Beyond the moon, within a land of mist, Lies the dim Garden of all Dead Desires, Walled round with morning's clouded amethyst, And haunted of the sunset's shadowy fires; There all lost things we loved hold ghostly tryst— Dead dreams, dead hopes, dead loves, and dead desires. Sad are the stars that day and night exist Above the Garden of all Dead Desires; And sad the roses that within it twist Deep bow'rs; and sad the wind that through it quires; But sadder far are they who there hold tryst— Dead dreams, dead hopes, dead loves, and dead desires. There, like a dove, upon the twilight's wrist, Soft in the Garden of all Dead Desires, Sleep broods; and there, where never a serpent hissed, On the wan willows music hangs her lyres, Æolian dials by which phantoms tryst— Dead dreams, dead hopes, dead loves, and dead desires. There you shall hear low voices; kisses kissed, Faint in the Garden of all Dead Desires, By lips the anguish of vain song makes whist; And gaze in eyes where all sweet sorrows tryst— Dead dreams, dead hopes, dead loves, and dead desires. Thither we go, dreamer and realist, Bound for the Garden of all Dead Desires, Where we shall find, perhaps, all Life hath missed, All Life hath longed for when the soul aspires, All Earth's elusive loveliness at tryst— Dead dreams, dead hopes, dead loves, and dead desires. |