When she was dead, a voice—she knew not whose— Said to her: "Soul that fell, To cheer thee there in Hell, Of all thy life's lost happiness now choose. "Ask what thou wilt, thou, who hast walked 'mid flowers And songs the easy way Of pleasure day by day, Ask what thou wilt of all thy lived-out hours." And then she thought: "Oh, shall it be when there, A blameless maiden, I, Dreaming, watched love draw nigh, And felt his kiss rose-sweet on mouth and hair? "Or shall it be when, that white night, his fingers Smoothed from my brow the curls, And fell, like unstrung pearls, His words of passionate love whose memory lingers? "Or shall it be when over earth and sea I heard the sweet unrest Within his ardent breast, His heart that beat alone for me, for me? "Or shall it be when, in his belting arms, Soul gazed on kindred soul, And love had won the goal Of his desire, and his were all my charms? "No! no! not these! that hour he left me lost! Stunned, fallen and despised Before the world he prized, When—God forgive me!—when I loved him most!" |