The idea of translating Catullus in the original metres adopted by the poet himself was suggested to me many years ago by the admirable, though, in England, insufficiently known, version of Theodor Heyse (Berlin, 1855). My first attempts were modelled upon him, and were so unsuccessful that I dropt the idea for some time altogether. In 1868, the year following the publication of my larger critical edition This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, there are no less than five violations of position, to say nothing of the shortening of a syllable so distinctly long as the i in primeval. Mr. Swinburne, in his Sapphics and Hendecasyllables, while writing on a manifestly artistic conception of those metres, and, in my judgment, proving their possibility for modern purposes by the superior rhythmical effect which a classically trained ear enabled him to make in handling them, neglects position as a rule, though his nice sense of metre leads him at times to observe it, and uniformly rejects any approach to the harsh combinations indulged in by other writers. The nearest approach to quantitative hexameters with which I am acquainted in modern English writers is the Andromeda of Mr. Kingsley, a poem which has produced little effect, but is interesting as a step to what may fairly be called a new development of the metre. For the experiments of the Elizabethan writers, Sir Philip Sidney and others, by that strange perversity which Unto a caitif wretch, whom long affliction holdeth, And now fully believ's help to bee quite perished; Grant yet, grant yet a look, to the last moment of his anguish, O you (alas so I finde) caus of his onely ruine: Dread not awhit (O goodly cruel) that pitie may enter Into thy heart by the sight of this Epistle I send: And so refuse to behold of these strange wounds the recitall, Lest it might m' allure home to thyself to return. Gratefulness, sweetness, holy love, hearty regard, That the delights of life shall be to him dolorous, And even in that love shall I reserve him a spite; sapphics like Are then humane mindes privileg'd so meanly As that hateful death can abridg them of power With the vow of truth to record to all worlds That we bee her spoils? hexameters like Fīre nŏ lĭquor can cool: Neptūne's reālm would not avail us. Nurs inwārd mălădiēs, which have not scope to bee breath'd out. Oh nŏ nŏ, worthie shephērd, worth cān never enter a title; are too alien from ordinary pronunciation to please either an average reader or a classically trained MELIBAEUS. Tityrus, happilie then lyste tumbling under a beech tree, All in a fine oate pipe these sweete songs lustilie chaunting: We, poore soules goe to wracke, and from these coastes be remoued, And fro our pastures sweete: thou Tityr, at ease in a shade plott Makst thicke groues to resound with songes of brave Amarillis. TITYRUS. O Melibaeus, he was no man, but a God who releeude me: Euer he shalbe my God: from this same Sheepcot his alters Neuer, a tender lambe shall want, with blood to bedew them. This good gift did he giue, to my steeres thus freelie to wander, And to my selfe (thou seest) on pipe to resound what I listed. ib. 50-56. Here no unwoonted foode shall grieue young theaues who be laded, Nor the infections foule of neighbours flocke shall annoie them. Happie olde man. In shaddowy bankes and coole prettie places, Heere by the quainted floodes and springs most holie remaining. Here, these quicksets fresh which lands seuer out fro thy neighbors And greene willow rowes which Hiblae bees doo rejoice in, Oft fine whistring noise, shall bring sweete sleepe to thy sences. The following stanzas are from a Sapphic ode into which Webbe translated, or as we should say, trans Say, behold did ye euer her Angelike face, Like to Phoebe fayre? or her heauenly hauour And the princelike grace that in her remaineth? haue yee the like seene? Vnto that place Caliope dooth high her, Where my Goddesse shines: to the same the Muser After her with sweete Violines about them cheerefully tracing. All ye Sheepheardes maides that about the greene dwell, Speede ye there to her grace, but among ye take heede All be Virgins pure that aproche to deck her, dutie requireth. When ye shall present ye before her in place, See ye not your selues doo demeane too rudely: Bynd the fillets: and to be fine the waste gyrt fast with a tawdryne. Bring the Pinckes therewith many Gelliflowres sweete, And the Cullambynes: let vs haue the Wynesops, With the Coronation that among the loue laddes wontes to be worne much. Daffadowndillies all a long the ground strowe, And the Cowslyppe with a prety paunce let heere lye. Kyngcuppe and Lillies so beloude of all men and the deluce flowre. There are many faults in these verses; over quaintnesses of language, constructions impossible in English, O sweet woods, the delight ōf sŏlĭtāriness! O how much I do like your solitariness! Where man's mind hath a freed consideration Of goodness to receive lovely direction. or the hendecasyllables immediately preceding, Reason tell me thy minde, if here be reason, In this strange violence, to make resistance, Where sweet graces erect the stately banner. It is obvious that a very little more trouble would have converted these into very perfect and very pleasing poems. Had Sir Philip Sidney written every asclepiad on the model of Where man's mind hath a freed consideration, every hendecasyllable like Where sweet graces erect the stately banner, the adjustment of accent and quantity thus attained might, I think, have induced greater poets than he to make the experiment on a larger scale. But neither he nor his contem What, then, are the rules on which such rhythms become possible? They are, briefly, these:—(1) accented syllables, as a general rule, are long, though All that on earth's leas blooms, what blossoms Thessaly nursing, blossoms, though only accented on the first syllable, counts for a spondee, the shortness of the second o being partly helped out by the two consonants which follow it; partly by the fact that the syllable is in thesi; (2) the laws of position are to be observed, according to the general rules of classical prosody: (a) dactyls terminating in a consonant like beautiful, bounteous, or ending in a double vowel or a diphthong like all of you, surely may, come to thee, must be followed by a word beginning with a vowel or y or h; dactyls terminating in a vowel or y, like slippery, should be followed, except in rare cases, by words beginning with a consonant; trochees, whether composed of one word or more, should, if ending in a consonant, be followed by a vowel, if ending in the vowel a, by a consonant, thus, planted around not planted beneath, Aurora the sun's not Aurora a sun's (see however, lxiv. 253), but unto a wood, any again, sorry at all, you be amused. (b) Syllables made up of a vowel followed by two or more consonants, each of which is distinctly heard in pronunciation, as long, sins, part, band, waits, souls, ears, must, heart, bright, strength, end, and, rapt, hers, dealt, moment, bosoms, answers, mountains, bearest, tumbling, giving, This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, forĕst, murmurĭng, pines ănd the, are all inadmissible. But where a vowel is followed by two consonants, one of which is unheard or only heard slightly, as in accuse, shall, assemble, dissemble, kindness, compass, affect, appear, annoy, or when the second or third consonant is a liquid, as in betray, beslime, besmear, depress, dethrone, agree, the vowel preceding is so much more short than long as to be regularly admissible as short, rarely admissible as long. On this principle I have allowed disōrdĕrly̆, tēnăntlĕss, heavĕnly̆, to rank as dactyls. These rules are after all only an outline, and perhaps can never be made more. It will be observed that they are more negative than positive. The reason of this is not far to seek. The main difference between my verses and those of other contemporary writers—the one point on which I claim for myself the merit of novelty—is the strict observance throughout of the rules of position. But the strict observance of position is in effect the strict avoidance of unclassical collocations of syllables: it is almost wholly negative. To illustrate my meaning I will instance the poems Die Galeotte, die ihr schauet, liebe Herrn, and this would be a fair representation of a pure iambic line, according to the views of most German and most English writers. Yet not only is Die no short syllable, but ihr, itself long, is made more hopelessly long by preceding three consonants in schauet, just as the last syllable of schauet, although in itself short, loses its right to stand for a true short in being followed by the first consonant of liebe. My own translation, The puny pinnace yonder you, my friends, discern, whatever its defects, is at least a pretty exact representation of a pure iambic line. xxix. 6-8, are thus translated by Heyse:— Und jener soll in Uebermuthes Ueberfluss Von einem Bett zum andern in die Runde gehn? by me thus, Shall he in o'er-assumption, o'er-repletion he, Sedately saunter every dainty couch along? The difference is purely negative; I have bound myself to avoid certain positions forbidden by the laws of ancient prosody. To some I may seem to There is another circumstance which tends to make modern rules of prosody necessarily negative. Quantity, in English revivals of ancient metre, depends not only on position, but on accent. But accent varies greatly in different words; heavy level ever cometh any, have the same accent as empty evil either boometh penny; but the first syllable in the former set of words is lighter than in the latter. Hence, though accented, they may, on occasion, be considered and used as short; as, on the same principle, dolorous stratagem echoeth family, usually dactyls, may, on occasion, become tribrachs. But how lay It would not be difficult to swell this Preface by enlarging on the novelty of the attempt, and indirectly panegyrising my own undertaking. I doubt whether any real advantage would thus be gained. If I have merely produced an elaborate failure, however much I might expatiate on the principles which guided me, my work would be an elaborate failure still. I shall therefore say no more, and shall be contented if I please the, even in this classically trained country, too limited number of readers who can really hear with their ears—if, to use the borrowed language of a great poet, I succeed in making myself vocal to the intelligent alone. I have combined thou with your purposely, to suggest the idea conveyed in uestras as opposed to potuisti, the family abode as opposed to the individual Theseus. 183 Flexibly fleeting bent as they move rapidly through the water. 186 No glimmer of hope from Heyse, Keinerlei Flucht, kein Schimmer der Hoffnung, stumm liegt Alles. She was a gordian shape of dazzling hue, Vermilion-spotted, golden, green, and blue. Keats, Lamia, Part I. 308 Wreaths sat on each hoar crown, whose snows flush' d rosy beneath them. I have attempted here to give what I conceive Catullus may have meant to convey by the remarkable collocation At roseo niueae residebant uertice uittae. Properly, the wreaths are rosy, the locks snow-white; but the colour of the wreaths is so blent with the colour of the locks that each is lost in the other, and an inversion of epithets becomes possible. So, in fury of heart, shall death's stern reaper, Achilles. A verse seems to have been lost here, which I have thus supplied. LXVIII. 149. So, it is all I can, take, Allius, answer, a little Verse, to requite thy much friendship, a contrary boon. These little rites, a stone, a verse, receive, 'Tis all a father, all a friend can give. Pope, Epitaph on the children of Lord Digby. LXIX. 4. Clarity clearness, transparency. Here clarity of candour, history's soul, The critical mind in short. Browning, Ring and Book, i. 925. LXX. Sir Philip Sidney thus translates this poem:— Unto no body my woman saith shee had rather a wife be, Then to myself, not though Jove grew a suter of hers. These be her words, but a woman's words to a love that is eager, Midde [windes?] or waters stream do require to be writ. XCIX. 10. Fricatrice. To a lewd harlot, a base fricatrice. Ben Jonson, The Fox, iv. 2. THE END.BRADBURY, EVANS, AND CO., PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS.FOOTNOTES: |