Hyphenation of compound words follows the text. If a hyphenation occurred on a line or page break, the most common variant was followed. Suspect spellings are noted, but are retained. The modern word ‘grizzly’ is spelled as ‘grizly’ or ‘grisly’. The word ‘chickabboboo-ags’ (gin palaces) appears both with and without the hyphen as a single word. The following table describes how a variety of textual issues, and resolution. Where variants were most likely printer’s errors, they have been corrected, otherwise merely noted. p. viii | The “big gun[,]” | Removed. | p. x | The Author breakf[e]asts | Removed. | p. 29 | visiters | sic. | p. 37 | “oh, the distress![”] | Added. | p. 117 | relig[i]on | Added. | p. 155 | Newcastle-on[-]Tyne | Added. | p. 182 | to support the Queen and royal family.[”] | Added. | p. 184 | when he[,] should stop | Removed. | p. 197 | they had seen in [t]heir numerous visits | Added. | p. 241 | Wa-ton-y[a/e] | Corrected. | p. 247 | were daily engaged[,/.] | Corrected. | | mea[n]ing | Added. | p. 253 | and their questions.[”] | Added. | p. 304 | adherance | sic. | p. 305 | w[i]th the whole glare | Restored. | |