Boys, you have heard of blacksmiths who became mayors and magistrates of towns and cities, and men of great wealth and influence. What was the secret of their success? Why, they picked up nails and pins in the street, and carried them home in the pockets of their waistcoats. Now, you must pick up thoughts in the same way, and fill your mind with them; and they will grow into other thoughts almost while you are asleep. The world is full of thoughts, and you will find them strewed everywhere in your path.—Elihu Burritt. CHAMBERS'S EDUCATIONAL COURSE. CLASSICAL SERIES, Edited by Dr Zumpt, of the University of Berlin, and Dr Schmitz, Rector of the High School, Edinburgh. Now Published,
? Other works in preparation. Published by W. & R. Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh. Also sold by D. Chambers, 20 Argyle Street, Glasgow; W. S. Orr, 147 Strand, London; and J. M'Glashan, 21 D'Olier Street, Dublin.—Printed by W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh. FOOTNOTES: Transcriber's note—the following changes have been made to this text: Page 332: painsfully to painfully. |