I A Mystery 1
II More Bad News 8
III On the Trail 19
IV Another Disappearance 26
V Football Talk 36
VI In Practice 43
VII A New Timepiece 53
VIII Another Idea 61
IX A Clash with Langridge 67
X The Big Californian 73
XI A New Complication 80
XII The Missing Deed 89
XIII The First Game 98
XIV The Hazing of Simpson 109
XV The Midnight Blaze 120
XVI Another Clew 129
XVII A Crash in the Gale 136
XVIII With Hammer and Saw 141
XIX Suspicions 150
XX The Clock Comes Back 158
XXI Seeking Evidence 167
XXII Bascome Denies 173
XXIII Haled to Court 181
XXIV Defeat 188
XXV Bitter Days 200
XXVI Moses in Physics 206
XXVII The Dance Card 213
XXVIII The Legal Battle 225
XXIX One Point Lost 233
XXX An Unexpected Clew 240
XXXI After the Chair 249
XXXII “This Isn’t Ours!” 260
XXXIII A Great Find 271
XXXIV The Excited Stranger 276
XXXV The Winning Touchdown 283


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