Let a stone be tied to the end of a string and be flung forward while the free end of the string is held in the hand. Let the hand holding the free end be moved forward at first with the same speed as the stone in its flight, and then let the hand be drawn back. We know that as soon as the string becomes taut—if it were not already fully extended—the hand would feel a pull exerted on it in the direction in which the stone was initially projected. This pull arises from the fact that the stone has been given momentum in the direction of its flight, and while this momentum is being taken out of it by the backward pull of the hand and new momentum in the backward direction is being communicated to it the stone reacts forcibly on the string and therefore on the hand. In the gyro-compass the pendulum weight may be likened to the stone, the stirrup carrying the weight to the string, and the spinning wheel to the hand. While the ship is steaming at a uniform speed, the system is in the condition existing just after the stone has been projected from the hand, and while the hand is following it with equal speed. A change in the ship’s speed—a reduction of its speed to be quite correct in our analogy—is comparable with the drawing back of the hand. The pull of the stone exerted on the hand at this instant is represented by the tendency of the weight to continue The kick of the weight when the ship changes speed on any course having a north or south component produces, as we have seen, a transient ballistic error which may influence the correctness of the compass readings for some hours after the change of speed has been completed. We have now to show that similar kicks occur under other conditions, and may similarly affect the accuracy of the readings. The subject which we are about to discuss is the so-called quadrantal error which, unless steps are taken to eliminate it, appears in the compass readings when the ship is sailing in a rough sea on any course other than due north, south, east, or west. It is caused by the rolling and pitching of the ship. The efforts made to eliminate it have influenced the evolution of the gyro-compass to a greater extent than probably those directed towards overcoming or allowing for all the other errors combined to which the device is open. Fig.29. Effect of Rolling on due North Course. The gyro-compass on board ship is usually, although in no way necessarily, mounted above the vessel’s metacentres—transverse and longitudinal—about which rolling and pitching take place. In Fig.29 we show a section, looking aft, of a vessel steaming due north with a gyro-compass mounted on its deck. It is clear that, so far as the weight S is concerned, it may be regarded when the ship rolls as the bob of an inverted pendulum vibrating in an east and west plane, through an angle equal to Fig.30. Effect of Rolling on due West Course. It is clear that rolling on a due south course or pitching on a due east or west course is similarly without effect on the gyro-compass. Now consider the case of the ship rolling when on a due At the end of a roll to port the kick of the weight S, a southerly force acting at the centre of gravity of the weight, tends to turn the spinning wheel in the direction R about the horizontal east and west axis EF. This kick is clearly equivalent to the application of an upward force at the end C of the axle or a downward force at the end B, and therefore, as we know, will cause the axle not to turn about EF, but to precess the north end B towards the west about the axis HJ. The roll to starboard now takes place, and at its end the kick of the weight occurs in the northerly direction. This kick will tend to turn the spinning wheel about the east and west axis EF in the direction T, and is clearly equivalent to the application of an upward force at the end B of the axle. Such a force, as we know, will cause the end B of the axle to precess towards the east. It will thus be seen that the western deflection of the axle produced by the precession which occurs at the end of the roll to port is counterbalanced and automatically eliminated by the eastern deflection produced by the precession occurring at the end of the roll to starboard. The only effect on the compass caused by the rolling of the ship is therefore a vibration of the axle about the north and south direction. We should really say that the only effect is the application to the sensitive element of a vibratory influence in tune with the rolling of the ship. As the ship’s period is very small compared with that of the compass about the axis HJ—about 5 to 12 seconds It is clear that pitching of the ship when on a due west course has the same effect—or lack of effect—on the compass as rolling on a due north course, and that pitching on a due north course has the same effect as rolling on a due west course. It is further clear that due south and due east courses are similar in this respect to due north and due west courses. Thus when the ship is on a cardinal course neither pitching nor rolling disturbs the axle of the spinning wheel from its north resting position. Matters are quite otherwise, however, when the course is an inter-cardinal, or quadrantal, one. The discovery of this unlikely fact was in large part due to the investigations of the Compass Department of the British Admiralty. It does not appear to have been known, or at least its full significance does not seem to have been appreciated, in the earlier days of gyro-compass construction. At least one early design of compass—the AnschÜtz of 1910—did not include means of eliminating or allowing for the “quadrantal error,” and soon became obsolete as a result primarily of the omission. That the later design of AnschÜtz compass successfully overcomes the difficulties introduced by this error is shown by the admitted excellence of the navigation of the German submarines, which vessels were universally fitted with compasses of this design, and which, like all their class, suffer much from rolling and pitching. Fig.31. External Gimbal Mounting. So far we have been able to use a very simple model to demonstrate the properties and errors of the gyro-compass. We have now reached a subject which, if it is to be explained correctly, requires us to adopt a model of a more elaborate nature, one in which the outer square frame of our simple model is itself mounted on a Fig.32. Effect of Rolling on a Due North Course (Simple Mounting). Fig.33. Effect of Rolling on a Due North Course (External Gimbal Mounting). In order to make quite clear the difference between the two forms of mounting, we give in Figs. 32 and 33 two corresponding sets of views showing the compass system on a ship while steaming due north and rolling. With the simple mounting (Fig.32) the weight S constantly remains radially below the centre of the spinning It is clear that whether the bob S remains radially below the centre of the wheel, as in Fig.32, or remains vertically below it, or swings past the vertical, as in Fig.33, the effect of rolling when the ship is on a due north course is as established in connection with Fig.29. Either a tendency to rotate the wheel about an axis coincident with its axle or an actual rotation of the wheel about this axis results from the kicks of the weight S at the out positions. Whichever it is, there is no gyroscopic effect called into play, and the axle is not subjected to any influence causing it to move away from the due north direction. We have now to discuss what happens if the vessel rolls or pitches when sailing on an inter-cardinal or quadrantal course. In Fig.34 we show in plan a vessel steaming on a north-west course. When the ship rolls the compass oscillates in the path AD, a path, that is to say, at right angles to the ship’s centre line and curved upwardly by reason of the fact that the compass is mounted above the rolling centre of the ship. The axle of the compass during this Fig.34. Ship Rolling on N.W. Course. The oscillation DK, taken by itself, is clearly exactly equivalent to that shown in Fig.30. The southward kick of the weight at the “out position” D (Fig.34) just neutralises the disturbing effect of the northward kick at the “out position” K. Hence, taken separately, each component oscillation DK and KA is without disturbing effect upon the direction in which the axle is pointing. Taken together, however, their united effect is not the sum of their separate effects, as we might hastily assume. We must not suppose that the north and south kicks proper to the north and south component of the oscillation are without effect upon the east and west component or vice versa. At the out position D of the component oscillation KD the weight is not only kicked southwards, but also receives a westward kick from the other component oscillation AK. At K it receives both a northward kick and an eastward kick. Similarly, at the out position K of the component oscillation AK the weight is kicked not only to the west but also to the south, by virtue of the oscillation from K to D. At the other out position A of this component the weight is kicked eastwardly, and also to the north. If we take cognisance of these additional kicks, we may treat the component oscillations separately and add the separate results to get the true effect of the actual oscillation AD. Returning, then, to Fig.30, let us suppose that in the oscillation there shown, the equivalent of the component KD, we apply a westward kick to the weight S when the ship reaches its port out position—that is to say, a kick out of the paper—and that at the starboard out position it receives an eastward kick into the plane of the paper. It is clear that these additional kicks do nothing more than tend to rotate the wheel about its Taking Fig.33 rather than Fig.29 as the equivalent of the component oscillation AK, let us suppose that at the port out position the weight is subjected to an additional kick to the south—that is, into the plane of the paper—and that at the starboard out position it receives an extra kick to the north, or out of the plane of the paper. The southward kick on the weight at the port out position will tend to cause the end B of the axle to turn down towards J, but, in accordance with the fundamental gyroscopic rule, the actual motion of the sensitive element will not be a rotation about the axis EF, but a precession about the axis HJ, the end B of the axle moving in the direction K. Similarly, the northward kick at the starboard out position will tend to cause the end B of the axle to rise towards H, and will therefore produce precession in the direction L. Now these two precessional movements, K and L, can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components NM and QP respectively, as shown separately, and of these components it is clear that the movement N cancels the movement Q. On the other hand, the two components M and P are in the same direction, and therefore do not cancel each other. Their effect is cumulative, and with each succeeding roll the end B of the axle tends to rise higher and higher in the true vertical plane BR. It may be explained, perhaps, that this motion is possible, in spite of the fact that there is no actual axis in the mounting of the compass at right angles to the true vertical plane, except at the instant when the compass is passing through the even keel position in the course of its swing To appreciate the significance of this vertical rise of the north end B of the axle, let us consider the condition of the compass as it is passing through the even keel position. The elevation of the end B out of the horizontal plane causes the weight S to swing forward towards the north, and therefore to apply a turning moment to the spinning wheel about the axis EF. This turning moment will tend to bring the end B down again to the horizontal, but, as we know, the actual motion produced will be a precession about the axis HJ, the end B moving westwards. Looking at Fig.34, it will thus be seen that the net effect of the rolling of the ship is to deviate the axle of the compass in the direction shown at V—that is to say, in the direction required to set the plane of the spinning wheel parallel with the plane of the rolling by the shortest possible course—in our example by a rotation westward through 45 deg. With the axle so deflected the earth’s rotation, of course, calls a directive force into play, tending to restore the axle to the north and south line, but if the ship is rolling violently the deviating force will be much stronger than the directive force until a very considerable angle of deflection is reached. A little consideration will show that if the ship is steaming towards the north-east the additional kick on the weight S (Fig.33) at the port out position will be towards the north and at the starboard out position towards the south. The end B of the axle is therefore precessed vertically downwards instead of upwards, and as a result the deviation of the axle is eastwardly. In general, if the ship is steaming on any course in the north-west or south-east quadrant, the deviation caused by her rolling will be towards the west. It will be towards the east if the course is in the north-east or south-west quadrant. The effect of pitching on a quadrantal course is to cause a deviation of the axle in the direction opposed to that of the deviation caused by rolling, so that if the vessel be both rolling and pitching, the deviation is somewhat less than it would be if rolling only had to be considered. It may perhaps be thought that the quadrantal error is an effect produced by the double gimbal mounting of the compass, and that had we adhered to our simple model, as shown in Fig.32, it would not arise. This is not so. If Fig.32 be taken as representing, after the manner of Fig.33, the north view of the compass on a ship steaming due north-west, it will be seen that the southern kick at the port out position causes the axle to precess in the direction K and the northern kick at the |