Blanc, Charles. Jean Holbein (dit le Jeune). Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles. 1860. Cust, Lionel. Dictionary of National Biography. His, Edouard. Dessins d’Ornements d’Hans Holbein. 1886. Knackfuss, H. Holbein, translated by Campbell Dodgson, with 151 illustrations. 1899. The latest and most accurate life, containing illustrations of a larger number of Holbein’s portraits than in any other work. Kugler. Handbook of Painting—German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. Revised by Sir J. A. Crowe. Vol. I., pp. 198-218. 1898. Law, Ernest. Holbein’s Pictures at Windsor Castle. 1901. Mantz, Paul. Hans Holbein, folio, Paris. 1879. The best illustrated book on the artist, containing reproductions of the whole of the Dance of Death and Old Testament woodcuts, and the marginal drawings to The Praise of Folly. Rousseau, Jean. Hans Holbein. BibliothÈque d’Art Ancien. 1885. Ruskin, John. Ariadne Florentina. Lecture V. “Design in the German Schools of Engraving (Holbein and DÜrer).” 1872. Ruskin, John. “Sir Joshua and Holbein.” Cornhill Magazine, March, 1860. Woltmann, Alfred. Holbein und seine Zeit. Second Edition, 2 vols. 1874-76. This is the leading work on Holbein. Woltmann, Alfred. Holbein and his Time. Translation of the first edition by F. E. Bunnett, with 60 illustrations. 1872. Wornum, R. N. Some Account of the Life and Work of Hans Holbein. 1867. Wornum, R. N. Hans Holbein and the Meier Madonna. Arundel Society. 1871. The British Artists Series. Large post 8vo, in special bindings, with 90 to 100 Illustrations, 7s. 6d. net each. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. By MALCOLM BELL. Seventh Edition. Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., P.R.A. By A. LYS BALDRY. Second Edition. Frederic, Lord Leighton, P.R.A. By ERNEST RHYS. Fourth Edition. The English Pre-Raphaelite Painters. Their Associates and Successors. By PERCY BATE. Second Edition. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS. Messrs. Bell’s Books. Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture. Edited by G. C. WILLIAMSON, Litt.D. Post 8vo, each with 40 illustrations and photogravure frontispiece. 5s. net. BERNARDINO LUINI. By G. C. Williamson, Litt.D. In preparation: EL GRECO. By Manuel B. Cossio, Litt.D., Ph.D. Others to follow. Messrs. Bell’s Books. Bell’s Handbooks of the Great Craftsmen. Illustrated Monographs, biographical and critical, of the Great Craftsmen and Workers of Ancient and Modern Times. Edited by G. C. Williamson, Litt.D. Imperial 16mo, profusely illustrated, 5s. net each. The Pavement Masters of Siena. By R. H. Hobart Cust, M.A. Peter Vischer, Bronze Founder. By Cecil Headlam. The Ivory Workers of the Middle Ages. By A. M. Cust. Other Volumes to follow. Messrs. Bell’s Books. Bell’s Cathedral Series. Profusely Illustrated. In specially designed cloth cover, crown 8vo, 1s. 6d. net each. Now Ready.
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