The Romans were divided into various clans, (gentes,) and each clan into several families. Those of the same gens were called gentiles, and those of the same family, The Romans had three names, to mark the different clans and families, and distinguish the individuals of the same family—the prÆnomen, nomen and cognomen. The prÆnomen was put first, and marked the individual. It was commonly written with one letter; as A. for Aulus: C. for Caius—sometimes with two; as Ap. for Appius. The nomen was put after the prÆnomen, to mark the gens, and commonly ended in ius; as Cornelius, Fabius. The cognomen was put last, and marked the family; as Cicero, CÆsar. Sometimes there was also a fourth name, called the agnomen, added from some illustrious action, or remarkable event. Thus, Scipio was called Africanus, from the conquest of Carthage and Africa: for a similar reason, his brother was called Asiaticus. These names were not always used; commonly two, and sometimes only the sirname. But in speaking to any one, the prÆnomen was generally used as being peculiar to citizens, for slaves had no prÆnomen. The sirnames were derived from various circumstances, either from some quality of the mind; as Cato, from catus, wise: or from the habit of the body; as Calvus, Crassus, &c.: or from cultivating particular fruits; as Lentulus, Piso, &c. Quintus Cincinnatus was called Serranus, because the ambassadors from the senate found him sowing, when they brought him word that he was made dictator. The prÆnomen was given to boys on the ninth day, which was called dies lustrÄcus, or the day of purification, when certain religious ceremonies were performed. The eldest son of the family usually received the prÆnomen of his father. The rest were named from their uncles or other relations. When there was only one daughter in the family, she was called by the name of the gens: thus, Tullia, the daughter of Cicero; and retained the same after marriage. When there were two daughters, one was called major, and the other minor. If there were more than two, they were distinguished by their number; thus—prima, secunda, tertia, &c. Those were called liberi, free, who had the power of doing what they pleased. Those who were born of pa |