From Aldermary Church-Yard,
Price Sixpence.

Evening—Setting Sun.
T Piggot Delin

Evening—Setting Sun.
Published Dec. 1st 1800 by John Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church-Yard London

It is evening; the sun is setting, and the shepherd, who tends the flocks of little Mary's Papa, is, with his good little dog, driving the sheep to the fold, where they will rest in safety. That is his cottage which stands on the other side of the road.

The tongs stood in the room where Mary oft staid,
And the lantern gave light to the hall where she play'd.

The table was placed in the corner quite snug,
And the milk for her breakfast was put in the jug.

Tongs. A Hall Lantern.
Tongs, Lantern, Table, Jug
A Table. A Jug.
Published Feb. 1st 1800 by J. Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard

If you look on the other side of the leaf, you will see the picture of the park that little Mary one day passed through, where she first saw the deer.

Tatton, in Cheshire, the seat of Wm. Egerton, Esq.
Tatton, in Cheshire, the seat of Wm. Egerton, Esq.
Published Dec 1st 1800 by John Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard London

Should you not have liked to have been with her, and jumped and played on the lawn, and in the shrubberies.

When little Mary was cold, 'twas Mamma's desire,
That in this pretty stove should be made a nice fire.

This bottle you see,
Holding water quite clear,
Is to wash Mary's hands,
Till they cleanly appear.

In little Mary's room were placed near at hand,
This elegant snuffers, and sweet pretty stand.

These plates you admire for being so neat,
Held little Mary's pudding, her pie, or her meat.
A Register Stove. A Decanter.
A Register Stove. A Decanter. Snuffers & Stand. Plates.
Snuffers & Stand. Plates.
Published Dec. 1st 1800 by J Marshall No 4 Aldermary Ch. Yd. London

A Moss Rose. A Moss Rose.
Published Dec. 1st 1800 by J Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard London
This is the rose that hid the thorn that pricked little Mary's finger.

A Robin.
A Robin.
Published Dec. 1st 1800 by J Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard London

Little Mary was eating her breakfast when she saw a Robin red-breast standing on a rail, at a little distance; she gathered up the crumbs as fast as she could, and threw them out of the window upon the gravel walk. As soon as the bird observed the bread, he jumped down off the rail, and began picking up the crumbs: but Mary, eager to shew her love to her little visitor, threw out more crumbs, which frightened it away.

A Crocus. A Crocus.
Published Feb. 1st 1800 by J Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard
This is the Crocus that grew in little Mary's garden by the side of the snow-drop and primrose.

The Ferry.
T Piggot Delin at Sculp

The Ferry.
Published Dec. 1st 1800 by John Marshall No 4 Aldermary Church Yard London

A traveller and his little dog, one day, wanted to get to the other side of a river; but the man was so very poor he could not find money enough to pay the boatman for taking him over. Little Mary, who was always very good, seeing his distress, gave him all the money she had in her pocket, wished him a safe journey, and went home with a light heart, having done a good action.

Printed and Sold by J. Marshall, 140, Fleet Street, London.

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

Varied hyphenation of Church-Yard was retained.

The remaining corrections made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear.


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