Fac Simile of the Original Autograph MS. | to face this page. | REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. | | No. 1. Part of the Text of the commencement of the Life, with the attestation finis quod G. C. | | No. 2. Last Stanza of the Author’s Address to his Book, with the subjoined inscription of the date of the completion of the MS. See Preface, p. xvi. | | Portrait of Anne Boleyn | to face the Title | Portrait of Wolsey | p. 62 | Portrait of King Henry VIII. | 79 | Cardinal Wolsey in progress | 149 | Dukes of Suffolk and Norfolk receive the great seal from Wolsey | 246 | Cromwell. Earl of Essex | 258 | Tokens sent to Wolsey by the King and Anne Boleyn | 288 | Portrait of Sir Thomas Wyatt | 424 | Fac simile of the Original Autograph M.S. of Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Engraved by J. Swaine.