Wherein is related what befel the author when It happened, once on a time, that being on my way to Toledo, just as I was approaching the Toledana Bridge, I descried advancing towards me a student mounted on a most villainous-looking nag. The poor animal was blind of one eye, and not much better than blind of the other; neither was he very sound in the legs, if I might judge from the numerous reverences he made as he wearily moved onward. The student gravely saluted me, and I with all due courtesy returned his greeting. He spurred his poor nag with the intention of advancing more expeditiously, but the miserable animal was so worn out by old age and hard usage, that it was piteous even to behold him. The rider whipped his horse, but the horse, heedless of the blows, showed no disposition to quicken his pace. He turned a deaf ear to all the commands of his master, who, in truth, might as well have shouted down into the depths of the well of Airon, or up to the summit of Mount Cabra. This contest between horse and rider had proceeded for some time, to my no small diversion, when, at length, the descendant of Babieca,[48] as though suddenly roused by the severe treatment to which he was subjected, seemed determined not to proceed another foot. In proportion as he was urged to advance, he appeared resolved to stand stock still, or, rather, he shewed more disposition to go backward than forward. Thereupon the rider flew into a furious rage, and began belabouring the unfortunate horse without mercy, though, as it proved this time, not without effect. Anticipating a smart stroke of the whip, which the upraised arm of his master was preparing to inflict, the animal began to kick and plunge, and after two or three curvets, both horse and rider came to the ground. I, seeing this mishap, pressed forward my mule, which, by the bye, was anything but swift footed. Having reached the spot where the unlucky student lay rolling in the dust, and uttering a torrent of imprecations, I quickly dismounted, saying—“Compose yourself, seÑor, and let me assist you to rise. These accidents must be expected by persons who journey on the backs of such crazy animals.” “Crazy animals!” said he, “your’s appears crazy enough; but I have only to thank the high spirit and mettle of mine for bringing me to this strait!” Restraining my laughter as I best could, and with as grave a face as I was able to put on, I helped the fallen horseman to rise, which was no easy matter, for he appeared to be much hurt. Having got him upon his feet, I beheld before me the strangest figure in the world. He was short of stature, and on his shoulders there was a graceful hump, which might be likened to an estrambote,[49] tacked to a sonnet, and which brought to my recollection the stanzas in praise of hunch-backs indited by the ingenious Licentiate Tamuriz.[A] His legs were curved like two slices of melon, and his feet were encased in shoes, twelve inches long; and perhaps, without incurring any mistake, I might assign to them even greater magnitude. The student raised his hands to his head, as if to assure himself that his pericranium had I returned for answer, that I was not a doctor, but that even if I were as well skilled in the knowledge of medicine as Juan de Villalobos,[B] of the bygone time, or as Nicolo Monardes, of the time present,[C] I could prescribe for him no better physic than rest and sleep; and I added, that as noontide was advancing, the best cure for his aching bones would be to recline for a while beneath the shade of some trees which grew by the road side. There I proposed we should seek shelter against Apollo’s scorching rays, until, “This is strange,” resumed the student in the same doleful tone in which he had before spoken. “Who could have imagined that by reason of the vicious temper of that unruly beast, the whole body of a bachelor of Salamanca should be thus bruised from head to foot! Mark me! I say of Salamanca, not of AlcalÁ, where none but poor miserable fellows graduate; but by so doing they lose all the privileges and immunities enjoyed by Spanish hidalgos at Salamanca. Alas! what a disaster has befallen me. They told me at the inn that I should find this horse restive and unruly. Nevertheless, he is a fine animal. His smooth sleek skin denotes his high breeding. How finely shaped are his limbs, how black and well rounded his hoofs, and so hollow and dry underneath! His pasterns are short; neither too high nor too low; thereby indicating strength. His fore-legs are sinewy, and his Perceiving that my friend the bachelor was preparing to extend still further the catalogue To these remarks, which were taken in no ill part, my interlocutor rejoined with an air of doubt and misgiving,—“Well, probably it may be as you say, seÑor, and not as I have fancied; but still you must admit, that though I may be under a mistake, I have advanced nothing at variance with reason; and if I think I perceive what you cannot discern, my error may be occasioned by short-sightedness, a complaint So saying, the poor fellow heaved a sigh, which seemed to come from his inmost soul; then, after a brief pause, he said,—“But without further delay, let us withdraw from the burning sunshine, to the cool shade of those broad spreading trees. There I may at least find a truce to the miseries which have this day beset me. We will tie the horse and mule to the trunks of the trees, and let them for a “Be it so,” said I, “and since fate ordains that I am to have the happiness of enjoying your company, here we will tarry until the ardour of Phoebus shall be tempered by the cool breezes of the coming evening.” “I have,” pursued the bachelor, “brought with me a couple of books wherewith to divert the weary hours of travelling. Both of them contain pleasant entertainment. The one consists of spiritual poetry, better than that of Cepeda.[52] The other is a book of plain prose; and is written with no great judgment or skill. Now had it so happened that instead of going from Madrid to Toledo, we had been journeying from Toledo to Madrid, I could have shewn you two excellent books, which have been sent to me as a present from SeÑor Ar Having reached the umbrageous spot, where we proposed to rest, we tied up the horse and mule, and seated ourselves on mother-earth. My companion then opened a leathern bag, which contained the books he had spoken of. The first he drew forth had for its title Versos espirituales para la conversiÓn del pecador y para el menosprecio del mundo.[53] “This is very sweet poetry,” observed I, “and it is embued with a truly Christian spirit. I knew the author of this book—he was a friar of the order of Santo Domingo de Predicadores, at Huete, and his name was Pedro de Ezinas.[E] He was a man of genius, and of “Nevertheless,” said the bachelor, “if I may candidly give my opinion, there is one thing which much offends me in this book. I dislike to see the graceful and pious language befitting to the Christian muse, mingled with the profane phraseology of heathenism. Who can be otherwise than displeased to find the names of God, of the Holy Virgin, and of the Prophets, in conjunction with those of Apollo and Daphne, Pan and Syrinx, Jupiter and Europa, Vulcan, Cupid, Venus and Mars?” He next proceeded to tell me that Father Ezinas, the author of the Versos Espirituales, was himself very fastidious about matters much less objectionable; and he related how annoyed he was, whilst performing mass, by an old woman, who, whenever the Padre repeated the words Dominus vobiscum, devoutly muttered “You are quite right, friend bachelor, in your remarks on the Versos Espirituales of Ezinas. The fault you have pointed out is very objectionable; but with the exception of that fault, the work is one of the best ever written in Castilian verse, and for elevation of style, it may fairly compete with the most esteemed writings of the poets of Italy.” “Well,” resumed the bachelor, “greatly as you admire the verses of Ezinas, I must confess that they are not so pleasing to me, nor do they sound so harmoniously to my ear, as the poetry of Aldana, or as that of an Aragonian writer, named Alonzo de la Sierra.[F] The latter is a most admirable poet, and his verses seem as if dictated by Apollo and the Nine. But,” pursued he, closing the volume of Ezinas, and drawing forth the other book from his leathern bag,—“here now is a work which, in my judgment, is not worth two ardites.[55] It is full of fooleries and absurdities;—a tissue of extravagant improbabilities:—in short, one of those works which have an injurious effect on the public taste.” So saying, he turned over a few leaves of the book, and I, glancing my eye upon it, spied on one of the pages, the words:—el ingenioso hidalgo. For a moment I felt astounded, and “Pardon me, seÑor, this book which you declare to be full of absurdity and nonsense, is really very diverting; and instead of being injurious in its tendency, is perfectly harmless. It is a pleasant relation of some very amusing adventures, and its author deserves to be commended, for having hit upon such a device for banishing from the republic of letters, the absurd books of knight-errantry, with their affected sentiment and bombastic phraseology. Moreover, the author of this book is bowed down by misfortunes more than by years; and though he looks forward with hope to the reward that may possibly hereafter crown his labours, yet he is nevertheless disheartened to see the world so pleased with folly and falsehood, and to witness the annoyances and hindrances thrown in the way of talent. In courts and in palaces, and among the great and the “All persons,” said the bachelor, “do not regard books of chivalry as fictions and impostures, and their authors as inventors of falsehood and foolery. Such books, though not approved by sages, are nevertheless admired and accredited by the mass of people. There are even men of wisdom and good understanding who put faith in the reality of the valorous achievements of those knights-errant, who used to sally from their homes in quest of adventures; each devoutly repeating the name of the lady of his thoughts, and invoking her succour in the perils he was about to encoun “Stay—stay! SeÑor Licentiate,” said I, “whither are you straying? You were speaking of the ingenious hidalgo, Don Quixote de la Mancha, and, after fluttering like a butterfly from flower to flower, you have wandered to the heroic deeds of your father in the Flanders war. Between the one subject and the other, To this the bachelor replied—“Such as I am, God has made me. Aristotle, you know, condemns taciturn people, and the old proverb says:—‘against the silent man be on your guard.’ Therefore I think it is well to be talkative.” “But, seÑor,” I presumed, “if you will do me the favour to listen (this I said, observing his loquacious disposition,) I would remind you of another of our old Spanish proverbs, which is al buen callar llaman sago.[G] And there is another old saying, que dice el pandero no es todo vero.”[57] “Right,” answered the bachelor, “and no doubt you have heard the proverb andando gana la aceÑa que no estÁndose queda.[58] Therefore, sir, with your good leave, I will relate to you how my father came to be made a Captain. “It happened one day during a violent onset with the Flemish troops, that he was going about the camp, seeking a convenient place wherein he might take refuge (this, you must know, was before I was born or even begotten), for he thought it would be well to preserve himself for greater deeds. Therefore, “Rather say for smaller things,” interrupted I, “since he saved himself to become your father. Now, seeing that you are so very little, and that your father saved himself to beget you, how can it be said that he saved himself for greater things?” To this my companion replied, that though he knew himself to be very little, yet that he was not so diminutive as some persons affected to think him. “But,” added he, pursuing his story, “you must know that my father was going about the camp in the way I have described, and seeing that the two wings of the Imperial army were hotly engaged with the enemy, he felt impelled to lay his hand on his sword; a trusty weapon, which, though it had been unsheathed, and had “Now,” said I, “since you have at length brought your story to an end we will again turn to this book called ‘Don Quixote.’ You say it is full of absurdities and nonsense, but I do assure you that some who have read it, pronounce it to be as entertaining as any work ever written in Spain, and they affirm that it is full of humour and truth. True, it is sailing with no very fair wind over the stormy ocean of criticism; which is only one of the many misfortunes that assail its author; but the tardiness of the learned to approve this work, may possibly redound to its future fame and glory.” “This book,” pursued my companion, Hereupon the bachelor ran into a string of questions worthy of that most indefatigable of questioners the lately defunct Almirante,[I] and he wound up his interrogatories by saying, “Can any one persuade himself into the belief that “How, friend bachelor,” exclaimed I, “do you deny that knights-errant are existing in the world in this our age of iron? And does your memory so far fail that you forget how many persons implicitly believe all the extrava “All that you say is perfectly true, SeÑor Soldado,” replied the bachelor; “and I have only to observe that the events to which you allude are all of old date. Without going quite so far back, let us see what happened in the time of the Emperor Charles V., who directed a certain Bishop of Bordeaux, (and he would have cared as little for saying the same to Archbishop Turpin) to inform the King of France that he had acted with rudeness and discourtesy. Whereupon a messenger was shortly after despatched from the said King of France, and another from King Henry of England, summoning the emperor to meet them in the lists conformably with the laws of chivalry. Now, I recollect having been told by my father, (who was a man well versed in these points of honour, though he did not himself act upon them, for certain reasons of his own,) that the great emperor finding himself challenged with all the solemnity of the laws of the duelo, took counsel of his cousin, “Nevertheless,” pursued my loquacious companion, after a brief pause, “methinks I should like to see a return of the good old days of knight-errantry. How I should enjoy setting forth some fine morning to the chase, with hounds and huntsmen, dressed in the cuero,[59] “With these words the hideous little dwarf vanishes. Then let us suppose that the Knight of the Griffin, addressing himself to me, declares that he cannot go to the enchanted castle to visit the princess, because he is in love with the beauteous Arsinda, the daughter of King Trapobana Quinquirlimpuz. Hearing this I determine to go in his stead, and to present myself to the lovely Princess Bacalambruna. Mounting my fiery steed I gallop off, and speedily “‘Hold, SeÑores! this is not the knight whom the princess has ordered you to put to death. This is only a squire who is going to travel across the seas. When the knight comes out kill him.’ “With this the lady conducts me to the castle-gate, where I mount my horse. The lady heaves a deep sigh, and I promise to wed her when I return to the castle, which, how “Suppose that once more I set out to seek my fortune, and that after journeying for a time I arrive in a town where the lists are prepared for a grand tournament. There I behold the emperor and his daughter. The princess is arrayed in rich brocade, and seated in a chair of state adorned with jewels. She is frightfully ugly, but in spite of that she has come to preside at the tournament, flattering herself that some adventurous knight will enter the lists to compete for the possession of her superlative charms. Seeing that no one is in a hurry to offer, I propose to try my fortune. But at sight of me the spectators immediately begin to shout scoffingly,—‘Here comes the Knight of the Hump—the flower of chivalry!’ “Undismayed, I spur my horse and gallop into the lists, where I shiver a lance in the presence of the emperor and his daughter. Thereupon the princess falls in love with me, “Friend bachelor,” observed I, “for the life of me I cannot comprehend how the just and reasonable reply of the Duke del Infantado to the invincible emperor, can warrant the inference that knights-errant were at that period banished from the world. On the contrary, we know that Micer Oliver de la Marcha was then living, though in a very advanced old age. He was a knight of the court of the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good, and he after “Moreover you must also recollect what is related of Mario de Abenante, a Neapolitan knight, who challenged another knight, Don Francisco Pandon, also of Naples. Both entered the lists furiously defying each other. Don Francisco made a thrust at Mario’s horse, and wounded the animal, so that he was well-nigh falling. Mario was unconscious of his danger until his uncle, who was within the lists, “I know the book you speak of,” eagerly interrupted the bachelor. “It is one of the most entertaining that ever appeared since the world has been the world, or at least since the art of printing has been known. It contains nothing but truth, and that cannot be said of the writings of all historians, some of whom give currency to falsehood by narrating events which never took place.[T] My father was in the suite of the Infante in that journey to Flanders; but in consequence of an adventure Here I cut him short, for I was fearful that he was preparing to enter upon one of his tedious and inapt tales. So imitating the serpent, which, with curious perversity, closes her ears when she wishes not to hear the enchanter’s voice, I pretended not to hear what he was saying, and I thus proceeded, “In Binche, as you probably know, sundry knights who were in that town appeared in the presence of the emperor Semper Augusto, and the prince his son. They stated that a certain “Do you not recollect the name of that enchanter?” eagerly interrupted the bachelor. “No, on my faith, I do not,” replied I; “but I doubt not he had a very hideous name; like all those evil spirits whose mischievous doings are narrated in books of chivalry. I have heard of a certain author who, during the space of several days, puzzled himself sorely to fix on a name for an enchanter whom he introduced into one of his stories. His object was to find a pompous, high-sounding name, which would be expressive of the enchanter’s character. The author in question happened one day to be visiting the house of a friend where he and others were playing at cards. During the game, the master of the house “But to return to the magician of Binche, of whom I was just now speaking. By his fiendish arts he spread dismay among the inhabitants of the neighbouring country, doing all sorts of mischief, and threatening still greater harm. The knights ascertained that the said enchanter dwelt in a palace which, being continually enveloped in a hazy cloud, was invisible even to those who had the courage to seek to discover it.[X] But it happened that a virtuous princess, deeply versed in the occult sciences of “‘Whosoever shall draw forth this sword from the stone within which it is hidden, will terminate these evils, and dispel these enchantments; and will restore to freedom the prisoners now languishing in cruel captivity. Finally, he will hurl to destruction the enchanter’s gloomy castle, and he will, moreover, achieve many other good deeds which, though not here declared, are, nevertheless, promised and predestined.’ “The knights implored the emperor’s permission to undertake this mighty adventure. The permission was accorded, and the knights passed two whole days in performing, in the presence of the emperor and the prince, certain crazy exploits similar to those we read of in books of chivalry—those mischevous creations Just as I uttered these words, the bachelor’s unlucky nag, by a sudden leap, snapped the reins by which he was fastened up; he had taken a fancy to sport with the mule who, tied to the trunk of an old oak, was quietly reposing on the grass. The mule, however, with becoming dignity, evinced her dislike of such familiarity by several smart kicks. One of them, aimed at the one eye of the poor horse which still retained some little power of vision, rendered it as blind as the other. In another instant a severe kick laid him prostrate on the At this unexpected disaster, and naturally expecting that the poor animal, which lay struggling and gasping, was about to draw his last breath, the bachelor vented his grief in a torrent of lamentations, at the same time bitterly reproaching himself for the little caution he had observed in securing the safety of the precious jewel which he had probably hired from the stables of Colmenares.[64] He began to curse the hour when he had set out on his luckless journey. I, to console him, said, “After all, SeÑor Bachelor, this misfortune has happened not “LlÉveme el Diablo!” exclaimed the bachelor in a rage. “Truly I wish you and your Don Quixote were a hundred leagues off. Since the moment when I first set eyes on you, as many disasters have beset me as though I were under the ban of excommunication.” So saying, he made an effort, though a vain one, to raise up his horse, which was sorely hurt, and now quite blind; at every tug of the reins he slowly thrust forward one or the other of his feet, with languid movements indicative of expiring life. Seeing that the disaster was past all remedy, and that the sun, already receding over the mountain-tops, was about to set in his ocean-bed, I took a courteous leave of my luckless companion. But he, wholly engrossed by his great, albeit useless, efforts to raise up his horse, neither heard my farewell, nor saw my departure. There I left him, venting imprecations and uttering complaints against his evil star. I can even fancy that I hear him now. What afterwards became of him I know not, nor did I inquire. Mounting my trusty mule, I forthwith pursued my way to Toledo, and evening had set in when I entered the city gates. I rode straightway to the house of one of my friends, where I for a time took up my abode. Turning over in my mind what had occurred, I resolved to write this my adventure, hoping thereby to undeceive the many persons who fancy they see in the ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote, that which the ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote is not. Therefore I give to this And now, Friend Reader, if I have given you some entertainment, or if any of the observations I have made be worthy your remembrance, I shall be much gratified, and may God have you in his holy keeping. FOOTNOTES: [48] Babieca was the name of the Cid’s favourite horse. [49] The old Spanish poets occasionally lengthened their sonnets by affixing to them a few additional lines. The lines so added were called the estrambote. [50] In the time of Cervantes the Spanish doctors used always to ride on mules when they went to visit their patients. [51] The delusion of the student, in respect to the merits of his horse, would seem intended to have some reference to the hallucinations and mistakes of the Knight of La Mancha. It may be mentioned, that minute descriptions of animals, such as that here given above, are of frequent occurrence in the works of Spanish writers, especially the poets. Lope de Vega, in one of his comedies, describes in detail a fish caught in the net of a fisherman on the bank of the Guadalquivir. Another beautiful specimen of this kind of animal painting is given by Antonio Mira Amescua, in his Acteon i Diana: the subject is a pack of hounds, weary with the chase. Villaviciosa, in his Mosquea, pourtrays with eloquent poetic colouring the death of a fly; and there is a celebrated description of a horse by Pablo de CÉspedes. [52] Cervantes here alludes to a little work entitled:—Conserva Espiritual, by JoaquÍn Romero de Cepeda. [53] Spiritual verses for the conversion of the Sinner, and for shewing the worthlessness of the world. [54] “Praised be God.” [55] The ardite is a small Spanish coin, of about the value of a farthing. [56] Mingo Rebulgo is an old Spanish eclogue written to satirise the court of King John II. Its supposed author is Rodrigo de Cota, who flourished in the commencement of the fifteenth century. It is written in couplets, and is entitled “Las coplas de Mingo Rebulgo.” The romance of the Moor Calaynos is one of the oldest compositions of its class, and is supposed to have been written in the fourteenth century. It is also in coplas, or couplets. In the course of time, and when the forms of Spanish poetry began to improve, the old fashioned commonplace language of the romance of Calaynos began to appear vulgar and trivial, it gave birth to the proverb, “este no vale las coplas de Calaynos.” (This is not worth the couplets of Calaynos.) A saying which is employed to mark great depreciation of any object. In alluding to the little affinity between Mingo Rebulgo and Calaynos, Cervantes means to draw a very broad contrast between two things not merely dissimilar, but differing very much in worth. [57] “The talk of the prattler is not all truth.” [58] “The mill gains in going, that which it loses in standing still.” [59] A sort of hunting-jacket made of leather, formerly worn in Spain. [60] This excursive flight into the region of romance would appear to have been interpolated by Cervantes after the BuscapiÉ was written,—it has no direct bearing on the question under discussion between the two interlocutors. [61] Monstruo de Fortuna is a designation frequently applied by old Spanish writers to the celebrated Antonio PÉrez. The term Monster in the sense of prodigy is applied to Lope de Vega by Cervantes, who styles his celebrated contemporary Monstruo de Naturaleza (Monster of Nature). [62] It was formerly the custom in Spain to use small pebble stones for counters in playing at cards. [63] This is a stroke of satire aimed at the Spanish lawyers of that period. In the time of Cervantes, the Abogados (advocates) were remarkable only for their ignorance and pedantry. [64] At the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century, there lived in Burgos a tavern-keeper named Colmenares, celebrated alike for his wealth, his social humour, and his witty sayings. Many of his jests are collected and published in a volume entitled “DiÁlogos de apacible entretenimiento, por Gaspar Lucas, Hidalgo.” The inn in Madrid known in the time of Cervantes by the appellation of the MesÓn de Colmenares, was probably kept by the witty tavernero of Burgos, or some of his relations. [65] Cervantes here uses the term librillo, the Spanish diminutive for libro (book). Were it allowable to make an English word for the purpose of translating this Spanish term, booklet might be suggested as an appropriate synonym. |