The Bibliography here given is intended to serve the double purpose of enabling readers of this book to verify the statements made and the citations from the numerous authorities referred to in the compilation of the work, with as little difficulty as possible, and of furnishing to such as may desire to carry on extended reading in any of the subjects touched upon in the book a reasonable number of titles of the more recent and valuable treatises dealing with such topics.
All references in the body of the book to works listed in the Bibliography are by number and page. Thus: 6. 26 means that the quotation is from, or the opinion is derived from, Bachofen, J. J., Das Mutterrecht, S. 26; 127.11. 180 means Post, A. H., Afrikanische Jurisprudenz, II. Th., S. 180; 300. 15 means Lombroso, C., The Man of Genius, p. 15; 480 (1893). 140 means Journal of American Folk-Lore, 1893, p. 140.
1. ACHELIS, T.: Die Entwickelung der Ehe. Berlin, 1893. 125 S. 8vo.
2. Actes du congrÈs international des uvres et institutions fÉminines. Paris, 1890. 539 pp. 8vo.
3. ADAM, L.: Du genre dans les diverses langues. Paris, 1883. 36 pp. 8vo.
4. ANDERSEN, HANS C.: La MÈre. Conte de Hans Christian Andersen en 22 Langues, St. PÉtersbourg, 1894.
5. AVERY, J.: Polyandry in India and Thibet. Amer. Antiq. and Or. Journ. Vol. IV., pp. 48-53.
6. BACHOFEN, J. J.: Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung Über die Gynokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiÖsen und rechtlichen Natur. Stuttgart, 1861. xl, 435 S. 4to.
7. BACON, ALICE M.: Japanese Girls and Women. London, 1891. 330 pp. 8vo.
8. BANDELIER, A. F.: On the Social Organization and Mode of Government of the Ancient Mexicans. Rep. Peab. Mus. II., pp. 557-699.
9. BASTIAN, A.: Matriarchat und Patriarchal. Ztschr. . Ethnol. (Berlin), Verhndl., 1886, S. 331-341.
10. BAWA,—: Marriage Customs of the Moors of Ceylon. Journ. Ceylon Branch Roy. Asiatic Soc. Vol. X. (1888), pp. 219-262.
11. BELILOVSKI, K. A.: [Woman in Siberia (Medico-ethnographical Sketch)]. Sborn. rabot akush i zhensk. bolez … Slavjanski [etc.]. St. Petersburg, 1894. Vol. I., pp. 527-629.
12. BERGEL, Jos.: Die Eheverhaltnisse der alten Juden. Leipzig, 1881.
13. BERNHOFT, F.: Verwandschaftsnamen und Eheformen der nordamerikanischen Volksstamme. Rostock, 1888.
14. BERTHOLON, M.: Les formes de la famille chez les premiers habitants de l'Afrique du nord d'apres les ecrivains de I'antiquite et des coutumes modernes. Arch. de I'Anthr. Crim. Vol. VIII. (1893), pp. 581-614.
15. BERTILLON, J.: Etudes demographiques du divorce et de la separation de corps dans les differents pays de l'Europe. Paris, 1883. 2 vols. 116, 257 pp. 8vo.
16. BLOOMFIELD, M.: Women as Mourners in the Atharva-Veda. Proc. Amer. Orient. Soc. Vol. XV. (1890), pp. xlix. ff.
16 a. BLYTH, D.: Notes on the Traditions and Customs of the Natives of Fiji in relation to Conception, Pregnancy, and Parturition. Glasgow Med. Journ. Vol. XXVIII. (1887), pp. 176-186.
17. Boshaftes von der Gattin und Schwiegermutter. Sammlung von Spruchen, Reimen und Anekdoten. Leipzig, 1882.
18. BUDGE, E. A. W.: The Mummy: Chapters on Egyptian Funeral Archaeology. Cambridge, 1893. xvi, 404 pp. 8vo.
19. BUSCHMANN, J. C. E.: Ueber den Naturlaut. Konigl. Akad. d. Wissensch. (Berlin), Abh. a. d. J. 1852. III. Th., S. 391-423. Reprinted (separate) as: BUSCHMANN, J. C. E., Ueber den Naturlaut. Berlin, 1853. 34 S. 4to. Translation: On Natural Sounds, by Prof. J. C. E. Buschmann. Transl. by Campbell Clarke…. Philol. Soc. (London) Proc. Vol. VI. (1855), pp. 188-206.
20. CAMBOULIVES, M.: L'Homme et la Femme a tous les Ages de la Vie. Etude hygienique, medicale, physiologique, sociale et morale. Paris, 1890. 388 pp. 8vo.
21. CARR, L.: Social and Political Status of Woman among the Iroquois Indians. Rep. Peab. Mus. (Cambridge, Mass.). III., pp. 207-232.
22. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F. Primitive Woman as Poet. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. XLII. (1893), Salem, 1894, p. 317.
23. CHAUVIN, JEANNE: Etude historique sur les professions accessibles aux Femmes. Paris, 1892. 296 pp. 8vo.
24. CHILD, L. M.: History of the Condition of Women in Various Ages and Nations. 2 vols. 1832.
25. CODRINGTON, R. H.: Social Regulations in Melanesia. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XVIII. (1889), pp. 300-313.
25 a. CONVERS, D.: Marriage and Divorce in the United States. Philadelphia, 1894.
26. CORIVEAUD, A.: Hygiene des Families. Paris, 1890. 328 pp. 8vo.
27. CORRE, A.: La MÈre et l'Enfant dans les Races humaines. Paris, 1882.
28. CRAWLEY, A. E.: Sexual Taboo: A Study in the Relations of the Sexes. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXIV. (1894-5), pp. 126-158, 219-235.
29. DAHN, F.: Das Weib im altgermanischen Recht und Leben. Samml. gemeinnÜtz. VortrÄge. Prag. No. 71.
30. DANKS, B,: Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XVIII. (1889), pp. 281-284.
31. DARGUN, L.: Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im germanischen Recht und Leben. Breslau, 1883.
32. DARGUN, L.: Studien zum Ältesten Familienrecht: Erster Theil. Mutterund Vaterrecht. Leipzig, 1892. 155 S. 8vo.
33. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: Storia comparata degli usi natalizi in Italia e presso gli altri popoli Indo-Europei. Milano, 1878.
34. DEVINE, E. T.: The Economic Function of Woman. Ann. Amer. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci. (Philadelphia). Vol. V. (1894-5), pp. 45-60.
35. DORSEY, J. O.: Omaha Sociology. Third Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethn. (1881-2), Washington, 1884, pp. 205-370.
36. DRUMMOND, H.: The Evolution of Man. Being the Lowell Lectures delivered at Boston, Mass., April, 1893, by Professor Henry Drummond. Edited by William Templeton. Philadelphia, 1893. 244 pp. 12mo.
37. DRUMMOND, H.: The Ascent of Man (Lowell Lectures). New York, 1894. 346 pp. 8vo.
38. EBERS, G.: Woman in Ancient Egypt. Catholic World, 1880-1881, pp. 563-572.
39. ECKART, R.: Mutterliebe und Leben in den schÖnsten Liedern verherrlicht. Herausg. v. Rudolf Eckart. Stuttgart, 1890.
40. ELLIS, A. B.: On Polyandry. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XXXIX. (1891), pp. 801-809.
41. ELLIS, A. B.: Marriage and Kinship among the Ancient Israelites. Ibid. Vol. XLII. (1892-3), pp. 325-337.
42. ELLIS, HAVELOCK: Man and Woman: A Study of Human Secondary Sexual Characters. London and New York, 1894. xiv, 409 pp. 8vo.
43. ENGELMANN, G.: Labor [Parturition] amongst Primitive Peoples. St. Louis, 1883. 227 pp. 8vo. Also German Transl., Wien, 1884.
44. ENGELS, F.: Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats. Hottingen-ZÜrich, 1884.
45. FAUST, J. H.: "Das, was Wir lieben," im Rahmen des Sprichwortes. Humor, Witz und Satire Über die TÖchter Eva's. 2te Aufl. Hamburg. 102 S.
46. FAWCETT, F.: On basivis: Women, who, through dedication to a deity, assume masculine privileges. Journ. Anthr. Soc. (Bombay). Vol. II. (1891), pp. 322-354.
47. FELICE, L. V. DE: II divorzio e la donna. Napoli, 1893. 63 pp. 16mo.
48. FELKIN, R. W.: Ueber Lage und Stellnng der Frau bei der Geburt, auf Grund eigener Beobachtung bei den NegervÖlkern der oberen Nil-Gegenden. Marburg, 1885. 72 S. 8vo.
49. FÉRÉ, CIL.: La famille nÉvropathique. ThÉorie tÉratologique de l'hÉrÉdite' et de la dÉgÉnÉrescence. Paris, 1894. 334 pp. 12mo.
50. FERRERO, G.: The Problem of Woman from a Bio-Sociological Point of View. Monist (Chicago). Vol. IV. (1894), pp. 261-274.
51. FEWKES, J. W.: The Kinship of a TaÑoan-speaking Community. Amer. Anthrop. (Washington). Vol. VII. (1894), pp. 162-167.
52. FEWKES, J. W.: Kinship of the Tusayan Villagers. Ibid. 394-417.
53. FINCK, H. T.: Eomantic Love and Personal Beauty. Their Development, Causal Relations, Historic and National Peculiarities. 2 vols. London, 1887. 8vo.
54. FISCHER, F. C. J.: Ueber die ProbenÄchte der deutschen BauernmÄdchen. Zurich, o.J.
55. FISON, L., and HOWITT, A. W.: Kamilaroi and Kurnai. Group-Marriage and Relationship, and Marriage by Elopement, etc. Melbourne, 1880.
56. FISON, L.: Australian Marriage Laws. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX., pp. 354-358.
57. FISON, L.: Group-Marriage and Relationship. Rep. Austral. Ass. Adv. Sci. (Vol. IV., 1892.) Hobart, 1893. pp. 688-697.
58. FLOESSEL, E.: Die Schwiegermutter. Kulturgeschichtliche BeitrÄge. Dresden, 1890.
59. FOL, II.: La ressemblance entre Époux. Rev. Scientif. (Paris). XLVII. (1891), pp. 47-49.
60. GAMBLE, ELIZA B.: The Evolution of Woman. An Inquiry into the Dogma of her Inferiority to Man. New York, 1894. 356 pp. 8vo.
61. GARNETT, Miss L. M. J.: The Women of Turkey and their Folk-Lore. With Chapters on the Ethnography of Turkey, Folk-Conceptions of Nature, and the Origin of Matriarchy by J. S. Stuart Glennie. Christian, Jewish, and Moslem Women. London, 1890-1. 2 vols. 461, 632 pp. 8vo.
62. GARNIER, A.: Anomalies Sexuelles. Paris, 1889. 544 pp. 8vo.
63. GATSCHET, A. S.: Sex-Denoting Nouns in American Languages. Trans. Amer. Philol. Assoc. Vol. XX. (1891), pp. 159-171.
64. GEDDES, P., and J. H. THOMPSON: The Evolution of Sex. London and New York, 1890. xvi, 332 pp. 8vo.
65. GESSMANN, G. W.: Die MÄnnerhand und ihre Bedeutung fÜr die Erforschung des mÄnnlichen Charakters. Eine physiognomische Studie. Berlin, 1894. 92 S. 8vo. 29 Abbild.
66. GESSMANN, G. W.: Die Frauenhand und ihre Bedeutung fÜr die Erkenntniss des weiblichen Charakters. Eine physiognomisehe Studie. Berlin, 1894. 92 S. 8vo. 21 Abbild.
67. GIRARD-TEULON, A.: La MÉre chez certains peuples de l'AntiquitÉ. Paris, 1867. 60 pp. 8vo.
68. GIRARD-TEULON, A.: Les Origines du Mariage et de la Famille. Paris, 1884. xxiii, 525 pp. 8vo.
69. GONCOURT, EDMOND ET JULES DE: La Femme aux dix-huitiÈme SiÈcle. Nouv. Éd. Paris, 1877.
70. GRINNELL, G. B.: Marriage among the Pawnees. Amer. Anthrop. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 275-281.
71. HABEBLANDT, C.: Altjungfernschicksal nach dem Tode. Globus. XXXIV. Bd. (1878).
72. HALBERT, H. C.: Courtship and Marriage among the Choctaws of Mississippi. American Naturalist. March, 1882.
73. HARRISON, C.: Religion and Family among the Haidas (Queen Charlotte Islands). Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXI. (1891), pp. 14-29.
74. HAUPT, P.: The Babylonian Woman's Language. Amer. Journ. Philol. (Baltimore). Vol. V., pp. 68-84.
75. HELD, Jos. v.: KÖnigtum und GÖttlichkeit. Am Ur-Quell (Lunden). III. Bd. (1892), S. 119-124, 152-157, 195-197, 220-225, 241-243.
76. HELLWALD, F. von: Die menschliche Familie. Leipzig, 1889.
77. HENNE AM RHYN, O.: Die Frau in der Kulturgeschichte. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1892.
78. HERING, O.: Die Frauen Japans im Spiegel der fÜr sie bestimmten Literatur. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Natur—und VÖlkerkunde Ostasiens (Tokio). V. Bd., Yokohama, 1889, Heft 41, S. 10-27.
79. HIGGINSON, T. W.: Common Sense about Women. Boston, 1892. 403 pp. 8vo.
80. HOWITT, A. W., and LORIMER FISON. From Mother-Right to Father-Right. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XII. (1882).
80 a. JESSUP, H. H.: The Women of the Arabs. London, 1874.
81. KATSCHER, L.: Bilder aus dem chinesischen Leben. Mit besonderer RÜcksicht auf Sitten und GebrÄuche. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1881.
82. KIDD, BENJ.: Social Evolution. New ed. New York, 1894. x, 348 pp. 8vo.
83. KIRKITAR, K. R.: On the ceremonies observed among Hindus during Pregnancy and Parturition. Journ. Anthr. Soc. (Bombay). Vol. I. (1889), pp. 394-404.
84. KOVALEVSKY, M.: Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia (Ilchester Lectures for 1889-90). London, 1891. x, 260 pp. 8vo.
85. KRABBES, TH.: Die Frau im altfranzÖsischen Carlsepos. Marburg, 1884.
86. KRAFFT-EBING, FREIH. R. v.: Psychopathia Sexualis. Eine klinischforensische Studie. Stuttgart, 1886.
87. KRAUSS, F. S.: Sitte und Brauch bei den SÜdslaven. Wien, 1885.
88. KRAUSS, F. S.: Das Mundschaftsrecht des Mannes Über die Ehefrau bei den SÜdslaven. Mitth. d. anthr. Gesellsch. (Wien). XV. Bd. (1885).
89. KUBARY, J. S.: Aus dem samoanischen Familienleben. Globus. XLVII. Bd. (1885).
90. KULISCHER, M.: Die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl bei dem Menschen in der Urzeit. Ztschr f. Ethnol. (Berlin). VIII. Bd. (1876), S. 140-157.
91. KULISCHER, M.: Intercommunale Ehe durch Raub und Kauf. Ibid. X. Bd. (1878), S. 193-225.
92. KULISCHER, M.: Die communale "Zeitehe" und ihre Ueberreste. Arch.f. Anthrop. (Braunschweig). XI. Bd. (1879), S. 215-229.
93. LACOMBE, P.: La Famille dans la societe Romaine, etude de Moralite comparee. Paris, 1889.
94. LEA, H. C.: An Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church. Boston, 1884.
95. LE BON, G.: L'Homme et les Societes. Paris, 1881. 2 vols. 8vo. 96. LECKY, W. E. H.: History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. London, 1877. 2 vols.
97. LEGOUVE, E.: Histoire morale des Femmes. Paris, 1882. vii, 432 pp. 8vo.
98. LEHMANN, K.: Verlobung und Hochzeit in den nordgermanischen Rechten des fruhesten Mittelalters. Munchen, 1882.
99. LETOURNEAU, CH.: The Evolution of Marriage and the Family. London, 1891.
100. LETOURNEAU, CH.: Sociology based upon Ethnography. Transl. H. M. Trollope. New ed. London, 1893. xv, 608 pp. 8vo.
101. LETOURNEAU, CH.: L'Evolution Politique dans les diverses Races humaines. Paris, 1890. xxiii, 561 pp. 8vo.
102. LICHTSCHEIN, L.: Die Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischer Auffassung. Leipzig, 1889.
103. LIPPERT, G.: Die Geschichte der Familie. Stuttgart, 1884. 260 S. 8vo.
104. LOMBROSO, C., and G. FERRERO: The Female Offender. New York, 1895. xxvi, 313 pp. 8vo.
105. LOTI, P.: Woman in Japan. Harper's Monthly (New Tork). Vol. LXXXII. (1890), pp. 119-131.
105 a. LUBBEN, A.: "Modersprak." Correspbl. f. niederd. Sprachfrschg. VI. Jahrg. (1881), S. 64-66; VII., S. 7, 63; VIII., S. 75; XII., S. 55-56; XIII., S. 16.
106. LUCKOCK, H. M.: The History of Marriage, Jewish and Christian, in Relation to Divorce and Certain Forbidden Degrees. London, 1894.
107. LUMHOLTZ, C.: Tarahumari Life and Customs. Scribner's Mag. (New York). Vol. XVI. (1894), pp. 296-311.
108. MACFARLANE, A.: Analysis of Relationships of Consanguinity and Affinity. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XII. (1882).
109. MAINOV, W. N.: Wedding Customs and Legal Observances among the Mordwins [in Finnish]. 2 pts. Helsingfors, 1883-1888.
110. MANTEGAZZA, P.: Anthropologisch-culturhistorische Studien uber die Geschlechtsverhaltnisse des Menschen. Jena, 1886.
111. MASON, O. T.: The Human Beast of Burden. Smithson. Rep., 1886-1887. Pt. II., pp. 237-295.
112. MASON, O. T.: Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. Amer. Antiq. and Orient. Journ. Vol. XI., pp. 1-13.
113. MASON, O. T.: Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. New York, 1894. xiii, 295 pp. 8vo.
114. McLENNAN, J. F.: The Patriarchal Theory. London, 1885. 115. McLENNAN, J. F.: Studies in Ancient History, comprising a reprint of Primitive Marriage. A new ed. London, 1886. xxxi, 387 pp. 8vo.
116. MIKLUCHO-MACLAY, v.: Geschlechtlicher Umgang mit MÄdchen vor der Geschlechtareife derselben. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin), 1880. S. 88.
117. MORGAN, L. H.: Ancient Society. New York, 1878. xvi, 560 pp. 8vo.
118. MORGAN, L. H.: Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family. (Smithson. Contrib. to Knowl., Vol. XVII.) Washington, 1871. xii, 590 pp. 4to.
119. MORGAN, L. H.: Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines. (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol., Vol. V.) Washington, 1881. xiv, 281 pp. 4to.
120. MORLEY, MARGARET W.: A Song of Life. Chicago, 1891. 156 pp. 8vo.
121. MORTILLET, G. DE: Origines de la chasse, de la pÊche et de l'agriculture. I. Chasse, pÊche, domestication. Paris, 1890. xiii, 570 pp. 8vo.
122. MORTON, F. W.: Woman in Epigram. Flashes of Wit, Wisdom and Satire from the World's Literature. Compiled by Frederick W. Morton. Chicago, 1894.
123. PARKER, E. H.: Comparative Chinese Family Law. China Review (Hong-Kong). Vol. VIII. (1879-1880).
124. PISCHON, C. N.: Der Einfluss des Islam auf das hausliche, sociale und politische Leben seiner Bekenner. Leipzig, 1881.
125. PLOSS, H.: Das Weib in der Natur- und VÖlkerkunde. Anthropologische Studien von Dr. H. Ploss. Dritte umgearb. u. stark verm. Aufl. Nach d. Tode des Verf. bearb. u. herausgeg. v. Dr. Max Bartels. Leipzig, 1891. 2 Bde., xxiii, 575; vii, 684 S. 8vo.
126. PORTER, ROSE: About Women: What Men have Said. Chosen and arranged by Rose Porter. New York and London, 1894. 207 pp.
127. POST, A. H.: Afrikanische Jurisprudenz. Ethnologisch-juristische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der einheimischen Rechte Afrikas. 2 Thlc. in einem Bd. Oldenburg u. Leipzig, 1887. xx, 480; xxx, 192 S. 8vo.
128. POST, A. H.: Die GeschlechtsverhÄltnisse der Urzeit und die Entstehung der Ehe. Oldenburg, 1875.
129. POST, A. H.: Studien zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Familienrechtes. Bin Beitrag zu einer allgemeinen vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaft auf ethnologischer Basis. Oldenburg u. Leipzig, 1890.
130. POST, A. H.: Grundriss der ethnologischen Jurisprudenz. Oldenburg, 1894-1895. 2 Bde. Gr. 8vo. I. Bd., 1894, xii, 473 S.; II. Bd., 1895, xv, 744 S.
130 a. RADEMACHER, C.: Ueber die Bedeutung des Herdes. Am Ur-Quell, 1893. S. 57-60.
131. RAPHAEL, A.: Die Sprache der Proverbia qui dicuntur super naturam feminarum. Berlin, 1887. 8vo.
132. REINSBERG-DURINGSFELD, O. FREIH. r.: Die Frau im Sprichwort. Leipzig, 1862.
133. ROCCO, G.: La filosofia del matrimonio ed i mali individuali c sociali del divorzio. Napoli, 1892. 121 pp. 8vo.
134. ROGER, C.: Social Life in Scotland from Early to Recent Times. 3 Vols. Edinburgh, 1884-1886.
135. ROSENBAUM, J.: Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume. 3 Abdr. Halle, 1882.
136. SABELLJIN, J.: History of Russian Life from the Oldest Times. [In Russian.] Moscow, 1876-1879. 1167 pp.
137. SAVAGE, M. J.: Man, Woman, and Child. Boston, 1884. 211 pp. 8vo.
138. SAYCE, A. H.: Social Life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. London, 1893. 126 pp.
139. SCHELLONG, O.: Ueber Familien-Leben und Gebrauche der Papuas der Umgebung von Finschhafen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin). XXL, Bd. (1889), S. 10-25.
140. SCHERER, O.: Bilder aus dem serbischen Volks- und Familienleben. Neusatz, 1882.
141. SCHEURL, O. v.: Das gemeine deutsche Eherecht. Erlangen, 1882.
142. SCHLAGINTWEIT, E.: Die Hindu-Wittwe in Indien. Globus. XLIII. Bd. (1883).
143. SCHMIDT, K.: Jus primae noctis. Freiburg im B., 1881.
144. SCHMIDT, K.: Der Streit uber das jus primae noctis. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin). XVI. Bd. (1884), S. 18-59.
145. SCHROEDER, L. v.: Die Hochzeitsgebrauche der Esten und einiger anderer finnisch-ugrischen Volkerschaften in Vergleichung mit denen der indogermanischen Volker. Berlin, 1888.
146. SCHWIERIGER-LERCHENFELD, A. FREIH. v.: Das Frauenleben der Erde. Wien-Pest-Leipzig, 1881.
147. SIBREE, J.: Relationships and the Names used for them among the Peoples of Madagascar, etc. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX. (1879).
148. SIGHELE, L.: La foule criminelle. Paris, 1892. 185 pp. 8vo.
149. SMITH, E. M.: Woman in Sacred Song. A Library of Hymns, Religious Poems, and Sacred Music by Women. Compiled and edited by E. M. Smith (Mrs. G. C. S.). Boston, 1885. xl, 883 pp. 4to.
150. SMITH, MRS. BURTON: The Mother in Woman's Advancement. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XLVL. (1895), pp. 622-626.
151. SMITH, W. R.: Marriage and Kinship in Early Arabia. Cambridge, (Engl.), 1885.
152. STARCKE, C. N.: The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. New York, 1889. 315 pp. 8vo.
153. STEIN, L. v.: Die Frau auf dem Gebiete der NationalÖkonomie. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart, 1876.
154. STRICKER, W.: Ethnographisehe Untersuohungen Über die kriegerischen Weiber (Amazonen) der alten and neuen Welt. Arch. f. Anthr. (Braunschweig). V. Bd. (1872), S. 220 ff, S. 451.
155. THULIÉ, H.: La Femme. Essai de sociologie, physiologie. Ce qu'elle a ÉtÉ, ce qu'elle est. Les thÉories: ce qu'elle doit Être. Paris, 1885. 8vo.
156. TRASK, K.: Motherhood and Citizenship. Forum (New York). Vol. XVIII. (1895), pp. 607-618.
157. TREICHEL, A.: Lactation beim mÄnnlichen Geschlechte. Am Ur-Quell. IV. Bd. (1893), S. 70-71.
158. TRUMBULL, J. H.: On Algonkin Names for Man. Amer. Philol. Assoc. Trans. (1871), Hartford (Conn.), 1872, pp. 138-159.
159. TRUMBULL, H. C.: Studies in Oriental Social Life. Philadelphia, 1894.
160. UZANNE, O.: La femme À Paris. Nos Contemporaines. Paris, 1894. Gr. 8vo.
161. VILLEMONT, M.: Dictionnaire historique et scientifique de l'amour et du mariage. Paris, 1886. 489 pp. 12mo.
162. VOLKOV, T.: Rites et usages nuptiaux en Ukraine. Anthropologie (Paris). Vol. II. (1891), pp. 537-587; Vol. III. (1892), pp. 541-588.
163. WAKE, C. S.: The Development of Marriage and Kinship. London, 1889.
164. WASSEKZIEHER, DK.: Das Weib in der Sprache. Am Ur-Quell, III. Bd., S. 214-215.
165. WEINHOLD, K.: Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter. 2 Bde. 2. Aufl. Wien, 1882.
166. WESTERMARCK, C.: The History of Human Marriage. 2d ed. London and New York, 1894. xx, 644 pp. 8vo.
167. WIEDEMANN, A.: Die Milchverwandschaft im alten Aegypten. Am. Ur-Quell. III. Bd. (1892), S. 260-267.
168. WILKEN, G. A.: Das Matriarchat bei den alten Arabern. (Germ. Trans.) Leipzig, 1884.
169. WINTERNITZ, M.: On a Comparative Study of Indo-European Customs with Special Reference to the Marriage Customs. Trans. Intern. Folk-Lore, Congr. London, 1891.
170. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Aus dem Volksleben der Magyaren. Ethnologische Mittheilungen. MÜnchen, 1893.
171. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Volksglaube und Volksbrauch der SiebenbÜrger Sachsen. Berlin, 1893.
172. WLISLOCKI, H. v.: Die Stamm-und FamilienverhÄltnisse der transsilvanischen Zeltzigeuner. Globus. L. Bd. (1888), S. 183 fl.
173. ZANETTI, Z.: La medicina delle nostre donne. Studio folklorico. Castello, 1892. xviii, 271 pp. 8vo.
174. ZMIGRODZKI, M. v.: Die Mutter bei den VÖlkern des arisehen Stammes. Eine anthropologisch-historische Skizze als Beitrag zur LÖsung der Frauenfrage. MÜnchen, 1886. 444 S. 8vo.
175. ZUCCARELLI, A.: Divorzio e scienza antropologica. Napoli, 1893. 46 pp.
Following is a subject-index to the titles of Section A:—
176. "A.," and MENELLA SMEDLEY: Poems Written for a Child.
177. "A.," and MENELLA SMEDLEY: The Child's World.
178. ADAMS, J. D.: Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women. New York, 1894.
179. AMÉLINEAU, E.: La Morale Égyptienne quinze siÈcles avant notre Ère. Paris, 1892. lxxxviii, 261 pp. 8vo.
180. America's Shame: Symposium on the Age of Consent Laws in the United States. Arena (Boston). Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 192-215.
180 a. AYRTON, M. C.: Child-Life in Japan. London, 1879. xx, 125 pp.
181. BABCOCK, W. H.: Games of Washington Children. Amer. Anthrop. (Washington). Vol. I. (1888), pp. 243-284.
182. BALDWIN, J. M.: Mental Development in the Child and the Race. Vol. I. Methods and Processes. New York, 1895. xvi, 496 pp. 8vo.
183. BALL, V.: Wolf-Reared Children in India. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX. (1879), pp. 465-474.
184. BAMFORD, MARY E.: Child-Life among the California Foot-Hills. Overl. Mo. (San Francisco). 2d ser. Vol. II. (1883), pp. 56-59.
184 a. BARNES, EARLE.: Theological Life of a California Child. Pedag. Sem. (Worcester, Mass.). Vol. II., 442-448.
185. BÄRNSTEIN, A. P. v.: BeitrÄge zur Geschichte mid Literatur des deutschen Studententhumes. WÜrzburg, 1882. xiii, 156 S. 8vo.
186. BOAS, F.: The Game of Cat's Cradle. Intern. Arch. f. Ethnogr. I. Bd. (1888), S. 229.
187. BOLTON, H. C.: The Counting-Out Rhymes of Children, their Antiquity, Origin, and Wide Distribution. A Study in Folk-Lore. New York, 1888. ix, 123 pp. Gr. 8vo.
188. BONFIGLI, C.: Dei fattori sociali della pazzia in rapporto con l'educazione infantile. Roma, 1894.
189. BRAMHALL, MAE ST. JOHN: The Wee Ones of Japan. New York, 1894. 137pp. 12mo.
190. BRAMLEY, H. R., and JOHN STAINER: Christmas Carols New and Old. London, n.d. 94 pp.
191. BREWER, E. C.: A Dictionary of Miracles. London, 1884. xliv, 582 pp. 8vo.
192. BREWER, W. H.: The Instinctive Interest of Children in Bear and Wolf Stories. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci. Vol. XLII. (1893), Salem, 1894, pp. 309-311.
193. BRINTON, D. G.: On the Physiological Correlations of Certain Linguistic Radicals. Amer. Orient. Soc. Proc., March, 1894, pp. cxxxiii-iv.
194. BROWN, H. W.: Some Records of the Thoughts and Reasonings of Children. From the Collection of Observations at the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Pedag. Sem. Vol. II. (1893), pp. 358-396.
195. BULWER-LYTTON, E. R.: Fables in Song. London, 1874.
196. BYJRNHAM, W. H.: The Study of Adolescence. Pedag. Sem. Vol. I. (1891), pp. 174-198.
197. CAMPBELL HELEN: Child-Life in the Slums of New York. Demorest's Fam. Mag. (New York), 1892.
198. CARSTENS, H.: Die Schwalbe im Volksmunde und im Kinderlied. Am. Urdhs-Brunnen. II. Bd., S. 240-242.
198 a. CARSTENS, H.: Der Storch als heiliger Vogel im Volksmund und im Kinderlied. Am Urdhs-Srunnen. Heft 1, 1881, S. 12-14.
199. CARSTENSEN, H. H.: A B C Spiel. Am Ur-Quell. IV. Bd. (1893), S. 55, 150, 260; V. Bd. (1894), S. 114, 192, 290; VI. Bd. (1895), 42-3.
200. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Notes on Indian Child-Language. Amer. Anthr. Vol. III. (1890), pp. 237-241.
201. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Further Notes on Indian Child-Language. Ibid. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 321-322.
202. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Use of Diminutives in -ing by Some Writers in Low German Dialects. Public. Mod. Lung. Asso. Amer. Vol. VII. (1892), pp. 212-247.
203. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Coyote and the Owl (Tales of the Kootenay Indians). Mem. Intern. Congr. Anthr. (1893), Chicago, 1894, pp. 282-284.
204. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Human Physiognomy and Physical Characteristics in Folk-Lore and Folk-Speech. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 13-24.
205. CHERVIN, A.: Faut-il conper le frein de la Langue (Extr. de La Voix ParlÉe et ChantÉe, frÉvrier, 1894). Paris, 1894. 16 pp.
206. CHRISMAN, O.: Secret Language of Children. Science (New York). Vol. XXII. (1893), pp. 303-305.
207. Christmas with the Poets. London, n.d. x, 202 pp.
208. CLEVELAND, DUCHESS OF: The True Story of Kaspar Hauser. From Official Documents. London and New York, 1893. 122pp. Sm. 8vo.
209. COFFIGNON, A.: L'Enfant À Paris. Paris, 1890. xxii, 440 pp.
210. CORIVEAU, A.: La SantÉ de nos Enfants. Paris, 1890. 288 pp. 8vo.
211. CUIR, A. F.: Les Petits Écoliers. Lectures morales sur les DÉfauts et les QualitÉs des Enfants. Paris, 1893. 12mo.
212. CULIN, S.: Street Games of Brooklyn. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 221-236.
213. CULIN, S.: Exhibit of Games in the Columbian Exposition. Ibid. Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 205-227.
214. DANIELS, A. H.: The New Life: A Study of Regeneration (Repr. from Amer. Journ. Psych., Vol. VI., 1893, pp. 61-106). Worcester, Mass., 1893. 48 pp. 8vo.
215. DENEUS, CLÉMENT.: De la RÉserve hÉrÉditaire des Enfants (Art. 913 du code civil). Étude historique, philosophique et Économique. Gand, Paris, 1894. xvii, 231 pp. 8vo.
216. DONALDSON, H. H.: Education of the Nervous System. Educ. Rev. (New York). Vol. IX. (1895), pp. 105-121.
217. DORSET, J. O.: Games of the Teton-Dakota Children. Amer. Anthr. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 329-345.
218. DRAGOMANO, M.: Slavonic Folk-Tales about the Sacrifice of One's Own Children. (Transl. O. Wardrop). Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXI. (1892), pp. 456-469.
219. DREYLING, G.: Die Ausdrucksweise der Übertriebenen Verkleinerung im altfrÄnzÖsichen Karlepos. Marburg, 1888.
220. DÜRINGSFELD, J. V., und O. V. REINSBERG-DÜRINGSFELD: SprichwÖrter sammlung. 6 Bde. (Das Sprichwort als Kosmopolit. 3 Bde. Intern. Titulaturen. 2 Bde. Das Kind im Sprichwort). Leipzig, 1863-1864. 8vo.
221. EARLE, ALICE M.: Customs and Fashions in Old New England. [Chapter I., pp. 1-35, Child-Life.] New York, 1893. iii, 387 pp. 8vo.
222. EASTMAN, C. A.: Recollections of Wild-Life. III. Games and Sports. St. Nicholas (New York). Vol. XXI. (1893-4), pp. 306-308.
223. EELLS, M.: Twins among Indians of Puget Sound. Science (New York). Vol. XX. (1892), p. 192.
224. ELIOT, S.: Poetry for Children. Boston, [1879]. xii, 327 pp. Sm. 8vo.
225. ENFANT (L') chez les sauvages et chezles civilisÉs. Revue Britannique, Nov., 1880.
226. FEWKES, J. W.: Dolls of the Tusayan Indians (Repr. fr. Intern. Arch. f. Ethnogr., VII. Bd., 1894, pp. 45-73). Leiden, 1894. 30 pp. 4to. Five coloured plates.
226 a. FIELD, EUGENE: Love Songs of Childhood. Chicago, 1895.
227. FLETCHER, ALICE C.: Glimpses of Child-Life among the Omaha Indians. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. I. (1888), pp. 115-123.
228. FLOWER, B. O.: Lust Fostered by Legislation. Arena (Boston). Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 167-175.
229. FLOWER, W. H.: Fashion in Deformity. London, 1881. 85 pp. 8vo.
230. FORD, R.: Ballads of Bairnhood. Selected and edited with notes by Robert Ford. Paisley, 1894. xix, 348 pp. 8vo.
231. FOSTER, MARY J. C.: The Kindergarten of the Church. New York, 1894. 227 pp. 8vo.
232. FRACASETTI, L.: I giovani nella vita pubblica. Conferenza. Udine, 1893.
233. FROEBEL, F.: Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories. Froebel. Mutter- und Kose-Lieder rendered in English by Frances and Emily Lord. New and revised edition. London, 1890. xxxvi, 212 + 75 (music) pp. 8vo.
234. FURNIVALL, F. J.: Child-Marriages, Divorces, Ratifications, etc. In the Diocese of Chester, A.D. 1561-6. Depositions in Trials in the Bishop's Court, Chester, concerning: 1. Child-Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications. 2. Trothplights. 3. Adulteries. 4. Affiliations. 5. Libels. 6. Wills. 7. Miscellaneous Matters. 8. Clandestine Marriages. Also Entries from the Mayors' Books, Chester, A.D. 1558-1600. Edited from the MS. written in court while the witnesses made their depositions, and from the Mayors' Books. London, 1897 [1894]. lxxxviii, 256 pp. 8vo.
235. GAIDOZ, H.: Un vieux rite mÉdical. Paris, 1892. ii, 85 pp. Sm. 8vo.
236. GAIDOZ, H.: Ransom by Weight. Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1891), S. 39-42, 59-61, 74-75.
237. GAIDOZ, H., et M. PEKDRIZET: La Mesure du Cou. MÉlusine (Paris). Tome VI. (1893), No. 10. See also Amer. Anthr., VI. (1893), p. 408.
238. GARBINI, A.: Evoluzione della Voce nella Infanzia. Verona, 1892. 53 pp. 8vo.
239. GATSCHET, A. S.: A Mythic Tale of the Isleta Indians: The Race of the Antelope and the Hawk around the Horizon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. (Philadelphia). Vol. XXIX., pp. 208-218.
240. GESSMANN, G. W.: Die Kinderhand und ihre Bedeutung fÜr Erziehung und Berufswahl. Eine physioguomische Studie. Berlin, 1894. 88 S. 8vo. 31 Abbild.
241. GILL, V. W.: Child-Birth Customs of the Loyalty Islands. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XIX. (1890), pp. 503-505.
242. GOMME, ALICE B.: Children's Singing Games with the Tunes to which they are sung. Collected and edited by Alice B. Gomme. London and New Tork, 1894.
243. GOMME, ALICE B.: The International Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Tunes, Singing Rhymes, and Method of Playing according to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the Kingdom. Vol. I. According … Nuts in May. London, 1894. xix, 453 pp. 8vo.
244. GORE, J. H.: The Go-Backs. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1892), pp. 107-109.
245. GRIFFIS, W. E.: Japanese Fairy World. Schenectady, N.Y., 1880. vii, 304 pp. 12mo.
246. GREGOR, W.: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland. London, 1881. xii, 238 pp. 8vo. [Chap. I., pp. 4-6, Birth; II., 7-10, The Child; III., 11-13, Baptism; IV., 14-20, Nursery; V., 21-24, "Boy Code of Honour."]
247. GÜLL, F.: Kinderheimat in Liedern. Volksausgabe. GÜtersloh, 1875. 225 S. 8vo.
247 a. HAAS,—A.: Das Kind im Glauben und Branch der Pommern. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), 179-180, 252-255, 278-279; VI., 22-24.
248. HABERLANDT, M.: Ueber tulÂpurusha der Inder. Mitt. d. anthr. Gesellsch. (Wien), n. F. IX. Bd. (1889), S. 160-164.
249. HALE, HORATIO: The Origin of Languages and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. Cambridge, 1886 (Repr. fr. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci.). 47 pp. 8vo.
250. HALE, HORATIO: The Development of Language. Proc. Canad. Inst. (Toronto), 3 s. Vol. VI. (1888), pp. 92-134.
251. HALE, HORATIO: Language as a Test of Mental Capacity. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada. Vol. IX. (1891), Sect. II., pp. 77-112.
252. HALL, G. S.: The Contents of Children's Minds on Entering School. Pedag. Sem. Vol. I. (1891), pp. 139-172.
252 a. HALL, G. S.: Children's Lies. Ibid., pp. 211-218.
253. HALL, G. S.: The Moral and Religious Training of Children and Adolescents. Ibid., pp. 196-210.
254. HALL, G. S.: Child-Study: The Basis of Exact Education. Forum (New York). Vol. XVI. (1893-4), pp. 429-441.
255. HALL, G. S.: The Story of a Sand-Pile. Scribner's Mag. (New York). Vol. III. (1888), pp. 690-695.
256. HARQUEVAUX, E., et L. PELLETIER: 200 jeux d'enfants en plein air et À la maison. Paris, 1893.
257. HARRIS, W. T.: Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1892. Industrial Education. Washington, 1892. 707 pp. 8vo.
257 a. HARRISON, ELIZABETH: A Study of Child-Nature from the Kindergarten Standpoint. 3d. edition. Chicago, 1891. 207 pp. 8vo.
258. HARTLAND, E. S.: The Science of Fairy Tales. An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology. London, 1891. viii, 372 pp. 8vo.
259. HARTMANN, B.: Die Analyse des kindlichen Gedankenkreises als die naturgemÄssige Grundlage des ersten Schulunterrichts. Zweite verm. Aufl. Annaberg i. Erzgeb., 1890. 116 S.
260. HASKELL, ELLEN M.: Imitation in Children. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 30-47.
261. HERVEY, T. K.: The Book of Christmas. Boston, 1888. vi, 356 pp.
262. HIGGINSON, T. W.: Concerning All of Us. New York, 1893. vi, 210 pp. 12mo. [Pp. 103-109, "A Home Made Dialect."]
263. HÖFLER, M.: Die LÖsung des ZungenbÄndchens. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), S. 191, 281.
264. HOYT, W. A.: The Love of Nature as the Root of Teaching and Learning the Sciences. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 61-86.
265. HUGHES, J. L.: The Educational Value of Play, and the Recent Play- Movement in Germany. Edue. Rev. (New York). Vol. VIII., pp. 327-336.
266. HURLL, ESTELLE M.: Child-Life in Art. New York, 1894.
267. IM THURN, E. F.: Games of Guiana Indians. Timehri (Georgetown). Vol. III. (1889), pp. 270-307.
268. JOCELYN, E.: The Mother's Legacy to her Unborn Child. New York, 1894.
269. JOHNSON, G. E.: Education by Plays and Games. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III., pp. 97-133.
270. JOHNSON, J. H.: Rudimentary Society amongst Boys. Overl. Mo., 1883
271. JOHNSON, J. H.: Judicial Procedure amongst Boys. Ibid., 1884.
272. JOHNSON, J. H.: Rudimentary Society among Boys (J. H. Univ. Studies … No. XI., 2d ser.). Baltimore, 1884. 56pp. 8vo.
273. JOHNSON, J., Jr.: The Savagery of Boyhood. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XXXI (1881), pp. 796-800.
274. KALMANT, L.: Kinderschrecker und KinderrÄuber im magyarischen Volksglauben. Ethnol. Mitt. aus Ungarn (Buda-Pest). III. Bd. (1893), S. 188-193.
275. KEBER, A.: Zur Philosophie der Kindersprache. Gereimtes und Un-gereimtes. Zweite verm. Aufl. Leipzig, 1890. 96 S. 8vo.
276. KIPLING, E.: The Jungle Book. New York, 1894. xvii, 303 pp. 8vo.
277. KISS, A.: Magyar gyermekjÁtek gyÜtemÉny [Collection of Hungarian Children's Games, etc.]. Buda-Pest, 1891. viii, 518 pp. 8vo.
278. KLEINPAUL, R.: Menschenopfer und Ritualmorde. Leipzig, 1892. 80 S. 8vo.
279. KRAUSS, F. S.: Serbischer Zauber und Brauch Kinder halber. Am Ur-Quell. III. Bd. (1892). S. 160-161, 276-279.
280. KRAUSS, F. S.: Haarschurgodschaft bei den SÜdslaven (Sep. Abdr. aus: Intern. Arch. f. Ethnog. VII. bd. S. 161-198). Leiden, 1894. 38 S. 48to.
281. KRAUSS, F. S.: Geheime Sprachweisen Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1891). S. 21-23, 48-49, 65, 79-80; 98-99, 111-112, 127-128; 143-144, 187-189; III. Bd. (1892), 43-44, 106-107, 135-136, 167, 225-226, 328; IV. Bd. (1893), S. 76-78, 147; V. Bd. (1894), 74-78; VI. Bd. (1895), 37-40.
282. KEUSCHE, G.: Litteratur der weiblichen Eiziehung und Bildung in Deutschland von 1700 bis 1886. Langensalza, 1887. 43 S. 8vo.
283. KULISCHER, M.: Die Behandlung der Kinder und der Jugend auf den primitiven Kulturstufen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin), 1883. S. 191-203.
283 a. KULISCHER, M.: Eine Geschichte des Umgangs mit Kindern [in Russian]. Sslowo, 1878, H. 11.
284. KÜSTER, E.: AberglÄubisches aus Schlesien [Superstitions about Childhood, Birth, Death]. Am Urdhs-Brunnen. IV. Bd. (1886). S. 190-191.
285. LAIBLE, H.: Jesus Christus im Thalmud. Berlin, 1891. 122 S. 8vo.
286. LAILLEMAND, L.: Histoire des Enfants abandonnÉs et dÉlaissÉs. Études sur la protection de l'enfance aux diverses Époques de la civilisation. Paris, 1885. vii, 791 pp. 8vo.
287. LALLEMAND, L.: La question des Enfants abandonnÉs et delaissÉs au XIXiÈme SiÈcle. Paris, 1885. vi, 238 pp.
288. LANGE, HELENE: Higher Education of Women in Europe. New York, 1890. 186 pp. 8vo.
289. LAURIE, S. S.: Lectures on the Rise and Early Constitution of Universities, with a Survey of MediÆval Education, A.D. 200-300. London, 1886. 293 pp. 8vo.
290-296. LAURIE, S. S.: The History of Early Education. [Several Articles in the School Review (Ithaca, N. Y.), Vol. I. and II., 1893-1894, dealing with Egyptian, Semitic, Assyro-Babylonian, Indo-Aryan. (Hindu, Persian, Medo-Persian), Hellenic and Roman Education].
297. LAURIE, S. S.: Historical Survey of Pre-Christian Education. New York, 1895.
298. LEIPZIGER, H. M.: The Education of the Jews (Educ. Monogr. Publ. by the N. Y. Coll. for the Training of Teachers. Vol. III., No. 6. Nov., 1890). New York, 1890. 39pp. 8vo.
299. LETOURNEAU, M.: Les Mensurations du Cou en Bretagne et en Kabylie. Bull. Soc. d'Anthr. (Paris). III^e sÉrie. Tome XI. (1888), pp. 458-461, 472-473.
300. LOMBROSO, C.: The Man of Genius. London and New York, 1895. xvi, 370 pp.
301. LOMBROSO, PAOLA: Saggi di Psicologia del Bambino. Torino-Roma, 1894. xii, 284 pp. 12mo.
302. LUMMIS, C. F.: The Man who Married the Moon, and other Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories. New York, 1894. x, 239 pp. 8vo.
303. MACDONALD, A.: Abnormal Man, being Essays on Education and Crime, and Related Subjects, with Digests of Literature and a Bibliography (Bureau of Education, Circ. of Inform., No. 4, 1893). Washington, 1893. 445 pp. 8vo.
304. MAGNUS, LADY: The Boys of the Bible. London, 1894.
305. MARENHOLZ-BÜLOW, BARONESS: The Child and Child-Nature. 5th ed. London, 1890. x, 186 pp. 8vo.
306. MASON, O. T.: Cradles of the American Aborigines. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1886-87, pp. 161-212.
307. MAUPATÉ, L.: Recherches d'anthropologie criminelle chez l'enfant; criminalitÉ et dÉgÉnÉrescence. Lyon, 1893. 228 pp. 8vo.
308. McLEAN, J. E.: Psychic View of Infant Prodigies. Metaphys. Rev. (New York). Vol. I. (1895), pp. 156-164.
309. MEHNERT, A.: Bin indischer Kaspar Hauser. Eine ErzÄhlung aus dem anglo-indischen Volksleben. Dresden-Leipzig, 1893. 108 S. Kl. 8vo.
310. MILES, CAROLINE: A Study of Individual Psychology. Amer. Journ. Psych. Vol. VI. (1895), pp. 534-558.
311. MORENO, H. DE: La festa del natale in Sicilia. Palermo, 1893.
312. MOUTIER, A.: Contribution À l'Étude de la protection de l'enfanee À Rome. Paris, 1884.
313. NEWELL, W. W.: Games and Songs of American Children. New York, 1884. xii, 242 pp. Sm. 4to.
314. NICOLAY, F.: Les enfants mal ÉlevÉs. Paris, 1890.
315. ORTWEIN, F.: Deutsche Weihnachten. Der Weihnachtsfestkreis nach seiner Entstehung, seinen Sitten und BrÄuchen deutscher VÖlker. Gotha, 1892. 133 S. 8vo.
316. OWENS, J. G.: Natal Ceremonies of the Hopi Indians. Journ. Amer. Ethn. and Arch. Vol. II. (1892), pp. 161-175.
317. Papers Relating to Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood in India. Calcutta, 1886.
318. Pedagogical Seminary (The). An International Record of Educational Institutions, Literature and Progress. Edited by G. Stanley Hall. Worcester, Mass. Vols. I.-III. (1891-1895).
319. PEREZ, B.: Le CaractÈre de l'Enfant À l'Homme. Paris, 1892.
320. PEREZ, B.: L'Art et la PoÉsie chez l'Enfant. Paris, 1888. 308 pp.
321. PITRÉ, G.: Usi e Credenze dei Fanciulli in Sicilia. Palermo, 1889. 16 pp. Sm. 8vo.
322. PITRÉ, G.: Mirabile facolta di alcune famiglie di guarire certe malattie. Palermo, 1889. 13 pp. Gr. 8vo.
323. PITRÉ, G.: Folk-lore giuridico dei Fanciulli in Sicilia. Palermo, 1890. 6 pp.
324. PITRÉ, G.: Il pesce d'Aprile. V. Ed. con moltiss. giunte. Palermo, 1891. 25 pp. Gr. 8vo.
325. PLOSS, H.: Das kleine Kind vom Tragbett bis zum ersten Schritt. Ueber das Legen, Tragen und Wiegen, Gehen, Stehen und Sitzen der kleinen Kinder bei verschiedenen VÖlkern der Erde. Leipzig, 1881. xii, 121 S. 8vo.
326. PLOSS, H.: Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte der VÖlker. Anthropologische Studien von Dr. H. Ploss. Zweite, neu durchges. u. stark vermehrte Aufl. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1884. 2 Bd. x, 394; iv, 478 S. 8vo.
327. POKROVSKI, E. A.: Fizicheskoe vospitanie detei u. raznich narodov preimutshestvenno Rossii; materiali dlja medico-antropologiche-skago izsledovanija [Physical Education of Children in Different Nations, especially in Russia; materials for medico-anthropological Research]. Moskva, 1884. iv, 379 pp. Fol.
328. POKROVSKI, E. A.: Pervonachalnoe fizicheskoe vospitanie dietei (po-puljarnoe nukovodsto dlja materei). [The Early Physical Education of Children (popular manual for mothers)]. Moskva, 1888. 261 pp. 8vo.
329. POKROVSKI, E. A.: Ob ucho die za malymi dietmi [on the care of little children]. Moskva, 1889. viii, 100 pp. 16mo.
330. POKROVSKI, E. A.: Detskija igry preimushestvenno russkija (V. svjazi s istorei, etnografei, pedagogiei, i gigienoi) [Children's Games, especially Russian] (from an historical, pedagogical, and hygienic point of view). Moskva, 1887. vi, 368 pp. 8vo.
331. PORTER, J. H.: Notes on the Artificial Deformation of Children among Savage and Civilized Peoples. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1886-87, pp. 213-235.
332. POST, A. H.: Mittheilungen aus dem bremischen Volkleben [ZungenÜbungen]. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894). S. 176-179.
332a. PODLSSON, E.: Finger-Plays for Nursery and Kindergarten. Boston, 1893.
333. RAND, K. E.: The Childhood of an Affinity. New York, 1893. vi, 304 pp. 8vo.
334. RASSIER, M: Valeur du tÉmoignage des enfants en justice. Lyons, 1893. 88 pp.
335. RAUBER, A.: Homo Sapiens Ferus oder die ZustÄnde der Verwilderten in ihrer Bedeutung fÜr Wissenschaft, Politik und Schule. Biolo-gische Untersuchung. Zweite Aufl. Leipzig, 1888. 134 S. 8vo.
336. RICCARDI, A.: Antropologia e Pedagogia. Introduzione ad una Scienza della Educazione (Osservazioni psioologiche; ricerche statistiche; misure antropologiche, ecc.). Parte Prima. Osservazioni psicologiche; ricerche statistiche e sociologiche. Modena, 1892. 172 pp. 4to.
336a. RILEY, J. W.: Rhymes of Childhood. Indianapolis, 1894. 186 pp. 8vo.
337. ROBERTSON, E. S.: The Children of the Poets. An Anthology from English and American Writers of Three Centuries. Edited with Introduction by Eric S. Eobertson. London and Neweastle-on-Tyne, 1886. xxxviii, 273 pp. 12mo.
337 a. ROBINSON, L.: The Primitive Child. N. Amer. Rev. (N. Y.), 1895. 338. ROMANES, G. J.: Mental Evolution in Man. New York, 1883. 338 a. ROY, RAJ COOMAR: Child Marriage in India. N. Amer. Rev., Oct., 1888, pp. 415-423.
339. [RUNKLE, K. B.]: A Collection for Christmas. The New Year. Easter. Boston, 1884. xii, 388 pp.
340. SAUBERT, DR.: MaikÄfer, Frau Holle's Bote. Am Urdhs-Brunnen. VI. Bd. (1888-1889). S. 22-24.
341. SCHALLENBERGER, MARGARET E.: A Study of Children's Rights as seen by themselves. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-1895), pp. 87-96. 342. SCHECHTER, S.: The Child in Jewish Literature. Jewish Quarterly (London). Vol. II. (1889).
343. SCHELL, O.: Woher kommen die Kinder? Am Ur-Quell. IV. Bd. (1893), S. 224-226; V. Bd. (1894), S. 80-81, 162, 254, 255, 287.
344. SCOTT, C. N.: The Child-God in Art. Contemp. Bev. (London). Vol. L. (1886), pp. 97-111.
345. SCRIPTURE, E. W.: Arithmetical Prodigies. Amer. Journ. Psychol. Vol. IV., pp. 1-59.
346. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Greek and Roman Literature. Atlantic Mo. (Boston). Vol. LV., pp. 13-23.
347. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Early Christianity. Ibid., pp. 617-625.
348. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Medieval Art. Ibid., LVI. (1885), pp. 24-31.
349. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in English Literature and Art. Ibid., pp. 369-380, 471-484.
349 a. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Modern Literature and Art. Ibid., pp. 751-767.
350. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Literature and Art, with Some Observations on Literature for Children, Boston, 1894. Cr. 8vo.
351. SESSIONS, F.: The Younger Son (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 5). Eepr. from Gloucester Journal, March 3d, 1894. Gloucester (Engld.), 1894. 8 pp.
352. SESSIONS, F.: Beating the Bounds (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 4). Eepr. from G-loucester Journ., Feb. 17, 1894.
353. SHINN, MILLICENT W.: Some Comments on Babies [of Various Eaces]. Overt. Mo. (San Francisco). Vol. XXIII (1894), pp. 2-19.
354. SOHNKEY, H.: Geburt und Taufe in der Gegend des Sollinger Waldes. Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1894), S. 197-202.
355. STARR, F.: A Page of Child-Lore. Journ, Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 55-56.
356. STEEL, F. A., and E. C. TEMPLE: Wide Awake Stories. A Collection of Tales told by Little Children between Sunset and Sunrise, in the Panjab and Kashmir. Bombay, 1884.
357. STEINMETZ, S. E.: De "Fosterage" of Opvoeding in Vreemde Families [Eepr. from Tijdschr. v. Ji. Jconinkl. Nederl. Aardrijksk. Genootsch.]. Leiden, 1893. 92 pp. 8vo.
358. STEVENSON, Mrs. T. E.: The Religious Life of a ZnEi Child. Fifth Ann. Sep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 533-555.
359. STEVENSON, E. L.: A Child's Garden of Verse, 1885.
360. STORK, T.: The Children of the New Testament. Philadelphia, 1856. xi, 185 pp. 8vo.
361. STRACK, H. C.: Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde und Blutritus. Vierte neu bearb. Aufl. Mlinchen, 1892. xii, 156 S. 8vo.
361a. STRASZBURGER, B.: Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichts bei dea Israeliten. Von der vortalmudischen Zeit his auf die Gegenwart. Mit einem Anhang.: Bibliographie der judischen Padagogie. Stuttgart, 1885. xv, 210 S.
362. STRETTELL, ALMA: Lullabies of Many Lands. New York, 1894.
363. STRONG, G. D.: Child-Life in Many Lands. Boston, 1870. iv, 210 pp. 8vo.
364. Studentensprache und Studentenlied in Halle von 100 Jahren. Neudruck des Idiotikon der Burschensprache von 1795 und der Studentenlieder von 1781. Halle, 189-. xliii, 118 S.; viii, 127 S.
365. SULLY, J.: Studies of Childhood. [Numerous articles in Pop. Sei. Mo. (New York). Vols. XLVI. and XLVII.].
366. SUNDERMANN, F.: Woher kommen die Kinder? Eine Beantwortung dieser Frage aus Ostfriesland. Am Urdhs-Brunnen. I. Bd. (1881), Heft II., S. 14-18; Heft V., S. 14.
368. The Feeble-Minded Child and Adult. A Report on an Investigation of the Physical and Mental Condition of 50,000 School Children, with Suggestions for the Better Education and Care of Feeble-Minded Children and Adults. (Charity Organization). London, 1893. xii, 159 pp. 8vo.
369. The Epileptic and Crippled Child and Adult. London, 1893. xxi, 132 pp. 8vo.
370. TILTE, M.: Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht. Leipzig, 1894.
371. TRACY, F.: The Psychology of Childhood. Sec. Ed. Boston, 1894. xiii, 107 pp. 8vo.
372. TREICHEL, A.: Provinzielle Sprache zu und von Thieren und ihre Namen. Alt-Preuss. Monatsschr. XXIX. Bd., Hefte I., II.
373. TREICHEL, A.: ZungenÜbungen aus Preussen. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), S. 122-126, 144-148, 180-182, 222-224.
374. TUCKER, ELIZABETH S.: Children of Colonial Days. New York, 1894.
375. TUCKWELL, Mrs. G. M.: The State and its Children. London, 1894.
376. TYLOR E. B.: Wild Men and Beast Children. Anthrop. Rev. (London). Vol. I. (1863), pp. 21-32.
377. TYLOR, E. B.: Remarks on the Geographical Distribution of Games. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. IX. (1879), pp. 23-30.
378. VOSTROVSKY, CLARA: A Study of Children's Imaginary Companions. Education (Boston). Vol. XV. (1895), pp. 393-398.
379. WHITTIER, J. G.: Child-Life. A Collection of Poems. Edited by J. G. Whittier. Boston, n.d. xii, 263 pp. Gr. 8vo.
380. WHITTIER, J. G.: Child-Life in Prose. Boston, n.d.
381. WIEDEMANN, A.: Kinderehe bei den alten AEgyptern. Am Ur-Quell. VI. Bd. (1895), S. 3-4.
382. WIGGIN, KATE D.: Children's Eights. A Book of Nursery Logic. Boston and New York, 1893. 235 pp. 16mo.
383. Wild Babies. Harper's Monthly (New York). Vol. LVII. (1878), pp. 829-838.
384. WILTSE, SARAH E.: The Place of the Story in Early Education, and Other Essays. Boston, 1892. vi, 137 pp. 8vo.
385. WINTERNITZ, M.: Das Kind bei den Juden. Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1891), S. 5-7, 34-36.
386. WOSSIDLO, R.: VolksthÜmliches aus Mecklenburg. De Jung [Pro- verbial Sayings of Children]. Plattd. SÜnndagsbl. (Bielefeld). III. Bd. (1890), S. 75-77.
387. YODER, A. H.: The Study of the Boyhood of Great Men. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 134-156.
Following is a subject-index of titles under Section B:—
Abandoned children, 28. Abnormal man, 188, 197, 303. Adolescence, 196. Adoption, 280. Age of consent, 180. American Indians, 211, 222, 223, 226, 227, 239, 267, 302, 306, 816, 358, 383. Animals, 276, 372. Animal-reared children, 183, 376. "April fool," 324. Arabia, 289. Art and poetry, 320. Assyria, 290.
Babylonia, 290. Birth-customs, etc., 241, 311, 316, 354. Birth-myths, 343, 366. Bogies, 203, 275. Boys of Bible, 304. Boyhood of genius, 387. Brittany, 299. Brooklyn, 212.
388. D'ALVIELLA, COUNT GOBLET: Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Conception of God as illustrated by Anthropology and History. (Hibbert Lectures, 1891.) London, 1892. xvi, 296 pp. 8vo.
389. American Anthropologist (Washington): Vols. I.-VIII. (1888-1895).
390. American Notes and Queries (Phila.) Vols. I.-VI. (1888-1891).
391. Am Urdhs-Brunnen (Dahrenwurth bei Lunden, Holstein). I.-VII. Bde. (1881-1890).
392. Am Ur-Quell (Lunden). I.-VI. Bde. (1890-1895). Continuation of No. 391.
393. ANDERSEN, HANS C.: Fairy Tales and Stories. (Transl. Dr. H. W. Dulcken). N.Y., n.d. iv, 377 pp. 8vo.
394. ASTON, W. G.: Japanese Onomatopes and the Origin of Language. Jour. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXIII. (1894), pp. 332-362.
395. BAGEHOT, W.: Physics and Politics. New York, 1887.
396. BANCROFT, H. H.: The Native Races of the Pacific Coast. 5 vols. New York, 1874-1876. 8vo.
397. BARTELS, M.: Die Medicin der Naturvolker: Ethnologische Beitrage zur Urgeschichte der Medicin. Leipzig, 1893. 361 S. 8vo.
398. BASTIAN, A.: Zur naturwissenschaftlichen Behandlungsweise der Psychologie durch und filr die Volkerkunde. Berlin, 1883. xxxviii, 230 S. 8vo.
399. BASTIAN, A.: Die Seele indischer und hellenischer Philosophie in den Gespenstern moderner Geisterscherei. Berlin, 1886. xlviii, 223 S. 8vo.
400. BEKGEN, FANNY D.: Popular American Plant-Names. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1872), pp. 88-106; VI. (1893), pp. 135-142; VII. (1894), pp. 89-104.
401. BLACK, W. G.: Folk-Medicine: A Chapter in the History of Culture. London, 1883. iii, 228 pp. 8vo.
402. BOAS, F.: The Central Eskimo. Sixth Ann. Hep. Bur. Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 399-669.
403. BOAS, F.: British Association for the Advancement of Science. Neweastle-upon-Tyne Meeting, 1889. Fifth Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating and publishing Reports on the Physical Characters, Languages, and Industrial and Social Condition of the North-Western Tribes of the Dominion of Canada. First General Report on the Indians of British Columbia. By Dr. Franz Boas. London, 1889. 104 pp. 8vo.
404. BOAS, F.: Sixth Report, etc. Second General Report on the Indians of British Columbia. By Dr. Franz Boas. London, 1890. 163 pp. 8vo.
405. BOAS, F.: Seventh Report, etc. London, 1891. 43 pp. 8vo.
405 a. BOLTON, T. L.: Rhythm. Amer. Jour. Psychol. Vol. VI., pp. 145-238.
406. BOURKE, J. G.: The Medicine-Men of the Apaches. Ninth, Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1887-88). Washington, 1892 [1893]. pp. 443-603.
407. BOURKE, J. G.: Popular Medicine, Customs and Superstitions of the Rio Grande. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. VII. (1894), pp. 119-146.
408. BRAND, J.: Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Ed. Sir H. Ellis. 3 vols. London, 1882-1888.
409. BRINTON, D. G.: The Myths of the New World. A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. 2d ed. New York, 1876. 331 pp. 8vo.
410. BRINTON, D. G.: American Hero-Myths. A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent. Philadelphia, 1882. 261 pp. 8vo.
411. BRINTON, D. G.: Essays of an Americanist. Philadelphia, 1890. 489 pp. 8vo.
412. BRINTON, D. G.: The American Race. A Linguistic Classification and Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America. New York, 1891. 392 pp. 8vo.
413. BRINTON, D. G.: Nagualism. A Study in Native American Folk-Lore and History. Philadelphia, 1894. 65 pp. 8vo.
414. BKINTON, D. G.: Ancient Nahuatl Poetry. Philadelphia, 1887. viii, 9-177 pp. 8vo.
415. BUSK, R. H.: The Folk-Lore of Rome. London, 1874.
416. BUSK, R. H.: The Valleys of Tirol, Their Traditions, etc. London, 1869.
417. CALLAWAY, Rev. Canon: Religious System of the Amazulu. London, 1870. viii, 448 pp. 8vo.
418. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Prehistoric Naturalist. University Quarterly Rev. (Toronto). Vol. I. (1890), pp. 179-197.
419. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Nanibozhu among the Otchipwe, Mississagas, and other Algonkian Tribes. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 193-213.
420. CLARK, W. P.: The Indian Sign-Language, etc. Philadelphia, 1885. 443 pp. 8vo.
421. CLODD, E.: The Childhood of Religions. New York, 1883. 5lpp. 8vo.
422. CLOUSTON, W. A.: Popular Tales and Fictions; Their Migrations and Transformations. 2 vols. London, 1887. xvii, 485; vii, 515 pp. 8vo.
423. CRAWFORD, J. M.: The Kalevala. New York, 1888. 2 vols. 8vo.
423 a. CULIN, S.: Notes of Palmistry in China and Japan. Overl. Mo., 1894. pp. 476-480.
424. CUSHING, F. H.: Zuni Fetiches. Sec. Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1880-81), Washington, 1883, pp. 3-45.
425. DAWSON, G. M.: Notes on the Shushwap People of British Columbia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1891, Sect. II., pp. 3-44.
426. DAY, LAL BEHARI: Folk-Tales of Bengal. London, 1889. VII., 284 pp. 8vo.
427. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: Zoological Mythology, or the Legends of Animals. 2 vols. London, 1872. xxvii, 432; viii, 442 pp. 8vo.
428. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: La Mythologie des Plantes, ou Legendes du Regne Vegetal. Paris. Tome I., 1878; Tome II., 1882.
429. DAVIDS, W. R.: Buddhist Birth-Stories (Ed. Fausboll). London, 18—.
430. Dialect Notes (Amer. Dialect Soc.). Cambridge, Mass., 1890-1894. Parts I.-VII., pp. 1-355.
431. DIRKSEN, C.: Ostfriesische Sprichworter und sprichwortliche Redensarten mit historischen und sprachlichen Amnerkungen. I. Heft (Zweite Aufl). Ruhrort, 1889. 109 S. 8vo.; II. Heft. Ruhrort, 1891. 95 S. 8vo.
432. DODGE, R. I.: Our Wild Indians. Hartford, Conn., 1890. xxxix, 653 pp. 8vo.
433. DORSET, J. O.: A Study of Siouan Cults. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1889-90). Washington, 1894. pp. 351-544.
434. DOUGLAS, R. K.: Confucianism and Taouism. London (S. P. C. K.), n.d. 287 pp. 12mo.
435. DYER, T. F. T.: The Folk-Lore of Plants. New York, 1889. 328 pp. 8vo.
436. DYER, T. F. T.: Church-Lore Gleanings. London, 1891. vi, 352pp. 8vo.
437. EELLS, REV. M.: The Twana Indians of the Skokomish Reservation in Washington Territory. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv, of Territ. III. (1877), pp. 57-114.
438. ELLIS, A. B.: The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. Their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, etc. London, 1887. vii, 343 pp. 8vo.
439. ELLIS, HAVELOCK: The Criminal. London, 1890. viii, 337 pp. 8vo.
440. EMERSON, ELLEN R.: Indian Myths, or Legends, Traditions, and Symbols of the Aborigines of America, compared with those of other Countries. Boston, 1884. xviii, 667 pp. 8vo.
441. ERMAN, A.: Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum. 2 Bde. TÜbingen, 1885. xvi, 350 S.; viii, 351-742 S. Kl. 4to.
442. FARRAR, F. W.: The Life of Christ as Represented in Art. New York, 1894.
443. FEWKES, J. W.: A Summer Ceremonial at the Tusayan Pueblos. Journ. Amer. Arch, and Ethnol. I. (1891), pp. 1-62; II. (1892), pp. 1-160.
444. FEWKES, J. W.: The Na-Ác-nai-ya: A Tusayan Initiation Ceremony. Journ. Amer. folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1892), pp. 189-221.
445. FLETCHEE, ALICE C.: Indian Songs. Personal Studies of Indian Life. Century (New York). Vol. XLVII. (1893-4), pp. 421-431.
446. FLETCHER, ALICE C.: A Study of Omaha Music, etc. Archoeol. and Ethnol. Papers of Peab. Mus. (Cambridge, Mass.). Vol. L, No. 5, 1893, pp. vi, 152. 8vo.
447. FLETCHEE, R.: Myths of the Robin Redbreast in Early English Poetry. Amer. Anthrop. Vol. II. (1889), pp. 97-118.
448. FOLKARD, RICHARD, JR.: Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics, embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plantkingdom. London, 1884. xxiv, 610 pp. 8vo.
449. Folk-Lore Journal (London). Vol. VII. (1889).
450. FRAZER, J. G.: The Golden Bough. A Study in Comparative Religion. 2 vols. London and New York, 1890.
451. FRAZER, J. G.: Totemism. Edinburgh, 1887. viii, 96 pp.
451 a. FRAZER, J. G.: Primitive Theories of the Soul. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XV. pp. 64-104.
452. FREYTAG, L.: Pflanzen-Aberglauben in den Alpen. Am Urdhs- Brunnen, 1888-9. S. 33-41, 49-52.
453. FRIEND, H.: Flowers and Flower-Lore. 2 vols. London, 1884. xvi, 352, 353-704 pp. 8vo.
454. FRISCHBIER, H.: Volksglauben aus Preussen. I. Kindheit. Am Urquell. I. Bd. (1890), S. 132-134, 151-152, 164-165.
455. GATSCHET, A. S.: The Klamath Indians of South-Western Oregon (Dept. of Int. U. S. Geogr. and Geol. Surv., etc.). (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol. Vol. II., Washington, 1890.) Pt. I., cvi, 711 pp.; Pt. II., 711 pp. 4to.
456. GATSCHET, A. S.: The Karankawa Indians. (Arch, and Ethnol. Papers, Peab. Mus., Vol. I., No. 2). Cambridge, Mass., 1891. viii, 9-103 pp. 8vo.
456 a. GERBER, A.: Great Russian Animal Tales. Public Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. Vol. VI. (1891), No. 2.
457. GIBBS, G.: Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol. (U. S. Geogr. and Geol. Surv., etc.). Vol. I. (1877), pp. 157-361.
458. GILL, W. W.: Myths and Songs of the South Pacific. London, 1876. xxiv, 328 pp. 8vo.
459. GILL, W. W.: The South Pacific and New Guinea, Past and Present. Sydney (N. S. W. Govt.), 1892. 38 pp. 8vo.
460. GOMME, G. L.: Ethnology in Folk-Lore. New York, 1892. vii, 203 pp.
461. GOMME, G. L.: The Village Community. London, 1890. xi, 299 pp.
462. GRIMM, J.: Teutonic Mythology. Transl. J. S. Stallybrass. 4 vols. London, 1880-1888.
463. GRIMM, GEBR.: Kinder- und Haus-MÄrchen gesammelt durch die Gebr. Grimm, Stuttgart-Wien. 189-. v, 466. S. 4to.
464. GRINNELL, G. B.: Blackfoot Lodge Tales. The Story of a Prairie People. New York, 1892. xv, 310 pp. 8vo.
465. GRINNELL, G. B.: Pawnee Hero-Stories and Folk-Tales, with Notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People. New York, 1889. Cr. 8vo.
466. GUPPY, H. B.: The Solomon Islands and their Natives. London, 1887. xvi, 384 pp. 8vo.
466 a. HAAS, A.: RÜgensche Sagen und MÄrchen. Greifswald, 1891.
467. HALE, HORATIO: The Aryans in Science and History. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York), March, 1889, pp. 677-686.
468. HARLEY, T.: Moon-Lore. London, 1885. xvi, 296 pp. 8vo.
469. HENDERSON, W.: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. New ed. London, 1879. xviii, 391 pp. 8vo.
470. HENNE AM RHYN, O.: Die Kultur der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft in vergleichender Darstellung. 2 Bde. Danzig-Leipzig-Wien, 1890.
471. HITCHCOCK, E.: The Ainos of Yesso, Japan. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. (Washington), 1890. pp. 429-502.
472. HOFLEH, M.: Wald—und Baumkultus in Beziehung zur Volksmedizin. Munohen, 1892. viii, 170 S. 8vo.
473. HOFFMAN, W. J.: The Mide'wiwin, or "Grand Medicine Society" of the Ojibwa. Seventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1885-86), Washington, 1891, pp. 143-300.
474. HOPF, L.: Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in alter und neuer Zeit. Eine ethnol.-zool. Studie. Stuttgart, 1888. xi, 271 S. 8vo.
475. HOSE, C. A.: Journey up the Baranu River to Mount Dulit and the Highlands of Borneo. Geogr. Journ. (London), Vol. I. (1893), pp. 193-208.
476. IHERING, J. VON: Die kunstliche Deformirung der Zahne. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. XIV. Bd. (1882), S. 213-262.
477. IM THURN, E. F.: Among the Indians of Guiana. London, 1883. xvi, 445 pp. 8vo.
478. IRVING, J. T.: Indian Sketches. New York and London, 1888.
479. JOEST, W.: Tatowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Korperbemalung. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologic. Berlin, 1890. x, 112 S.
480. Journal of American Folk-Lore (Cambridge, Mass.). Vols. I.-VIII. (1888-1895).
481. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London). Vols. I.-XXIV. (1872-1895).
483. KOHLER, C. S.: Das Thierleben im Sprichwort der Griechen und Romer. Nach Quellen und Stellen in Parallele mit den deutschen Sprichwortern. Leipzig, 1881.
484. LANG, A.: Custom and Myth. 2d ed. London, 1885. 312 pp. 8vo.
485. LANG, A.: Myth, Ritual, and Religion. 2 vols. London, 1887. xvi, 340; vii, 370 pp. 8vo.
486. LEFEVRE, A.: Mythologie du monde mineral; lecon professee a I'ecole d'anthropologie. Rev. de Trad. Pop. Nov. 1889.
487. LEGGE, J.: The Life and Works of Mencius. Philadelphia, 1875. vii, 402 pp. 8vo.
488. LELAND, C. G.: The Algonquin Legends of New England. 2d ed. Boston, 1885. xviii, 379 pp. 8vo.
489. LETOURNEAU, CH.: The Origin of Literary Form. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XLIII. (1893), pp. 673-682.
490. LETOURNEAU, CH.: L'Evolution Litteraire dans les diverses Races humaines. Paris, 1894. 582 pp. 8vo.
491. LETOURNEAU, CH.: L'Evolution Religieuse dans les diverses Races humaines. Paris, 1892.
492. LIPPERT, J.: Die Religionen der europaischen Kulturvolker, der Litauer, Slaven, Germanen, Griechen und Romer, in ihrem geschichtlichen Ursprunge. Berlin, 1881. xvi, 496 S. 8vo.
493. LIPPERT, J.: Allgemeine Geschichte des Priestertums. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1884
494. LUBBOCK, J.: The Pleasures of Life. Philadelphia, 1894. xiv, 332 pp. 12mo.
495. LUMHOLTZ, C.: Among Cannibals. London, 1889. 395 pp. 8vo.
496. MACCAULEY, C.: The Seminole Indians of Florida. Fifth Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 469-535.
496 a. MACKAY, CHARLES: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. 3 vols. London, 1841.
497. MACKENZIE, A.: Descriptive Notes on Certain Implements, Weapons, etc., from Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Trans. Hoy. Soo. Canada, 1891, Sect. II., pp. 45-59.
497a. MALLERY, G.: Sign-Language among North American Indians compared with that among other Peoples and Deaf Mutes. First Ann. Sep. Bur. Ethnol. (1879-80). Washington, 1881. pp. 263-552.
498. MANN, H.: On the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. London, 1884. xxviii, 224, and 73 pp. 8vo.
499. MANTEGAZZA, P.: Physiognomy and Expression. London, 1890. x, 327 pp. 8vo.
500. MARTINENGO-CESARESCO, COUNTESS E.: Essays in the Study of Folk-Song. London, 1886. 8vo.
501. MATTHEWS, W.: The Human Bones of the Hemenway Collection in the U. S. Army Medical Museum at Washington. Nat. Acad. of Sci., Vol. VI., Seventh Memoir, pp. 139-286.
502-503. McGEE, W. J.: The Earth the Home of Man (Anthrop. Soc. of Washington, Special Papers, No. 2). Washington, 1894. 28pp. 8vo.
504. MIKHAILOVSKII, V. M.: Shamanism in Siberia and European Russia. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXIV. (1894-5), pp. 62-110.
505. MONTEIRO MARIANA: Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. New York, 1887. vii, 274 pp. 8vo.
506. MOONEY, J.: Myths of the Cherokees. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. I. (1888), pp. 97-108.
507. MOONEY, J.: Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees. Seventh Ann. Sep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington, 1891.) pp. 306-395.
508. MÜLLENHOFF, K.: Sagen, MÄrchen und Lieder der HerzogthÜmer Schleswig-Holstein und Lauenburg. Kiel, 1845. 8vo.
509. MÜLLER, J. G.: Geschichte der amerikanischen Urreligionen. Basel, 1867. viii, 706 S. 8vo.
510. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Natural Religion (Gifford Lectures, 1888). London, 1889. six, 608 pp. 8vo.
511. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Anthropological Religion. London, 1892. 486 pp. 8vo.
512. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Physical Religion. London, 1891.
513. MÜLLER, F. MAX: Theosophical Religion. London, 1892.
514-515. MURDOCH, J.: Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition. Ninth Ann. Sep. Bur. Ethnol., pp. 3-441.
516. NELSON, W.: The Indians of New Jersey. Paterson, N.J., 1894 168 pp. 8vo.
517. POLLE, F.: Wie denkt das Volk fiber die Sprache? Leipzig, 1889.
518. Popular Science Monthly (The). New York. Vols. I.-XLVI. (1871- 1895).
519. POWERS, S.: Tribes of California (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol., Vol. III.). Washington, 1877. 635 pp. 4to.
520. RALSTON, W. R.: Russian Folk-Tales. New York, 1873. 388 pp. 8vo.
521. RAND, S. T.: Legends of the Micmaos. New York and London, 1894. xlvi, 452 pp. 8vo.
522. RAU, C.: Von Martius on Some Points of South American Ethnology. Journ. Anthrop. Inst. (New York). Vol. I. (1871-72), pp. 43-46.
523. RECLUS, E.: Primitive Folk. Studies in Comparative Ethnology. London, 1890. xiv, 339 pp. 8vo.
524. RIGGS, S. R.: Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography (Contrib. to North Amer. Ethnol., Vol. IX.). Washington, 1893. 239pp. 4to.
525. RINK, H.: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. London, 1874. xiii, 472 pp. 8vo.
526. ROLLAND, E.: Faune Populaire de la France. 6 vols. Paris, 1877- 1883.
527. ROSKOFF, G.: Das Religionswesen der rohesten Naturvolker. Leipzig, 1880. xiv, 179 S. 8vo.
528. SARTORI, P.: Sondersprachen. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), S. 72-78, 99-100.
529. SCHULTZE, F.: Fetichism. A Contribution to Anthropology and the History of Religion. Trans. J. Fitzgerald. New York, 1885. 112 pp. 8vo.
530. SCHURTZ, H.: Grundzuge einer Philosophic der Tracht. Stuttgart, 1891, 148 S. 8vo.
531. SESSIONS, F.: Three Epics of Heroes (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 1). Repr. from Gloucester (England) Journal, Jan. 6, 1894. 8 pp.
532. SIMROOK, K.: Deutsche Mythologie. Sechste durchgeseh. Aufl. Bonn, 1887. xii, 643 S. 8vo.
533. SIMSON, A..Notes on the Jivaros and Canelos Indians. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London), 1879, pp. 385-394.
534. SMITH, MRS. E. A.: Myths of the Iroquois. Sec. Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethn. (1880-81), Washington, 1883, pp. 47-116.
535. SMITH, W. R.: Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. First Series. Fundamental Institutions. New York, 1889. xii, 488 pp. 8vo.
536. STEINEN, K. v. DEN: Unter den Naturvolkern Zentral-Brasiliens. Berlin, 1894.
537. STEINMETZ, S. R.: Ethnologische Studien zur ersten Entwickelung der Strafe, nebst einer psychologischen Abhandlung uber Grausamkeit und Rachsucht. 2 Bde. Leiden, 1894. xiv, 486; vii, 425 S. Gr. 8vo.
538. STEVENSON, MATILDA C.: The Sia. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol., pp. 3-157.
539. SWAINSON, C.: The Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds. London, 1886. viii, 243 pp. 8vo.
540. SYMONDS, J. A.: Popular Songs of Tuscany. Fortn. Rev. (London). Vol. XX. (1873), pp. 596-613.
541. TARDE, G.: Les lois de l'Imitation. Étude Sociologique. Paris, 1890. viii, 431 pp. 8vo.
542. TEMPLE, R. C.: The Legends of the PanjÂb. 2 vols. London, n.d. xxvii, 546; xxii, 580 pp. 8vo.
543. THEAL, G. McC.: Kaffir Folk-Tales. London, 1886. xii, 226 pp. 8vo.
544. TURNER, L. M. Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory. Eleventh Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Washington), pp. 159-350.
545. TYLOR, E. B.: Primitive Culture. Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art, and Custom. Third Amer. ed., 2 vols. New York, 1878.
545 a. VANCE, L. J.: The Meaning of Folk-Dance. Open Court (Chicago). Vol. VIII. (1894), pp. 4069-4070.
546. WALLASCHEK, R.: Primitive Music. London, 1893. xi, 326 + 8 pp. 8vo.
547. WEIL, G.: The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud; or Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. New York, 1846. xvi, 264 pp. 8vo.
548. YARROW, H. C.: Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians. Washington, 1880. ix, 114 pp. 4to.
549. YARROW, H. C.: A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians. First Ann. Rep. Bur. of Ethnol. (1879-1880), Washington, 1881, pp. 87-203.