TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES In the text version Italic is denoted by _underscores_ and bold text by =this=. The book cover was modified by the Transcriber and added to the public domain. The Table of Contents was added by the Transcriber. The spelling of Spanish names and places in Spain mentioned in the text has been adjusted to the rules set by the Academia Real EspaÑola. However, ancient text quoted in the book has been left unchanged. At the end of the book, in the original there is an ERRATA section included, which lists misspellings detected during the printing process of the book. The ERRATA has been kept for completeness, but those misspellings have been fixed during the transcription process. A number of words in this book have both hyphenated and non-hyphenated variants. For the words with both variants present the one more used has been kept. Punctuation and other printing errors have been corrected. |