Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Indiana (Purdue University). Twelfth Annual Report. Pp. 150.—Michigan. Monthly Bulletin of Vital Statistics, January, 1900. Pp. 18.—New Jersey: Bulletin No. 141. Forcing Tomatoes. By Alva T. Jordan. Pp. 18; No. 142. Pea-Growing in New Jersey. By Alva T. Jordan. Pp. 14.—New York: No. 162 (popular edition). Injury by Sun Scorching of Foliage. By F.H. Hale and F.C. Stewart. Pp. 6; No. 163 (popular edition). Canker, an Enemy of the Apple. By F.H. Hall and Wendell Paddock. Pp. 6; No. 164 (popular edition). Divers Diseases discussed. By F.H. Hall. Pp. 5; No. 165. Report of Analyses of Paris Green and other Insecticides. By L.L. Van Slyke. Pp. 10.—Ohio: No. 10. The Maintenance of Fertility. By C.E. Thorne. Pp. 91—United States Department of Agriculture Comparative Range Grass and Forage Plant Experiments at Highmore, South Dakota. By F. Lampson Scribner. Pp. 10.—List of Publications for Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Aluminum Plate Press Company, New York. Calendar for 1900. Baudouin, Marcel, Editor-in-chief. Bibliographica Medica. Monthly, January, 1900. Paris: Institute de Bibliographie. Pp. 64. 5 francs; 60 francs a year. Borosher, C.A. World Relations. Man and the Cosmic Principle. Champaign, Ill. Pp. 155. Burnham, Judge C.E. CÆsar Lombroso; and Shepherd, L. A Criticism of Lombroso. Kansas City, Mo. Pp. 20. Butler, the Hon. Marion. Speech in the United States Senate on Postal Savings Banks. Pp. 13. Chamberlin, T.C. An Attempt to Frame a Working Hypothesis of the Cause of Glacial Periods on an Atmospheric Basis. University of Chicago Press. Pp. 104. Chambers, G.F. The Story of Eclipses Simply Told for General Readers. (Library of Useful Stories.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 222. 40 cents. Dean, Bashford. The Devonian Lamprey, PalÆospondylus Gunni, Traquair, with Notes on the Systematic Arrangement of Fishlike Vertebrates. New York Academy of Sciences. Pp. 32, with plate. Fernow, B.E. Beginnings of Professional Forestry in the Adirondacks. New York State College of Forestry, Cornell University. Pp. 56. Field Columbian Museum, Chicago. Annual Report of the Director for 1898–’99. Pp. 90, with plates. Folkmar, Daniel. The Duration of School Attendance in Chicago and Milwaukee. Pp. 50. Folkmar, Daniel. LeÇons d’Anthropologie Philosophique; ses Applications À la Morale Positive. (Lessons of Philosophical Anthropology; its Applications to Positive Morals.) Paris: Schleicher FrÈres. Pp. 336. 7½ francs. Gibier, Paul. Quarterly Bulletin of the New York Pasteur Institute. March, 1900. Pp. 8. Gray, Elisha. Nature’s Miracles. Familiar Talks on Science. Vol. I. Earth, Air, and Water. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 243. 60 cents. Highsmith, George R. Contributions of the Medical Profession to General Literature and Collateral Sciences. Pp. 18. Hinrichs, Gustavus D. The Present and Future Water Supply of St. Louis. Pp. 15. Hollick, Arthur. Some Features of the Drift of Staten Island, N.Y. Pp. 12, with plate; The Relation between Forestry and Geology in New Jersey. Parts I and II. Pp. 221. MacDougal, D.T. The Nature and Work of Plants. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 218. 80 cents. Manning, Warren H. Directions for Surveying and Arranging Home and School Grounds. Boston, Mass. Pp. 12. Marriott, H.P.F. The Secret Societies of West Africa. London: Harrison & Sons. Pp. 4. Martens, Adolf. Handbook of Testing Materials. Part I. Vol. II. Illustrations. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. (plates and explanations) 240. Mexico. Boletin del consejo Superior de Salubridad. (Bulletin of the Superior Sanitary Council.) Mexico, January, 1900. Pp. 32. Roisel. Essai de Chronologie des Temps Prehistoriques. (Essay on the Chronology of Prehistoric Times.) Paris: FÉlix Alcan. Pp. 60. 1 franc. Schufeldt, R.W. Notes on the Mountain Partridge in Captivity. Pp. 4, with plate. Scientific Alliance of New York. Ninth Annual Directory. Pp. 60. 25 cents. Siebel, J.E. Compend of Mechanical Refrigeration. Chicago: H.S. Rich & Co. Pp. 389. Price, $3. South Kensington Museum (London). Catalogue of the Collection of Pottery and Porcelain illustrating Popular British History, Lent by Henry Willett, Esq. Pp. 123. Trelease, William. Classification of Botanical Publications. Pp. 12. Williams, Thomas A., Editor. The Asa Gray Bulletin. Devoted to Plant Life in Field, Forest, and Garden. Bimonthly. February, 1900. Pp. 26. |