The following abbreviations are used in the footnotes to this book:— C. L. P., for Calendars of Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. Davies, for Hans Holbein the Younger (Gerald S. Davies). Ganz, Holbein, for Holbein d. J., des Meisters GemÄlde in 252 Abbildungen (Klassiker der Kunst). Ganz, Hdz. Schwz. Mstr., for Handzeichnungen Schweizerischer Meister, ed. Dr. Paul Ganz. Ganz, Hdz. von H. H. dem JÜng., for Handzeichnungen von Hans Holbein dem JÜngeren. Woltmann, for Holbein und seine Zeit (A. Woltmann). Wornum, for Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans Holbein (R. N. Wornum). In order to obviate the constant use of a somewhat long official title, the Public Picture Collection, Basel, is generally referred to in this book as the Basel Gallery. |