"'Clive is a good deal of a man.... I never had a better companion.'" | Frontispiece |
"'Boy?' inquired Ledlie, resting one soil-incrusted boot on his spade." | 2 |
"'I'd like to come down here for the summer vacation,' said the boy, awkwardly." | 34 |
"'I'm glad I saw you,' said the girl; 'I hope you won't forget me.'" | 40 |
"C. Bailey, Jr., and Athalie Greensleeve ... had supped together more than once at the Regina." | 78 |
"Beside her, eager, happy, flattered, walked C. Bailey, Jr., very conscious that he was being envied." | 80 |
"'I like her,' repeated Clive, Jr., a trifle annoyed." | 82 |
"It was in this place that Clive encountered Cecil Reeve one stormy midnight." | 114 |
"He rather liked being with his own sort again." | 116 |
"'Wasn't a civil bow enough?'" | 126 |
"One lovely morning in May she arose early in order to write to Clive." | 148 |
"Mr. Wahlbaum ... was very quiet, very considerate, very attentive." | 150 |
"Doris continued to haunt agencies and theatrical offices." | 154 |
"With him she visited the various museums and art galleries." | 168 |
"With a basket containing Hafiz, her suit-case, and a furled umbrella she started for her new lodgings." | 178 |
"'Wasn't it suicide?' asked Athalie." | 180 |
"She said in a low voice, still watching intently: 'Blue sky, green trees, a snowy shore, and little azure wavelets....'" | 210 |
"Mrs. Bailey, Jr., looked pale and pretty sitting there." | 232 |
"During convalescence he read 'Under Two Flags' and approved the idea." | 234 |
"His theme happened to be his own wonderful trap record, that evening." | 244 |
"'There is your extra,' she said pleasantly." | 266 |
"Once more, the old happy companionship began." | 284 |
"Finally ... he cut the envelope and seated himself beside the lamp." | 300 |
"When he saw her he sprang out and came forward." | 316 |
"She suddenly sat upright, resting one slender hand on his shoulder." | 330 |
"Clive nodded: 'Keep them off the place, Connor.'" | 346 |
"'Sure I was that worritted,' burst out Mrs. Connor." | 348 |
"'Michael,' she said, smiling." | 372 |
"And then her hands were in his and she was looking into his beloved eyes once more." | 378 |
"Sometimes Athalie lunched there in the garden with him." | 400 |