
Abbatelli, the, conspirators in Palermo, 87

Adorno, Antoniotto, retires from the Dogate in 1527, 43;

raised to the Dogate by the Fieschi, 92

——, Barnaba, Lord of Silvano, 94, 165

——, Maddalena, Countess of Silvano, 95

——, Prospero, conquers the Fieschi in 1476, 7

Alba, Duke of, sails with Doria to Spain, 246, 250, 281

Albenga, Jacopo di, distinguished jurist, 195

Alberti, Leandro, quoted, 30, 67, 136, 332

Alcibiades, Fieschi compared to, 66, 127

Alessi, Galeazzo, architect of the church of Carignano, 202

Alexander VI., Pope, 97, 107, 108

—— VII., Pope, 298

Anguissola Giovanni, 236, 237, 239;

his death, 240

Ariosto, Lodovico, praises the verses of Panza, 82

Aristotle taught in Genoa by public lectures, 300

Assereto, Tommaso, co-conspirator of Fieschi, 154, 160, 166, 168, 193, 209, 218;

executed by the government, 220, 223

Balbi, inscription to his infamy, in a rear wall of the Ducal palace, 199

Bandello, Matteo, quoted, 83, 121, 173, 252, 329

Barbarossa, Barbary corsair, 50, 287

Bastelica, Sampiero, Corsican revolutionist, 285, 287-98

Bavaria, princes of, 2, 10

Belcoeur, French ambassador in the Grisons, 239

Belmosto, Archbishop of Genoa, 333

Boccanegra, Guglielmo, Captain of the People, 38, 41

——, Maria, 171

——, Simone, first Doge of Genoa, 39

Bona, Duchess, 7

Bonfadio, historian, 25, 66, 91, 92, 93, 113, 126, 156, 177, 207, 234, 299

Boniface IX., pope, 12, 97

Bonnivet, French general, invades Italy, 25

Borgia, CÆsar, intrigues of, 41-2, 106

Borgognino, Scipione, storms the arsenal of Doria, 161, 167

Borganasca, village in the Apennines, craftiness of its people, 336

Bourbon, Constable of, 29

Bourbons, the, 153

Bourgogne, Dukes of, 2

Braccialina, Gentilina, murdered by her husband, 279

Braculli, historian, 82

Brutus, Gianluigi Fieschi compared with, 146

Burlamacchi, Francesco, his revolutionary schemes, 104

Caffaro, first Genoese annalist, 299

Calcagno, Vincenzo, co-conspirator of Fieschi, his origin and character, 116;

at first opposed the conspiracy, 117;

his part in it, 143, 158;

supports the attack on S. Tommaso, 160, 162, 166;

sails with other conspirators to Marseilles, 183;

condemned to banishment, 192;

killed by Spinola after the surrender of Montobbio, 220

Calvi, Annina, touching history of, 252

——, Antonio, 166

Calvin, guest of the Duchess of Ferrara, 309

Cambiaso, Luca, painter, 202, 315

Campanaceo, historian, 25, 169

Campanella, writer and conspirator of Spain, 328, 333, 336

Capello, Bianca, famous courtesan, 329

Capelloni, Lorenzo, historian, 26, 319

Capponi, family of, in Florence, 126, 268

Capuano, Gianluigi, victim of Toledo in Naples, 260

Caracciolo, Giano, Governor-General of Piedmont, 115

Caraffa, an Italian reformer, 27

Cardano, Italian author, 303, 306, 336

Caretto, Marquis of, 16, 325

Carnesecchi, writer of the sixteenth century, 268, 312, 313

Caro, Annibale, author, 132, 137, 236, 237

Casoni, Genoese annalist, 27, 236, 301

Castelvetro, Lodovico, reformer, 309

Castiglione, 269, 270, 312

Catando d’Arimini, friend of Fieschi, 137, 174

Catilini, Fieschi compared with, 17, 23

Cato quoted by Fieschi, 140

Cellini, Benvenuto, artist, 29, 235, 328

Centurione, Prince Adamo, 67;

promises his daughter in marriage to Fieschi, 68, 101, 149, 153, 166, 185, 254, 261

——, Benedetto, 188

——, Gianetta, daughter of Prince Adamo, 67;

espoused to Gianettino Doria, 69

——, Grimaldi Nicoletta, authoress, 84

——, Manfredo, 183, 211

Charlemagne, 35

Charles III. of Savoy, 33

—— V., Emperor, 20;

his election, 24;

great only in the extent of his dominions, 31;

the humiliation of Italy dates from his reign, 36;

his acquisition of Milan, 109, 111, 119, 146, 185, 230, 231, 234, 237, 242, 245, 254, 262, 266, 279, 281, 283, 328

—— IX. of France, 322

Clement V., Pope, 11

—— VI., Pope, 96

—— VII., Pope, 26, 32, 329

—— VIII., Pope, 43, 99, 297

Colonna, Roman patricians, 28, 42

——, Stefano, 206

——, Vittoria, supposed to have been a Protestant, 309

Columbus, Christopher, 39

Conspiracies prevalence of, 36

Conte, Giacobbe, commander of Fieschi’s galleys, 142, 192

Coreggio, Fulvia, Countess of Mirandola, 298

Corsairs, Turkish and Barbary, 282, 283

Cosimo, Duke, 68, 104, 105, 169, 187, 206, 226, 229, 245, 265, 269, 284, 293

Cybo, Cardinal, 74, 187, 250, 264, 265

——, Caterina, Duchess of Camerino, 74, 85, 280

——, Eleonora, her marriage with Count Fieschi, 74, 265;

her literary accomplishments, 85;

her second marriage, 279;

retires to a convent, 280

——, Prince Giulio, 144, 148, 150, 188;

his conspiracy and misfortunes, 263 et seq.

——, Maddalena, received the profit of the sale of indulgences, 23

——, Ricciarda, 74, 264, 265, 266

Dandolo, Francesco, Doge of Venice, 14

Della Casabianca, Giocante, suspects the plot of Fieschi, 153, 318

—— Rovere, Bartolomea, 19

—— Rovere, Francesco Maria, 41, 59

—— Rovere, Maria, mother of Count Fieschi, 20;

masculine vigour of her character, 64, 65;

her last days, 278

—— Torre, Giovanni Battista, his passion for a sister of Fieschi, 121;

attempts violence to gain his end, 122;

killed by the Fieschi, 124

Di Negro, Arcangela, her character and literary accomplishments, 15, 83, 194

Doria, Andrea, 19;

account of his family and services, 38 et seq.;

his desertion of the French standard, 47;

his relations with the Barbary pirates, 50;

his vengeance against the Fieschi, 188;

quenches revolt in Naples, 261;

his death, and estimate of his character, 41, 228, 317

——, Antonio, 59, 197, 226, 230, 261, 277

——, Ceva, 167, 196, 198

——, Domenico, 41, 69, 166, 188, 197, 209, 220, 248

——, Filippino, 43, 44, 59, 169

—— Francesco, 59, 209

—— Cardinal Gerolamo, 65, 166, 178

—— Gianettino, adopted son of Andrea, his early life, 58;

ostentation and insolence, 69;

naval successes, 70-1;

captures the Pope’s vessels in Genoa, 111;

his death, 163

—— Giorgio, 59, 71

—— Giovanni Andrea, 191, 272, 319, 325

—— Lamba, 208

—— NicolÒ, 328, 333

—— Pagonio, 277

—— Princess Peretta, 148, 169, 250, 266

—— Tommaso, 128, 222

Dragut (Torghud Rais), Barbary pirate, conquered and taken by Gianettino Doria, 71;

flogged after capture, 73;

released by Andrea Doria, 73, 287;

Genoese bankers lend him the ransom money, 73;

pillages Rapallo, 281

Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, his narrow escape from the pirate Occhiali, 282, 295, 309, 327

Embriaco, Guglielmo, hero of the first crusade, 129

Erasmus, reformer, 260

Farnese, Alessandro, 107, 111

—— Cardinal, 157, 217, 271

—— Clara, mistress of Pope Alexander VI., 107

—— Orazio, 102, 103, 214, 237

—— Ottavio, 109, 212, 231, 239, 267

—— Pierluigi, Duke of Piacenza, 93, 209, 230;

enters into the Fieschi conspiracy, 101;

his disputes with feudatories, 131;

conspiracy instigated against him by Doria, 233;

murdered by Giovanni Anguissola, 237, 263, 275, 337

Ferrara, Cardinal of, 225, 283

Ferrero, Besso, 97, 297

Fieschi, Adriano, Cardinal, 9

—— Angela Caterina, 65, 221

—— Antonio, 96

—— Bardoni, 201

—— Bartolomeo, 77, 78

—— Beatrice, 17, 97

—— Camilla, 65, 278

—— Carlo, 12, 17, 126

—— Claudia, 65;

insulted by Della Torre, 122

—— Cornelio, brother of Gianluigi, 65;

kills Della Torre, 124;

captures the gate of the Archi, 160;

retires into France, 183, 191, 209, 214, 224, 229, 268

—— Danielo, 13, 77

—— Emanuel, 195

—— Ettore, 14, 112, 230, 277

—— Francesco, 13, 112, 316

—— Gerolamo, brother of Gianluigi, 65, 92, 102, 160, 162;

attempts to carry on the revolution, 177;

treats with the Senate, 177;

retires to Montobbio, 183;

defends Montobbio against Genoa, 205;

is executed as a traitor, 220, 223

—— Giacomo, 12, 13, 17, 112

—— Gianluigi, compared with Catilnie, xvii.-xxiii.;

his family, 8, 9, 13, 38;

his character and early life, 19, 65 et seq., 145;

his tragic death, 168;

estimation in which he was held in Italy, 173-5

—— Innocenzo, 97, 112

—— Lorenzo, 201

—— Luca, Cardinal and General, 11, 13

—— Ortensia Lomellina de, poetess, 85

—— Ottobuono, brother of Gianluigi, 65, 80, 101, 132, 143, 160, 162, 181, 183, 189, 209, 216, 224, 229, 268, 277-8, 285;

executed by order of Doria, 287

—— Ottobuono (Pope Hadrian V.), 10, 17

—— Scipione, brother of Gianluigi, 64, 65;

writes to the Senate for pardon, 195, 214, 224, 229;

his litigation against Genoa, 274, 290

—— Sinibaldo, father of Gianluigi, 13, 64, 78

—— Sinibaldo (Pope Innocent IV.), 9, 13

Figuerroa, Gomez Suarez, Spanish minister in Genoa, 149, 152, 165, 197, 226, 243, 276, 318

Finale, Marquises of, 19

Foderato, NicolÒ, 115, 120

Foglietta, Oberto, Genoese historian, xxvi., 40, 41, 307, 319, 320

Fornari, Antonio de, 225

—— Francesco de, 296, 318

Forteguerra, Laudomia, Sienese heroine, 286

Francis I. of France, 25, 26, 34, 43, 115, 210, 215, 231

Fregosi, family of, hostile to the Fieschi, 19, 79, 92;

its power in Genoa, 39;

driven from power by the Adorni, 42

Fregoso, Aurelio, 285, 287

—— Cesare, 19, 43, 62, 83, 91, 208

—— Cornelio, 293

—— Frederico, 49, 311

—— Galeazzo, 322

—— Giano, Doge, 92

—— Ottaviano, 19, 49, 80, 276, 320

—— Pietro, 208

Gad Ali, Barbary pirate, 42

Gianotti, Donato, 88, 268

Giovio, Paolo, 79, 80, 328

Giustiniani, family of the, 75, 129, 257

—— historian of Genoa, 2, 137

—— Ansaldo, 178

—— Fabrizio, 44, 46

—— Giovanni Battista, 157, 193

Gonzaga, Cagnino, 62, 98, 115, 152

—— Ferrante, Spanish governor of Lombardy, 132, 140, 169, 187, 197, 198, 206, 212, 216, 230, 237, 238, 240, 245, 266, 321

—— Giulia, her escape from the corsair Barbarossa, 50;

embraced reformed opinions, 309

Gregory VII., Pope, 326

—— XIII., Pope, 297, 330

Grimaldi, family of the, 12, 38, 40, 54, 60, 82, 272

—— Ercole, 325

—— Francesco, 166, 197

—— Giovanni Battista, 177, 196, 301

Guercio, Enrico il, 5

Guicciardini, the historian, 52, 144

Harcourt, Gillona di, 316

Henry II. of France, 74, 215, 242, 262, 276

—— III. of France, 316

—— VII. of France, 11

—— VIII. of England, report of his ambassadors on the state of Lombardy, 33

Huss, 35

Imperiali, family of the, 110, 178, 193, 194

Innocent III., Pope, 326

—— IV., Pope, 17

—— VIII., Pope, 264

—— XI., Pope, 317

Julius II., Pope, 39, 97, 230, 262

—— III., Pope, 330

Laudi, Agostino, 121, 212, 214, 230 236, 240

Lasagna, Pier Paolo, 96, 165

Lautrec, Odo, 30, 43

Lavagna, Counts of, 1-21

Leo X., Pope, false praises of, 22;

not the Reviver of Letters, 23

Lercaro, Cristoforo, 229, 241

—— Doge, 256, 317, 321, 324

—— Sebastiano, 159, 162, 183

Leyva, Antonio, 31, 233, 262

Lomellini, Agostino, 178

—— Bernardo, 208

—— Gerolamo, 290

—— NicolÒ, 44

Louis XII. of France, 18, 40, 76

—— XIV. of France, 317

Luther, Martin, 35, 259, 312, 313

Macchiavelli, NicolÒ, 24, 29, 82, 88, 144, 146, 284

Malaspina, family of the, 3, 14, 68, 264, 285

Mami Rais, pirate, 72

Manufactures, prosperity of, in Genoa, 128

Marini, Tommaso, 240, 245, 301, 303

Mario, Gianluigi, 200

Martinengo, family of the, 312

Martire, Pietro, reformer, 309

Mascardi, Agostino, xxvii., 58, 221

Medici family, 24, 25, 32, 36, 248, 256, 264, 337

—— Giulio, 24

—— Lorenzino, 36, 268

Melanchthon, reformer, 259, 313

Mendoza, Bernardino, 92, 184, 254

Mendoza, Don Diego, 284

—— Don Rodrigo, 198

Michelangelo, artist, 22

Mirandola, Galeotto, 137, 262, 269, 283

—— Paolo, 227

Monaco, Lords of, 249

Moncada, Hugo, 43-4

Monferrato, Marquises of, 5, 13, 16, 25, 32

Montorsoli, artists, 58, 170

Morato, Olimpia, embraced reform, 309

Nardi, Jacopo, historian, 268

Navagero, 27, 326

Occhiali, pirate, his singular treaty with the Duke of Savoy, 283

Ochino, Bernardino da Siena, reformer, 259, 309, 313

Olgiato, Milanese conspirator, 149

Orange, Prince of, 31

Ornano, Vannina, wife of Sampiero, 289;

attempts to go to Genoa, 291;

her tragic death, 293

Orsini, family of the, 28, 234, 246, 285, 337

Paleario, Aonio, reformer, 310, 314

Pallavicini family, 16-17, 84, 132, 166, 290, 301, 328

—— Camillo, 236, 238

—— Gerolamo, 131, 236, 238, 240

—— Maddalena, 84

—— Placida, 84

—— Tobia, 290

Panza, Paolo, tutor of Gianluigi Fieschi, 2, 65, 74, 82, 113, 140, 158, 173, 180, 205, 278

Partenopeo, Ugo, author, 20, 300, 315

Paul III., Pope, 34, 78, 85, 88;

shameful manner of his elevation, 107;

his character and ambition, 110;

his enmity to Doria, 111;

encourages the Fieschi conspiracy, 114, 120, 230, 232, 234;

his brief to Andrea Doria on the death of Giannettino, 239;

the revenge of Doria, 240, 241, 289, 310, 311

—— IV., Pope, 326, 327

Perenoto, NicolÒ, 243

Pescara, Marquises of, 24, 42, 87

Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, 104

—— II. of Spain, 245, 249, 255, 276, 279, 286, 295, 327

Piccolomini, Faustina, Sienese heroine, 286

Pojano, Giulio, 103, 137, 298

Pompanaceo, author, 336

Ponzio, Camillo, author, 67, 153, 271, 272

RenÉe, Duchess of Ferrara, 134, 309

Retz, Cardinal, 144

Romano, Giulio, 58

Sacco, Raffaele, fellow conspirator with Fieschi, 93, 116, 143, 151, 183, 192, 202, 224

Salvaghi family, 75, 194, 225

Sauli family, 75, 76, 140, 201

—— Azzolino, 301

—— Marcantonio, 75, 82

—— Stefano, 202

—— Tommaso, 62

Savonarola, Gerolamo, 146

Savoy, Dukes of, 25, 32, 297, 309

Scarampi, Antonia, literary lady, 83

Sciarra, Marco, brigand chief, 335

Segni, author, 34, 109

Sforza family, 6, 7, 26, 103, 231, 280

Sicames, 44

Siena, brave defence of, 286

Sigonio, Carlo, author, xxvi., 149

Sismondi, historian, 90, 228

Sixtus IV., Pope, 7

—— V., Pope, 326

Soderini, Pietro, 146

Sodoleto, Jacopo, 27

Soliman, Sultan, 34, 92, 258, 291

Sopranis, 73, 75

Spinola family, 12, 38, 39, 125, 126, 165, 172, 194, 337

—— Agostino, 207, 290

—— Benedetta, poetess, 84, 250

—— Livia, poetess, 84

—— Paolo, 268, 269, 270, 273

—— Tommaso, 226

Spinosa, 315

Strozzi family, 104, 137, 228, 268, 279, 337

—— Alfonsina, wife of Scipione Fieschi, 316

—— Leone, 286

—— Pietro, 92, 101, 229, 284, 286

—— Roberto, 316

Tacitus, 82, 305

Tassino, Leone, 45

Tassoni, Alessandro, 328

Tasso, Faustino, 85, 249

—— Torquato, 315

Telesio, 336

Toledo, Don Pietro, 259

Torghud Rais (Dragut), pirate, 71, 73, 281

Tornone, Cardinal of, 99, 225, 283

Trissino, 82, 310

Trivulzio family, 90, 131, 236, 337

—— Agostino, 114, 120

—— Teodoro, 43

Tuano, author, 301, 303

Urban VIII., Pope, 297

Urbino, Dukes of, 28, 32, 59, 64, 287

Usodimare, Gerolamo, 193

Vaccari, Vincenzo, 183

Vaga, Pierino, artist, 58, 249

Valdimagra, Marquises of, 137, 144, 150

Varchi, Benedetto, 48, 233, 235, 268

Vasto, Del, Marquises, 46, 49, 67, 91, 109, 132

Vega, Giovanni, 140

Vergerio, Pier Paolo, 235, 309

Verrina, co-conspirator of Fieschi, 116, 143, 148, 154, 158, 160, 183, 193, 202, 209, 220, 223, 225

Vinci, Leonardo da, 309

Visconti family, 14, 74, 208

Vistarino, Lodovico, 206, 212

Vitelli, Allessandro, 109, 206

—— Chiappino, 279, 286

—— Giovanni, 285

—— Lucrezia, 287

Wicliffe, reformer, 35

Women, literary, in Genoa, 83

Zaccaria family, 129

Zanchi, Gerolamo, 310, 312

Zeno, Apostolo, 235

Zino, Ottaviano, 269, 272

Zuingle, 259



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