The following papers have been donated to the library of the Geological Department of the University of Chicago: Abbott, Charles C., M.D. —Recent ArchÆological Explorations in the Valley of the Delaware. 30 pp., 1 pl.—Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in Philology, Literature and ArchÆology, Vol. II, No. 1. Adams, Frank D. —On Some Granites from British Columbia and the Adjacent Parts of Alaska and the Yukon District. 14 pp., Ill.—Canadian Record of Science, Sept. 1891. —Notes to Accompany a Tabulation of the Igneous Rocks based on the System of Professor H. Rosenbusch. 6 pp., 1 pl.—Canadian Record of Science, Dec. 1891. —On the Geology of the St. Clair Tunnel. 8 pp., 1 pl.—Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Section IV, 1891. —On the Presence of Chlorine in Scapolites. 5 pp.—Am. Jour. Science, Apr. 1879. —Notes on the Lithological Character of some of the Rocks Collected in the Yukon District and Adjacent Northern Portion of British Columbia. 6 pp.—Annual Report, Geol. Sur. of Canada, 1887. —On Some Canadian Rocks Containing Scapolite, with a Few Notes on Some Rocks Associated with the Apatite Deposits. 16 pp.—Canadian Record of Science, Oct. 1888. —On the Microscopical Character of the Ore of the Treadwell Mines, Alaska. 5 pp., Ill.—Read before the Royal Soc. Canada, May, 1889. —On a Melilite-Bearing Rock (Alnoite) from Ste. Anne de Bellevue, near Montreal, Canada. 10 pp., Ill.—Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLIII, Apr. 1892. Ami, Henry M., M.A., F.G.S. —The Utica Terrane in Canada. 32 pp.—Canadian Record of Science, Oct. 1892. —Additional Notes on the Geology and PalÆontology of Ottawa and its Environs. 11 pp.—Ottawa Naturalist, Sept. 1892. —Catalogue of Silurian Fossils from Arisaig, Nova Scotia. 7 pp.—From the Nova Scotian Inst. of Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. I, 1892. Andreae, A. —Ueber die Nachahmung verschiedener Geysirtypen und Über Gasgeysire. 6 pp.—Gesammt-Sitzung vom 13 Jan. 1893. Bayley, W.S. —A Summary of Progress in Mineralogy and Petrography in 1892.—American Naturalist. Becker, George F. —Finite Homogeneous Strain, Flow and Rupture of Rocks. 77 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Jan. 1893. Beecher, C.E. —Notice of a New Lower Oriskany Fauna in Columbia Co., N.Y. 4 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLIV, Nov. 1892. Branner, J.C. —Annual Reports of the Arkansas Geological Survey, 1888, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4; 1889, Vol. 2; 1890, Vols. 2 and 3. Bryce, George, LL.D. —Older Geology of the Red River and Assiniboine Valleys with an Appendix. 7 pp., Ill. Read before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Nov. 1891. Broadhead, G.C. —A Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, by F.A. Samson. 178 pp. —Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, including Field Work of 1873–4, with 91 illustrations and an atlas. 788 pp. —Preliminary Report on the Coal Deposits of Missouri from Field Work prosecuted during the years 1890–91, by Arthur Winslow, State Geologist. 220 pp. 1 pl., 131 Illustrations. Carter, Oscar, C.S. —Artesian Wells as a Water Supply for Philadelphia. 4 pp.—Proc. of the Chem. Section of the Franklin Inst., Jan. 1893. Chamberlin, T.C. —The Requisite and Qualifying Conditions of Artesian Wells. 42 pp. 1 pl. Extract, Fifth Annual Report of the Director U.S.G.S. —Boulder Belts Distinguished from Boulder Trains—Their Origin and Significance. 4 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. Vol. I., 1879. —Some Additional Evidence Bearing on the Interval between the Glacial Epochs. 11 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I., 1890. —The Attitude of the Eastern and Central Portions of the United States during the Glacial Period. 8 pp.—Am. Geol., Nov. 1891. —A Proposed System of Chronologic Cartography on a Physiographic Basis. 3 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. II., 1891. —(and R.D. Salisbury.) —On the Relationship of the Pleistocene to the Pre-Pleistocene Formation of the Mississippi Basin, South of the Limit of Glaciation. 17 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLI., May 1891. Chaney, L.W. Jr. —CryptozoÖn Minnesotense in the Shakopee Limestone at Northfield, Minn. 3 pp.—Bull. Minn. Acad. Sci., Vol. III., No. 2. Clarke, Professor F.W. —A Number of Pamphlets by Different Authors; 5 Volumes of the Hayden Survey of the Territories. Cooke, J.H. —Geological Notes on Gozo. 6 pp.—Geol. Mag., Aug. 1891. —Notes on Stereodon Melitensis, Owen. 2 pp.—Geol. Mag., Dec. 1891. —On the Occurrence of a Black Limestone in the Strata of the Maltese Islands. 3 pp.—Geol. Mag., Aug. 1892. —The Mediterranean Naturalist. From Aug. 1, 1891, to Sept. 1, 1892, inclusive. Crosby, W.O. —Notes on the Physical Geography and Geology of Trinidad. 11 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Oct. 1888. —On the Joint Structure of Rocks. 5 pp. —On a Possible Origin of Petrosilicious Rocks. 9 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., March 1879. —On the Classification of the Textures and Structures of Rocks. 9 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1881. —On the Elevated Reefs of Cuba. 6 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., June 1883. —On the Chasm called “Purgatory,” in Sutton, Mass. 2 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Oct. 1883. —Origin of Continents. 11 pp.—Geol. Mag., June 1883. —On the Relationship of the Conglomerate and Slate in the Boston Basin. 20 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Jan. 1884. —Quartzites and Siliceous Concretions. 10 pp.—Technology Quarterly, May, 1888. —Relations of the Pimite of the Boston Basin to the Felsite and Conglomerate. 14 pp.—Technology Quarterly, Feb. 1889. —The Madison Bowlder. 9 pp., 1 pl.—Appalachia, Vol. VI, No. 1. —On the Contrast in Color of the Soils of High and Low Latitudes. 10 pp. —Geology of the Outer Islands of Boston Harbor. 8 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1888. —Physical History of the Boston Basin. 22 pp.—Lectures to Teachers’ School of Science, 1889–90. —The Kaolin in Blandford, Mass. 9 pp.—Technology Quarterly, Aug. 1890. —Composition of the Till or Boulder-Clay. 25 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXV, 1890. —Geology of Hingham, Mass. 12 pp., 3 maps.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXV, May, 1892. —Geology of the Black Hills of Dakota. 29 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXIII. Culver, G.E. —On a Little Known Region of Northwestern Montana. 18 pp., 1 pl.—Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Dec. 1891. Darton, N.H. —The Relations of the Traps of the Newark System in the New Jersey Region. 82 pp., 1 map, 4 pl.—Bull. U.S.G.S. —On Fossils in the Lafayette Formation in Virginia. 3 pp.—Am. Geol., March, 1892. Derby, O.A. —On Nepheline Rocks in Brazil. 15 pp., Ill.—Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1891. Douglas, James. —Biographical Sketch of Thomas Sterry Hunt. 11 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin. Eyerman, John. —Notes on Geology and Mineralogy. 4 pp.—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1889. —The Mineralogy of Pennsylvania, Part I. 54 pp. —Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for the year 1889. 4 pp.—Am. Geol., 1890. —Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for the year 1890. 8 pp.—Am. Geol., 1891. —On the Mineralogy of the French Creek Mines in Pennsylvania. 4 pp.—N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1889. —A Catalogue of the Paleontological Publications of Joseph Leidy, M.D., LL.D. 10 pp.—Am. Geol., Nov. 1891. —Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for the year 1891. 8 pp.—Am. Geol., April, 1892. Felix, Johannes. —Untersuchungen ueber fossile HÖlzer. 12 pp., 1 pl.—Abdruck a. d. Zeitschr. Deutschen geolog. Gesell., 1887. —BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Protosphyraena Leidy. 24 pp., 3 pl.—Aus der Zeitschr. Deutschen geolog. Gesell., 1890. —Ueber die tektonischen VerhÄltnisseder Republik Mexiko. 20 pp., 2 pl.—Aus der Zeitschr. Deutschen geolog. Gesell., 1892. Ferrier, W.F. —Rapport GÉologique. Rapport des OpÉrations de 1866 À 1869. 530 pp., with maps. —Descriptive Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada, by Alfred R.C. Selwyn and G.M. Dawson. 55 pp. 1884. —List of Publications of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. 36 pp. —Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada.—Report of Progress, 1882–83–84. Annual Report for 1888–89. Fisher, Rev. O. —The Hypothesis of a Liquid Condition of the Earth’s Interior considered in Connection with Professor Darwin’s Theory of the Genesis of the Moon. 14 pp.—Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1892. Gilbert, G.K. —Continental Problems. Annual Address by the President of the Geological Society of America. 12 pp., Ill.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 1893. —The Moon’s Face. A Study of the Origin of its Features. 52 pp., 1 pl.—Phil. Soc. Washington, 1893. DeGeer, Baron Gerard. (The following pamphlets are in the Swedish language, the titles being translated): —On the Occurrence of Hydrous Manganese Oxide between the Pebbles of the Osar at Upsala. 4 pp.—Aftryck ur Geol. FÖreningens i Stockholm FÖrhandl., 1882. —On Actinocamax Quadratus. 3 pp.—Ibid. Bd. VII. —On Kaolin and other Minerals, derived from decayed Archaean rocks in the Cretaceous near Kristianstad. 8 pp.—Ibid. Bd. VII. —Discussion of the Conglomerate at Vestani in Scania. 5 pp.—Ibid. 1886. —On Folded Veins in Archaean Rocks. 5 pp.—Ibid. 1887. —On Windworn Stones. 20 pp.—Ibid. 1887. —On the Cave of Barnakoella, a new exposure of the Cretaceous in Scania (in Southern Sweden). 22 pp. —On the Earlier Baltic Ice-Stream in Eastern Scania. 4 pp.—Ibid. Bd. X. —Description of the Map sections Vidtskoefle, Karlshamn (Scanian part), and Soelvsborg (Scanian part). 88 pp. 1889. —Description of the Map section Baeckaskog. 110 pp. 2 pl., 1 map, 1889. —On the Situation of the Ice Shed during the two Glaciations of Scandinavia. 20 pp. 1889. —On the Quaternary Changes of Level in Scandinavia. 66 pp. 1 map.—Ibid. 1888–90. —On a Series of Small Dump Moraines near Stockholm, probably marking the annual recession of the Ice Border. 3 pp.—Ibid. Dec. 1889. —On the Relation between the Carbonates of Lime and Magnesia in Limestones (Cretaceous and Silurian). 4 pp.—Ibid. 1889. —On the Origin of the Lakes in Eastern Scania. 4 pp.—Ibid. Jan. 1889. —On the Latest Investigations of the Terminal Moraines South of the Baltic. 4 pp.—Ibid. April, 1889. —On Continental Changes of Level in Scandinavia and North America. 4 pp.—Ibid. Feb. 1892. —Ueber ein Conglomerat im Urgebirge bei Vestana in Schonen. 28 pp. 1 pl. (German Uebersetzt von Felix Wahnschaffe in Berlin).—Zeitschr. d. Deutschen geolog. Gesell. 1886. —Quaternary Changes of Level in Scandinavia (English). 4 pp., 1 map.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 3, 1891. —On Pleistocene Changes of Level in Eastern North America. 22 pp., 1 map (English).—Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1892. Hall, C.W. —The Deep Well at Minneopa, Minnesota. 3 pp.—Bull. Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. III., No. 2. Hallock, William. —Preliminary Report of Observations at the Deep Well at Wheeling, W. Va. 3 pp.—Proc. A.A.A.S. 1891. —(and F. Kohlrausch.) —Ueber den Polabstand, den Inductions—und Temperatur—Coefficient eines Magnetes und ueber die Bestimmung von TrÄgheitsmomenten durch Bifilarsuspension. 20 pp.—Nachrichten Koenigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1883. Hatcher, J.B. —The Titanotherium Beds. 18 pp., Ill.—Am. Naturalist. 1893. —The Ceratops Beds of Converse County, Wyoming. 10 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci. Feb. 1893. Hay, O.P., Ph.D. —The Northern Limits of the Mesozoic Rocks in Arkansas. 30 pp.—Annual Report Geol. Surv. Ark. 1888. Hobbs, Wm. H. —Secondary Banding in Gneiss. 6 pp. 1 pl., Ill.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 1891. —Notes on a Trip to the Lipari Islands. 12 pp. 1 pl., Ill.—Wis. Acad. Sci., 1892. —On Intergrowths of Hornblende with Augite in Crystalline Rocks. 1 p.—Science, Dec. 23, 1892. —Phases in the Metamorphism of the Schists of Southern Berkshire. 12 pp. 1 pl., Ill.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Feb. 1893. Holmes, W.H. —Geology of the Elk Mountains, Col. (1874.) —Geology of Southwestern Colorado. (1875.) —Geology of the Yellowstone Park. (1880.) Holst, N.O. —Matricit och Marmairolit, tvaenne nya Mineralier fran Vermland. 5 pp.—Aftryck ur Geologiska FÖreningens i Stockholm FÖrhandlingar, 1875. —Om de glaciala rullstensasÅrne. 16 pp.—Ibid., 1876. —Klotdiorit fran SlÄttmossa, JÄreda socken, Kalmar lÄn. 10 pp. 1 pl.—Ibid., Bd. VII. —Om Ett Fynd af Uroxe i Rakneby, Ryssby Sockenk Kalmar lÄn. 21 pp. 2 pl.—Ibid., Bd. X, 1888. —Hvem fann den norrlandska andesiten? 6 pp. Ibid.—Bd. X, 1888. —Om en MÄktig qvarsit, yngre Än olenus-skiffer. 3 pp.—Ibid. Bd. XI, 1889. —Om en nyupptÄckt fauna i block af kambrisk sandsten, insamlade af dr N.O. Holst af Joh. Chr. Moberg. 18 pp. 1 pl.—Ibid., Bd. XIV, 1892. —Bidrag till KÄnnedomen om LagerfÖldjen inom den Kambriska Sandstenen. 17 pp. —Ryoliten vid Sjoen Mien. 52 pp. 1 pl., Ill. —BerÄttelse om en ar 1880, i Geologiskt Syfte Foretagen Resa Till Groenland. 74 pp. 1 map, 1880. Hovey, Edmund Otis. —Observations on some of the Trap Ridges of the East-Haven—Branford, (Ct.) Region. 23 pp. 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Nov. 1889. Hyatt, Alpheus. —Remarks on the Pinnidae. 12 pp. —Jura and Trias at Taylorville, California. 18 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. III, 1892. Iddings, J.P. —Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone National Park. 48 pp. 9 pl., 1888. 7th Annual Rept. U.S.G.S. —On the Crystallization of Igneous Rocks. 50 pp.—Phil. Soc. Washington, Vol. XI, 1889. —On a Group of Volcanic Rocks from the Tewan Mountains, New Mexico, and on the Occurrence of Primary Quartz in certain Basalts. 32 pp.—Bull. U.S.G.S., No. 66. —Spherulitic Crystallization. 18 pp. 2 pl.—Bull. Phil. Soc. Washington, Vol. XI, 1891. —The Origin of Igneous Rocks. 124 pp. 1 pl.—Bull. Phil. Soc. Washington, Vol. XII, May, 1892. James, Jos. F. —Manual of the Paleontology of the Cincinnati Group. 16 pp., Ill.—Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Oct. 1892, Jan. 1893. Jimbo, K. —General Geological Sketch of Hokkaido, with special reference to the Petrography. Judd, Prof. J.W. —A Problem for Cheshire Geologists. 5 pp.—Proc. Chester Soc. Nat. Sci., 1884. —On Krakatoa. 4 pp. 1884. —Address to the Geological Section of the British Association. 1885. 20 pp. —On Marekanite and its Allies. 8 pp.—Geol. Mag., June, 1886. —Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London. Feb. 18, 1887, 57 pp. Feb. 17, 1888, 56 pp. —On a Cetacean from the Lower Oligocene of Hampshire. 6 pp., Ill.—Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Nov., 1881. —On the Gabbros, Dolerites, and Basalts of Tertiary Age, in Scotland and Ireland. 49 pp., 4 pl.—Ibid., Feb., 1886. —The Tertiary Volcanoes of the Western Isles of Scotland. 32 pp.—Ibid., May, 1889. —On the Growth of Crystals in Igneous Rocks after their Consolidation. 10 pp., 1 pl.—Ibid., May, 1889. —The Propylites of the Western Isles of Scotland and their Relation to the Andesites and Diorites of the District. 44 pp., 2 pl.—Quart. Jour. Geolog. Soc., Aug., 1890. —On the Relation of the Reptiliferous Sandstone of Elgin to the Upper Old Red Sandstone. 10 pp.—Proc. Royal Soc., No. 241, 1885. —On the Relations between the Solution-Planes of Crystals and those of Secondary Twinning, and on the Mode of Development of Negative Crystals along the Former. 12 pp., 1 pl.—Mineralogical Magazine. —On the Development of a Lamellar Structure in Quartz-Crystals by Mechanical means. 9 pp., 1 pl.—Ibid. —On the Relations between the Gliding Planes and the Solution Planes of Augite. 5 pp. 1890. —Chemical Changes in Rocks under Mechanical Stresses. 22 pp.—Journal of the Chemical Society, May, 1890. —The Rejuvenescence of Crystals. 8 pp.—Royal Institute, 1891. Keith, Arthur. —Geology of Chilhowee Mountain in Tennessee. 18 pp., 1 pl.—Bull. Phil. Soc., Washington, Vol. XII., pp. 71–88. 1892. —The Structure of the Blue Ridge, near Harper’s Ferry. 10 pp., 2 pl. Knowlton, F.H. —Bread-Fruit Trees in North America.—Science, Jan. 13, 1893. Lawson, A.C. —Geology of the Rainy Lake Region, with Remarks on the Classification of the Crystalline Rocks west of Lake Superior. 8 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., June, 1887. —Notes on Some Diabase Dykes of the Rainy Lake Region. 14 pp., Ill. —Notes on the Occurrence of Native Copper in the Animikie Rocks of Thunder Bay. 5 pp.—Am. Geol., March, 1890. —Notes on the Pre-Paleozoic Surface of the Archean Terranes of Canada. The Internal Relations and Taxonomy of the Archean of Central Canada. 32 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 1890. —Petrographical Differentiation of Certain Dykes of the Rainy Lake Region. Lindgren, Waldemar. —Petrographical Notes from Baja, California, Mexico. 17 pp.—Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d Ser. II. (1889), 9 pp. Vol. III. (1890). —Eruptive Rocks from Montana. 18 pp.—Ibid., Vol. III. —The Silver Mines of Calico, California. 18 pp., 1 pl.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin. —The Gold Deposit at Pine Hill, California. 6 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1892. —A Sodalite-Syenite and other Rocks from Montana; with Analysis, by W. H. Melville. 12 pp.—Ibid., April, 1893. —Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Pacific Coast, by W.H. Melville and W. Lindgren. 32 pp., 3 pl.—Bull. U.S.G.S., 1890, No. 61. Lyman, Benjamin Smith. —Shippen and Wetherill Tract. 36 pp., with map. Martin, F.W. —The Boulders of the Midland District. 22 pp., with map.—Proc. Birmingham Phil. Soc., Vol. VII., Part I. —First Report upon the Distribution of Boulders in South Shropshire and South Staffordshire. 25 pp.—Ibid., Vol. VI., Pt. I. Marsh, O.C. —Restoration of Claosaurus and Ceratosaurus. Restoration of Mastodon Americanus. 8 pp., 3 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Oct., 1892. —Restoration of Anchisaurus. 2 pp., 1 pl.—Ibid., Feb., 1893. Merriman, Mansfield. —The Strength and Weathering Qualities of Roofing Slates. 19 pp., 3 pl.—Am. Soc. Civil Engin., Sept., 1892. Mill, Hugh Robert. —On the Physical Conditions of the Water in the Clyde Sea-Area. 25 pp., 1 pl.—Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 1887. —Configuration of the Clyde Sea-Area. 7 pp. 1 pl.—Scott. Geog. Mag., Jan., 1887. —Recent Physical Research in the North Sea. 14 pp. with map.—Ibid., Aug., 1887. —The Relations between Commerce and Geography. 13 pp.—Ibid., Dec., 1887. —Sea Temperatures on the Continental Shelf. 6 pp.—Ibid., Oct., 1888. —Scientific Earth-Knowledge as an Aid to Commerce. 18 pp.—Ibid., June, 1889. —Statical Oceanography—a Review. 7 pp.—Ibid., May, 1891. —The Principles of Geography. 7 pp.—Ibid., Feb., 1892. —On the Physical Conditions of the Water in the Firth of Forth. 6 pp., 4 pl.—Appendix to 5th Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland. —Report of Physical Observations on the Sea to the West of Lewes, during July and August, 1887. 26 pp., 1 pl.—Ibid., 6th Annual. —Report on a Physical and Chemical Examination of the Water in the Moray Firth and the Firths of Inverness, Cromarty, and Dornoch. 36 pp., 4 pl.—Ibid. —Report on the Apparatus required for carrying on Physical Observations in connection with the Fisheries. 4 pp., 2 pl.—Ibid. —Report on the Physical Observations carried on by the Fishery Board for Scotland in the Firths of Forth and Tay and in the Clyde Sea-Area. 35 pp., 2 pl.—Ibid., Ninth Annual, Part III. —River Entrances. 12 pp.—Supplem. Paper, Roy. Geog. Soc., Vol. II., Part III. —Marine Temperature Observations. 9 pp.—Quart. Jour. Royal Met. Soc. —On the Tidal Variation of Salinity and Temperature in the Estuary of the Forth. 10 pp. 1 pl.—Proc. Royal Soc. Edin., 1885–6. —The Salinity and Temperature of the Moray Firth, and the Firths of Inverness, Cromarty, and Dornoch. 12 pp., 1 pl.—Ibid., 1887. —On the Mean Level of the Surface of the Solid Earth. 4 pp.—Ibid., 1889–90. —The Clyde Sea-Area. 88 pp., 12 plates and maps. —Contributions to Marine Meteorology Resulting from the Three Years’ Work of the Scottish Marine Station. 8 pp. —Observations of Sea Temperature, made by Staff of the Scottish Marine Station between 1884 and 1887. 64 pp. —Fourth and Final Report of the Committee appointed to arrange an Investigation of the Seasonal Variations of Temperature in Lakes, Rivers, and Estuaries. 52 pp., 1 pl.—British A.A.S., 1891. Osborn, Henry F., Sc.D. —A Memoir upon Loxolophodon and Uintatherium, Accompanied by a Stratigraphical Report of the Bridger Beds in the Washakie Basin, by John Bach McMaster, C.E. 54 pp., 6 pl.—Contributions from the E.M. Museum of Geology and ArchÆology of the College of New Jersey, July, 1881. Penck, Albrecht —Ueber Palagonit und Basaltuffe. 74 pp.—Ibid., 1879. —Ueber einige Kontaktgesteine les Kristiania-Silurbeckens. 20 pp.—Magazin for Naturvidenskaferne, 1879. —Studien Über lockere vulkanische AnswÜrflinge. 33 pp., 1 pl.—a. d. Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. Geolog. Gesellschaft, 1878. —Bericht Über eine gemeinsame Excursion in den BÖhmerwald. 10 pp.—Ibid., 1887. —ErlÄuterungen zur geologischen Specialkarte des KÖnigreichs Sachsen. Section Colditz. 59 pp., 1879. —Glaciers of the Isar and the Linth. 8 pp. Geol. Mag., June, 1886. —Die Deutschen KÜsten. 9 pp. —Ziele der Erdkunde im Oesterreich. 16 pp. —Theorien Über das Gleichgewicht der Erdkruste. 26 pp., 1889. —Das Endziel der Erosion und Denudation. 12 pp.—a. d. Verhandlungen des VIII Deutschen Geographentages zu Berlin. 1889. —Der FlÖcheninhalt der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. 6 pp.—a. d. Sitzungsberichten der Kais. Akademie d. Wissenschaften in Wien. 1889. —Die Glacialschotter in den Ostalpen. 21 pp.—Verlag des d. u. Oe. Alpenvereins. —Die Geographie an der Wiener UniversitÄt. 16 pp.—a. d. Geog. Abhandlungen. —Die Donau. 101 pp., 2 pl.—VortrÄge des Vereines zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien. 1891. —Ueber die Herstellung einer Erdkarte im Mass-stabe von 1:1000000. 30 pp.—Deutsche Geog. BlÄtter Bd. XV, h. 3 u. 4. —Bericht Über die Ausstellung des IX Deutschen Geographentages zu Wein. 1891. 144 pp. —Der neunte deutsche Geographentag in Wien. 24 pp.—aus Oesterr-Ungar. Revue, 1891. —Die Formen der LandoberflÄche. 10 pp.—a. d. Verhandlungen des IX d. Geographentages in Wien. 1891. —Das Studium der Geographie. 15 pp.—a. d. XVII Jahresberichte des Vereines der Geographen an der UniversitÄt Wien. Prosser, Charles S. —Notes on the Geology of Skunnemunk Mountain, Orange County, N.Y. 18 pp.—Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., June, 1892. Russell, I.C. —On the Former Extent of the Triassic Formation of the Atlantic States. 10 pp.—Am. Naturalist, Oct., 1880. —The Physical History of the Triassic Formation of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. 35 pp.—N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1878, pp. 220–254. Sieger, Dr. Robert. —Die Schwankungen der Hocharmenischen Seen seit 1800 in vergleichung mit einigen verwandten Erscheinungen. 80 pp., 1 pl. Sollas, W.J. B.A., F.G.S. —On the Perforate Character of the Genus Webbina, 4 pp., 1 pl. —On the Silurian District of Rhymney and Pen-y-lan, Cardiff, 32 pp., 1 pl.—Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1879. —On Astroconia Granti, from the Silurian Formation of Canada, 6 pp. Ill.—Ibid. May 1881. —On a New Species of Plesiosaurus from the Lower Lias of Charmouth, 44 pp., 2 pl. —On the Origin of Freshwater Faunas: A Study in Evolution, 3 pp.—Sci. Proc., Royal Dublin Soc. 1884. —The “Coecal Processes” of the Shells of Brachiopods interpreted as Sense Organs, 3 pp.—Ibid., Nov. 18, 1885. —A Contribution to the History of Flints, 5 pp.—Ibid., Dec. 14, 1887. —On Homotoechus (ArchÆocidaris Harteana, Baily) A new Genus of Palaeozoic Echinoids, 3 pp.—Ibid., June 17, 1891. —On the Structure and Origin of the Quartzite Rocks in the Neighborhood of Dublin, 20 pp., 1 pl., Ill.—Ibid., Feb. 17, 1892. —On the Variolite and Associated Igneous Rocks of Round Wood Co. Wicklow, 22 pp. Ill.—Ibid., March 25, 1893. —On Pitchstone and Andesite from Tertiary Dykes in Donegal. 7 pp. Ill.—Ibid., March 25, 1893. —On the Occurrence of Zinnwaldite in the Granite of the Mourne Mountains, 2 pp.—Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 1890. 3d Ser. Vol. 1; No. 3. Steenstrup, J. Japetus S.M. —Sur les Kjokkenmoddings de l’Age de la Pierre et sur la Faune et la Flore PrÉhistoriques de Danmark. 40 pp., 2 pl. Ill.—Bull. CongrÉs International d’ArchÉologie PrÉhistorique À Copenhague, 1869. —Torvemosernes Bidrag til Kundskab om Danmark’s forhistorische Natur og Kultur, 42 pp. —Die MammuthjÄger-Station bei Predmost im oesterreichischen Kronlande MÄhren. 31 pp.—Mittheil. der Anthropologischen Gesell., in Wien, 1890. —Hvorledes dannes de store Isfjaelde? 7 pp.—Saertryk af “Geografisk Tidskrift.” Steinmann, G. —Die MorÄnen am Ausgange des Wehrathals, 6 pp. Ill.—a. d. Bericht Über die XXV. Versammlung des Oberrheinischen geolog. Vereins Zu Basel. —Die MorÄnen am Ausgange des Wehrathals, 5 pp.—Ibid. —Bemerkungen Über die tektonischen Beziehungen der oberrheinischen Tiefebene zu dem nordschweizerischen Kettenjura, 10 pp. Ill.—a. d. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesell. zu Freiberg. —Ueber die Ergebnisse der neueren Forschungen im PleistocÄn des Rheinthals, 4 pp.—a. d. Zeitschs. d. Deutschen geolog. Gesell. 1892. Taylor, W. Edgar. —The Ophidia of Nebraska, 48 pp. Thomassen, T. Ch. —Jordskjaelv i Norge 1888–1890. Anhang: Deutsches ResumÈ und tabellarische Zusammenstellung der in 1880–1890 eingetroffenen Erdbeben, 56 pp., 2 pl. —Berichte Über die, wesentlich seit 1834, in Norwegen eingetroffenen Erdbeben, 52 pp.—a. Bergens Museums Aarsberetning 1888. U.S. Geological Survey. —Annual Reports of the Director, 4th to 11th. —Monographes, XVII, XVIII, XX. —Mineral Resources of the United States, 6 vols. 1883 to 1890. —Bulletins 30, 56, 65, 66, 69, 70 to 84 incl. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. —Report U.S. Coast Survey, 34 Volumes, Charts. Van Hise, C.H. —Bulletin 86 U.S.G.S. Correlation Papers—ArchÆan and Algonkian. 549 pp., 12 pl. Walcott, C.D. —Notes on the Cambrian Rocks of Pennsylvania and Maryland, from the Susquehanna to the Potomac. 14 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci. Dec. 1892. Wahnschaffe, Felix. —Bericht ueber den von der geologischen Gesellschaft in Lille veranstalteten Ausflug in das QuartÄrgebiet des nordlichen Frankreich und des SÜdlichen Belgien, 12 pp.—Jahrbuch der KÖnigl. preuss. geolog. Landesanstalt fÜr 1891. Warring, C.B., Ph. D. —Geological Climate in High Latitudes, 16 pp.—Popular Sci. Monthly, July, 1886. Westgate, Lewis G. —The Geographic Development of the Eastern Part of the Mississippi Drainage System, 16 pp. Am. Geol. April 1893. Winchell, H.V. —The Mesabi Iron Range in Minnesota, 72 pp., 5 pl.—20th annual Report. Minn. Geol. Survey, 1891. Winchell, N.H. —The Crystalline Rocks, Some Preliminary Considerations as to their Structures and Origin, 28 pp.—20th Annual Report, Minn. Geol. Survey, 1891. Woodworth, J.B. —The Ice Wall on the Beach at Hull, Mass., January, 1893.—Science. Feb. 10, 1893. (Further acknowledgments of pamphlets already received will be made in the next number.)