CHAPTER I. WHO OUR FELLOWS ARE. CHAPTER II. AN UNINVITED GUEST. CHAPTER III. MARK'S ADVENTURE. CHAPTER V. WE TALK THE MATTER OVER. CHAPTER VI. MARK MAKES A DISCOVERY. CHAPTER VII. OUR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS. CHAPTER VIII. A RIDE AFTER THE INDIANS. CHAPTER XI. THE TABLES TURNED. CHAPTER XII. TOM IS ASTONISHED. CHAPTER XIII. TOM TELLS HIS STORY. CHAPTER XVII. TAKING THE BACK TRACK. CHAPTER XVIII. AN UNEXPECTED DELIVERANCE. CHAPTER XIX. "MARK TWO TIMES." Footnotes have been collected at the end of each chapter, and are linked for ease of reference. Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. Any corrections are indicated using an underline highlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce the original text in a small popup annotation. Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate the reader to the corresponding entry in the corrections tale in the note at the end of the text. Capture of Luke Redman OUR FELLOWS; |