| | PAGE | | 1. | Regulations for the establishment of officers for the care of the dead and for conducting funerals at Franckfort, with plans of the houses of reception | 205 | | 2. | Regulations for the examination and care of the dead at Munich | 218 | | 3. | Examination of Mr. Abrahams, surgeon, registrar of deaths, on the defective arrangements for the verification, and on the effects produced on the physical and moral condition of children by the undue pressure of the causes of disease and death | 223 | | 4. | Examination of Mr. Blencarne, medical officer of the City of London Union, on the extent to which the proportions of deaths are preventive by sanitary measures | 226 | | 5, 6, & 7. | Extracts from the testimony of Dr. Wray, Mr. Porter, and Mr. Paul, medical officers of the city of London, on the same subjects | 229–32 | | 8. | Extract from Dr. La Chaise’s account of population in the badly lighted and ventilated and badly cleansed districts of Paris | 233 | | 9. | Note on the probable effects producible on the proportionate mortality and numbers of burials, of structural arrangements, such as those designed for the City of London by Sir Christopher Wren | 234 | | 10. | Letter from the superintendent registrar of Stockport on cases of infanticides committed partly for the sake of burial money | 235 | | 11. | Returns of the proportion of deaths to the population in each registrar’s district in the metropolis in the year 1839, the excess in number of deaths and funerals beyond a healthy standard, the average age of death of gentry, tradesmen, and artisans, and average years of life lost by premature deaths in each district, according to the Carlisle table of life insurance, and the proportion of deaths from epidemics, and the registrars’ returns of the chief causes of death in the lower districts | 239 | | 12. | Examples of ordinary undertakers’ bills in the metropolis | 267 | | | Lord Stowell’s exposition of the law of England in respect to perpetuities in burial-grounds | 269 | | 13. | View of the extent of intra-mural burial-ground provided as compared with the extent of extra-mural burial-ground required for the metropolis; and the comparative proportions of space occupied for the burial of persons of different religious denominations, and as trading burial-grounds | 272 | | | Return of the amount of burial fees received in some of the larger parishes in the metropolis | 273 | | | Returns of the number of burials in each of the burial-grounds in the metropolis | 274 | SANITARY REPORT.—SUPPLEMENT.