
The official handbook of America's national game—SPALDING'S BASE BALL GUIDE—which was first issued in 1876, has grown in size, importance and popular favor year by year, until it has become the great standard statistical and reference annual of the game throughout the base ball world; and it is now recognized as the established base ball manual of the entire professional fraternity, as well as the authorized Guide Book of the great National League, which is the controlling governmental organization of the professional clubs of the United States.

The Guide of 1895 not only records the doings of the twelve clubs of the National League for the past season, with all the official statistics, but it gives space to the championship campaigns of 1894, not only of the Minor Professional Leagues of the country, but also of those of the College clubs and of the leading organizations of the amateur class—the majority class of the entire base ball world—and in this respect the Guide has no equal, the book of 1895 being exceptionally full of the most interesting chapters of the leading events of the diamond fields of the past year, and for the first time contains many fine half-tone illustrations of all the leading clubs and players, making it the largest and most complete Guide ever issued.

Copies of the Guide will be mailed to any address upon receipt of twelve cents each. Trade orders supplied through the News Companies, or direct from the Publishers,

American Sports Publishing Company, 241 Broadway, New York.

The Guide, as hitherto, is issued under the entire editorial control of the veteran writer on sports, Mr. Henry Chadwick, popularly known as "The Father of Base Ball."

The great size of the Guide precludes the possibility of including the game record of the League campaign, as also other records of League legislation, etc., and these will be found in the "Official League Book," which contains only official League matter, as furnished by Secretary Young, including the League Constitution in full.


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