Famous Castlemon Books. (2) |
No author of the present day has become a greater favorite with boys than "Harry Castlemon," every book by him is sure to meet with hearty reception by young readers generally. His naturalness and vivacity leads his readers from page to page with breathless interest, and when one volume is finished the fascinated reader, like Oliver Twist, asks "for more." By Harry Castlemon. GUNBOAT SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 6 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | $750 | (Sold separately.) Frank the Young Naturalist. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank in the Woods. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank on the Prairie. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank on a Gunboat. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank before Vicksburg. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | GO-AHEAD SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately.) Go-Ahead; or, The Fisher Boy's Motto. Illustrated. 16mo. | $125 | No Moss; or, The Career of a Rolling Stone. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Tom Newcombe; or, The Boy of Bad Habits. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | ROCKY MOUNTAIN SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately.) Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank among the Rancheros. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank in the Mountains. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | SPORTSMAN'S CLUB SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately.) The Sportsman's Club in the Saddle. Illustrated. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 125 | The Sportsman's Club Afloat. Being the 2d volume of the "Sportsman's Club Series." Illustrated. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 125 | The Sportsman's Club among the Trappers. Being the 3d volume of the "Sportsman's Club Series." Illustrated. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 125 | FRANK NELSON SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately.) Snowed up; or, The Sportsman's Club in the Mountains. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Frank Nelson in the Forecastle; or, the Sportsman's Club among the Whalers. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | The Boy Traders; or, The Sportsman's Club among the Boers. Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | BOY TRAPPER SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. 16mo. Cloth, extra, black and gold | $375 | (Sold separately.) The Buried Treasure; or, Old Jordan's "Haunt." Being the 1st volume of the "Boy Trapper Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | The Boy Trapper; or, How Dave filled the Order. Being the 2d volume of the "Boy Trapper Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | The Mail Carrier. Being the 3d and concluding volume of the "Boy Trapper Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | ROUGHING IT SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately.) George in Camp; or, Life on the Plains. Being the 1st volume of the "Roughing It Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | George at the Wheel; or, Life in a Pilot House. Being the 2d volume of the "Roughing It Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | George at the Fort; or, Life Among the Soldiers. Being the 3d and concluding volume of the "Roughing It Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | ROD AND GUN SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. In box containing the following. 3 vols. Cloth, extra, black and gold | 375 | (Sold separately). Don Gordon's Shooting Box. Being the 1st volume of the "Rod and Gun Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | Rod and Gun. Being the second volume of the "Rod and Gun Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 | The Young Wild-Fowlers. Being the third volume of the "Rod and Gun Series." Illustrated. 16mo. | 125 |