1. Adam Dollard (Sieur des Ormeaux), commandant, age de 25 ans. Also cited in “Histoire de la Colonie FranÇaise,” II., 414, 416: “À ces dix-sept hÉros chrÉtiens, on doit joindre le brave Annahotaha, chef des Hurons, comme aussi Metiwemeg, capitaine Algonquin, avec les trois autres braves de sa nation, qui tous demeurent fidÈles et mourirent au champ d’honneur; enfin les trois FranÇais qui pÉrirent au dÉbut de l’expÉdition, Nicolas du Val, serviteur au fort, Mathurin Soulard, charpentier du fort, et Blaise Juillet, dit Argnon, habitant.” Of the ambush in which these last-mentioned three men were slain, and the subsequent volunteering of others in their places, this romance does not treat. “The waters of the Ottawa are about three inches higher than the waters of Lake St. Louis (in the St. Lawrence), and are therefore precipitated through the two channels running around Île Perot with considerable force, forming a succession of short rapids.”—From Report of Public Works, 1866. TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES: —Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected. —The transcriber of this project created the book cover image using the front cover of the original book. The image is placed in the public domain. |