The following papers have been donated to the library of the Geological Department of the University of Chicago, mainly by their authors: Abbe, Cleveland. —On the Production of Rain. 8 pp. 1892. Ami, Henry M., M.A., F.G.S. —On Canadian Extinct Vertebrates. 4 pp.—Ottawa Naturalist. —On the Geology of Quebec and Environs. 26 pp., 1 pl.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 2, pp. 477-502. —On the Geology of Quebec City, Canada. 4 pp.—Canadian Record Sci., April, 1891. —Additional Notes on Ganiograptus Thureani, McCoy, from the Levis Formation Canada. 2 pp.—Canad. Record Sci., Oct. 1889. —Reviews of Reports and Papers on Canadian Geology and Paleontology. 8 pp.—Ottawa Naturalist, Oct.-Dec. 1892. —Notes and Descriptions of some new or hitherto unrecorded species of Fossils from the Cambro-Silurian (Ordovician) Rocks of the Province of Quebec. 15 pp.—Canadian Record of Sci., April, 1892. —Review of Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda of the British Museum, Part 8, Nautiloidea. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. 3 pp.—Canadian Record of Sci., Sept. 1891. —On the Sequence of Strata forming the Quebec Group of Logan and Billings, with Remarks on the Fossil Remains found therein. 4 pp.—Ottawa Naturalist, June, 1892. AndeÆ, A. and A. Osann. —BeitrÄge zur Geologie des Blattes Heidelberg. 39 pp., III., 2 pl.—Aus den Mittheilungen der Grossh. Badischen Geologischen Landesanstalt, II Bd. VII-XI. Baltzer, A. —BeitrÄge zur Geognosie der Schweizer-Alpen Über die Frage, ob der Granit-Gneiss der nÖrdlichen GrÄnzregion der Finsteraarhorn-Centralmass eruptiv sei oder nicht, und Über damit zusammenhÄngende Probleme. 41 pp., 2 pl.—Neues Jahrbuch fÜr Mineralogie, 1878. —BeitrÄge zur Geognosie der Schweizer-Alpen. Ueber die Marmorlager am Nordrand des Finsteraarhorn-massivs. 20 pp., 2 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrbuch fÜr Mineralogie, 1877. —Ueber den Hautschild eines Rochen aus der marinen Molasse. 4 pp., 1 pl.—Aus den Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. —Ueber den natÜrlichen Verkohlungsprozess. 23 pp.—Aus der Vierteljahrs-schrift der zÜrcherischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. —Randerscheinungen der centralgranitischen Zone in Aarmassiv. 18 pp., 1 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrbuch, 1885. II Band. —BeitrÄge zur Geognosie der Schweizer-Alpen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Glarnerschlinge. 20 pp., 1 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrbuch fÜr Mineralogie, Geol. und Pal. 1876. —Geologische Skizze des Wetterhorns in Berner Oberland. 14 pp., 2 pl., Zeit. der Deut. geolog. Gesell, 1878. —Geognostich-chemische Mittheilungen Über die neuesten Eruptionen auf Vulcano und die Producte derselben. 29 pp., 3 pl.—Zeit. d. Deut. Geolog. Gesell, 1875. —Ueber BergstÜrze in den Alpen. 50 pp., 1 pl.—Aus dem Jahrbuch des S.A.C. (X. Jahrgang) ZÜrich, 1875. Baker, Frank C. —Notes on a Collection of Shells from the Mauritius; with a consideration of the Genus Magilus of Montfort. 22 pp., 1 pl.—Proc. Rochest. Acad. Sci., Vol. 2, 1892. —Catalogue and Synonomy of the Recent Species of the Family of MuricidÆ, First Paper. 20 pp.—Proc. Rochest. Acad. Sci., Vol. I, 1891. —Description of New Species of MuricidÆ with Remarks on the Apices of Certain Forms. 9 pp., 1 pl.—Proc. Rochest. Acad. Sci., Vol. I, 1891. Barrois, Charles. —Sur la prÉsence de fossiles dans le terrain azoique. 4 pp.—Comptes Rendus des SÉances de L'AcadÉmie des Sciences, Aug. 8, 1892. Beecher, C.E., Ph.D. —The Development of some Silurian Brachiopods. 8 pl., 96 pp.—N. Yr State Mus., Vol. I, No. I, Oct. 1892. —BrachiospongidÆ, a Memoir on a Group of Silurian Sponges. 28 pp., 6 pl. Memoirs of the Peabody Mus., Vol. II, Part I, 1889. —Insecta by Alpheus Hyatt and J. M. Arms.—Am. Jour. Sci., March, 1891. —New Types of Carboniferous Cockroaches from the Carboniferous Deposits of the United States; (2) New Carboniferous Myriapoda from Ill.; (3) Illustrations of the Carboniferous Arachnida of N. A., of the orders Anthracomarti and Pedipalpi; (4) The Insects of the Triassic Beds at Fairplay, Col., Samuel H. Scudder. 2 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Jan., 1891. —Some Abnormal and Pathologic Forms of Fresh Water Shells from the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 2 pp., 2 pl.—36th Rep. N. Y. State Mus. of Nat. Hist. —The Development of a Paleozoic Poriferous Coral. Symmetrical Cell Development in the FavositidÆ. 12 pp., 7 pl.—Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., Vol. 8, 1891. —On LeptÆnisca, a New Genus of Brachiopod from the L. Helderberg Group. N. A. Species of Strophalosia. 8 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1890. —CeratiocaridÆ from the Chemung and Waverly Groups at Warren, Penn. 22 pp., 2 pl.—Rep. of Prop., PPP, 2d Geol. Surv. Penn., 1884. —A Spiral Bivalve from the Waverly Group of Penn. 4 pp., 1 pl.—39th An. Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 1886. —On the Lingual Dentition and Systematic Position of Pyrgula. 8 pp., 1 pl. Jour. N. Y. Mic. Soc., Jan., 1890. —On the Occurrence of U. Silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine. 6 pp., Ill.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1892. —Koninckina and Related Genera. 9 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1890. —Development of the Brachiopoda, Part I, Introduction. 14 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Apr., 1892. —Development of the Brachiopoda. Part II, Classification of the Stages of Growth and Decline. 22 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1892. Beachler, Chas. S. —Keokuk Group of the Miss. Valley. 8 pp.—Am. Geol., Aug., 1892. 3 copies. —The Rocks at St. Paul, Indiana and Vicinity. 2 pp.—Am. Geol., Mch., 1891. 3 copies. Bigelow, Frank H. —Notes on a new Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations. 40 pp., 2 pl.—Bull. Weather Bureau, 1892. Boehm, Georg. —Ueber den Fussmuskeleindruck bei Pachyerisma. 2 pp.—Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Freiburg i. B., 1892. VI. 3. —Megalodon, Pachyerisma und Diceras. 24 pp. 9 wood cuts.—Aus den Berichten der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft VI. 2. zu Freiburg i. B., 1891. —Lithiotis Problematica. 16 pp., 3 pl.—Naturforschenden Gesell. in Freiburg, Band II. Heft 3. —Ueber das Alter der Kalke des col dei Schiosi. 4 pp.—Der Deut. Geolog. Gesell, 1887. —Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kreide in den Venetianer Alpen. 16 pp., 4 pl. 3 cuts.—Aus den Berichten der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. B. Band VI. Heft 4. —Die Bivalven der Schichten des Diceras Muensteri (Diceraskalk) von Kelhein. 8 pp.—Zeit. Deut. Geol. Gesell. 1881. —Ueber die Fauna der Schichten mit Durga im Departement der Sarthe. 12 pp., 1 pl. 2 wood cuts.—Zeit. der Deut. geol. Gesell. Bd. XL., 1888. —Die Facies der grauen Kalke von Venetien im Departement der Sarthe. 6 pp.—Aus der Zeit. der Deut. geol. Gesell, 1887. —SÜdalpine Kreideablagerungen. 6 pp.—Aus der Zeit. d. Deut. geol. Gesell, Bd., 33, 2 Heft. —Ueber eine Anomalie im Kelche von Millericrinus mespiliformis. 5 pp., Ill. Zeit. der Deut. Geol. Gesell., Bd. 43, Heft 3. Bowerman, A. —The Chinook Winds and other Climatic Conditions of the Northwest. 6 pp.—Hist. and Sci. Soc'y of Manitoba, Apr. 22, 1886. Blanford, W. T., LL.D., F.R.S. —On Additional Evidence of the Occurrence of Glacial Conditions in the Paleozoic Era, and in the Geological Age of the Beds Containing Plants of the Mesozoic Type in India and Australia. Brigham, Albert P. —A Chapter in Glacial History with Illustrative Notes from Central New York.—Trans. Oneida Hist. Society, 1889-91. —The Geology of Oneida County. 18 pp.—Trans. Oneida Hist. Society, 1887-88. —Rivers and the Evolution of Geographic Forms. 21 pp., Ill.—Am. Geog. Soc'y, Mch., 1892. Chamberlin, T. C. —Hillocks of Angular Gravel and Disturbed Stratification. 12 pp., Ill.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1884. Carter, Prof. O. C. S. —Ores, Minerals and Geology of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, with map.—Hist. of Mont. Co. —Artesian Wells in the Lowest Trias at Norristown. 7 pp.—Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., May 1, 1891. Carpenter, Commander A., R. N. —Soundings Recently Taken off Barren Island Narcondam, Pl.—Records Geol. Sur. Ind., Vol. XX, Part 1, 1887. Clarke, F. W. —The Meteoric Collection in the U. S. Nat. Mus. A Catalogue of Meteorites Represented. Nov. 1, 1886. 13 pp. Ill., 1 pl. —Some Nickel Ores from Oregon, Ill. 7 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., June, 1888. —Tschemak's Theory of the Chlorite group and its Alternative. 10 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., March, 1892. —On Nephrite and Jadeite. 15 pp. 1 pl. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XI, 1888. —Studies in the Mica Group. 6 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1889. —A New occurrence of Gyrolite. 2 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1887. —Experiments upon the Constitution of the Natural Silicates. 25 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1890. —Mica. 6 pp.—Min. Resources of the U. S., 1883-4. —Note on the Constitution of Ptilolite and Mordenite.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1892. —On Some Phosphides of Iridium and Platinum on Cadmium Iodide. Some Sp. Gr. Determinations. Researches on the Tartrates of Antimony.—Am. Chem. Jour. Vol. V., No. 4. —The Fractional Analysis of Silicates. 7 pp.—Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. XII, No. 10. —A Theory of the Mica Group. 10 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Nov. 1889. Clarke F. W. (and J. S. Diller.) —Topaz from Stoneham, Maine. 7 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1888. —Turquois from New Mexico. 7 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1886. Clarke F. W. (and Charles Catlett.) —A Platiniferous Nickel Ore from Canada. 3 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1889. Clarke F. W. (and E. A. Schneider.) —On the Constitution of Certain Micas, Vermiculites and Chlorites. 10 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1891. Cohen, E. —Ueber einige eigenthÜmliche Melaphyr-Mandelsteine aus SÜd-Afrika. 15 pp. Map, 1 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min., 1875. Mandelsteine Aus Den Maluti-Bergen, SÜd-Africa, 1 p. Ibid., 1880, Bd. I. —Ueber Laven von Hawaii und einigen anderen Inseln des Grossen Oceans nebst einigen Bemerkungen ueber glasige Gesteine im allgemeinen. 30 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal. 1880, Bd. II. —GoldfÜhrende Conglomerate in SÜd-Afrika. 3 pp.—Mit. des naturw. Vereins fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1887. —Ueber die Trennung von Thonerde, Eisenoxyd und TitansÄure. 2 pp.—Aus Neuem Jahrb. fÜr Min. 1884. —Chemische Untersuchung des Meteoreisens von S. Juliao de Moreira, Portugal, sowie einiger anderen hexaËdrischen Eisen. 12 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrbuch fÜr Mineralogie, 1889, Bd. I. —Zusammenstellung petrographischer Untersuchungsmethoden nebst Angabe der Literatur. 36 pp.—Aus den Mit. aus dem naturw. Verein fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen in Greifswald. —Ueber die Entstehung des Seifengoldes. 20 pp.—Mit. des naturw. Vereins fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1887. —Geonostisch-petrographische Skizzen aus SÜd-Afrika. 48 pp. 1 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrbuch, Min. 1874. —Ueber einige Vogesengesteine. 6 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal., 1883, Bd. I. —AndalusitfÜhrende Granite. 3 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1887, Bd. II. —Nekrolog von Jonas Gustaf Oscar Linnarsson. 2 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1882. Bd. I. —Versammlung des Oberrhein, geologischen Vereins zu Duerkheim, bayr. Rheinpfalz, am 13, 14 und 15 April, 1882. Ueber einen Aventurinquartz aus Ostindien. —Berichtigung bezÜglich des "Olivin-Diallag-Gesteins" von Schriesheim im Odenwald. 2 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1885, Bd. I. —Ueber Pleochroitische HÖfe in Biotit. 5 pp.—Aus den Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1888, Bd. I. —Kersantit von Laveline. 2 pp.—Aus den Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1879. —Das LabradoritfÜhrende Gestein der KÜste von Labrador. 3 pp.—Aus den Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1885, Bd. I. —Ueber eine verbesserte Methode der Isolirung von Gesteinsgemengtheilen vermittelst FlussÄure. 3 pp.—Mit. des naturw. Vereines fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1888. —Die Gold production Transvaal in Jahre 1889. —Ueber eine Pseudomorphose nach Markasit aus der Kreide von Arcona auf Ruegen. 4 pp.—Aus den Sitzungsberichten des naturw. Vereins fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1886. —Das Obere Weilerthal und das ZunÄchst Angrenzende Gebirge. 150 pp.—Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Speciakarte von Elsass—Lothringen. —Ueber den Granat der sÜd-afrikanischen Diamantfelder und ueber den Chromgehalt der Pyrope. 4 pp.—Aus der Mit. des naturw. Vereins fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1888. —Ueber Speckstein, Pseudophit und dichten Muscovit aus SÜd-Afrika. 6 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1887, Bd. I. —Titaneisen von den Diamantfeldern in SÜd-Afrika. 2 pp.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. 1877. —Ueber den Meteoriten von Zsadany, Temesvar Comitat, Banat. 10 pp.—Aus den Verhandlungen des Naturhist-Med. Vereins zu Heidelberg. II Bd., 2 Heft. Cohen E. und W. Deecke. —Ueber Geschiebe aus Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen. 84 pp.—Aus den Mitt. des naturwiss. Vereines fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1881. —Sind die Stoerungen in der Lagerung der Kreide an de OstkÜste von Jasmund (Ruegen) durch Faltungen zu erklÄren? 10 pp. 3 pl.—Aus den Mit. des naturwiss. Vereins fÜr Neu-Vorpommern und Ruegen, 1889. —Ueber das Krystalline Grundgebirge der Inseln Bornholm. Cohen E. und E. Weinschenk. —Meteoreisen-Studien. 32 pp.—Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Bd. VI. Heft 2, 1891. Cross, Whitman. —The Post-Laramie Beds of Middle Park, Colo. 27 pp.—Proc. Colo. Sci. Soc., Oct. 3, 1892. —Post-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. 22 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., July, 1892. (and L. G. Eakins). —A New Occurrence of Ptilolite.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1892. Crosskey, H. W. —On a section of Glacial drift recently explored in Icknield Street, Birmingham. 8 pp., 3 pl.—Proc. Birm. Phil. Soc. Vol. III, p. 209. —Notes on some of the Glacial Phenomena of the Vosges Mountain, with an account of the Glacier of Kertoff. 12 pp.—Jan. 9, 1879. —Recent Researches into the Post-Tertiary Geology of Scotland. 12 pp.—Phil. Soc., Glasgow, Dec. 7, 1868. —On the Tellino Calcarea Bed at Chappel Hall, near Airdrie. —Some additions to the Fauna of the Bridlington (post-Tertiary) Bed. 6 pp.—Proc. Birmingham Phil. Soc. Vol. II, part II, June 9, 1891. —Report of the Committee of the B. A. A. S. appointed for the purpose of recording the position, height above sea-level, character, etc. of Erratic blocks of Eng. Wales and Ire.—Brit. Assoc. 1873, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1891. (and David Robertson). —The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland. 16 pp., 1 pl.—Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. IV, Part III, page 241. 8 pp., Vol. V., Part I, page 29. Davis W. M. —The Convex Profile of Bad Land Divides.—Sci., Oct. 28, 1892. —The Deflective Effect of the Earth's Rotation. 8 pp.—Am. Met. Jour., April, 1885. —The Subglacial Origin of Certain Eskers. 23 pp.—Proc. Boston Soc'y of Nat. Hist. Vol. XXI, May, 1892. —Outline of a Course in Elementary Descriptive and Physical Geography for Grades IV. and V. in the Cambridge Grammar School, 1892-3. 4 pp. —Outline of Elementary Meteorology. A synopsis of course "Geology I" at Harvard College, 1892-3. Dawson, Geo. M.D., D. Sc., F.G.S. —Recent observations in the Glaciation of Br. Columbia and Adjacent Regions. 4 pp., 1 pl.—Geol. Mag., Aug., 1888. Dawson, Sir Wm. J. —The Geological History of Plants. 2 pp.—Botanical Gazette, Vol. XIII., No. 6. Deeche, W. —Der Monte Vulture in der Basilicata (Unteritalien) 78 pp. 1 Map., 1 pl.—Aus dem Neuen Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal. Beilageband VII. Dewey, Frederic P. —A Preliminary Catalogue of the Systematic Collection in Economic Geology and Metallurgy in the U. S. National Museum. 256 pp.—Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 42. —Plan to Illustrate Resources of the U. S. and their Utilizations, at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition of 1884-85 at New Orleans. 8 pp. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884, Appendix. —Photographing the Interior of a Coal Mine. 8 pp., 4 pl.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., July, 1887. —Some Canadian Iron Ores. 12 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XII. 1884. —Report of the Department of Metallurgy in the U. S. National Museum. 4 pp.—Report to the Nat. Mus., 1888-89. —The Department of Metallurgy and Economic Geology in the U. S. Nat. Mus. 26 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Sept., 1890. —Hampe's Method of Determination Cu2O in Metallic Copper. 6 pp.—Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1888. —Porosity of Specific Gravity of Coke. 16 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., June, 1888. —The Lewis and Bartlett Bag-Process of collecting Lead Fumes at the Lone Elm Works, Joplin, Mo. 32 pp., Ill.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Feb., 1890. —Note on the Nickel-Ore of Russell Springs, Logan Co., Kan.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng. —Note on the Falling Cliff Zinc Mine. 2 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., May, 1891. —The Heroult Process of Smelting Aluminum Alloys. 8 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Feb., 1890. —Pig Iron of Unusual Strength. 18 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Oct., 1888. Diller, J. S. —Geology of the Taylorville Region of California. 25 pp., Ill.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 3. pp. 369-394. —Peridotite of Elliott County, Kentucky. 32 pp., Ill.—Bull. U. S. G. S., No. 38. —Notes on the Geology of Northern Cal. 224 pp.—Bull. U. S. G. S., No. 33. —Fulgurite from Mt. Thielson, Oregon. 7 pp., Ill.—Am. Jour. Sci., Oct., 1884. —Notes on the Peridotite of Elliot County, Ky. 5 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Aug., 1886. —A Late Volcanic Eruption in Northern Cal. and its Peculiar Lava. 33 pp., XVII pl., 4 cuts.—Bull. U. S. G. S., 79, 1891. Emmons, S. F. —Abstract of a Report upon the Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville, Colorado. 90 pp., with maps.—Ann. Rep. U. S. G. S., 1880-81. —Orographic Movements in the Rocky Mountains. 22 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc'y Am., Vol. I., pp 245-86. —Notes on the Geology of Butte, Montana. 14 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., July, 1887. —The Genesis of Certain Ore Deposits. 22 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., March, 1886. —Structural Relations of Ore Deposits. 36 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Feb., 1888. —Notes on the Gold Deposits of Montgomery County, Maryland. 22 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Feb., 1890. —On Glaciers in the Rocky Mountains. 16 pp.—Proc. Col. Sci. Soc'y, 1887. —Preliminary Notes on Aspen, Col. 26 pp.—Proc. Col. Sci. Soc'y, 1887. —Fluor-Spar Deposits of Southern Ill. 24 pp, map.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Baltimore Meeting, Feb., 1892. —The Mining Work of the U. S. Geol. Survey. 13 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Washington Meeting, Feb., 1892. —On the Origin of Fissure Veins. 20 pp.—Proc. Col. Sci. Soc'y, 1887. Emmons, S. F. (and G. E. Becker). —Geological Sketches of the Precious Metal Deposits of the Western United States, with notes on Lead Smelting at Leadville. 296 pp.—Tenth Census U. S., Vol. XIII "Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals." Emerson, George H. —Observations on Crystals and Precipitations in Blowpipe Beads. 18 pp., Ill.—Proc. Am. Acad. of Arts and Sci., March, 1865. Fisher, Rev. O. —Mr. Mallet's Theory of Volcanic Energy Tested. 18 pp.—Phil. Mag., Oct., 1875. —Review of Captain Dutton's Critical Observations on Theories of the Earth's Physical Evolution. 8 pp.—Geol. Mag., Aug., 1876. —On the Possibility of Changes in the Latitude of places on the Earth's Surface. Being an appeal to Physicists. 7 pp.—Geol. Mag., July, 1878. —On Theories to Account for Glacial Submergence. 8 pp.—Phil. Mag., Oct., 1892. —On Dynamo Metamorphism. 2 pp.—Geol. Mag., July, 1890. —On the Warp, its Age and Probable Connection with the last Geological Events. 12 pp., Ill.—Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc'y, Nov., 1866. —On Implement-bearing Loams in Suffolk. 5 pp.—Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc'y, Vol. III, Pt. VII. —On the Brocklesham Beds of the Isle of Wight Basin. 30 pp.—Proc. Geol. Soc'y, May, 1862. —On a Mammaliferous Deposit at Barrington, near Cambridge. 11 pp., Ill.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y, Nov., 1879. —On the Denudation of Soft Strata. 4 pp.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y, Feb., 1861. —On the Occurrence of Elephas Meridonalis at Dervlish, Dorset. 8 pp., Ill.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y, Nov., 1888. —Glacial Action and Raised Sea-Beds. 4 pp., Ill.—Geol. Mag., April, 1873. —On the Origin of the Estuary of the Fleet in Dorsetshire. —On the Brick-pit at Lexden, near Colchester (with notes on the Coleoptera, by T. U. Wollaston). 9 pp., Ill.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y of London, 1863. —On Faulting, Jointing and Cleavage. 72 pp., Ill.—Geol. Mag., May, 1884. —Remarks upon Mr. Mallet's Strictures on the Mathematical Test applied to his Theory of Volcanic Energy, by Mr. O. Fisher. 6 pp.—Phil. Mag., Feb., 1876. —On the Phosphatic Nodules of the Cretaceous Rock of Cambridgeshire. 14 pp., 1 pl.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y, Feb., 1873. —On Faults. Reply to Professor Blake's Criticisms. 3 pp.—Geol. Mag., Sept., 1884. —"Uniformity" and "Vulcanicity." 3 pp.—Geol. Mag., March, 1875. —The Cause of Slaty Cleavage. 4 pp.—Geol. Mag., April, 1885. —On the Thermal Conditions and on the Stratification of the Antarctic Ice. 13 pp.—Phil. Mag., June, 1879. —On Cleavage and Distortion. 11 pp.—Geol. Mag., Sep., 1884. —On the Ages of the "Trail" and "Warp." 7 pp.—Geol. Mag., May, 1867. —Review of Dutton's Grand CaÑon, Colorado. 4 pp.—Geol. Mag., July, 1883. —On the Theory of the Erosion of Lake Basins by Glaciers. 2 pp.—Geol. Mag., June, 1876. —Oblique and Orthogonal Sections of a Folded Plane. 4 pp., Ill.—Geol. Mag., Jan., 1891. —On the Cromer Cliffs. 4 pp., Ill.—Geol. Mag., April, 1880. —On Some Natural Pits on the Heaths of Dorsetshire. 2 pp.—Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc'y, London, 1858. —On Cirques and Toluses. 4 pp.—Geol. Mag., Jan., 1872. —On a Worked Flint from the Buck-Earth of Crayford, Kent. 2 pp.—Geol. Mag., June, 1872. Frazer, Dr. Persifor. —General Notes on the New Orleans Industrial and Cotton Exhibition. 20 pp.—Journal Franklin Institution, June, 1885. —The Eozoic and Lower Paleozoic in South Wales and their Comparison with their Appalachian Analogues. 18 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Feb., 1883. —Geological and Mineral Studies in Nuevo Leon and Coahuilla, Mexico. 36 pp., III, and maps.—Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Feb., 1884. —Trap Dykes in the Archaean Rocks of Southeastern Pennsylvania. 4 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc., Oct. 17, 1884. —Classification of Coals. 22 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Vol. VI, 1879. —Descriptive Table of Elements. 2 pp.—1891. —The late International Geological Congress at Berlin. 4 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Nov. 20, 1885. —Report of the American Committee of the International Congress of Geologists. 5 pp.—Proc. A. A. A. S., Vol. XXXV, August, 1886. —General Notes on the Geology of York County, Penn. 20 pp.—Colored maps. —On the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of a Trap occurring at Williamson's Point, Penn. 8 pp., 1 colored plate. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y, Dec. 20, 1878. —An Hypothesis of the Structure of the Copper Belt of the South Mountain. 4 pp., Ill.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin., June, 1883. Read at the Roanoke, Va., Meeting. —A Broader Field for the U. S. Geological Survey. 4 pp.—Journ. Franklin Instit., Sept., 1888. —The Peach Bottom Slates of the Lower Susquehanna, with sections of the Right and Left Banks. 5 pp., 3 pl.—Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Oct., 1883. —Reply to a paper entitled "Notes on the Geology of Chester Valley and Vicinity." 8 pp.—Journ. Franklin Inst., April, 1884. —Mr. Theodore D. Rand's Criticism of Vol. C4 Geology of Chester County, Penn. 6 pp.—Journ. Franklin Inst., Oct., 1883. —Archaean Characters of the Rocks of the Nucleal Ranges of the Antilles. 1 p.—Brit. Assn., 1888. —Notes on Fresh-Water Wells of the Atlantic Beach. 4 pp.—Journ. Franklin Inst., Sept., 1890. —The Position of the American New Red Sandstone. 8 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Vol. V. —On the Traps of the Mesozoic Sandstone in York and Adams Counties, Penn. 13 pp., 4 pl.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, April 16, 1875. —The Whopper Lode, Gunnison County, Colo. 10 pp.—Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Aug., 1880. —Some Copper Deposits of Carroll County, Md. 8 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Aug., 1880. —A Convenient Device to be Applied to the Hand Compass. 1 p.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Dec. 5, 1884. —The Approaches to a Theory of the Causes of Magnetic Declination. 16 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Apr. 6, 1877. —On Improvement in the Construction of the Hypsometric Aneroid.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, March 2, 1883. —An Exfoliation of Rocks near Gettysburg. 2 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Dec. 4, 1874. —Note on the New Geological Map of Europe. 6 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin. —Some Supposed Fossils from the Susquehanna River, just South of the Pennsylvania-Maryland Line. 3 pp., 1 pl.—Proc. Am. Phil. Soc'y XVIII, Sept. 18, 1879. —Missing Ores of Iron. 12 pp., Ill.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin., Vol. VI, 1879. —The Peach Bottom Slates of Southeastern York and Southern Lancaster Counties, Penn. 5 pp., 1. pl.—Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engin., 1883. —A Speculation on Protoplasm. 7 pp.—Am Nat., July, 1876. —A Mirror for Illuminating Opaque Objects for the Projecting Microscope. 2 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Feb. 20, 1880. —The Progress of Chemical Theory; Its Helps and Hindrances. 37 pp.—Journ. Franklin Instit., Apr., May and June, 1891. —Mineral FormulÆ. 6 pp.—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., July 7, 1874. —Notes from the Literature on the Geology of Egypt, and Examination of the Syenitic Granite of the Obelisk which Lieut. Comd'r Gorringe, U. S. N., brought to New York. 27 pp., 4 pl.—Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engin., 1883. —Report of Committee on the International Congress of Geologists. 3 pp.—Proc. A. A. A. S., Vol. XXXIX, 1890. —On Certain Trap Rocks from Brazil. 3 pp.—Proc. Acad. Sci., Phila., 1876. —An Unjust Attack. 8 pp.—Am. Geol., Jan., 1889. —The Philadelphia Meeting of the International Congress of Geologists. 10 pp., Am. Geol., June, 1890. —Report of the Berlin International Geological Congress. 13 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., XXX, December, 1885. —Mesozoic Sandstone of the Atlantic Slope. 9 pp.—Am. Nat., May, 1879. —ArchÆan-Paleozoic Contact near Philadelphia, Penn. 6 pp., 1 pl.—Proc. A. A. A. S., Vol. XXXIII, Sept., 1884. —Report of the Sub-Committee of the Berlin Congress of Geologists on the ArchÆan. 80 pp. —Crystallization. 11 pp., Ill.—Journal Franklin Inst., Aug., 1885. —Origin of the Lower Silurian Limonites of York and Adams Counties, 6 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, March 19, 1875. —The Northern Serpentine Belt in Chester County, Pa. 8 pp.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engin., 1883. —The Persistence of Plant and Animal Life under Changing Conditions of Environment. 13 pp.—Am. Nat., June, 1890. —International Congress of Geologists, 1886. 109 pp., 1 pl. —International Congress of Geologists, Reports of the Sub-Committee appointed by the American Committee. 239 pp., 1888. —Other Short Articles. Frisbie, Dr. J. F. —Glacial Moraines. 16 pp. —Mountain Building and Mountain Sculpture. 13 pp. —The Franconia Flume, the Causes that led to its Formation. 8 pp. —Planet Building. 11 pp., 1 pl. — " " 17 pp., 2 pl. Geikie, Sir Archibald, LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.E., P.G.S. —Address to the Geological Section of the British Association. 23 pp. —Address by Sir Archibald Geikie, President of British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1892. 24 pp. —Progress of the Geological Survey in Scotland. 10 pp.—Proc. Royal Soc'y, Edinburgh, Vol. II, Session 1864-5. —On the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands. 4 pp.—Proc. Royal Soc'y, Edinburgh, 1866-67. —The History of Volcanic Action during the Tertiary Period in the British Islands (Abstract). 5 pp.—Proc. Royal Soc'y, Edin., 1888. —Address delivered at the 36th Anniversary Meeting of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Also Notes for a Comparison of the Volcanic Geology of Central Scotland with that of Auvergne and the Eifel. 16 pp.—Trans. of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 1869-70, Vol. II, Part I. —On Modern Denudation. 38 pp.—Trans. Geol. Soc'y of Glasgow, Vol. III, p. 153. —On Denudation now in Progress. 6 pp.—Geol. Mag., Vol. I, No. 6, June, 1868. —Earth Sculpture and the Huttonian School of Geology. The Inaugural Address Delivered at the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Edinburgh Geological Society, Nov. 6, 1873. —Recent Researches into the Origin and Age of the Highlands of Scotland and the West of Ireland. 19 pp. —Royal Institute of Great Britain, 1889. —The CaÑons of the Far West.—Ibid., April 6, 1883. 4 pp. —Rock-Weathering, as illustrated in Edinburgh Churchyards. 15 pp., 1 pl.—Proc. Royal Soc'y, Edinburgh, Vol. X., April 19, 1880. —The Ancient Glaciers of the Rocky Mountains. 7 pp.—Am. Nat. Jan. 1881. —The Ice Age in Britain.—Science Lectures for the People. 17 pp. —The Old Man of Hoy. 6 pp., 1 pl.—Report Brit. Assoc., 1871. —On the Old Red Sandstone of the South of Scotland. 12 pp., 1 pl.—Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc'y, Aug. 1860. —On the Geology of Strath, Skye, (with descriptions of some Fossils from Skye, by T. Wright, M.D., F.R.S.E.) 36 pp., 1 pl. —The History of Volcanic Action in the Area of the British Isles. 119 pp.—Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. XLVIII, 1892. —On the Supposed Pre-Cambrian Rocks of St. David's. 66 pp., 3 pl.—Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Aug. 1883. —On the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands. 31 pp., 1 pl. —The Geological Origin of the Present Scenery of Scotland. 21 pp. Ill.—The Journal of Travel and Natural History. —On the Age of the Altered Limestone of Strath, Skye.—13 pp. Ill.—Quart. Journal Geol. Soc'y, 1888. —Address of the President of the Geological Society of London, Feb. 20, 1891. 126 pp. —The Origin of Coral Reefs. 13 pp. Ill.—Proc. Royal Physical Soc'y. Vol. VIII, p.; 1884. —The "Pitchstone" of Eskdale, a retrospect and comparison of Geological Methods. Ibid, Vol V, 1880. Genth, F. A. —Ueber Nordamerikanische Tellur-und Wismuth-Mineralien. 14 pp.—Journal fÜr Praktische Chemie, 1874. —Ueber Lansfordit, Nesquehonit und Pseudomorphosen von Nesquehonit nach Lansfordit. (F. A. Genth und S. L. Penfield). 18 pp., 1 pl.—Zeit. fÜr Krystallographie, 1890. —Contributions to Mineralogy. 18 pp., 1 pl. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y, Oct. 2, 1885. —do. 21 pp. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y, March 18, 1887. —Investigation of Iron Ores and Limestones from Blair and Huntingdon counties, Pa. 26 pp.—Read before the Am. Phil. Soc'y, Feb. 6, 1874. —Contributions to Mineralogy. 6 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept. 1889; 4 pp. Jan., 1890. —do. with Crystallographic notes by S. L. Penfield. 9 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1890; 10 pp. May, 1891: 6 pp. March, 1892. —On American Tellurium and Bismuth Minerals. 9 pp.—Am. Phil. Soc'y, Aug. 21, 1874. —On Herderite. 7 pp. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y, Oct. 17, 1884. —On Lansfordite, Nesquehonite, a New Mineral and Pseudomorphs of Nesquehonite after Lansfordite. 17 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Jour. Sci., Feb., 1890. —The Minerals of North Carolina.—Bulletin 74, U. S. G. S. 120 pp. —The Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina. 122 pp.—Geol. of North Carolina, Vol. II, 1881. —First Annual Report of Dr. F. A. Genth, Chemist of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture. 32 pp., 1878. —Second Preliminary Report on the Mineralogy of Pennsylvania, with Analyses of Mineral Spring Waters. 38 pp. —Ueber einige Tellur-und Vanad-Mineralien. 13 pp.—Zeit. fÜr Krystallographie, etc., 1877. —On the Equivalent of Cerium by the late Dr. Charles Wolf. 10 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1868. —Contributions to Mineralogy, No. 54; (with Crystallographic Notes by S. L. Penfield). 9 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Nov., 1892. —On Penfieldite, a new species. 1 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1892. —Mineralogische Mittheilungen, by F. A. Genth (with Crystallographic Notes by S. L. Penfield). 10 pp. Ill.—"Zeit. fÜr Krystallog." XVIII, 6, (1891). —Examination of the North Carolina Uranium Minerals. 7 pp.—Am. Chem. Jour. Vol. I, Nos. 2 and 3. —On some American Vanadium Minerals. 6 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., July, 1876. —On an undescribed Meteoric Iron from East Tennessee. 4 pp., 2 pl.—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Dec. 28, 1886. —Lansfordit, ein neues Mineral, 2 pp. —On the Vanadates and Iodyrite, from Lake Valley, Sierra Co., New Mexico. 13 pp. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y Apr. 17, 1885. —Contributions to Mineralogy.—Am. Jour. Sci., Sept. 1859; March, 1862, May, 1868. —Meteorology. 6 pp. —Meteorology. 4 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Nov., 1861. —Re-examination of the Tetradymite from Field's Gold Mine, Georgia. —On Pyrophyllite from Schuylkill Co., Penn. Read before Am. Phil. Soc'y, July 18, 1878. —Mineralogische Mittheilungen. 31 pp., 2 pl.—Zeit. fÜr Krystallographie, 1885. —Jarosite from Utah. 1 p.—Am. Jour. Sci., Jan., 1890. —On Two Minerals from Delaware Co., Pa. 3 pp.—Proc. Acad. Sci. of Phila., 1889. —Contributions from the Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Gilbert, G. K. —The Colorado Plateau Region considered as a Field for Geological Study. 27 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., July and August, 1876. —The Strength of the Earth's Crust. 5 pp.—Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. Vol. I, 1889. —The History of the Niagara River. 24 pp., 8 pl.—Sixth An. Rept. of Com. of State Reservation at Niagara, 1889. —The Work of the International Congress of Geologists. 22 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., Dec, 1887. —The Sufficiency of Terrestrial Rotation for the Deflection of Streams. 6 pp.—Nat. Acad. Sci., 1884. Gordon, C. H. —Observations on the Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. 7 pp., 1 pl.—Am. Geol., May, 1890. —On the Brecciated Character of the St. Louis Limestone. 9 pp., 2 pl.—Am. Nat., April, 1890. —Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences for 1887, 1889, 1889. 101 pp. —Quaternary Geology of Keokuk, Iowa, with Notes on the Underlying Rock Structure. 8 pp., 2 pl. Grant, Uly. S. —Notes on the Molluscan Fauna of Minnesota. 4 pp.—16th An. Rept. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Minn. (1887). —Account of a Deserted Gorge of the Mississippi near Minnehaha Falls. 6 pp., 1 pl. —Conchological Notes. 12 pp.—14th An. Rept. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Minn. —The Stratigraphical Position of the Ogishke Conglomerate of Northeastern Minnesota. 8 pp.—Am. Geol. Vol. X, July, 1892. —Report of Geological Observations made in Northeastern Minnesota during the Summer of 1888. 67 pp.—Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn.; part IV. 17th An. Rept. Hall, C. W. —Notes on a Geological Excursion into Central Wisconsin. 18 pp., 1 pl. Hallock, William. —Chemical Action between Solids. 4 pp.—Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1889. —The Flow of Solids or the Behavior of Solids under High Pressure. 8 pp.—Bull. U. S. G. S., No. 55. —Ueber die Lichtgeschwindigkeit in verschiedenen QuartzflÄchen. 3 pp.—Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1881. Bd. XII. —Preliminary Report of Observations at the Deep Well at Wheeling, W. Va.—Proc. A. A. A. S., 1891, vol. XL. Harden, John Hy., M. E. —Rock Salt Deposit of Huron and Bruce Counties, Ontario, Canada. 6 pp.—Proc. Engineer's Club. Phila., Vol. I, No. 3. —The Construction of Maps in Relief. 23 pp., Ill., 1 pl.—Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., 1887. Harpe, Phil. de la. —Description des Nummulites appartenant À la Zone supÉrieure des Falaises de Biarritz. 20 pp., 1 pl.—Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ de Borda, 1879. —Une Échelle des Nummulites ou Tableau de la distribution stratigraphique des EspÈces de Nummulites. 5 pp.—"Verhandlungen" de la Soc. Helv. des Sc. Nat., session de St. Gall, 1879. —Note sur les Nummulites des Alpes occidentales. 6 pp.—Extrait des actes de la Soc. Helv. des Sc. Nat., 1877. —Note sur les Nummulites des environs de Nice et de Menton. 22 pp., 1 pl.—Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ Geologique de France, Octobre, 1877. —Ossements appartenant À L'Anthracotherium Magnum recueillis dans les Lignites des environs de Lausanne. 14 pp.—Bulletin de la Soc. vaud. des Sc. Nat., 1854. —Note sur la GÉologie des environs de LouÈche-les-Bains. 32 pp., 1 pl.—Bulletin de la Soc. vaud. des Sc. Nat., 1877. —Étude sur les Nummulites du ComtÉ de Nice suivie d'une Échelle des Nummulites ou Tableau de la distribution stratigraphique des EspÈces de ce genre. 44 pp., 1 pl.—Bulletin de la Soc. vaud. des Sc. Nat. —Nummulites des Alpes Francaises. 26 pp.—Bulletin de la Soc. vaud. Sc. Nat. XVI, 82. —Description des Nummulites des Falaises de Biarritz. 16 pp., 1 pl.—Extrait du Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ de Borda, 1881. —Description des Nummulites appartenant À la Zone infÉrieure des Falaises de Biarritz des environs de la Villa Bruce jusqu'À Handia. 44 pp.—Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ de Borda, 1881. —Description des Nummulites appartenant À la Zone moyenne des Falaises de Biarritz. 8 pp., Ill.—Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ de Borda, 1880. Hayes, C. Willard. —The Overthrust Faults of the Southern Appalachians. 14 pp., 2 pl.—Bulletin Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. II, pp. 141-154. —Report on the Geology of Northeastern Alabama and Adjacent Portions of Georgia and Tennessee. 84 pp., 1 pl., 1 map.—Bulletin No. 4, Geol. Surv. of Alabama. —An Expedition through the Yukon District. 46 pp., 3 maps.—Nat. Geog. Mag. Heyes, J. F., M.A. —Aspects of Imperial Federation. 8 pp. —Scientific Aspects of Imperial Unity.—European Mail. —The Recognition of Geography. 7 pp. (Further acknowledgments of pamphlets and of specimens will be made in the next issue.) Transcriber Note Illustrations were moved so as to not split paragraphs. Minor errors were corrected. Cover was produced from an image made available on The Internet Archive and is placed in the Public Domain. The Table of Contents was added to aid in location subjects of interest. |