CHAPTER III. Antelope Hunting. CHAPTER IV. The Best Trapper on the Prairie. CHAPTER V. A Fight with the Indians. CHAPTER VI. Lost on the Prairie. CHAPTER VII. The Trapper's Reminiscence. CHAPTER VIII. The "Ole Bar's Hole." CHAPTER IX. Archie's Adventure with a Grizzly. CHAPTER XII. A Night among the Wolves. CHAPTER XIII. Frank's New Acquaintances. CHAPTER XIV. The Trader's Expedition. CHAPTER XV. The Outlaw's Escape. CHAPTER XVI. The King of the Drove. CHAPTER XVII. How the Trapper got his Horse. THE GUN-BOAT SERIES. THE GUN-BOAT SERIES. Frank ON THE PRAIRIE.WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. CINCINNATI: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the years 1868, by R. W. Carroll & Co., |