| PAGE | H. M. Queen Alexandra and Her Pearls | Frontispiece | The Rajah of Dholpur Whose Pearls Have Been Valued at $7,500,000 | 21 | Princess Abamalek Lazareff, NÉe Demidoff From the Painting by Vitelleschi | 70 | Varying Forms of Pearls | 83 | Panama Pearl-shell, Showing Mud-blisters, Borers and Pearl | 92 | Tuamotu Pearl-shell | 127 | Australian Pearl-shell | 129 | Venezuelan Pearl-shell with Pearl Attached | 131 | Manila Pearl-shell with the Lip Conserved | 144 | Mississippi Nigger-head Pearl Mussel | 146 | Venezuelan Pearl-shell Showing Baroque | 161 | Native Australian Pearl-divers | 188 | East Indian Pearl-divers Resting | 215 | Pearl-fishing in the Mississippi River | 262 | The Marchioness of Londonderry | 283 | Countess Torby | 326 |