I A Strange Message 1
II Sid Is Caught 16
III Miss Mabel Harrison 27
IV Electing a Manager 41
V Randall Against Boxer 59
VI The Accusation 75
VII Getting Back at “Pitchfork” 84
VIII The Envelope 92
IX A Clash 100
X Sid Is Spiked 105
XI A Joke on the Proctor 114
XII Planning a Picnic 122
XIII A Sporty Companion 131
XIV “Mind Your Own Business!” 140
XV An Unexpected Defense 146
XVI A Serious Charge 152
XVII Sid Keeps Silent 157
XVIII Bascome Gives a Dinner 163
XIX Fairview and Randall 170
XX Randall Scores First 176
XXI Randall in the Tenth 183
XXII Sid Despairs 195
XXIII Financial Difficulties 202
XXIV Pitchfork’s Tall Hat 209
XXV A Petition 219
XXVI Tom Stops a Hot One 226
XXVII Gloomy Days 233
XXVIII A Freshman Plot 239
XXIX The Sophomore Dinner 246
XXX Tom’s Last Appeal 255
XXXI The Ban Lifted 265
XXXII A Perilous Crossing 275
XXXIII The Championship Game 284
XXXIV Batting to Win 295


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