  1. Added footnote reference numbers to footnotes on pp. 62,
  2. Added missing footnote anchor after “pay the penalty” for first footnote on p. 406.
  3. Changed “1” to “I” and moved it adjacent to “APPENDIX” on p. 536 to be consistent with “APPENDIX III.”.
  4. Added “APPENDIX II.” heading on p. 544 to be consistent with “APPENDIX III.”
  5. Chenged “550 1,500” to “Total 550 1,500” on p. 551 to be consistent with other tables.
  6. Changed “Derision, Penalty of, ii.” to “Derision, Penalty of, i.” on p. 558.
  7. Silently corrected typographical errors.
  8. Retained anachronistic and non-standard spellings as printed.


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