dig deep to find the gold. Dost thou long thy fields should brighten With golden harvest ears, And thy pastures yield in verdure Riches for coming years? Then dream not that while you linger Earth's bounty you'll behold; But strive, and win her treasures— Dig deep to find the gold. Dost thou sigh for wealth of knowledge, The riches of ages past, And o'er the bright world of science Thy longing glances cast? With love and zeal undaunted, Seek for the wealth untold, In the soul-lit mines of genius Dig deep to find the gold. C. T. |