1497. | Born in Augsburg. | 1514. | Left Augsburg. Date of his first known picture. | 1515. | Settled in Basle with his brother Ambrose. | 1517. | Living in Lucerne. Visited Altdorf. | 1518. | Painted Hertenstein’s house in Lucerne. | 1519. | Back in Basle. Admitted to the Painters Guild. | 1520. | Paid his fees as a burgher of Basle. | 1521-22. | Decorated the interior of new Town Hall. | 1526. | Painted The Meyer Madonna about this time. Left Basle, and reached England before the end of the year. | 1528. | Returned to Basle in the summer, and bought a house. | 1532. | Returned to England, and lived with the German colony in London. | 1536. | In King Henry’s service. | 1537. | Painted the fresco in the Privy Chamber at Whitehall. | 1538. | Went to Brussels to paint the Duchess of Milan. Made a second journey to “Upper Burgundy” in December, and spent a short time in Basle. The Dance of Death and Old Testament woodcuts published. | 1539. | Went in August to DÜren to paint Anne of Cleves. | 1542. | Began the large picture in Barber Surgeons’ Hall. | 1543. | Died, probably of the plague, on some day between October 7 and November 29. |