Early knowledge of the art of writing—Knowledge of rune writing very remote—Archaic Greek characters—Jewels with earlier runes—Runes on memorial stones—Runic alphabets—The origin of runes—Their mystical meaning—Memorial runic stones—Runic staves—The Runatal—Archaic inscriptions compared with runes. As the early form of writing known as runes occurs so frequently in connection with these Northern relics, it will be well to devote a chapter to the subject. The written records and finds in the North give numerous examples showing that at a very early period the tribes of the North knew the art of writing. The characters used were called “rÚnir” runes. The knowledge of rune writing was so remote, that it was supposed by the people to have come with Odin, thus showing its great antiquity and possibility of the theory that the runes were brought to the North by the people who had migrated from the south-east, and who may have obtained their knowledge from the Greek colonies situated on the shores of the Black Sea or Palus MÆotis. The numerous runic inscriptions, showing in many cases the archaic form of these characters, bear witness to the truth of the Northern records, though it cannot be denied that they often closely resemble the Etruscan letters. To corroborate these records a considerable number of antiquities, the forms of which are unknown in Italy and are similar to those of the North, have been found in Southern Russia, and may be seen in the museums of that country. At what early date the art of writing runes became known in the North it is impossible to tell. From the Roman coins That the knowledge of runes did not come to the North before that of working iron is almost certain, as no runes have been found there on the objects belonging to the bronze age. A fact we must bear in mind is, that in the earlier graves of the iron age, many of which are of greater antiquity than the bog finds, Fig. 283.—Diadem of gold, with earlier runes inside; found in oblong mound of sandy mould with remains of a stone coffin.—Jutland. Fig. 284.—Silver fibula, with earlier runes, There are two alphabets; the earlier one numbered twenty-four, the later sixteen letters. Earlier Runes from the Vadstena bracteate. Later Runes. The Vadstena alphabet is divided into three sections, each containing eight letters or characters. The earlier runes were written from the right to the left; the later runic inscriptions are read from the left to the right. The later runes differ considerably from the earlier ones, from the gradual changes that took place, some falling out of use, till only sixteen existed in later times. Their signification also changed. Were it not for the evidence of the finds having runic inscriptions of the fuller runic alphabet, it would have seemed more probable that the less developed one was the earlier; but in the face of the most indisputable proofs of the antiquity of the fuller alphabet, such assertions cannot be made. The only conclusion to which this leads us therefore is, that the runic alphabet must in the course of time have become simplified. There are runic inscriptions which contain both earlier and later runes, but the former at last gradually disappeared. It seems that the custom of having alphabets on objects Fig. 285.—A fibula of silver, partly gilt, with same runic letters, with slight variations. Real size.—Charnay, Burgundy, France (of Norse origin). The art of writing shows the advanced civilisation of the people of the North compared with that of the other Fig. 286.—Neck-ring of gold, with runes; ½ real size; found (1838) in a round mound.—Wallachia. Great indeed has been, and still is, the harvest of runic monuments or objects in the North. Every year several new objects with these characters are discovered in fields, bogs, and graves, or when old walls or buildings are demolished. From the sagas we learn that runes were traced on staves, rods, weapons, the stem and rudder of ships, drinking-horns, fish bones, and upon the teeth of Sleipnir, &c. In Runatal (Odin’s Rune song), or the last part of Havamal, there is a most interesting account of the use that could be made of runes. It shows plainly that in earlier times they were not used by the people in general for writing; that they were mystic, being employed for conjurations and the like, and therefore regarded with a certain awe and superstition; just as to-day writing is looked upon by certain savage tribes, who cannot be made to understand how speech can be transmitted and kept on paper for an indefinite period. In this song, Odin is supposed to be teaching some one, and giving advice; he reckons up his arts thus:— I know that I hung On the windy tree Nine Wounded with a spear, Given to Odin, Myself to myself; On the tree Of which no one knows From what roots it comes. They gave me no food Nor a horn (drink); I peered downward, I caught the runes, Learned them weeping; Thence I fell down. Nine songs of might I learnt from the famous Son of BÖlthorn, father of Bestla; And I got a draught Of the precious mead, Taken out of Odrerir. And wise: I grew and I throve; Word followed word With me; Act followed act With me. Thou wilt find runes And letters to read, Very large staves, Very strong staves, Which the mighty wise one drew, And the high powers made, And the Hropt of the gods (Odin) carved. Odin (carved runes) among the Asar; Dain with the Alfar; Dvalin with the Dvergar; Alsvid (the All-wise) With the JÖtnar; Some I carved myself. Better ’tis not to invoke Than sacrifice too much; A gift always looks for reward; Better not to send Than offer too much; Thus Thund Before the origin of men; He rose there; There he came back. I know incantations Which no king’s wife knows, And no man’s son. Help is the first one called, And it will help thee Against strife and sorrows, Against all kinds of grief. The third I know, If I am in sore need of Bonds for my foes; I deaden the edges Of my foes; Neither weapons nor wiles hurt for them. The fourth I know, If men lay Bonds on my limbs; I sing (incantations) so That I can walk; The fetter flies off my feet, And the shackles off my hands. The fifth I know, If I see an arrow flying, Shot to harm in the array; It flies not so fast That I cannot stay it If I get sight of it. The sixth I know, If a man wounds me With the roots of a young tree; Illness shall eat The man That lays spells on me, Rather than me. The seventh I know, If I see a hall burning Round the sitting men; It burns not so broadly That I cannot save them; Such an incantation can I sing. The eighth I know, Which for every one is Useful to learn; Where hate arises Among sons of kings I can allay it soon. If I am in need To save my ship afloat, I hush the wind On the waves, And calm all the sea. The tenth I know, If I see hedge-riders Playing in the air, I cause that They go astray Out of their skins, Out of their minds. The eleventh I know, If I shall to battle Lead my old friends, I sing under the shields, And they go with might Safe to the fray, Safe out of the fray, Safe wherever they come from. The twelfth I know, If I see on a tree I carve so And draw in runes, That the man shall walk And talk to me. The thirteenth I know, If I do on a young thegn Water sprinkle; He will not fall Though he go into battle; That man sinks not by swords. The fourteenth I know, If I shall reckon up The gods for the host of men; Asar and Alfar I know all well; Few unwise know so much. The fifteenth I know, That which Thjodreyrir The Dverg, before the door of Delling; He sang strength to the Asar And fame to the Alfar, Wisdom to Hroptayr. The sixteenth I know, If of the comely maiden I want all the heart and the love, I change the mind Of the white-armed woman And turn all her heart. The seventeenth I know, That the youthful maiden Will late forsake me. These songs Wilt thou Loddfafnir Long have lacked, Though they are good if thou takest them, Useful if thou learnest them, Profitable if thou takest them. I know the eighteenth, Which I will never tell To maiden or man’s wife, Except to her alone That holds me in her arms, Or is my sister; All is better That one alone only knows. This is the end of the song. In the hall of Har; Very useful to the sons of men, Useless to the sons of JÖtnar. Hail to him who sang! Hail to him who knows! May he who has learned profit by it! Hail to those who have listened! “Atli was a great, powerful, and wise king; he had many men with him, and took counsel with them how he should get the gold; he knew that Gunnar and HÖgni were owners of so much property Runes were occasionally used as charms in cases of illness. Egil went on a journey to Vermaland to collect the tax from the Jarl Arnvid, who was suspected of having slain King Hakon the Good’s men when they went thither for this purpose. On the way he came to the house of a bondi named Thorfinn. “As Egil and Thorfinn sat and took their meal, Egil saw that a woman lay sick on the cross-bench, and asked who she was. Thorfinn answered that she was his daughter Helga. She had been long ill from a very wasting sickness; she could not sleep at night, and was like one ham-stolen As man shall not trace runes Except he can read them well, It is thus with many a man That the dark letters bewilder him. I saw on the cut whalebone Ten hidden That have caused to the leek-linden (woman) A very long sorrow. “Egil traced runes, and placed them under the pillow in the bed where she rested. It seemed to her as if she awoke from a sleep, and she said she was then healed, though she When persons were deaf, they communicated with others by means of runes. “Thorkel told his sister Orny that the steersman had come to his house, saying: ‘I wish, kinswoman, that thou shouldst serve Runes traced on sticks (kefli), which were sometimes used, did not offer proper security against falsification, unless personal runes were used, which however were known only to a very limited number. An Icelandic settler named Gris, who had gone on a journey to Norway, was going back to Iceland from Nidaros (Throndhjem). “A woman came to him with two children, and asked him to take them with him. He asked: ‘What have they to do there?’ She said that their uncle Thorstein SvÖrf lived in the district where Gris had a boer, and that her name was Thorarna. Gris said: ‘I will not do that without some evidence.’ Then she gave him from under her cloak a stick on which were many words known to Thorstein. Gris said: ‘Thou wilt think me greedy for property.’ She asked: ‘Ask as much as thou wilt.’ He answered: ‘Four hundreds in very good silver, and thou must follow with the children.’ ‘It is not possible for me to follow them,’ she said, ‘but I will pay what thou askest.’ She told him the name of the boy Klaufi, and of the girl Sigrid. Gris added: ‘How hast thou become so wretched, thou who art of such good kin?’ She replied: ‘I was taken in war by SnÆkoll Ljotsson, who is the father of these children; after which he drove me away against my will.’ “Gris had a favourable wind after he had taken these children “Klaufi and Gris sailed from Solskel southward along the Norwegian coast, until they came to an islet, where lay two ships with no men on them. They jumped on board one of the ships, and Klaufi said: ‘Tell thou, Gris, who has steered these ships, for here are runes, which tell it.’ Gris said he did not know. Klaufi answered: ‘Thou knowest, and must tell.’ Gris was obliged to do so, against his will, and thus read the runes: ‘Karl steered the ship when the runes were carved’” (SvarfdÆla, c. 14). “One summer in the time of King Harald Hardradi it happened, as was often the case, that an Icelandic ship came to Nidaros (Throndhjem). On this ship there was a poor man who kept watch during the night. While all slept he saw two men go secretly up to Gaularas with digging tools and begin to dig; he saw they searched for property, and when he came on them unawares he saw that they had dug up a chest filled with property. He said to the one who seemed to be the leader that he wanted three marks for keeping quiet, and some more if he should wish it. Thorfinn assented to this, and weighed out to him three marks; when they opened the chest a large ring and a thick necklace of gold lay uppermost. The Icelander saw runes carved on the chest; these said that Hakon Jarl had been the owner of this property” (Fornmanna SÖgur, vi. 271). One day Thurid, the old foster-mother of ThorbjÖrn Öngul, an enemy of Grettir, asked to be taken down to the sea. “When she came there, she found the stump of a tree with the roots on, as large as a man could carry. She looked at Fig. 287.—Stone axe with earlier runes; ? real size.—Upland. Fig. 288.—Earlier runic inscription discovered (1872) on a perpendicular bluff 20 feet high and about 200 feet from the shore, at Valsfjord, Fosen, North, Throndhjem. The runes are carved in a perpendicular line from the bottom up. Hardly anything is left of the letters. The Runes; 1 The deeds of warriors were recorded on runic staves:— Örvar-Odd, when very old, desired to revisit the scenes of his childhood, where a VÖlva had foretold him that his death would be caused by the head of the horse Faxi, at his birthplace, Hrafnista. When he arrived there he walked around on “He suffered so much from this wound that they had to lead him down to the shore. When he got there he said: ‘Now you must go and hew a stone coffin for me, while some shall sit at my side and carve that song which I will compose about my deeds and life.’ Then he began making the song, Fig. 289.—Stone, with earlier runes, height over 6 feet.—Krogstad, Upland. Fig. 290.—Earlier runes on granite block. About 10 feet high, 4 feet 11 inches at widest part, and 9 inches thick.—Tanum, BohuslÄn, Sweden. “The two brothers Jokul and Thorstein were to meet Finnbogi for a Holmganga. The inscriptions of the earlier runes, the translation of which must be received with extreme caution, are short, while those of a later period are much longer. Fig. 291.—Runic stone, showing transition between earlier and later runes, about 4½ feet above ground; breadth, 2 feet 4 inches.—Stentofte, Blekinge, Sweden. Fig. 292.—Part of stone block, with earlier runes.—Torvik, Norway. Eight feet 10 inches in length by 2 feet 2 inches wide, with a thickness of from 2? to 3? feet. Fig. 293.—Red quartz stone, with earlier runes and warrior on horseback. Height, 8 feet 3 inches, but only 6 feet above ground; greatest breadth, 5 feet.—Hagby, Upland. Fig. 294.—Granite slab of a stone coffin in a grave-mound, forming one of the sides 1 Fig. 295.—Runic stone, earlier runes. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches.—Berga, SÖdermanland, Sweden. Fig. 296.—Runic stone, earlier runes. Height, over 13 feet; greatest width, a little over 3 feet; with letters about 6 inches long; near a dom ring.—BjÖrktorp, Blekinge, Sweden. See p. 314 for grave. Fig. 297.—Earlier runic stone; about 7 feet 7 inches long, and at its broadest part 3 feet 6 inches.—Norway. Fig. 298.—Granite block with earlier and later runes (the earlier runes in the centre). Height, 5 feet 3 inches; greatest breadth, 3 feet; average thickness, 1 foot.—SkÅ-Äng, SÖdermanland, Sweden. Fig. 299.—Earlier runic stone, Sigdal, Norway. Fig. 300.—Earlier runic stone discovered in 1880, in a ruined grave-mound which contained a slab stone chest; one of the side slabs bore runes, and is given here. It has probably stood on another mound before it was put to this use.—Bergen Museum, Torvik, Hardanger, Norway. Fig. 301.—Tune stone (with earlier runes) of red granite; found in a graveyard wall surrounding the church of Tune, near Moss, entrance of Christiania fjord. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; greatest width, 2 feet 4 inches. Fig. 302.—Earlier runic inscription on a bluff, 11 feet above high-water mark.—VÆblungsnÆs, Romsdal, Norway. Fig. 303.—Runic stone, having the longest runic inscription known, composed of over 760 letters. Height, 12 feet; width, 6 feet.—In the Churchyard of RÖk, OstergÖtland, Sweden. Fig. 304.—Marble lion, with later runic inscription. Height, 10 feet. Now at Venice, whither it was brought from the PirÆus in 1687. Not only do the finds prove to us how extensive were the voyages and journeys of the vikings, but many of the runic stones add their testimony to these and the sagas, often mentioning journeys in distant lands both for peaceful and warlike purposes. There are four runic stones extant on which Knut the Great is mentioned as “Knut who went to England”; the Thingamenn or Thingamannalid is mentioned on at least two runic stones. Fig. 305.—Later runic stone, with animal and bird.—Upland. Fig. 306.—Later runic stone, with animals, possibly a representation of Fylgja at SvartsjÖ Castle, Lake MÄlaren, Sweden. Fig. 307.—Later runic stone, with birds.—Upland. Fig. 308.—Stone with later runes. Height above ground, 10 feet; the width over 5 feet.—NysÄtra parish, Upland. Fig. 309.—Later runic stone, Edssocken, Upland. “Runa rista lit Rahnualtr huar a Kriklanti uas lisforunki.” Fig. 310.—Later runic stone, 7½ feet above the ground. “Sterkar and Hiorvardr erected this stone to their father, Geiri, who dwelt west, in Thikalid (Thingmannalid). God help his soul.”—KÅlstad, Upland. Fig. 311.—King Gorm’s stone, with later runes.—Jellinge, Jutland. Front view. Fig. 312.—Back view of King Gorm’s stone. The historical mounds of King Gorm and his queen Thyra are respectively 200 and 230 feet in diameter, and about 40 feet high (see p. 183); the burial chamber of King Gorm was of wood, 22 feet long, 4½ feet high, 8 feet wide. In the grave were found a small silver cup, a bronze cross covered with gold, a wooden figure representing a warrior in armour, several metal mountings, &c. Fig. 313.—Wooden shield with later runes.—Norway. Fig. 314.—Runic stone in ship-form grave, Upland. In the grave was found a helmet, apparently made of iron-plate, with ornaments of bronze in imitation of eyebrows; also a helmet-crest. On the helmet were numerous representations of horsemen with spears and carrying shields on their left arms, in front of the horses a snake, and in front of and behind each horseman a bird flying. Fig. 315.—Baptismal stone font.—Langhem Church, Sweden. Fig. 316.—Baptismal stone with runes and a representation of Gunnar in the snake-pit, used as font in a church, BohuslÄn. No Christian symbol is marked upon it. Fig. 317. Fig. 318. Fig. 319. Fig. 320. Fig. 321.—Tracing of later runes illustrating the Eddaic songs and Volsunga saga. Length, 16 feet; width, from 4 to 5 feet.—Ramsund Rock, SÖdermanland, Sweden. The scene is surrounded below by sculpture, and covered with runes above are two serpents twisted together, one without runes. Below the large snake Sigurd on his knee pierces with his sword the body of the reptile. In the midst between the snake the horse Grani is standing, made fast to a tree where two birds are seen. On the left Sigurd, seated, roasts on the fire, at the end of a stick, the heart of Fafnir. Round the fire are deposited pincers, an anvil, bellows, and hammer; the head of the smith (blacksmith) Regin is seen separated from the trunk. Then above is sculptured an animal, which looks like a fox—no doubt the otter—for the murder of which was given, as ransom, the rich treasure so fatal to Fafnir and to all those who possessed it after him. The runic inscription has not the slightest connection with the scene, not even with Sigurd Fafnisbani. As Mr. SÄve remarks, Sigurd or Holmger, The tracing on the stone of Goek, not far from the city of StrengenÆs, is about half the length of that on the Ramsund stone, but of the same width, and is not as fine. The subject is treated in a somewhat similar manner: the hammer is on the ground, while on the Ramsund stone it is in the man’s hand. Above the horse Grani is a Christian cross. The runic inscription, here also upon a snake, surrounds the figures, but has nothing to say about Sigurd Fafnisbani. Fig. 322.—Oscan inscription (first three lines) on a bronze tablet in British Museum. Fig. 323.—Greek inscription on bronze axe from Calabria, in the British Museum. Fig. 324.—Archaic Greek inscription in the British Museum. From the facsimile illustrations given of Etruscan, Greek and earliest Roman inscriptions chosen at random from the Fig. 325.—Bronze tablet, first three lines. Treaty between the Eleans and HerÆans of Arcadia; copied from “Ancient Greek Inscriptions” in the British Museum. (Euphorbos.) (Menelaos.) (Hector.) Fig. 327.—Etruscan inscription on a sepulchral urn in the British Museum. Fig. 328.—Etruscan inscription on an urn in the British Museum. Fig. 329.—Etruscan inscription on a sarcophagus from Toscanella, in the British Museum. Fig. 330.—Plaque of terra-cotta, representing Poseidon, painted. Found near Corinth. Now in the Louvre. Fig. 331.—Latin inscription. Fig. 332.—Early Latin inscription: painted on a vase in British Museum. Fig. 333.—Etruscan inscription, on a sarcophagus from Toscanella, in the British Museum. Fig. 334.—On an Etruscan sepulchral monument in terra-cotta, British Museum. Fig. 335.—Bronze spear-point, with earlier runes, and svastica and triskele stamped on it. Length 16½ inches.—Venice, island of Torcello. ½ real size. Fig. 336.—Iron spear-point, with runes and figures inlaid with silver, discovered in a mound with burnt bones and weapons.—MÜncheberg, Mark-Brandenburg. ½ real size. Fig. 337.—Iron spear-point, with runes and figures inlaid with silver.—Volhynia, Russia. ½ real size. Fig. 338.—Runic stone found at Collingham, Yorkshire. |